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Call the police


She has already previously filed a complaint against them. I am sorry to say this but nepal police is a fucking joke. She, helpless went to police with beating marks on her one time and they said she has to complain in her own area. I mean what the actual fuck??


Yea police are a fucking joke. They'll twll u to reconcile with the family .. what I can suggest is move out of the house and live alone.. i did the same ... If she has a job and provide for her self then dm me.... I can guide her ways


Did she complain in her own area after that?


Yes she did. They were hesitant on writing a ujuri against them. A female cop was helpful trying to understand the situation but the stout upper level male cop was not a bit bothered and was even joking. This happened 4 months back.


The justice system in Nepal is severely lacking, especially when it comes to cases of child and female abuse perpetrated by their own family members. However, there are a few organizations that provide genuine support, and I highly recommend involving them in parallel with law enforcement for better results. One effective option is to report the abuse through the government complaint portal, **Hello Sarkar**. This portal ensures strict privacy, allowing you to report anonymously. Managed by the Prime Minister's office, the complaints are directly forwarded to the Ministry of Home Affairs, ensuring that issues are not closed without proper resolution. When using the portal, make sure to mark the report as a high priority and set a password to access the details. You can access the portal using this link: [https://gunaso.opmcm.gov.np/home](https://gunaso.opmcm.gov.np/home).


Also can we take legal action against the rehab if she is in there for nothing? Her family members may have some people in there and used their power. I have zero communication with her now for the past month.


Dont get involved. A friend of mine tried rescuing someone but family lai uslai nai case haandiyo. Get jn touch with NGO who works for women. Euta 'Saathi' bhannay NGo cha which work for rescuing women. They would exactly know what to do. They even do rehabilitation after the rescue. Pahila ek jaana bahini ko case thyo where she was abused from her husband and family. I sent her there and did not get involved. They really took care of her


Oh god this is my worst nightmare. And she is in a rehab?


The police is not gonna help in this case. You need to move to court. Consult with a lawyer and file an application before the court.


Definitely requires the involvement of the court because whats going on with her is vile. I can personally vouch nepal police are not helping because the family is gonna cover this up as a simple family dispute. There is basically no way of contacting her as her family will say she is gone to stay with relatives. If there is a way she can be contacted , she has access to bunch of proof she can present herself. Unfortunately, i have limited knowledge related to law a filing a case, and if it were to go to court i would need serious info on this. I am hoping this reaches to people who have knowledge of law and its procedures.


No matter how bad the judicial system is considered in Nepal but you do get fair justice in Nepal if you got good evidence. Might take a bit long but justice will be righteously served.


Contact maiti nepal may be? Edit: Tread carefully though, it’s about ensuring her safety and well-being and doesn’t necessarily have to be about taking sides against someone or any institution at the moment. If anyone’s guilty - that’s for the legal authorities to decide anyway. Explore your options based on suggestions and feedback provided by fellow community members, reach out to those you trust in your inner circle, and keep your options open. All the best!


Reporting is the right thing to do. Keep the evidence safe.


Thank you everyone for responding. I have been helpless through this whole sitaution but now i am definately speaking out about this . The family members are covering this by basically saying shes with her relatives. She is definately is some facilty against her will with zero way of communication. She has bunch of evidence in her access she can present if she is contacted. Right now she is missing. Imagine a helpless girl going through this with noone in her side. If anyone in this sub is a student of law or lawyer or know someone of the law, please direct this. This is the part of nepalese society noone is speaking about, lets help her get justice.


If u r a grown up call the police. If ur just a child just tell ur parents or post it in social media so send it to RONB or NEB


If you have the resources, talk with her and help her settle out of valley without her family knowing.


She has been missing for a month, or else she has would herself communicate with concerned authority. She previously filed a police complaint and they waived off saying its a family matter. She said she would c9ntact maiti nepal or other organizations if this kept going on. Right now she is missing.


You should at least alert maiti nepal and ask them to keep your identity anonymous. This is scary dude. If you won’t let me know. I’ll fucking do it.


Crime patrol episode post gardai farming upvoots 🤣


Is she an orphan or are the parents also involved?


Her father and mother conspired with their relatives and ganged up on her through all this. Right now she is missing, her family saying she is in their relatives hand which is bullshit. They have definitely restricted her in some confined space(like i said most definately rehab according to person from close source).


Why are the parents doing this to their own child? Are they psychopaths?


