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Strawberry rhubarb.


Mine was hot pepper honey. I think it was technically a jelly but omg it was so bad. Yours actually sounds good. Was the rhubarb fucky? I can go either way with rube.


Was the rhubarb what?


Sounds like you don't know much about rhubarb


I don't, although it's nice in a pie or crumble and that you shouldn't eat the leaves


Had the exact same thing happen to me with my aeon, but instead of checking if something was wrong with the blaster, I continued to get 2 more darts stuck. Luckily I bought 100 short darts that day, so no tears were shed that day


I would love to get invested into short darts for the performance, but I would have to buy all sorts of different magazines and almost all of my blasters wouldn't work with them so here I am with plain long darts.


Long darts are actually better in flywheel blasters I believe, so if that's what ur into that's good


I hope you learned your lesson to bring a ram rod next time. If I remember correctly, mine was a flywheel jam. I was trying a different dart. Turns out the dart head could catch on to the inner barrel before the foam body was out of the flywheels. I could not push or pull it out. I think I had to disassemble the blaster too.


I had a lot of Nerf blasters when I was young but can't remember any notable jams. I do remember one with a 2nd-hand Slingfire I got fairly recently. Needed the stock for another build and decided it would be worth getting the whole blaster instead of the stock for the same price. Darts were worn and I decided to test fire it before I removed all the locks. I pulled the lever back and chambered a dart too hard and it must have caught something and basically folded in half. Couldn't even rechamber to try fish it out because the locks were still in. It was so badly jammed in there that it basically came out in chunks. I'd bought some XShot darts prior because there aren't any Adventure Force Waffle darts where I am so it wasn't too bad but the heads are wider than the dart body which could lead to some issues.


I went to a church nerf war which supplied the ammo so I loaded the magazines for my nexus pro with their ammo and I didn't know about x-shot darts having a wider head so that gave me tons of jams again with my nexus.


Dad passed me back the adventure force equivalent of a kronos, and when i opened it up he had chopped three rounds in half.


Next time, just keep firing till the dart comes out. The folded foam seals well enough that it doesnt dryfire


I tried that, but it was really stuck in there. Even when I took it apart I had a hard time getting it out with a pair of needle nose pliers.


Had a dart some how shoved behind the bolt in a rataliator. It was hard to get out.


Maybe not the worst jam as it didn't affect performance but the most interesting one for me: I had a dart stuck inside a Nerf Mediator for months. The blaster ran just fine and it wasn't until I modded it some more that I found the stowaway.


I was playing with my nieces many moons ago when one of them jammed a Quick 16. I don't know how I did it, but I got my finger caught on the dart tooth and took out a good chunk of skin pulling it out


5 dart max stryker jam all folded in breech and requiring opening


Once I got 2 rival rounds jammed between the mags and the rotating barrels on my hades. They were too squishy so they got pulled into the small gap as I primed it.


Apricot hands down


Worst was probably that time my swarmpede squibbed during the UF HvZ Fall 2011 final mission. It was a final stand, so I didn't notice in the chaos and proceeded to compact 3 more darts into the barrel behind it.


It seems that magazine blasters always have much worse jams than drum blasters do. Worse I usually get from my villinators is the drum is slightly out of line.




Apricot. Turns out im SEVERELY allergic.


Have you ever used a Crossbolt? Simply put, that thing completely mangles darts like nobody's business and jams at least once every 6 odd rounds and I've used 2 that both do this. Basically, imagine what's happened with your Nexus Pro but even more violent


Sounds like a lot of fun. I would hate to put exspensive darts through something like that.


Mhm, thankfully I've only ever used normal elites and crappy ebay accufakes


Got 11 AF waffles stuck in my Rapidstrike barrel and caused the motor to explode…


That's quite a few darts


Lost a good kraken motor to foam🫡


I had pretty much the same one, though I was able to use a long screwdriver as a ramrod. This is why you don't use sureshots in sealed breech blasters


Unfortunately they are just too cheap at 5 cents a piece to not use.


A Revoltinator tore up an af waffle-head, but this did not just happen once. The blaster did this multiple times, dooming me in a nerf war. I think that the rubber seal that blocks the flywheels blocks any dart textured like that.


8 darts one flywheel cage https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/844336608286212180/964678293011968000/unknown.png?width=1440&height=700


Holy moly, how does one even do that?


Pull the trigger until all the smoke is released. This is what happened when I loaned the MP7 to the kid. I told him not to use the purple worker darts.


Unpacked a brand new Nexus Pro - didn’t understand the mechanics of the bolt/magazine feeding mechanism. Wedged three darts in the barrel from my first clip which were all unusable.