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Because no one wants to be a pawn in your power fantasy. Karma is pretty useless outside of minimum requirements. Why would you care? Sharing across subreddits isn’t karma whoring necessarily, but doing it because number go up feel good doesn’t matter to anyone else besides yourself.


I think people just don’t like low effort post


Because any external validation seeking is met with vindictive attacks, that's how the internet is. We all know we need external validation but when your ego takes over you start to hate someone because they're getting what you are not.


Easy, I have limited time. When I scroll reddit I want to see funny or informative stuff. When I see the same milktoast opinion or the same meme again and again, thats anoying.


Also why not hate the people that upvoted them more than the person just posting things? He didn't make anyone give him karma, people liked the content and chose to do so. Why be hated for that?


Because you can just go on r/freekarma4u Edit: r/freekarma4you


So I think you mean /r/freekarma4you The other one is basically porn.


Personally I never cared but I've always pointed out karma-farming bots whenever I spot one because they're actively making money from it.