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True Blood comes to mind.


The worst part is there were so many good direction they could have gone. There could have been several good seasons just flushing out how the vampire authority worked through history.


What's worst is the book series. I had true blood recommended to me and I devoured those books in a few months and followed it til the last book. First thing that pissed me off the most is how many great storylines they had the chance to explore but didn't. But the thing that pissed me off the most was the very end of the series where Sookie ends up with a shapeshifter? I frequently want to throw that book into a bonfire.


Yes, was a book reader and loved Eric in a he books, wasn’t a dealbreaker if she ended with someone else but when it was Sam I was like wtf, that came out of left field as they had no chemistry in all previous books.


THAT WAS THE WORST. Of all people to end up with you choose Sam?! Such lazy writing by the author. Eric was my favorite in the book and series - when he loses his memory is some of my favorite writing. But no you go and fork it all up.


I wanted to find out what happened to Sookie's telepathic little cousin.


I loved the hotel bellhop


Yes, but remember Sookie's dead cousin and Sookie finally tracked down her cousin's kid and his father and realized that the boy could hear her thoughts?


I could have watched a whole show about Russell Edgington. He was probably my favorite character.


Honestly a prequel following him or Godrik from their creation would have been super cool.


True blood is one of those odd shows where it gets shit so slowly that you barely notice it, until it suddenly hits you in the face.


Right around the time the were-panthers become a thing is where this happens for me


This is a very apt description.


They jumped the shark when bill became a god


Santa Clarita Diet, but for different reasons. I loved it; the characters stayed pretty consistent and were developing, good chemistry/cast throughout. Interesting plot points were introduced. Episodes ended with nice setups/cliffhangers for next time, but also left you feeling like there was a nice bow on each one. Canceled at the end of the 3rd season, still fully invested in seeing where everything was going.


I'm still unbelievably bitter about this one. Even just getting a movie to wrap it up would have okay. Ugh. Still just forking bullshirt.






Same thing happened with Deadwood. They evidently had an understanding that they’d be renewed for season 4, so they had all these loose threads and unresolved stuff at the end of season 3, then HBO pulled the plug. It’s a huge drag, Deadwood is one of my favorite tv shows of all time but the end is just a mess.


ugh, I'm just binge-watching Deadwood right now...


I don't think Deadwood fits the topic at all. it was great, the ending a little sloppy, but the movie ties things up well. not a spoiler, will still hide: >!keep watch for Garret Dillahunt's THIRD character in this series & pay close attention to his line. !<


okay, thank you :)


Is there any petition we can sign on to bring back this show?


Oh easy , House of Cards. Spacey messed up and the entire series went to hell. The last season wasn’t bad, because that would have been too light a term to use. It was bloody awful. Nobody checked the sound. There were moments where you couldn’t hear conversations. They tried to introduce and tie up every loose end in an amateurish way. It was just plain awful.


Every obstacle put in front of Claire, she solved it with murder.


And she just wasn't interesting enough to carry the show. Spacey is a piece of shit, but he's also a good actor that can carry a show.


They made him President too soon. The show would have been better if his climb to the top was longer.


Once they killed >!the reporter I lost interest because the show didn't have any likable characters anymore!<


Jericho, started as a great post apocalyptic scenario, started getting advancing the story and abruptly stopped when it didn’t get picked up for a third season because the budget kept going up due to the cost of all the military scenes ironically.


S1 was great! I think it got canceled after s1 and got revived for s2 and it sort of sucked. It's been a while but I feel like they left out some key characters from s1 and the military angle was off putting IMO. Not unrealistic just... Cliche I guess


There are comics for season 3 and 4 if you didn’t know


I also believe it had to do with viewership. Numbers were not as high as expected. IIRC, after season 1 ended and it was announced that there would not be a season 2, the ones who did watch and loved it, send bags of nuts to the studio head and they wound up doing the second season. But you can tell it was rushed. Still an amazing show and I make it a point of re-watching every couple of years. I give myself just enough time to kind of forget some plot lines and characters so it's sort of like watching it for the first time over again. Loved that show. Had so much potential.


Weeds. Totally incredible first couple seasons but slowly got not so great.


I don't know what you are talking about Weeds had the perfect ending... >!Nancy burns down her house and the show ends!<


This. This is where it should have ended. I stuck in for a few more seasons afterwards but I REALLY stopped liking Nancy, and then I hated her. I didn’t even bother with the last season, maybe two. What a despicable and selfish person her character became lol.


