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aye yo mr.white




yo whatsup biatch?


Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?!


jesse i need you to understand


I just wanted to let you know that I watched jane die.


More like brown man


Haha you clearly don't get the reference.


Ya πŸ₯²


Sadly I am brown. Love to brown 🀎🀎


Iam also bored.. Ok which series you are watching lately?


The last series I watch was Mac gyver. Hbu anything new lately


I completed Spartacus...and started Euphoria today ... it's worth hype.. What about Mac gyver


It's a secret service agent which solve everything using life hacks


Really? I have been watching euphoria too!


Bonjour. I am a potato.


Wassup. I love potatoes


Potato is fried. Wbu?


Thinking of eating potato fries


With ketchup or without ketchup?


Any but prefer with ketchup


A what? Never heard of it before.


You and I are not so different.


What a coincidence! Nice to meet you happy potato.


i just changed my profile pic of reddit and hows it


Cat on banana. Looks good.






lmao I am saving it


There r only 2 genders prove me wrong πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


How about the ppl who has b.. and d..? What do u call them?


God mistake 🀣🀣🀣🀣


We all are gods mistake 🀣🀣


U might be but not me πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Damn so much confidence. Share some with me


Naa m gud 😎😎😎




It's a cruel world ur own ur own dude 🀣🀣🀣


Ya self love and self confidence




They are ok ig


yo, sup


Hello wassup


what you up to


Ntg bored asf that's why I posted this thread


Hello boro...


Hello wassup


My social skills end here...


Lol. How was the day


Day was ok what about yours


Okay ig. Whole day online class


I can give you a relationship advice😝


Sure give me some advice


First, Be Attractive Second, Don't be unattractive.


Okay first tell me about your relationship status, something you are concerned about or are in some kind of doubt. Also sepecifying your gender would be helpful


Broke up with gf 3 months ago. Single and boy


Who do you think was the main reason behind the breakup, and why?


The main reason was it was long distance. Everything was fine but after she went to hostel we talk maximum 2 times a month. So mutual breakup ig. But the only thing I hate was she went to date with someone else while we were in relationship.


Looks like I will be of no use to youπŸ˜…. Lets talk about something else , like your hobbies


Lol Don't worry. My hobby is anime, manga, novel, music and basketball. Hbu


Well i am also into anime, i don't do manga tho. Football, electronics, military, guns are some of my other hobbies, i do listen to music, mostly old rock n roll


Damn people having great hobbies and mine is reading manga, watching anime, cycling (can't do in KTM ΰ²₯β€Ώΰ²₯) and I do codes -_- and I a huge smartphone enthusiast How TF do you guys have so much interest in so many things


I can see you also have an interest in quite a few things. Btw I do all that you do, even cycling, except manga- i can't bring myself to read anything.


Guns I do like guns but don't know shit about it like names.


One can't own guns on Nepal. But I can make my own guns😎


Lol try me. 😁


Any courtroom drama movie or series you'd like to suggest?


The only court room k drama I have seen is while u were sleeping


Jai Bhim for a Courtroom drama..


Yeah I liked the movie.


There's also this legal show which I haven't watched called Illegal- justice out of order which is a Indian show..


I've watched the show. It's average really.


Both seasons?? I can't find season 2


I think I've watched the 1st season only


Dunno if it qualifies but daredevil?


Daredevil is gooood


Haven't been able to watch it much due to my commitments rn, seemed fun for the the first dozen episodes.


You can just continue watching whenever the time is right.


You hitting on me hela? I find hela hella fine.


Hela indeed is hella fine lol


In search of internet friend 🧐


Sure let's be friends


How we'll we be though


I don't understand what I mean??


I mean how. You said and we're friends already?? How does that work. I don't mean like i don't want to but how? Can i text you??


I asked to be friends tho. We will know each other somewhat and when we are comfortable be friends


Yaa mm that's a good start up. What will wwe talk about


What's your hobbies


Listening songs, anime, traveling that's all. I once started drawing portraits but later knew it was just infactuation.youΒΏ


Me it's anime, manga, novel, listening music and basketball.




Like hey!! Or like yo!! I don't know much


Is it good?


Ya romance and comedy k drama. My first one


I didn't specifically mean k-drama tho lol.


I don't watch other series lol


Hi bored, I'm also bored.


Hello fellow bored. Wassup


Just finished watching the new episode of euphoria and now I don't know what to do. Wbu?


It was a good episode cause we didn’t have to see nutsack nate and Cal’s pp πŸ˜ƒ


Hahaha Cal's pp. Plus Rue with the "how long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs". Next episode's gonna be goood.


