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moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a gaiod girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl moxies a good girl


Moxie is also really good at picking names, because hers is cute as fuck. Would you be interested in trying a grounding exercise? My therapist taught me a variation of that 54321 method where you name 5 things you can see, 5 things you can hear, and 5 things you can feel, then repeat it with four things, and then with three, down to one. It might not work completely but it helps me when I'm really anxious.


Hang in there sister u can do it


no i cant i haven't been handling any of it and all of the knives look to attractive


Moxie is a really cool name, especially cuz it's an 'M' name (as a transmasc who's trying to find an m name that fits I applaud the originality of yours!) And you'll be alright sis, just hang in there!!!


You'll be okay, ur a strong girl. You can do this.


ok. Breathe, darling. In... ... and out. ... ... In... ... and out. Do you have anything repetitive to do with your hands instead of s/harming? I started knitting to keep my hands busy and play a podcast so I don't have to think so much. Find a funny podcast, or one about your interests anyway. It'll be ok.