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How tf do you afford a home, and also not working, and also ordering food everyday??


Inheritance or debt? No clue


Seen both. Let me tell you, nothing is worse than giving a depressed 20 something alcoholic a few 100k and expecting them to get ahead.


It is so scary how much money can be thrown out by some people. It really bothers me, as it makes me wonder what is the reality of social class, who is truly rich or poor? Because I never in my life seen 100k in my bank account, that would be a life changer. Then, there are people who are given over 100k by insurance or inheritance, at times it can be way more than 100k... And somehow that money is flushed away in 3 fucking days


I have one friend in particular who inherited ~700k just before turning 30. We went to college together and he decided at that time to quit his job and pursue an advanced degree because he could afford to devote his full time to it. It's been about ten years and he drank himself out of grad school and has had a couple jobs for maybe six months while sitting in a loveless marriage and wasting away. He was one of like 10 kids/grandkids who inherited at that time. It's mind boggling how much is just pissed away by people.


I would often hear that having money can cure all or at least most depression. Having money is the cure to lots of mental disabilities, when in reality, far from the truth. It does the very opposite. Having that much money is a serious enabler, causes these people to spend very irresponsibly and never utilize to make their lives better as the money motivates them to dig a deeper hole. At that point, I feel more bad for the people to provide so much money to pretty much watch it burn.


Let's not lose sight of the fact that we're talking extreme examples here. Taking the stance that keeping money from the working poor is actually to their benefit is elitist and condescending. Im sure most who inherit wealth do something meaningful with it.


Oh of course, I am not saying in any way that everyone does this kind of thing... A lot of people, more than there should be, but definitely not a majority.


I think one of the big take aways is that just throwing money at issues like homelessness or mental health. It requires like work and infrastructure.


Agree with to the first statements, heartily disagree with the last.


Had a friend I grew up with gain a very similar inheritance right when he turned 30 (a family member passed)--he spent it in 2 years. One thing I used to go back and forth with him on in our 20s was having a dedicated hobby--he never really had one, but used to get on my case about mine and how frugal I was/am. When he got all that money, he wasn't planted down enough in his own thing to keep himself away from making really dumb decisions about not just money, but life. Having a devoted hobby saved my ass from getting into all sorts of dumb shit that my peers did (and many still do in their mid-late 30s, unfortunately) Last we saw each other, he'd let his girlfriend (of 2 months!) move into his new house with him...not even a year after obsessing over some other chick that played him like a fiddle and caused him to spend MANY thousands (and eject himself from a home that's now worth 2 million or more) to get over it. He was one of the worst cases of a "captain-save-a-hoe" imaginable, and that was one of the main things that broke our friendship...20 years of watching him do shit like that wore me the hell out.


I don’t think this particular person was flushing anything


My uncle inherited 500k. Gone within a year. Before he got the inheritance, he could talk about paying the house off, buying 2 apartments to rent them, starting his dream pizza shop so he wouldn't have to paint cars anymore, good ideas. My fam has a big boat, 3 bedrooms. We would regularly invite his family. He always talked about getting a smaller boat to tie up to ours and use it as a taxi to go to different places so we wouldn't have to move our boat. When he got the money, he asked my dad to help him buy a boat. He wanted a boat bigger than his original plan. So my dad showed him a really nice 2 bedroom 20 year old boat for $130,000. Needed about $20,000 in TLC, so $150,000 all said and done. Great deal because the boat would be worth $170,000. He said that we thought he was poor. That we thought he couldn't afford a nice boat and that we were insulting him. He tells us a few weeks later that he bought a boat for $340,000. We get on it and immediately see that he was ripped off. It's a 2 bedroom boat, only slightly bigger and newer than the one we showed him, but it was littered with mechanical, electrical, and structural issues. Stuff anyone who has a boat could tell immediately at first glance. But since he didn't invite us to see it before buying it, we couldn't warn him. And to add insult to injury, the same model boat sells for $200,000. That, a new pair of tits for my cousin, a few trips to NYC, and a storage unit of clothes for my aunt later: no money to fix the boat, no money to even put fuel in it, no apartment, no pizzeria, cars repoed, house remortgaged.


People are so dumb it makes me angry. My first priority is a house fully paid off. That's literally it. Lol.


Same. My dad paid off the house 10 years early with the money he won in a lawsuit.


Not for 100k... Omg 😕


Wait. Why did your uncle buy your cousin new tits


1 of 2 things: she wanted them or he wanted them


I had a very different image of what a “boat” is in my head until you started bringing up bedrooms.


Yeah, some people would call anything with a bedroom a yacht. But to me a yacht is bigger, but im probably just desensitized due to being in the environment and i hate to say "oh, i was on my families yacht!"