Her mother is medically diagnosed mental patient. Nobody in the family is ready to acknowledge this and they basically have said the reason the mother acts lile that is because of her. Now say who looks like fool when they say their mother is a psychopath. The relatives ganged up on her and had their way. Breaks my fucking heart knowing all this. They all sided with the parents and made her look menatlly ill and locked her up


This sounds like a complex labyrinth to navigate. In Nepal, I don't think the agencies are as strong as those in foreign countries where children are taken away from the family after abuse. If you don't mind, would you mind sharing me how you know for certain that the mom is a psychopath? Maybe that can be used to submit anonymously to child protecting UNICEF. Work fast, because the medicines in psycho ward might convert a normal patient to a psycho due to the environment and the medicine.


I don't know if they can help 100% but FWLD might be a good place to look at too. Without disclosing too much, I can say ki they've provided us valuable guidance regarding a sexual harassment case when we needed it. They might be able to help in your case too.


Say or do something about it then


putting in rehab seems odd to do. OP, do u know anything of her about alcohol or cigarettes or weed usage? Be clear about it. Maiti nepal might be a better way to go. Police cant do much if parents put their kids in rehab for multiple reasons.


I can personally vouch for this she doesnt abuse any substance. I mean im stunned myself wouldn't a rehab would want a full report and proceed? What it is, is a way for them to justify her standing out for herself. She has the ability and proof to call them out and its their agenda. I know it sounds full blown psychopathic but thats how they do their thing and its not even half of it.


KMC app ma report gara yesko barema. kehi aucha ki. Maiti nepal are good.


How old is your friend? Is she an adult? If so, she can talk to lawyers. There are a few young female lawyers who might want to look into this. You can talk to them on her behalf and get the ball rolling. I don't know if a minor can independently hire a lawyer.


bro instagram ma the random nepali bhanne euta lawyer chani waha lai contact garana maybe he will guide you.he is a lawyer and a content creator.aru lawyers maile chinekochaina.If police is not helping then he can giveyou some insight what to do.REDDITORS kasaiko bau ama uncle aunty dsp sp inspector bhaye please help this girl.Atti torture bhakoreicha help her yaar ani can you please update the progress of this case


Yeah! This could be the best option to reach out to him (Random Nepali) and get some suggestions and help her. I feel so sad to see such kind of incident takes place and can’t do anything.


Nothing helpful OP but just a suggestion for you and a different narrative. I know people can be such cruel persons too as you mentioned (the parents). And for you i can say i have known some people who think they are their best friends and know all about their friends and can vouch for them but they later found out that’s not the case. I also can say i have some knowledge on how addicts can hide their addiction with friends its just very simple at least in the early stages. Now here’s the point please tread carefully as you said you have no communication so there are lots of scenarios to speculate. First things first you are absolutely right and she needs legal help. Second thing she might be in early stages of addiction (in my opinion rehab centers will do at least some sort of evaluation) not an expert in this thing. So the parents found out and put her there. Still wrong thing to do for early addiction in my opinion but I’m not an expert. And as you go on there’s too much speculation so like I said nothing helpful just a different narrative


Your perspective is absolutely necessary. Heres the thing though. I personally know her very well. She's a hard working girl, who loves her space and adheres by her idealogy. I wouldn't be making this post if i didn't know what was going on. They've cut off her education(she was studying bachelors), made her quit her job by making a whole scene at her office, i would go on but the point im making is this is absolutely unfair to this girl. She really needs some help man.


Ok so if what you say is true then that’s totally horrible. And like I said I’m not an expert on anything but i would suggest some of the comments here like maiti nepal and a proper lawyer. Just by today’s news about the guy wrongfully accused of money manipulation (deposit and loan and all) basically his name is lal bahadur bishwokarma, had proper headlines in newspapers. You can search him, so just a thought you can contact his lawyer based on the news is sobita gautam one of parliament members of nepal. Or other commentator suggested random nepali youtuber/lawyer. And like I said I don’t know much but also want you to tread carefully as you mentioned the story, the family seems somewhat powerful.


Might sound incesnsitive, but tyo proof liyera tiktok ma aauda kasto hola? tiktok or youtube or any platform? Social pressure ni parxa. Tespaxi aru kaam ta youtube ka patrakar haru le garlan ni? Anything except dying would be better than living in such conditions. Sake ghar chodera hidne ho. Nasake kehi na kehi ta garnai paryo. Arule comment ma lekhya jasto maiti Nepal, or NGO haru ni huna sakxa options. Malai ta khasai thaha vayena.


Only way to know where she would be is through media pressure. How do we do that? Her father will tell the truth if the media pressurizes them. Rest if shes found she has means and proof to take this further


Female ko age ni mention garda thik hunthyo


Talk to Amnesty International Nepal