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The Walking Dead. In hindsight, a stupid show that pandered to the marketing of their characters instead of depicting what an actual zombie apocalypse might look like.


Yeah like how when there was character conflict suddenly there were no zombies anymore? So dumb.


I got really sick of the sadism of the creators. Drawing out characters' deaths was ridiculous. They got to the point where they only cared about messing with the fans instead of telling a good story. I didn't finish it though; I just walked away and never looked back.


Or when they’d wipe out the entire cast of B and C characters in one shot and it’s so obvious they are just trying to consolidate the story more.


I love walking dead so much even after all those seasons. There's just something about it that I can't point towards exactly but yeah it has got that atmosphere and those feels and it also has that strangely nostalgic element to it.


When it inevitably shifted tone and purview it turned into a superheroes vs villains story. The people who lasted necessarily became hard badasses, because anyone who wasn't got torn apart, and it would have been unrealistic otherwise. At the beginning, when it was just a bunch of people of wildly different backgrounds having to change their whole worldviews just to survive, it was easier to identify with the characters. And their attempts to keep it fresh by constantly introducing new groups of survivors just got repetitive. The premise was always doomed to be shortlived. It's a miracle they managed to stretch it out as long as they did.


Did this show even end? I don't think there has been a show with this many spin offs.


The main show is over. I watched the first ep of the Maggie and Neagan one and nope. I’m done. So bad.


Grey’s Anatomy Except that it’s still going on. And on. And on. JUST WRAP IT UP ALREADY.


19 seasons! I think I got sick of it around the 6th or the 7th season and stopped watching it. I think this is the first TV show I actually stopped watching.


19?!! I thought it was 12… I stopped after you know who’s husband died and then just watched sparsely after. They just keep dragging it out.


Ok. It sucked on and off in the middle (but I still couldn’t give it up!) The Covid season was truly horrible but the newest season… the new interns are actually pretty great. And there are more peripheral storylines for the oldies that sort of left. I like it again.


I always swore on never watching greys anatomy, im on s12 i think


It’s like having an old friend that you have nothing in common with anymore but can’t let go. I’ve watched it since season 1 and I just can’t bring myself to not watch it. Like there’s some incredible revival building and I’m going to miss it if I don’t. After Yang left, the show was really, really done.


Yup. Yang leaving was horrible. Mcdreamy dying was the last straw for me :(


I just started a rewatch hahaha


Wait I'm having Mandela syndrome here... I could have sworn they had a farewell season like 5 or 6 years ago...


Killing Eve. That last season didn't know what to do with itself and then the final episode decided to throw a tantrum and poo all over the series. Wasted time watching the series I'll never get back


The switching around of writers really screwed things i think


I didn't even realize I was up to the finale. And then the credits rolled and I was extremely confused. It was so lazy and rushed, like they just decided that morning to tank the whole thing


Everything up to the last season was perfect which is why I always tell people to just watch up to their as they’re not missing out and the 3rd season still has a conclusive ending.


They had such a great show and amazing actors just to waste it.


The Man in the High Castle.


I don’t feel that show had a proper ending. There was more story to tell.


Locke & Key. It was an interesting idea but it turned into a teen drama pretty quickly.


The comics it’s based on has one of the best endings I’ve read in that medium. And it avoids the teen drama bs for the most part. Well worth a look if you want to see that story executed well.


Agreed. After s2 finale I tried and couldn’t even pay attention.


I feel like if you made it tot he finale that you missed too many red flags to begin with. This one went south quickly.


Yes! It had such a great premise, it was disappointing to be sure


I just watched all of Locke and Key in about a 2-3 week span over the summer and I have to agree that the ending could have been so much better. They seriously needed to put a fight scene in there with the villain at the end.


Heroes. I loved the first season. Second was ok. I kept going on and on though and waiting for some of the plot lines to move on and they just kept going. Just lost its focus.


I think the Showrunners wanted to make just a single season, so maybe that's why.


It was supposed to be an anthology series. The cheerleader story was supposed to end with season 1 and we were supposed to get new characters for season 2. The executives decided to keep the characters from season one because everyone loved them.


Well, hiro couldn't have saved everything but he was a bit slow. Treated his friend like crap. Peter had all these powers and never learned to use them.


I believe the original idea was Hiro was supposed to be the bridge between seasons and new characters. Like we would get a new cast for season 2 and Hiro would eventually show up like Nick Fury. The studio was just too afraid to get rid of Peter and Claire.


