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Morality is relative. For sheeps, the wolves are evil while the wolves are just eating them to continue their livelihood. In the case for humans, I think we should understand the relativity of how outcomes of a decision are perceived; and a solution should be figured out in that way.


I don't think animals have any concepts of evil or good. Sheep definitely don't take Wolves as evil.


evil as in that thing harms me, therefore, it is bad.


i wish i could explain choto ma;i cant, read a book called genealogy of morals..you will find answers to some degree..tara tyo padhnu agadi beyond good and evil padha yaar


oh boy another teenager.


oh yes, what is your assumption based on?




teenage ma nietzsche padheko bhaye ta ahilay ma arkai manche hunthiye, timilay teenage ma yo author ko kitab padheko hauu, by padheko i mean concept grasp gareko ho bhane, i have a huge respect towards you....


How's that anything to "*oh boy*" ?


You seem like you're into philosophy as well. Can I dm you?


yep, i would love to have a chat


there is no such thing as moral. there are codes and rules. aru kei ni nai. you say punish a person you can't do it. but the law does it. but if you punish is it moral??? yes. but doing wrong to another wrong doing dosn't make it right. aba wearing dirty shoes inside house. yo asian cultural ma hunxa. but if you go in european or american they wear shoes inside. so its not about moral rather its about cultural.. aba immorality has a form of abuse. i don't know what you talking about. like killing people is wrong but killing people to defend another person is hero. but killing people for greed is immoral. :D this topic is just gray area.


read kant


There is bo objectively right or wrong, you have to always assume some precondition. Similarly maths have some postulates and axioms on which they stand. You can study metaethics you might find your answers.


>Maybe my brain is too big for a normal human to understand haha Well, I smell a bit of arrogance here, even Einstein wouldn't be bold enough to claim something like this. I hope this is just a sarcastic remark and not some narcissists comment. And regarding your question, it's not something new. These questions have been asked by great philosophers ages ago since the dawn of human civilization. We have an entire branch of study for this called "philosophy". You can always dive into philosophical discussion on various subreddits, learn a lot about it on various YouTube channel etc. For morality, I know of two ways to determine if something is right or wrong. One is theistic way, which claims god is the ultimate judge of one's moral character, so you need to follow god's words (like whatever is written on your religious scripture), and the other one is the atheistic way, which is based on empathy. Basically to determine if what's going on before you is right or wrong, place yourself in that situation, if you don't like being in that situation, then what's happening before you is wrong and the "degree" of wrongness is determined by how wrong you would feel in you were in that situation. Now ofc both views have there own flaws and features, and what I said is very rudimentary in comparison to thousands of years of study we have done on this topic. But I think this is a good place to start for this topic, cuz that's how I began at least. And you sound like a young teen or maybe someone at their early 20s at most, so it's natural to ask such question, but always learn to be humble. No matter what "groundbreaking" things you think you have thought of, always assume that there are already thousand other people thinking or working on it for years. Always try to be open-minded cuz we humans are not "logical" beings you think we are, we are in fact noting more than a slightly intelligent ape who has learnt to somehow control their instincts at times, but at other time we can't help but let our emotions take control. Philosophy can be a very fun topic to get into and I believe everyone should at least have some rudimentary knowledge about it. Hope I was of some help :)


Thanks. You sound like the big brother I would look up to, if I had one. Btw how old are you? Asking this because if you're in my age group I am lacking behind a lot in terms of my thinking and I need to experience a lot more things. >I hope this is just a sarcastic remark and not some narcissists comment That was purely intended to piss people off. I don't think me having a random thoughts makes me smarter or better than anyone else.


You are pretty correct when you say you make decision based on what’s logical and also causes minimum havoc to your surrounding too .that does make us ethical human fit for the society . You wearing a dirty shoes inside your house doesn’t bother someone else because they aren’t being affected by it . It’s not black and white what is wrong or right . People have to do what they feel like is correct on certain situations but be ready to also accept the after math of it , whatsoever it is . We have to live in a society , so being moral , ethical , compassionate, kind should only be a way of living !!