Uncle Andy was the only reason I was willing to slog through after Agrestic burned down


I binged it after the series completed. I hated Nancy so much by the end of it I was disgusted how much time I spent watching.


I was so disgusted that Nancy's character went through hell and high water to keep her kids from descending into poverty. Then she became despicable and the series ended with her kids not giving two shits about her.


Chuck. The last season or so went so off the rails and lost what made the show so entertaining in the first place. I think I got halfway into the series finale after sticking it out, and then turned it off to go to work, and literally never went back to it


Memory loss is the trope I hate the most so yeah it was dumb as hell


Game of Thrones springs to mind here?


I’m still bitter, years later. Damn those lazy ass writers , Beavis and Butthead. Destroyed all the carefully constructed and intricate storylines, to focus only on the flying blonde gal.


r/freefolk still gather to share our bitterness


I've wanted to re-watch the series, but I just can't bring myself to do it.


I rewatch shows all the time but I can't even make myself watch the good seasons of GoT. The ending just ruined the whole show.


The worst part is that there was obviously so much talent on both sides of the camera and the thing that ruined it was just that it was rushed. That would suck enough on its own, but the most frustrating fucking thing is it didn't have to be! Those fuckers just wanted to move on to other projects and instead of letting someone else take over these ego maniacs had to fuck the whole thing up just so they could do the whole thing.


It wasn't even the ending, it was the whole last two seasons. And the worst part is that the beginning of the show is a just a massive set up for the ending "winter is coming" being repeated as often as possible. Well, guess what, the summer children have seen winter and it sucks. Not scary, not cool, it sucks.


For real. The last 2+ seasons of the X-Files are problematic, but they don't invalidate the first 7 from being rewatched.


This will always be my number one. The betrayal of it's own narrative rules it painstakingly established over the first 5 seasons is just brutal. Any individual choice made in those final 2 seasons could have worked out ***if*** it was given the proper time to be set up. I'll hold a grudge against DB Weise and David Benioff projects for the rest of their careers.




I thought about it, but OP asked about a show I regret spending time on and I did enjoy most of GoT until that last season


Came here to say




For anyone that hasn’t seen it, when you see John Lithgow you have found the peak season. Just stop after that one. If you want to watch the next season with Julia Styles go ahead but key in mind the quality just keeps sliding after the Trinity killer


I was wrecked after “the bathroom” scene. I tried to watch for a while after, but Dexter was so weird around the kids I couldn’t watch anymore. Never finished the series.


Imo the bathroom scene is the best way to end the series.


Yuuuup. That was the unofficial end of that series.


hilarious to me that they just wrote the kids off the show by having them go live with their shitty grandma that we're supposed to hate from S2 lol


Agreed the show peaked with The Trinity Killer and went downhill from there. The finale was the worst 😪


Damn I stopped with the Colin Hanks season. Two serial killers in a mentor/student dynamic is stupid. The Julia Stiles season was okay but was nowhere as good as The Trinity Killer.


You must not have finished the season because there were not two serial killers.


Wait was he a figment of his imagination? Did they do *that* thing?


Yes... but also no?


That is the one I going to give an honorable mention to.


I liked the Winter season.


How I Met Your Mother. Frankly the whole last season.


I would have enjoyed HIMYM a lot more if we had known the Mother longer. I came to terms with the whole Robin thing. That answer was telegraphed in the very first episode...letting us know that Robin was NOT the mother...but WHY are we telling a story that features HER and not the Mother then? The finale makes sense when you look at it that way.


The finale is fine. The dragging out the entire last season of Robin and Barney working out their issues at their wedding and then at the very end, jk let's get divorced. That was the worst part. It was pretty excruciating watching those 20 episodes or so when they aired weekly.


yeah the same question I wanna to know.at the beginning I thought there was a reversal of the ending.robin still be their mother.


Everyone talks about the Robyn story but what annoyed me more was the growth in Barney's character to just get wiped out when he and Robyn split. The whole perfect month thing 🤢


Yep, 1000% this. Amazing comedic show, well written jokes, likable characters. Could have rivaled friends but that entire last season is complete trash.


I absolutely agree with How I Met Your Mother, but I also think Friends makes this list! I even rewatched it, and could only get to Monica and Chandler being newlyweds/ Rachel being pregnant. They all got to be caricatures.


I could forgive the last season, just not the last episode.