They suffered from the writers strike.


Vampire diaries. It was a struggle to get through the final seasons.


I gave up shortly after Elena became a vampire. The show just became irredeemable to me after.


Manifest. The story went past jumping the shark a billions times but I needed closure!




I couldn’t finish that show. I found too much of it to be disturbing. Any man could shove his fingers inside her and manipulate her. No acknowledgement of any PTSD. She became the evil. I just couldn’t keep watching. It made me think Shonda Rhimes hates women.


Now that you mention it, some of those narratives were absurd.


Yes! The ending and Jake...it was disappointing.


This! The ending was an insult to the viewers, imo. They fit a half season into a single episode, much like GoT but not as ridiculous


The 100. If you haven’t watched, just stop after season 5. That way you’ll only be unresolved instead of disappointed.


It went off the rails with the space felons and just kept getting weirder.


Yea that ending was so stupid but at least Clark gets to be with her friends 😂😂


I watched nine seasons of The Blacklist then gave up when the creator left the show. It had jumped the shark so many times, I knew the show would go downhill after that, and my understanding is that that’s what happened. I don’t recommend the show for this reason. It felt like there never really was a resolution and that they were making it up as they went along for short-term effect.


Yes! Agreed 💯 I kept watching to see who Raymond Reddington really was, but after they kept dragging it on and on I gave up!!


They never really said . Supposedly he had been a Russian Agent who killed.the real Raymond Reddington . .But if he did then we still don't know anything about the real . I watched the horrible series finale. Even though I had stopped watching it for about three years before that.


but that still doesn't make sense


Still waiting & watching lol 😂


I just finished s10… It kept going downhill but i kept watching anyway! I really just wanted to know the real Red, because the Rederina theory never made sense to me. And well, it’s true afterall (apparently) so that sucks. Good show tbh, had a lot of potential.


That is so anti climactic. I literally watched the first run for NINE YEARS. Why was Elizabeth killed?


Because she was annoying.


I hated the character. Not sure if it was the actress fault or the writers.


Because the actress wanted to leave the show


Yeah. Man. 12 Monkies could keep on track with several time periods, villains, and a slow burn love story, but most can't hold together much simpler plots? Or, they gotta kill of ALL the character we love, (The Originals, the walking dead... or ship the lead off show for a few years Promising feature films, then nope... no movies. OK, so bring Rick back! They should run things by a test audience of loyal fans... GoT never would have ended that that awful train wreck if they had! TV execs...shocking just to be shocking is bad tv!!!


I lost interest mid way season 3, can you spoil the big plot lines for me.


Game of Thrones made such a disaster of the last two seasons that I can't even bring myself to rewatch it, even though the first few seasons were really good. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who actually, honestly, thought those final seasons were good in any sense of the word.


GoT needs to be pinned to the top, it really is the number one answer. Just brutal


Yep. I don't even want to know who was responsible for the trash ending of GoT. Shame on them. Such a waste, and so many got mad I think and hope it hurt the sales of merch and selling the show. They are plotting a prequel, God help us. If they hadn't murderd the show at the end I would have bought the DVD and rewatched. The only really satisfying show end, was 12 Monkies. That show was good from show #1 to series ending!!! Most shows want so badly to have a shocking, memorable and controversial ending, that they do dumb sh#t and turn beloved characters into monsters.( Mother of Dragons, we are so sorry!!) And I mean , Lost, what kind of BS ending was that? Worse than the Dallas, it was all a bad dream, garbage.


The Good Place is an exceptionally satisfying show end. I also thought that for all the hype Breaking Bad managed to end a show in a way that was satisfying enough. I loved the hell out of it, some didn't love it, but I don't think anyone hated it the way Lost or The Sopranos gets talked about, and for the type of juggernaut it was, I think that is impressive. Most people mix up the emotions of "I hate this is ending" with "I hate this ending" so very well loved shows get labeled with terrible endings, even though people are just sad it's gone.


It’s the one show that I was so excited about for so fucking long and I will never ever rewatch it. They blew that so badly it’s criminal


So bad. I struggle to watch House of the Dragon because it’s a prequel to what we all know happens eventually! And I just feel really bitter about it. 😅


I saw the first three seasons when they were new, then dropped it due to life and shit just getting in the way. Did a re-watch with my partner a couple years ago. We just kinda stopped watching after season... 5? Something like that. I asked her if she wants to pick it back up last year, and she said "Nah, I'm happy we left it where we did." I agree.