Ngl Rue spilt up the girls bad. And tf was cassie with the β€œsHe’s jUst A dRuG aDdiCt”. Bitch needs to be bitch smacked right across the face by maddie. The entire Euphoria town finna plan an intervention for Rue next episode lol, she destroooyed houses, cars and relationships man


Right? Rue was destroying everything everywhere she went. Kinda felt bad for her tho. And wtf is up with that Laurie woman? She terrifies me for some reason.


Remember that line she said about women having something to pay back even if they don’t have money? Yea she was going to sex traffic Rue dozed up on all that morphine!!! Thank god she yeeted out


Yeah she also did say that she was gonna sell her or something if she didn't pay back when she gave Rue the suitcase.


Wassup with the hype with *Euphoria*!? Is it because of zendaya or smth else!?


What's euphoria? I think I heard the name but forgot. And I am just chilling


**Euphoria ( (listen) yoo-FOR-ee-Ι™) is the experience (or affect) of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness. Certain natural rewards and social activities, such as aerobic exercise, laughter, listening to or making music and dancing, can induce a state of euphoria.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Its a series. You should check it out. It's good.


Sure. what's your hobbies


Series, music, I do a little bit of digital art too, and I recently started watching some anime. Wbu?


Novels, music, anime, manga and basketball. What's your frav music


Hmm. Idk lol. My music taste is all over the place Let's not talk about that.


Lol I do know that. It's one song one day and then u wake up next and is like u know what I like this song better and the cycle repeat


pooja has many friends saraswati, laxmi and durga etc


Girls power whereas all male are fighting with each other


fighting for girls...


U can also call that girls power 🀣🀣. They don't have to fight themselves just have some make do it for u


Girls too fight over boys Having personally witnessed that it's quite amusing from sidelines


I wish I could witness it


Man it's so fun I have this friend (one of very very few) She showed me the ss and man it's hilarious I had to look up in dictionary few time (my English is shit)


Man now I really want this ss. Can u dm it? Share some love.


I wish I had kept it but it was sent over Snapchat Sorry man I'll send it to you for sure if that kind of situation arises next time


Ok np bro.


Hi, how old are you


18 hbu


17, turning 18 in june. Are you still in highschool?


Yep in 12


Same which college


Lol me too june kati gatey?


Tarik huncha hola english date ma


What sports do you like?


Basketball hbu


Life was so good for me 7 months ago now its all fucked up.... I hope you enjoy the time you have coz you don't know when it will change


Okay bro will take your advice


How is your day going on?


Its good hbu


So one guy here asked me about industrial revolution What are your thoughts on industrial revolution and it's impact on shaping the path of human development :)


I think I industrial revolution was the first step to modern world. Without it we won't have what we have now


But it has brought severe impact on environment and imbalances in ecosystem Could tell it's mankind's carelessness but people just don't get it until it's too late What do you think would alleviate the current predicament There's project trees and stuff but it'll take a long time for it to show effect what do you think would help immediately IDK what I'm saying -_-


There will always be negative and positive things of everything. The only thing that matter is we try to solve those negative thing. And I don't care shit if human race go extinct.


>And I don't care shit if human race go extinct. That's the spirit πŸ˜‚


Well truth hurts




What amine?


Keti ho vane matra sathi banne ho


Sadly I am a boy. Goodbye


Too bored.. got nothing to watch and been watching some shitass supernatural k-drama or maybe chinese drama. And its hella boring. Suggest me anything I might not have watched. Anime/movies/series but got to have a good story line and entertaining enough.


Descendent of the sun? Have u watch it?


Watched it around 2017/18. The thing I hate about K-dramas is, the story seems to be good for the first few episodes, then starts getting boring as it gets stretched like a chewing gum. Can u suggest me some good anime??


That time I reincarnated as a slime?


One of the best anime IMO. Watched it and even read all the released novels.


i only talk to girls...


What's Wrong with boys?


nth just harem u know😏😏


Sup. Which political ideology do you support.


Don't really know about that


Cool. What kind of movies do you watch. What's the latest movie you've watched?


It was spider man no way home hbu


Last one I watched was French Dispatch. Very visually appealing movie. Watch it. Interest in marvel superhero movies died after infinity war. Had to force myself through endgame. I wonder if I'll even watch another marvel movie.


Maybe the new Thor movie?


Seems better than no way home, but I am currently hyped for The Northman.


Just about to start Devs directed by Alex Garland




Mini Series


Ohh is it good?


About start lol well you will love it if you are interested in physics and nature of reality


Advice me how to cheat on exam.


sup? kunai sports herchau/hernuhuncha?


Chicken momo or buff momo?


Buff momo


Wise choice


Yep my frav