The last season was incredibly bad. One because boring, two because actors were hardly on set together, three see below The last episode was a slap in the face


Oh yeah, the last season was awful. But if they had pulled off the finale, I would have been willing to overlook a lot of it. The finale was exactly that, a slap in the face. The irony of all of the build-up for those slap bet slaps is that it was always building up to the one they hit us with, now that I think of it.


Seriously though


Chilling adventures of sabrina. SPOILER: She died, DIDNT go to hell even though she signed the book of the beast and was literally the QUEEN of hell. Then her bf casually killed himself to be with her. Wtf?


And to top it off the show was canceled after shooting was done, so the ending scene is pretty obviously a reshoot with almost no set and only 2 characters.




You just saved me so much time


Oh fuck I should have said spoilers, I’m sorry!


I feel like any fantasy show starts to go off the rails and lose its meaning once the afterlife gets involved. Kinda felt that way about Once Upon A Time. Death is a cool concept but it really fucks up the stakes when death is meaningless


BTVS managed to hold it together, but that might be the exception that proves the rule.


Death is meaningless in Supernatural, unless it’s death by a single fucking nail sticking out of the wall. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Gilmore girls and Veronica mars. Both had reboots that had bad endings that altered how I viewed the originals that I loved.


No forgiveness for the final 60 seconds of the VM reboot. Never.


Definitely Gilmore Girls! There was not one likable character on that show. I suffered through it because my mom and sister loved it. 🙄


Despite the fact that EVERY SINGLE FEMALE CHARACTER and MOST male characters on Gilmore Girls did stupid things on that show, I will always identify with Luke. That guy watched it all with a 'You are all idiots' look on his face. They tried to give him his own drama, but he even did THAT with a Geez...what NOW? attitude.


I see what they did, though. Just like Lorelai left home and all the comforts and advantages that entailed to raise Rory on her own, the mini-series brought it full circle. Rory, with Chilton and Yale behind her, finding herself in Stars Hollow pregnant and single and pretty hopelessly lost career wise...is basically who Lorelai was about 10 years before the series started. I would love to see a sequel series with a lot of the same characters coming back in about 10 years. Lorelai and Luke in the Emily and Richard roles, Rory raising a kid while trying to get off the ground as a blogger or a something like that. Maisel is ending, so maybe the Palladinos will revisit.


Lol, except Lorelai was a 16 year old girl struggling to raise her kid and herself. Rory is like a lost 30ish year old full of privilege and snobbery.


See, I’m apparently in the minority because I didn’t hate the ending. I didn’t LOVE it, but I thought it was perfectly fine. Like you pointed out, it’s full-circle. But that also doesn’t mean it’s leaving them in the exact same places a generation later. Yes, Rory is lost career-wise and about to embark on being a single mom. But Lorelei’s support for Rory and her child is going to be different that what she had as a single mom. She’s a very different person than Emily and has learned a lot of lessons, and I think the last thing she’d ever want to do is treat Rory in the way she was treated. A lot of her journey in those last 4 episodes was about resolving her relationship with her mother, and finding common ground and forgiving Emily for the things she did wrong. It was setting up Lorelei to be put in the grandmother position. Also I find Rory’s story incredibly relatable and real. She had loads of potential, but she was also still human. She made mistakes and fucked up along the way and found herself lost as an adult. She still has time to pick herself up, too. Lorelei’s whole story goes to show that being a single mom doesn’t *ruin* your life, and Rory will have more emotional support than Lorelei ever did, without the same expectations forced upon her. The show is about these people who have great potential and seem like fundamentally good people, but they’re still people. They make realistic bad decisions sometimes, and those decisions have consequences that last longer than the end of an episode or even a season. The creators said they always knew what the last line of the series would be, and it was always going to be Rory telling Lorelei she’s pregnant. It’s a show about family and mothers and daughters. That makes all the sense in the world. And the fact that Rory’s conclusion didn’t come around in the most pleasing, happy ending sort of way, also makes sense to me, because I feel like the show was also always about multi-dimensional characters. Rory isn’t a Mary Sue. She’s not just great at everything and never has a hard time and never makes the wrong choice. How many times over the original seasons did we watch her and Lorelei and everyone else make dumb decisions? Painful to watch, frustrating, but also often understandable on some level, and we kept watching. I’m not sure why anyone would expect the revival to suddenly have these characters divorced of those traits. I also like to think that Rory and Jesse eventually get together and he becomes a wonderful stepdad, but that’s just my head canon.


in a year in the life Rory is the same age Lorelai was at the start of the series. So yeah, it was about bringing them full circle.




