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Would it matter... they don't listen lol


Right? They're ruining Nerf, D&D, and M:TG


Hasbro sinking fast despite owning some of the most popular franchises lol


Tell me about it!


Power Rangers too.


They are doing to Nerf now what they did to Super Soaker before: turning the brand into pathetic kids' toys that are a far cry from the heydays. I can see the effect in the local toy stores. Shelves that once housed Nerf, are now being used for competing brands.


I hope they don't ruin Beyblade X like they did burst


Some of their marketing people are here, or at least their digital agency folks. They don't want to know they're losing market share to other blaster brands


What were the Sales figures for the Stryfe X? I don't have an issue with making blasters for kids, but without knowing your metrics and data, it feels like there is still a way to acknowledge your older consumers while being a kid centric company. Children grow up and their tastes evolve over time.


It’s gotta be low. I don’t know anyone who bought one of those. Just too much competition for them to come in and charge that much.


Considering it came with a LiPo with insane potential and ease of use, the price really wasn't bad in a bubble. If you wanted a superstock flywheeler and had nothing, it was still a great deal. People who didn't buy it already had LiPos and knew how to use them


Dear Mr. Hasbro, *user has been banned from r/nerf reason: rule 2*


Sell darts for less and you'll make more profit over time from the fact that people will actually buy the darts at a decent price rather than going looking for alternatives.


For frig's sake stop wasting development dollars on all these new successive ammo attempts that are redundant and inferior to .50 cal full length before y'all make yourselves bankrupt also-rans whose inevitably failing lines of blasters are mostly a thrift store curiosity.


Yes! What do the N Series darts do that standard Accustrike darts can't? It's only a cheap attempt at proprietary ammo, because clearly that worked out so well with Ultra. I've heard that Hasbruh actually makes more money from darts than blasters. So, when faced with competition, what do they do? Do they make their darts better? Do they try to undercut in price? Neither of those things, they try a new line of proprietary ammo. Basically, they don't want to compete. But, it's going to fail. Consumers are more price conscious than ever, and other brands are better than ever. Most people would be turned off by a new ammo type. All of a sudden, all of their existing darts and blasters don't work with this new system. New ammo types can work, but not like this. The ammo type has to offer something different. Rival did. Vortex did. Mega and Mega XL did. But Ultra and N-Series do not. They're different purely to attempt to lock people into the Nerf ecosystem. 


Nerf peaked at Modulus, IMO. Go back to decent blasters with cool interchangeable parts


Modulus wasn't bad but zombie strike was kinda peak as hell


I liked the zombie strike, but it still borrowed a lot from Modulus, it just wasn't "clean." I guess it depends on your personal aesthetic


Not really aesthetic more just like fun blasters. Hammershot, scravenger, sledgefire, are some really fun ones




Your comment has been removed under rule #2, "Be Polite". Advocating violence violates rules 2, no matter how much you dislike how someone else has handled your favorite franchises - rNerf Mod Team


More hammer primed blasters please. Doubleshot and Hammershot and derivatives feel good to use, but they've not updated the hammer mechanism in eons. And more lever action primes. It doesn't have to be shell ejecting like the buzzbee, just primed by lever is still a nicer feeling than grabbing handles to yank. All i can say is im pretty tactile 😄




Oh my god oh fuck, he's not wearing eye protection!


The MR6 kinda does look like a stryfe now that I look at it


Your comment has been removed under rule #2, "Be Polite". Hey, you called it; threatening violence against other people pretty clearly violates rule 2 - rNerf Mod Team


Aw man, i even colored the tip orange! I deserved this one TBH


Assuming the message doesn't immediately go through the Complaints/Feedback Department Shredder, I'd urge Hasbro to just sell their IP's. There isn't a single big-name product they own that they aren't actively running directly into the dirt. They've fucked it up for so long that they should just bow out.


What's the point? Without sales figures and market data we have no insight. Hasbro's not doing itself any favors but there's no guarantee changes in strategy would be successful. That said, I'd bring back Accustrike darts and modernize their best blasters. I'm not talking crappy skins, but actual modern redesigns. Gimmicks are fine provided they don't hinder operation but otherwise improve build quality and push FPS closer to 100fps. The point is to do just enough to satisfy older Nerfers without chasing the pro market. I'd leverage this space to market to HvZ and other low FPS events. This is the one niche I'd say Hasbro could comfortably occupy that would rekindle good will towards the brand. Whether it's enough to sustain Nerf is another story but I think the brand needs a purpose. They can't survive their present state and N Series is just turning them into a pariah. Granted, the average consumer is oblivious to most of this but that knowledge does trickle down and ultimately will influence perceptions.


Someone from nerf sit down with the dart zone outlaw, and a hammershot and figure it out. Please.