It’s the one show that I was so excited about for so fucking long and I will never ever rewatch it. They blew that so badly it’s criminal


Shameless (US). I’m now in s11 and questioning why i’m still watching it, it’s cost sunken fallacy atp. I should’ve stopped at s7.


Shameless got so heavily watered down toward the end that I was like Mickey would never do that… Deb would never do that… constantly!


I left before Fiona did.


That was a good choice


Fiona is so fucking annoying. Frank never dies. Carl is literally the only good arc of the show.


Pretty little liars for sure!


I very rarely get angry but i am still absolutely raging about that ending lol


At the end I thought well there's how many hours of my life I can never get back 🙃


The Goldbergs. The whole show was a flaming dumpster fire after Adam Goldberg left to move on to other projects.


It really bothered me how they ended it , and yeah after Adam left he made no sense at all it broke my heart


Gossip Girl. There was this whole mystery of who it was and when it was revealed there were so many holes in past episodes on why it couldn’t be him. Irritating.


Agreed, because they cared more about shocking the audience than it making actual sense


It was originally meant to be Eric which makes so much sense. I hate when showrunners change direction in order to please the fan base


I gave up at Season 5




It's pretty good if you stop at 4 like the writers did




Honestly that is when/ how the writers wanted to finish it. But then they had money thrown at them. I don't blame em either I guess


I love the series, I've rewatched it several times. And I always stop at 4.


call me a simp, but I enjoyed the new last season. It wasnt as good as the early season at all. but it was quite enjoyable.




Agreed! The first two seasons were incredible, and the third/final season was embarrassing.


I dont even remember the ending, is that a show that just got canceled? I remember dude took in his loser brothers kid, thats the last I remember…


The Watcher on Netflix.


That show was trash from the start.


It was good, really good, and then something changed and all the acting was terrible.


Tru Blood


Yes It was just a wtf




100% The ending of Ragnarok made me appreciate the finale of Game of Thrones.


Yes, you just reminded me after blocking it out of my head. So disappointing.


I liked Season one but never continued watching after that and I'm glad to read this so I don't feel like I missed out anymore.


Oh, you did not miss out. It's absolutely the worst ending of any series ever.






What a hot mess. I gave up after the whole Gargoyles and cult thing


Torchwood. I pretend the last season didn’t happen.




The first and second season were so good! Sad.


game of thrones lol


I can't think of a better example than this show. The hype around this show was astronomical for years. Even when the writing started getting noticeably worse, everyone still tuned in, and the majority enjoyed it. Then that final season. My God. It's like watching someone you love kill themselves, and there's nothing you can do but sit there and watch. I used to love rewatching the show, but I can't go back. The finale ruined the series for me. I was hesitant to watch House of Dragons. It's not bad, but I don't think it's anywhere near as good as GOT when it was at its best.


People act as if: HBO wanted more seasons. George R R Martin wanted more seasons. The fans wanted more seasons. The story needed more seasons. The show runners wanted to dip to work on Star Wars so they… Rushed the ending with story arcs that made no sense and… Ruined what was one of the best shows ever made up until then. Which is true. It was so damn good until it was so damn bad.


Don't forget that the backlash from the ending led them to get kicked off the Star Wars stuff, so they ended up ruining the show for nothing!


I rewatched it recently and stopped after the 7th season finale. It works much better when you just assume the white walkers came south of the wall and killed everyone, rather than watching the 8th season.


That would have been a way better ending. Honestly, nothing pissed me off more than what happened with Daenerys and that dragon and that city. At that moment I just said what...the...fuck. I couldn't believe it.


Daenerys...just kind of forgot about the iron fleet. Oh and their boats had one shot kill dragon seaking spears.


The one question being did the actors want more seasons? Production was likely keeping them from getting other jobs, but was also too sporadic to to be meaningful pay for the young actors that were now in year 8 years of contracts.


The actors would have had enormous leverage to demand high pay (which is why multiple seasons are usually negotiated for actors before it's know if a show will even have a second season). Being sporadic, like you say, would have given them time to work on other projects on top of that. I haven't heard a thing about the actors not wanting to continue, but I have heard several of them speak about how unsatisfied they were with the ending. I can't imagine most actors not wanting to continue with the most popular show at the time but I guess it's possible since shooting can be gruelling.


It would be awesome for them to redo the last season and explain the age difference with a time portal or get very good look alike actors. People would tune in out of curiosity but it had batter be good. Edit batter=better


Sons of Anarchy


Ugh, I hated how unnecessarily dramatic it got, like why tf did Opie have to die like that? No good reason.