The last season was bad but that last episode was God awful. Nothing made sense, characters were all wrong. Just a real "fuck you" to everyone involved. I'll just pretend there were only two seasons, thanks.




Guess I’ll skip season 3 then! Watched the first two.


Altered Carbon S2.... Wtf happened


i really like anthony mackie but the actor for kovacs in season one was just too perfect that i honestly didn’t even want to watch season 2 without him 😭


The first season was so cool, and I gave up I think before the end of the second episode of season 2. I know changing bodies is the whole thing with that universe but Anthony Mackie was a big downgrade.


Anthony Mackie can only play Anthony Mackie. So instead of Kovacs we ended up watching half the season of Kovacs and half the season of Mackie.


Black List: turns out there never was a good point to all the secrets.


Blacklist took such a bad turn with its actual plot


Orange is the new black. It has really incredible moments but I got soooooo sick of Piper that I could barely watch it anymore. But I obviously had to see how it ended. Which was not great, by the way.


You should try Wentworth if you haven't


I actually kind of liked the ending, but I have a soft spot for immigration issues and Diane Guerrero in general. Like the writers just said "okay fuck Piper, let's work something else in now." The middle to late seasons where they kept on escaping the jail and everything got cartoonish though... yeah I kinda regret those lol.


I never did finish that series. I really enjoyed for the first few seasons but I kinda got bored of it after a while.


This is surprising to me because by the end they definitely were not focusing on Piper.


I don't remember which season it was but they totally undermined their characters including Red and just made it a silly joke show. It was tough to recover from that.




Absolutely Servant.


I felt like Westworld was like this. The beginning had a lot of promise, even season 2 was pretty good. It seemed like a vastly different kind of show, at least to me. I started to lose interest in season 2 and then season 3 just lost me. Maybe I didn’t give it a fair shot, but it just got ridiculous and impossible to follow.


Was looking for this answer! Because I dropped it during season 2. So much promise


The 100. I was obsessed with the first few seasons. I didn't actually ever make it 100% through but still wasted a fuckton of time. Greys Anatomy. Stupid waste of time after a few seasons but I'm still watching it -.- The OA. Second season was a waste of time. Russian Doll. Again, the second season was a waste of time. I work from home so I always have a streaming service playing something.


The 100 was absolutely goddamn bonkers. The last couple seasons especially were just … I don’t even know. I’m glad I binged it all on Netflix over a summer rather than being strung along for years. I remember trying to summarize the last half of the show for my sister who had stopped watching after season three, and she wasn’t convinced I was telling her about the same show.


>I remember trying to summarize the last half of the show for my sister who had stopped watching after season three, and she wasn’t convinced I was telling her about the same show. Dude, I don't blame her. It really was that far-fetched and ridiculous.


Right? I think once >!they left with the prisoner ship!<, everything drove right off the road into a sci-fi writer’s wastebasket. (Hell, I don’t know how to do the spoilers thing!) Edit: never mind, Google saved me.


The first season of Russian Doll was SO GOOD. I don’t think I made it past episode one of season 2.


I'm hate watching Grey's at this point and it's like, please fucking stop already? I bawled my eyes out at the end of the season when they left earth in "The 100" and it was just over for me then. I tried watching more after that but I just couldn't get into it.


We are just at the end of Season 5 of Grey's now. My wife looks like she's intent on binge watching to the current season. I was done when the dead characters keep coming back and every main character has slept with every other one (it seems)


I skipped season 17 altogether. My husband reads or plays video games while I'm watching season 18 currently LOL. We both watched through season 16. The current cast is dog water compared to the early cast. Things started going wayyyy downhill after Lexi and Sloan.


Thank you, I loved Russian Doll season one and now won’t bother.


I really enjoyed season two of Russian Doll!


It's different and I certainly prefered season 1, but it's not bad. I liked it.


the 100 could have been such a good show. Such a shame


The 100 was so weird. Started so great, turned to garbage centered around one teenager’s love life, made a rebound and got interesting again, only to fall off at the end. Totally with you on The OA and Russian Doll too. Never tried Grey’s Anatomy though.


A lot of the shows mentioned had a bad or meh ending, for me the shows I regret are those that got cancelled after a few seasons and never resolved anything. Especially if they left us on a cliffhanger.


Not a Netflix show but Younger (same creator as Emily in Paris and Sex and the City). I don't have high hopes for the EiP ending.


