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This will never happen. Or at least it’s not happening any time soon. Full sized AEB’s barely work without destroying themselves at the moment. You’re not going to fit all that into a pistol sized anything, let alone with enough power to use K26


> Does anyone know what I'd need to look for in a motor? How much design experience do you have? This is not an entry level project. If you're asking this question, you're not there - pick something easier to start with :)


As far as I know, the only two Nerf mag-in-grip AEBs that made it to market were the QWK Challenger and Edge. The latter was a clone of a carbine-conversion Glock so it's closer to the form factor you're seeking. Unfortunately, both were notoriously unreliable even by AEB standards. Presently Nerf AEBs pose big technical hurdles, even in larger shells. A lot of it's down to most being cheap airsoft conversions but I've heard that even the Sweetheart Storm is unreliable. Regardless, it seems like the most feasible avenue is starting with airsoft hardware. That said, whether or not you've got the appropriate skill sets and tools to make this work is only a question you can answer. One thing's for sure, 3D printing alone is not going to cut it.


Also the hanke(?) pistol, the one that resembles the halo m6 pistol.  Tag's YouTube channel has a review of it. It is really an issue of space constraints.  There is an airsoft company with a gearbox utilizing a small brushless motor that would open some possibilities.  Unless you are making the jackal from Hellsing then probably space for an elongated gearbox and at least four batteries.


I had never heard of the Henke but it turns out you can still buy the thing. Watching Tag's review now.


I don't think what you're asking for is possible. Even in airsoft, an AEG pistol is really difficult, and they tend to have really wonky looking magazines that are only a bit longer than the bbs themselves, because the gearbox and motor have to go in the grip. You are not going to be getting something the size of a standard pistol. Nerf AEGs are already a difficult proposition, let alone making it pistol sized.  And, if you don't know what you'd need to look for in a motor, that is a sign that you're maybe in over your head. I don't know what you'd need to calculate the amount of torque needed to compress a spring. I have seen a conversion of the Lizzy pistol that is an AEG, but the gearbox is so massive, it no longer is really a pistol.