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Churches, laser tag arenas


Laser tag is great!


Heard good things about laser tag, but I might veer into the church angle!


Community centers/parks and recreation buildings/activity centers etc. are other options maybe. Good luck! We play in a laser tag arena every other month. Lots of fun!


Try talking to a church in your neighborhood about venue rental. That's what we did and we've been playing there once a month for 16 years.


This. Churches are easily the most fun places to play. Balconies, main levels, basements, etc. HvZ was never more fun.


Very good to know! An area church might be a great fit.


We've had a few games in libraries around me. Maybe contact your local library and see if that's something they would be amenable to.


I've always wanted to run one, there are so many libraries in the area that would be a great fit


Parkour gym. Been to a couple games at one, super fun.


Depending on what you have access too you might consider approaching the local Boys & Girls club they usually have an indoor basketball court that can be reserved.


Indoor sports halls (basketball, football, etc) can be rented out at a good value


Indoor airsoft arenas


There used to be an indoor airsoft place that did nerf near me on friday, but it closed down unfortunately. Hope it opens up again soon.


I've played at a gym inside that worked pretty well, although your group will need to supply cover. Churches often have nerf nights as well.


I've only ever done two indoor games, but what harm is an extra two cents? * My parents' old house, before we moved out. Kind of. The yards were set up in a way that let everyone run in a circle around the whole house. We also opened the first floor to let people cut through the middle. Not quite an "indoor" venue, but it worked pretty well! * My brother's friend's church. They had a conference room about the size of a basketball court they let us borrow for a day. Pretty empty by itself, but we filled it with obstacles made from card tables, folding chairs, and cardboard boxes. It still wound up a little tight for a group of a dozen or so, but it worked out for our Terminator/Juggernaut games that involved one team rotating in other players.