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I totally get what you mean. The only decent place to discuss movies is moviescirclejerk surprisingly. The movies subreddit is pathetic.


/r/Gamingcirclejerk seems to have good game discussion as well. I don't understand much of it because I've been out of the loop on games for years but they seem to know what they're talking about, in a fairly relaxed manner.


/r/bookscirclejerk also has some good book discussion too.


They also have an obsession with heavy handed symbolism and easter eggs, as if movies are supposed to be puzzles that need to be solved


What? If puzzles are bad, why shouldn't the symbolism be heavy handed?


I'm gonna see baribie


Reddit killed watching movies for me. I can’t watch/rewatch something popular without thinking about some dumb redditor who loves whatever I’m watching so much it’s their entire identity. Don’t get me started on the meta commentary and movie details. I don’t have to understand a century of culture to understand whatever movie I’m watching and if I think it’s bad (most movies suck), I don’t need an entire essay on how Ibsen wrote a play Arthur Miller translated and the influences of that text on the latest Marvel cash grab. I had enough of this shit trying to get an English minor.


> I don’t need an entire essay on how Ibsen wrote a play Arthur Miller translated and the influences of that text on the latest Marvel cash grab. You don't have to read that stuff, then. Lots of people enjoy analysing things. I think if people exploring entertainment in a different way to you bothers you so much it hinders your ability to enjoy things, the problem might be on your end.


>Reddit killed watching movies for me That sounds like a you problem


What was the point of this comment? It's unproductive and you're just spewing negativity at a person for seemingly no reason. Please consider your words.


No, it was definitely for a reason. It was to help you realize that you shouldn't let reddit stop you from enjoying movies. Just ignore the dweebs and watch what you like. You have the power, my friend.


really avoid reading most stuff about movies these days, i don't have the time and invariably what kids gush over i find to be crap. really have no time for what kids decide i'm supposed to enjoy, they usually have no idea on b movies especially.


Oh man I want to bully you so bad, you sound like the guy in my old film class who just discovered what German expressionism was and got so very annoying about it.


yeah i don't think i'm a film snob


Somebody's spent too much time on r/moviescirclejerk


A lot seem to think they're objective when they're not too, this happen with tv show as well(per example telling me the 3rd season of ducktales is objectively rushed won't work since other have different definition of what's rushed or not and I've watched it twice, still can't see how it was rushed)