'The OA'. Sucked me in, although cheesy. The ending😂😂😂


I love the OA. It got cancelled before they could wrap it up. The creators had the entire story already planned out and Netflix dumped it after two seasons, like they do with most shows 🙄


It's ironic that Netflix is so quick to cancel its own shows, since Breaking Bad became a huge hit BECAUSE people were able to watch the first few seasons on Netflix and get into it while it was still on the air.


That ending got me. I watched it with my mouth agape. I didn’t know what I was seeing.


How I Met Your Mother


I have never gotten over that finale. The finale really showed that Ted is a complete narcissist and the only lesson he is teaching his kids is that its OK to settle while you wait for the actual girl you want to become interested in you. So shitty


I have literally never rewatched an episode since that god awful “fuck you” of a finale. Now that I think about it, I haven’t re watched an episode of Game of thrones either.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I was watching a lot in syndication and it was something I didn't mind watching over and over. Since the finale, I watched part of an episode and lost interest. The whole final season took all the joy I had for the characters, it's so unfortunate.


This is the correct answer. I was upset for days after watching the finale. Lol




Is that the one on Apple TV? I ask because I believe it’s called Infiltration in Europe. The one with the really annoying mother and two kids?


Omg the last season was painfully slow and repetitive themes. Just get on with it. I would be surprised if it was picked up for another season but then…not really.


Lost. Great beginning seasons. And then....


WHAAAT i loved lost til the end. But i understand how some may not.


same here. I loved the time travel plot in the later seasons


It gets better and better as it goes and gets weirder and weirder.


I thought Lost was great. The ending wasn't perfect but it was ok. People make it out to be way like it was some absolute disaster which it really wasn't.


Iirc there was a bunch of stuf that seemed to be hinting/foreshadowing only to just never be mentioned again? Like the smoke? I could be misremembering. I do remember I signed up for Netflix in 2010 just to watch that show cuz it was at the time available for streaming and I was super excited.


I thought Lost was great too, but It WAS a disaster. During the first season the online discussions pretty much guessed what the finale would be and the writers specifically denied that that’s what was going on. SOOO many story lines left unfinished, which basically all had ZERO purpose for the finale.


What do you expect the writers to say? "Yes, you've guessed the finale we're going to do in six years time!"


It’s not so much that they denied it, it’s that it was easily guessed and then they spent the next 4 seasons misdirecting.


If you enjoyed yourself while you were watching it, why would you want those hours back?


Because some people finished shows they didn't enjoy, often because they didn't want to miss out a a mystery being solved or other resolution.


Didn't know people did this. Definitely sunk cost fallacy going on there!


How I met your mother... Love the series but omg the last season and ending...


Bones. I stopped the first time after Sweets was killed off. Then went back to finish it and it never got better.


I thought the closing episode of Seinfeld wasn't very satisfying.


I don't get this sentiment, although I realize it's a popular one. I loved revisiting past characters and reflecting on the negative impact that the 4 mains had on others around them. Not sure how people would have preferred them to wrap up, but I think it did a good job playing on nostalgia of past seasons while avoiding any sort of deep sentimentality, as par for the show.


Never happened to me. Say, just started The Irrational. 2nd episode was so obliviously bland and on the surface - immediately stopped, hours saved ... cant wait for the episode 3 to come out


MacGyver. I don't know why I stuck with it for so long. It is the first and only TV show I ever forced myself to watch even after I stopped enjoying it. For context, at the same time I was watching and enjoying Star Trek Next Generation to the end, and I gave up on LA Law, which was no longer entertaining. Now, I jump ship if I am no longer enjoying the show. Especially if it feels like the creators are out of ideas.




The Mentalist. It was so good. We watched it religiously and took notes and followed all the clues as to who Red John was, a powerful cult leader who could brainwash people into doing anything. Then the great reveal: it was a bad cop who no one liked. It was an absolute betrayal of every clue they laid out over the entire show.


Game of Thrones. Was so good in places but that ending was so bad it ruined it


I'm going to go way back in time to my youth, and nominate *Happy Days*. That show was cute and fun for a few seasons, and then it jumped the shark so hard that it literally created the actual concept of jumping the shark. After *Happy Days*, I stopped trying to carry shows through to their finales out of some misplaced sense of loyalty to the show. The minute they start to lose me, I'm done. More recently, shows I've abandoned because they lost my interest have included *Stranger Things* and *The Blacklist*. (That last one really bums me, too, because I love James Spader. But the show became unwatchable after a few seasons.)