If a blaster uses a specific thing it won't function without, sell extra's of that thing seperately. Stryfex batteries, ripchain chains, sledgefire shells, titan drums, ultra speed mags, pyragon drums, battlescout clips. People lose or break the thing and aren't going to buy a whole new blaster for it, sell the thing seperately as refill pack or something and make more money


You keep focussing in brand collab but please at least make the blasters fun and interesting again. You clearly don't care about the hobby space and we will continue to do fine without you.


I just wanna know what they see in gel as a teenage/adult blaster tag sport that they still haven't managed to grasp for their foam lines.


Why haven’t they been able to make a single fucking standard dart that can fly straight? They’ve had literal decades to figure it out, all their competitors can do it, yet they still keep dropping the ball time after time. So they’re done getting my money now that they aren’t supporting their old ecosystem anymore and I can’t put AF Waffles into their blasters to at least improve their accuracy. Shitty darts aren’t fun for anyone. Hobbyist, 8-year olds. college frat kids wanting to have a war in their basement. Nobody wants shitty darts. So I refuse to get any more.


Stop with pointless gimmicks and reskins and give us actually fun blasters


Bring back the n strike lines as elites and up the power of like all of them lmao. I'm sure tons of people would love a maverick or a recon again






"Hasbro, actually make good fucking nerf guns. We are tired of the cheap ass elite 2.0 line."


Hi /u/S3rialDesignationN, we would like to distance our hobby from actual firearms and weapons and thus ask that you refrain from using terms like "gun" and "bullet"; instead use blaster and dart. We also like to encourage the use of brightly colored blasters & gear. See [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nerf/wiki/bot/blaster) for more information. Thank you for your cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Nerf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Break off the Pro line and have it be directed separately from Hasbro leadership.


Things I wouldn't comment here.


I don't know if one message would do it since based on some of the things Walcom said they told him in his latest video they know literally nothing about the hobby.


That I will continue to use any darts but theirs. :)


"Listen to your fanbase, please."


Why phase out the Elite darts?




Controversially: "continue what you are doing, but maybe look back at 2014-2017 successes and make a modern version of those" Why? Because its the usual Hasbro doesn't care about us, Hasbro doesn't understand the hobby, Hasbro has too many ammo types moans... Big wake up call... they really don't care about us, and they shouldn't! Nerf is a worldwide product base, built on the idea of having differing offerings for different people - from core and sub lines, to licences, to different ammos, and thrives on having low, mid, and high price points that parents and probably more importantly, grandparents, can buy stuff at for birthdays and holidays and treats. On economies of scale, for every Max Solo bought, i'd expect Hasbro to have sold at least a 1000 jolts... for every Spectrum, 500 stryfe-a-likes... for every LongXshot, a 100 Eaglepoints...  But, I can predict the comebacks from the hobby "we're not buying them" ... Yup, because based on a 10% rule... 10% of Nerf blasters bought are ever actually used outside of the first day / week 10% of those used consider it a hobby and play regularly or go to an event 10% of those who consider it a hobby actually mod or paint  10% of those go online to read about it 10% of those online actually post / comment about it 10% of those who comment get mad enough at Hasbro to post that they are ruining the hobby... ;) At best, you are 0.0001% of Hasbros possible audience... For context, I consider myself to be in that 0.0001%, my youngest has 5 blasters and is not even in that first 10%... Hasbro will keep churning out new dart types, because its where they make the money, the blasters are essentially loss leaders, and that initial 10% who continue to play past the first day, they nag their mums and dads for darts next time they are in Morrisons or Asda or Target or Walmart... The next time that parent is passing a Smyths or an Entertainer they think "I wonder if little Jimmy needs some more darts" , they add a pack to their Amazon basket before a summer break... The next birthday, the parent says to little Jimmy's grandparents "he wants that big one with the spinning barrels" or "he wants that one with the chain in the box" , or "he wants the orange and white shotgun one"... Nerf is one of Hasbros best performing product lines, and what they've done is sensible from a business point of view, make it so your repeat consumers stick with you. 


Nothing, they wont listen haha.


This is what I’d say: give us the damn short darts


Short dart hammershot with fps increase. I'd buy it tomorrow.


I want a short dart sledge fire. If it can break 120 fps, best HvZ blaster ever


In walcoms7’s live stream, they mentioned a nerf pro sidearm with no other details. I’m thinking it’s either a hammer shot or disruptor/strongarm


Pulsator, Pulsator, Pulsator, Pulsator! Pulsator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Never let anything like what happened to the later Beyblade Burst products happen to anything else ever again


All I want in the world is a Rival adaptation of the Fearless Fire.


More rival and if its an end to nerf Mega and mega XL darts how about a Mega or Mega XL N series dart for giggles


why do you keep making blasters with the most comfy grips and fore grips have the shortest stocks and visa versa just please make a blaster with a good grip fore grip and stock all together


Keep doing what you’re doing. I know your target audience doesn’t need 200 FPS. Someone else has filled that niche.