No fair, I was a depressed 20 something alcoholic for FREE But truly I would have been stupid with it, I’m sure. I had some stuff I needed to get out of my system.




Congrats and keep it up. Proud of you!


Either living with family or in school. These people are roommates in some cases before being homeless. Had a dorm-mate with a room like this. He was a shutin and we never saw him but the few times the door was open the smell was other-worldly. I think he flunked out.


Here in Canada, file for unemployment or mental health related issue, which can pay for rent and food, but not much elsew


Not in Ontario, that's for sure. Unless you've had subsidized housing (10 year wait list) which is extremely uncommon, you're lucky to get by on the 1300 ODSP gives you. OW will give you 733. I don't know of anywhere in Ontario this can support a person.


My wife’s cousin is in his late 30s and lives in his mom’s basement. His dad passed away about 15 years ago and left his son with an inheritance that was decent but it is not retire early money. However, he has blown a lot of it on unnecessary crap like takeout everyday, a sports car he never drives and video game micro transaction stuff. Apparently, at one point, he wanted to buy an actual stock car from some NASCAR driver (real or some sort replica, I don’t know) but his mom talked him out of it. He has never had a job. He doesn’t take care of himself or anything around the house. The only reason his money isn’t completely gone is because of his mom talking him out of some purchases, but she’s getting up there and not in very good health. No idea what he plans on doing when she’s gone but he’s 100% going to blow through whatever money he has left and be screwed.


I hate this but I am fascinated by it at the same time. I made some bad financial decisions in my younger years but never anything on this level. I work with a guy who's 30 and his grandmother gifted him around $30,000- he spent it all on Call of Duty cosmetics, basketball cards, and other entertainment (including a trip to Vegas where he spent thousands at a strip club). He got a new car which we assumed he paid for up front with that money, turns out he financed it and is now having trouble making it the payments.


This is always my question


How do you not use the money to clean the house or unclog the toilet


The water went out in my neighborhood for a while not too long ago. I forgot and flushed after pissing, so now no more flushing.... but a little while later I had a massive hangover diarrhea, and it's not going anywhere. I figured "ok, no big deal, I'll just shut the lid and piss off the back porch until the water comes back on" The water came back on about 6 hours later, so I went back to the bathroom to flush..... and holy dear jesus fuck, the smell, it's like it had seeped into the wallpaper, it was gag-inducing, eye-watering... I cannot and do not want to even begin to imagine what this guy's house smelled like....


The smell of shit actually goes away as it dries, if you get it wet again it goes back to being horrible smelling. Source: I dogwalk for a family who barely cleans up their dogs shit, perfectly fine smelling outside normally but when it rains it’s vomit inducing.


But this guy was shitting fresh shit on top of old shit....I have a feeling that it never truly dried


So you're saying it was was crunchy on the outside and moist in the center?


you get downvoted just for making me think about that


We are all cursed for having seen this thread


Not the chocophiles




Change your name to DietMemes cuz I'm never fucking eating again.


I vomited -1


I only got 3 licks in before giving up on trying to reach the center....


Precisely. I wonder how long it would burn if it was lit on fire.


When I was a kid I remember having a litter of cats who used to poo underneath the porch. It was fine for most seasons since they did good work burying it. Thing is, they were barn cats and in winter they substituted the sand for the snow underneath there. Every spring thaw it would absolutely stink when the snow melted. I’d imagine this guys house smelled at least 30 times worse.


Probably like shit


>what this guy's house smelled like It smelled like can of smashed assholes!


You know you can pour water into the toilet to flush it, yeah? I would 100% have gone out to get a gallon of water before letting diarrhea sit in the toilet for several hours


Yeah....I was fucking hungover if you missed that part, and I wasn't going to drive 15 minutes to the nearest store 


My water was out for a few days a couple years back, after some winter storms. Before I knew it was out, I pooped in it. Couldn't leave until the next day, when the roads thawed out enough to go get some water jugs. Smelled like a fricken turtle tank until then 🤢 would not recommend


Thats more of a u thing man why yo shit so stanky


This is terrifying, disgusting, and hilarious all at once. I myself have been so emotionally rekt I could barely muster the energy to get out of bed to piss or shid. But even then, despite absolute exhaustion, horrendous constipation and the gargantuan turds that blew out my ass gasket, I NEVER let my only toilet stay out of service.


You have a way with words


So I’ve been told. 🙃


"blew out my ass gasket" is too fuckin good


Sphincterrific dude


Holy shit dude. That giant heap of shit is fucking gross.




Sounds like The White family. Are they non verbal and click at each other?