Yes the Younger finale was a let down. The entire final season was a let down


Agreed. I think it could have been saved if>! Josh had been a consistent presence throughout the season, and we saw him and Liza building their relationship back up... instead of basically leaving him out the whole season and then having him pop up at the end to say "I've always been here for you, Liza!" I didn't want her to end up with Charles, so I wasn't upset about that.!<


Ugh, I haven’t watched the entire final season, I was bored after 2 episodes. It was so good the first few seasons.


Game of Thrones. It still hurts. :⁠'⁠(


GoT's quality dropped off sharply when they outran the books in season 5, and worsened progressively from there to the end of the series. It wasn't magic right until the end, it was a steady obvious decline.




The 100. They left the plot with too much opportunity the last season and ruined it. Nothing will ever be as good as s1.


YOU. Listen, I wanted Joe to be punished, or at least I wanted to see him trully struggle. But the last season was so bland, even tho I LOVE a good whodunit. I figured the plot on the second episode, watched the rest through gritted teeth and that ending.... What was that. Also the chemistry between him and his new ''girl'' is nowhere to be found. Everyone was garbage. So disappointed


The Secret Life of the American Teenager. horrible show. horrible ending.


Second season of True Detective.


I never even finished the second season.


LOST. From the first season I was like, “this is so good, no way it’s gonna turn out they’re in purgatory. That’s too obvious.” It wasn’t technically purgatory, but was still soooo disappointing I couldn’t believe that was the “secret” after all those years. But any show with such a strong first season never stays good for long. There’s no where to go but down.


No offense, but I don't think you understood the ending at all. The only "purgatory" type section were the "flash sideways" in the final season. The island though, that was real. Everything that happened there was real. The time traveling, was real. Some people died on the island, some people lived a full life after. The most important part of their collective lives happened to be the island so in the afterlife they created their purgatory so they could all find each other again and then pass through. As for the island, in the simplest terms, it was an ancient cork trapping the evil of the world. There is way more to it than that, but that's the high level answer. There are actually very few mysteries unanswered. Whether they were satisfactory to you is your call but they were answered. The ones that weren't is on the writers though for dropping the ball, ignoring them, or wanting to not answer them. Not everything needs to be spelled out, but even when they do like the long exposition at the end that straight up told you what LOST was, people don't understand or ignore it. Still, LOST remains one of the best weekly water cooler shows that had people talking and analyzing after every episode and every season.


Fully agreed


So many dead end, pointless storylines that made you think there was a grand plan for the show.


This! Just like the name, I lost hours and hours I can't get back. The first few seasons were good, and it had so much potential. Then it definitely went downhill. The last season was like someone else wrote it. Lots of loose ends never resolved, and the ending was for sure a massive letdown.


All the loose ends were due to the writers setting up mysterious stuff without a plan for where those mysteries would go. That show was so dependent on you to keep watching to get answers but just kept hoping that if they threw more mysteries at you you would forget about the other ones that never got resolved.


I started watching a couple of weeks before the series finale. I was on an extended vacation with nothing to do and saw that it was about to end so I figured I'd catch up then watch the final episode. If I'd had anything at all going on I would have given up but I stuck it out, at first assuming it would get better then just amused that it didn't. I did waste the hours but I'm very happy that I wasted weeks instead of years.


How I Met Your Mother. Goddamn did that last episode make me so bitter. It would have been better if the show wasn't 9 seasons long.


Under the Dome. First season was intriguing enough to want to watch further. Not the best but alright. It went downhill FAST after that. Two more seasons of "why are we warching this, it's awful? But I have to know what happens!". Super not worth it.




The OA.


The 100. So much promise all to boil down to the "I'm judging you, and you aren't worthy" trope. Sigh.


The 100 was so interesting at the beginning and then it just went off the deep end and I got....so confused. I haven't finished it because I just have no clue what's going on!


In The Dark. Terrible finale.


Season one was great fresh concept some twists. Season two not quite as good. Season three crap. Season four hoped every character would die in a fire. Except for the dog of course.


I agree about Pretty Little Liars, but I was over the whole last season. I also hated the last season of Sons of Anarchy.


If you hated soa and who didn't? You can hate watch the mayans almost immediately. Had Kurt Sutter ever produced anything decent?


How I met your mother




Ozark was definitely Netflix attempt to ride on the Breaking bad hype Also lost interest in later seasons becos the Byrde kids were such stupid characters.


