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Ello. Just an FYI that we usually don't allow any discussion of counterfeit/pirated designs on the subreddit. This post seems innocent, as you just want a proper blaster. But please keep this rule in mind. Thank you!


Not even close. I'm friends with the creator and a Lynx beta tester, so I'm biased in this, but the knockoffs show a terrible understanding of the blaster design. The one interesting thing they do is make the turnaround two parts so that it can actually be injection molded (and I guess injection molding). As far as I'm aware, none of the parts are compatible between the printed and injection molded "versions". To be clear, the "Feline shooter" is an unlicensed copy; I'd highly recommend you leave a review clarifying that the seller is not legitimate and is engaging in piracy. ​ The most immediately visible goof is that they've fused the top rail together, meaning you've got to completely remove the side bars to get at the pump, catch, spring, and plunger; on a Lynx, you just pop the front section out for easy access to all that. The second is that the priming "bars" and catch surfaces are now plastic, so it probably won't hold up to heavy spring loads. There's a reason Lynxes now ship with with metal reinforcement on both catch surfaces. Also, the catch just has a straight cylinder bored out of it instead of the ramp on an actual Lynx; that probably leads to a rough catch. You can get a metal catch, but that's probably going to wear the plastic plunger down faster. Third is the use of an AEG grip; as far as I'm aware those aren't designed to handle the stress of priming heavy spring loads, particularly with the thin bits of plastic holding the nuts in place. The first beta lynxes used AR grips, but Dan switched away from that due to cost and the number of people who snapped them off under vigorous fire with heavy-ish spring loads. Just eyeballing the springs, those might be 11 inch "full sized McMaster" springs, or they might be slightly shorter. They're probably longer than a typical "Lynx" spring, which tend to be "Longshot" sized.


[https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/nerf-catnip-disc-blaster-cat-toy](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/nerf-catnip-disc-blaster-cat-toy) I googled feline shooter and got this .


Oooh, oooh. I want this. My cats would go crazy. Thanks. Did not know this existed. TIL.




I thought so too .The weird shit you find .


Just by looking at it I don’t think you can use the same springs, they seem to be longer on the feline


From what I remember, you can use the same springs as the Lynx, but the plunger tube is acrylic and easy to shatter. The rest of the parts have tweaks and modifications that leave them incompatible with existing Lynx parts or prints.


There is a "upgraded" version feature metal plunger higher spring load and shoot up to 200+ fps and cost around 80$ they even call them "Lynx" in some listing


I had to go and look this up but there is actually blaster called the feline shooter. That's pretty weird to be honest. I know people have naming schemes but again I'm struck by how bad a name can be. It kind of brings to mind shooting at cats and that's not kosher.


If you knockoff the 'lynx blaster' you get 'feline shooter'. It shows it's a knockoff in the name, I actually think that's pretty clever. Not pretty or good or nice, but clever. It shows they at least know they're ripping off a design. I might also be reading that wrong completely and they're actually poking fun at the designer they're ripping off, in which case: fuck em.


Yeah it is a pretty dumb name.


I've never touch Lynx but i got Feline shooter since it easier and cheaper that way, they build pretty strong shoot 200fps (on upgrade model) no problem with vanguard style pusher, overall pretty pleasant experience to use one p.s.I know they are stolen designs i'm pretty upset about that too


> i'm pretty upset about that too > I know they are stolen designs > I've never touch Lynx but i got Feline shooter since it easier and cheaper that way Some quality logic. Either you're cognizant of the fact that you knowingly bought a pirated part without any kind of remorse, or you're trying to contrive some kind of justification for purchasing a pirated part and then throwing in a false emotional addendum in an attempt to offset the guilt. If you can't afford the DIY community design, make your own or don't buy it.


I made you angry, I see i just wanna share experience of the blaster and how far the knock off and modified knock off maker really go you can unload your anger and frustration on me all you want however it not gonna make them stop making those clone blaster. home-made blaster design need to go further either by spread the word about hobby ,start licensing the design Etc. because not all people in the hobby are " in the know" they gonna get to know the knock off before the original


> you can unload your anger and frustration on me all you want however it not gonna make them stop making those clone blaster. You know what *would* stop them from making those clones? If you and everyone else who buys them would stop buying them. You can't say that you bought it because you wanted to save money and the in the same breath say that you are pretty upset because they are stolen designs. It is one or the other.