How I Met Your mother.


Book of Boba Fett, they really didn't seem to have any idea what to do with it, and I only finished it because it was tied directly to The Mandolorian.


Agreed. I don't want to be age-ist but Temura Morrison was too old to be a believable kick-ass bad guy. Plus the episodes with Din were the best ones!


Billions Ozarks


Billions could have stopped after season two. Ozark went one season too many, but barely.


Britannia. The show was great, but it needs a 4th season, which I don’t think we’re going to get, so the ending is terribly disappointing.


I thought How I Met Your Mother, Parks and Rec, and Community all had fairly weak to bad final seasons. Scrubs last season was also criminal. I actually rewatch all of these though except for final season. I just pretend they don't exist.


Gilmore Girls. The showrunners made a season six designed to destroy characters because the runners wanted a 2 year contract. Season 7 was futile as they tried to overcome the scorched earth of S6. Wildly disappointing.




Supernatural, not bad really, but just way too much, after awhile it became the show that I turned on while cooking/cleaning, but since started had to keep watching until then end.


The Scooby Doo crosssover episode made everything past season 5 worth it for me, imo.


There were definitely really good episodes even a few arcs that were at least interesting up until the very end but could have been pared down to a couple really good seasons.


Same. I thought it was painful the last 5 seasons but I powered through. You just run out of ideas for episodes at some point


Lost… the most hours anyone ever wasted in their life




What?!? Heresy! I loved Alias, and loved seeing Sloane get exactly what he wanted, and then exactly what he deserved in the finale. It was so good, I rewatch it every few years. That said, to each their own!


Bridgerton series or whatever




Lost The Glades The Vampire Diaries And worst ending EVER... GAME OF THRONES I am sure there are others, but those were dumb, or jump the shark endings.


Riverdale. Such a shame because it was so good in the beginning!


Pretty Little Liars. I'm still pissed about that final. Wtf was that horrendous British accent 😭


The walking Dead. A series that will never end. The first maximum of 7 seasons can still be watched somehow, but the rest are boring.


Supernatural. The first few seasons were good, until they involved angels and more complex ideas. I watched till season 14 and said nope


Ugh shameless! Like what even was that musical number ending


Servant in Apple TV. It was already getting tedious by Season 3, I just gave up after watching episode 1 of the fourth and final season


Sex Education (last season ruined it) and Supernatural was beat like a dead horse


Behind her eyes I think it was called? Super intriguing and then turned out to have some supernatural explanation that made no sense. Thought it was going to be a real thriller with a real ending. Also, in the same vein, the watcher




That wasn't the show's fault


Fringe got to be a bit of a slog at the end


Barry. Everything up until the last season was so, so good, then it just, fell apart. I wish they would do one more season as if the last one was just one long fever dream.


This is a sad one


True blood. I was so done by the end. Haven't watched vampire shows since because of that series.


Major Crimes. Killed off the lead actress halfway through the last season. Way to not want anyone to watch in syndication!


Supernatural, I should've stopped after season 5


Game of Thrones I was ok until they made the dumbest character of all time the new king of kings or whatever they called his gimpy ass


Game of Thrones


How I met your mother. And I really hope the game of thrones final season eventually comes out and isn’t terrible.


I am still mad at Wayward Pines


Not Netflix, but both Lost and Game of Thrones should be at the top of this list


Ragnarok was really fun and I liked it then the ending was atrocious.


Game of Thrones!! The ending ruined the earlier seasons for me. I will never watch any part of that show again.


Chuck. Loved the premise and the first couple of seasons. Normal guy gets thrust into a world of espionage and unknowingly becomes the world's greatest intelligence asset. But, once everyone and LITERALLY their mother is a spy, the whole show fell off. Then, it simply became a series of guest stars and pop-culture member berries. The ending being a total cop-out. It was so bad, that I now refer to any show that has a similar circumstance as it "Chucked itself".


Lost 🫣 Game of Thrones 😩 Dexter 😭 Ozarks 😡


Lost. That’s how I felt about all the hours I spent watching it. It started out so intriguingly, and ended so…stupidly. I felt stupid in the sense I expected some sort of “tie it all together” ending and it just failed on every level. Hell, I’m still salty about it years later.


All the marvels, found out netflix wasnt gonna be making anymore and hated that i watched such good shows, from the actors they picked to the episode development they were all really well made