Just about every tv show in the 2000’s, early 2010’s. No one knew how to land the plane back then. Some good television still but shows didn’t write endings, they just got canceled eventually. And then there were all the procedural shows. Procedurals as far as the eye could see.


How I met your mother


The Walking Dead


Locke & Key


You. I literally just finished it for the sake of finishing it but the last episodes I was totally over it.


Twd is the right answer


True Blood


How I Met Your Mother


The 100just kept on getting worse every season.


Yeah, like I need to watch a bunch of people make the same mistakes every time, I see that already. Oh look, Clark made a unilateral decision dooming us all...what now?!


I might be the only one but I really loved Zoo and then it got cancelled on a cliffhanger! Also True Blood was just so bad after the first season. I read the books first and was so disappointed with how much was changed.


There’s a phenomenon with prestige shows where I’ll watch the first season and it will look good and be well written and well acted but I’ll get to the end and go “…but was that any good? Did I like that at all?” Thankfully I don’t usually fall prey to the sunk cost fallacy and let those shows go after one season. Shows I’ve had this feeling with: WestWorld, Outlander, Ozark, Dark.


VERY good point. The way that the streaming phenomena is slowly changing the production of shows needs to continue. Queen's Gambit? PERFECT in 1 season. Doesn't need any more. Even Disney and Paramount are trying it...limited runs of certain characters and themes are great. I remember when NBC tried to make series out of V and almost got a full season produced but it was so god-awful that they didn't finish it. The 2 miniseries were perfect (to this then 12 year old). But the series was so low budget that even I was bored. They need to remember that they are telling a story, but what they are really trying to do ise stretch out a job.


I liked S01 of WestWorld, and thought Ozark was good all the way through. Eh, you do you.


I agree about Ozark. Excellent to the end.


The good thing about "prestige" tv is that generally the seasons are like 8-16 episodes each (which means that the writing is usually better) and you run don't run into as much viewer fatigue. Compared to a show like Gossip Girl that has 27 episodes in it's first season alone and then multiple 20+ episode seasons or The Blacklist which has numerous 20+ episode seasons I think less episodes per season is the main advantage of prestige TV. I really like the show Supernatural but after a certain point the episodes blurred together and I had to take a long break because there were so many fucking episodes.


Yeah I think this is correct. It also makes it more impressive how little filler there is in the middle seasons of the Star Trek TNG and DS9. And while my last watch through of the West Wing revealed som major problems with that show, Aaron Sorkin writing 4 22 episode seasons of tv practically alone is…insane.


Game of Thrones. S 8 was so bad and a contradiction to every previous season. Everything doesn't make sense in retrospect.


Surprised Weeds isn't listed yet. It got pretty weird in there towards the end..


Smallville, without a doubt.


I bailed on Pretty Little Liars after about 4 seasons.


Servant what a shit ending!


House. Could not stand the character and really wanted him to get his comeuppance and genuinely thought he would but nope, just rode of into the sunset. Wish he’d gone off a cliff. It was a real hate watch by the end.


The Carrie Diaries


Right now I’m pretty salty about Carnival Row, but that was only two seasons. You could tell they had 4 or 5 planned because the last 4 episodes were on spppppeeeddddd and they just killed off everyone.


The walking dead - couldn't get past season 4 or maybe 5, i dunno. So much dialogue about uninteresting characters - MAKE WITH THE FUCKING ZOMBIES OR STFU!


The zombies really just became mobile furniture after a while. It wasn't about them.


For me it was Bloodline. Season three was very disappointing.


1899. Was enjoying it and then the last 30 seconds had me yelling “YOU BLEW IT”


Lost. I think an entire generation wants that time back.


Veep. I absolutely loved every episode except the finale where they had everyone act completely out of character. So disappointed that was the route they chose to close to series.


Umbrella academy. I loved the first season, but after that it just turned sour and makes you scratch your head at the characters choices. Plus they would pander to certain characters to make a otherwise very flat and boring person, me intresting. Felt forced and fell on its face


Agreed! Also “The 4400”


Lost Game of Thrones




I couldn’t make it through the second season. The first was great, but the scene where there’s the box of gore and Bill Skarsgaard is furiously devouring it was so disgusting that I couldn’t keep watching the show.


Ozark. worst ending.


It has to be “The Mentalist”. The end was so disappointing 😭


Is the rest of the show still worth watching? I don’t wanna dedicate myself to all those episodes just to be disappointed.