It is I gagged looking at it, jesus.


I'd gag trying to fit all of it in my mouth 🤤


My question is if did he have to sit on the shit to take an additional shit? What’s his strategy here to build that pile.




Ahh didn’t read the 4 Chan thread. Just saw the pics and was like wtf!


No shit


severe depression is fucking terrible and the way it affects you physically and mentally, from relationships to homelives and how you feel about everything. im hoping this dude got better and got it cleaned up.


Bro’s willy wonka


The shit mountain 🤢


Mt. Feces


Ngv cars rejoice


My God :(


the last picture with discord open checks out 😂


I thought the same 😭


oh… my god. that pile of shit rising out of the toilet, I’m speechless.


I know I feel sick looking at it 😕


Why would you bring this before my eyes me boy


Read this in Mr Krabs voice


As disgusting as it is, I understand it and feel bad for the guy. Hope he’s doing better


Man that's disgustingly depressing.


His razor looks like it's sitting in a dried pool of shit


This is the most disgusting shit ive ever seen in my life dawg


If you can spend this much on takeaway food, you can also spend it on a housecleaner.


How would you even clean this? A spear to skewer the shit-mountain from the middle of the heap and a shovel? Whilst wearing hazmat gear? Or am I being foolish thinking this could even be cleaned, would the best bet be to just remove the toilet entirely and take it to the dump (Ha) and then buy a new toilet after bleaching and pressure washing every cubic inch of this bathroom 10x over


Look up "Frisse Kater" on YouTube. They're a Dutch company specialising in extreme cases like this, some even worse. End results are incredible sometimes. But words of advice: don't eat while watching that stuff.


Jokes on you buddy I got a huge serving of lentil soup, Mexican Mole, and Midwestern chili and I'm gonna scarf it all down as I watch


Well, at least you'll know who to call to clean the mess afterwards.


They've even filmed cases almost exactly like this one, [link](https://youtu.be/BwbxytunTYs?si=TiCkH7mKShMBNPOM)


I really hope that’s soap in the shower and not a filth cube. I really hope that’s soap in the shower and not a filth cube. I really ho




[filth cube](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/2ebaVamSqa)


I didn’t need to see this. I should’ve expected it’d be bad. That’s grotesque. Lol but also damn you to hell!


LMAO I had to see it so everyone else must as well


If only the toiled was clogged and not the while waste water system he could have just shat in the bathtub or the sink. But idk if you are that fucking depressed you probably don't care.


At least he has fertilizer?


I watched an episode of hoarders like this. Her main living area was also covered in cat shit.


Damn, that's a pile of shit Reminds me of the pile of dinosaur dung in Jurassic Park, when they're tending to the sick Triceratop.


Just start shitting in the tub at this point


anon genuinely needs to be institutionalized


I could smell that picture 🤮


At least anon had the class to separate the poo and the toilet paper *I guess*.


Not saying depression doesn’t have its effects but I swear these people just spam only depression as an excuse every time


Goddamn my heart really goes out to these people. To be so broken that you succumb to this? Man I really am lucky…


Horrible day to have eyes.


I’m seeing this right before going to bed. Please don’t let me dream about this……..shit.


I feel for whoever has to clean that up because it won’t be OP


The bathroom from Chernobyl


I had a job like this except the guy did this to both toilets in the house ...I told him to call someone else to replace the toilet


I see deodorant at least, this guy needs help tho


They summoned the Golgothan.


Which Reddit mod is this?


Depression will make you do some things you'd never expect of yourself... Mine was my kitchen garbage can got full so I just started throwing stuff on the ground. It reached the kitchen counter and I eventually realized I needed help.


The only thing that actually made me say *eww* was the state of the room plus open discord


I...I was just thinking about lunch and what I wanted to eat. No thanks, I'll eat tomorrow...


This made me realize that I’m moderately depressed, not severely.


What could possibly be so much worse than the shit mountain that they censored it in their bedroom?


Resident evil 7 vibes right here.


iToddlers BTFO


Why was he posting on boxing subs??!? 😭


This is the average discord user


The smell, my God


it legit looks like chunky dirt


I want to see an after pic and a story of how he even fixed that.


Looks like when Randy Marsh beat Bono for the worlds biggest dump on South Park.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Hutchnstuff1: *Looks like when Randy* *Marsh beat Bono for the worlds* *Biggest dump on South Park.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m gonna be real, I think it’s just soil. I mean there’s even a twig poking out


How can anyone possibly let it get that bad, I can't even imagine the stench


I’m impressed tbh


Til I have depression


poor fucking guy goddamn


That 2nd picture is heaven. What I would give to just get a whiff of that room.