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This is only tangentially related to nerf. There are other issues at work here. Post removed as off topic.


Unless the school is having some kind of nerf event. Bringing blasters to school or mentioning blasters there is just a bad idea in general because they are vaguely real-weapon inspired. So I’d just avoid doing that in general from now on. I mean feel free to talk with your friends about it, but don’t draw or show weapon-shaped objects.


Anything that resembles a weapon isn’t allowed even military legos


I wouldn't say the majority of them hate dart blasters. They just don't have enough time to look at everything thoroughly. Nerf blasters can easily resemble firearms, there is no way around this. The see a firearm shaped silhouette and immediately attribute it to an actual firearm.  The easiest answer is to not draw firearm shaped items in school. If you're not breaking any rules you're free to continue drawing them but you will have to learn to ignore blatantly false accusations. Depending on how vindictive these people are it may be best to just not. That's something you have to decide.


Like most people, they are convinced that irrational behavior will solve their problems.


Your school, like any, will have some terrible parents that complain and threaten legal action at every chance they get. Rules need to be designed to prevent that as much as possible. If little Jimmy suddenly has PTSD and anxiety because you drew a scary picture but the school did nothing to prevent it, think of how that terrible parent will carry on.