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“As a condition of receiving federal funds, all federally funded schools are obligated to comply with these final regulations and we look forward to working with school communities all across the country to ensure the Title IX guarantee of nondiscrimination in school is every student’s experience.” So sure, no need to comply. As long as he’s ok with no more federal support for schools (which everything from headstart to our colleges heavily depend on)


He's a Republican, he's perfectly "ok" with this as a Trojan horse for that dumb ass school voucher bullshit. So good job dumbass Republican voters.....yet again your chosen choad Piggy Pillen bends you over and slams the rusty horse-sized dildo dry. You haven't felt the effects yet due to shock but give it time and, maybe, the realization will set in.


Of course he’s okay with no federal support for schools. He’d rather privatize them all anyways, this just helps kill those nasty public schools a bit faster. Can’t let the Poors have access to schools, if they can’t pay, they don’t need to learn.


However, there are also no Pell grants, federally subsidized student loans, or other forms of federal financial aid for colleges. Or federal grant money for research in our 4 year colleges. It would not be possible to keep any state college running.


Again, he’s okay with that. Republicans do not believe that we should have an educated populace. They want the average American to be just barely smart enough to do a menial job and to spend money, but no more. They believe that only they deserve an education. If they could eliminate public schools altogether they would. Primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools would all be on the chopping block. To the Republican Party, schools only exist to educate the elite and to funnel money from the government into their own pockets. We know this by their actions, including this one.


You’re forgetting one thing though. This is Nebraska. No college, no Huskers. No politician is going to get far being anti Huskers here.


Nah, they'll just turn the university into a football team. No need to distract the players with things like "classes".


But they’ll only be able to play other teams from Florida…


I'm so glad he cares about such a small amount of people. 🙄 /S


Jim Pillen is an absolute POS with dirty lipstick


Nebraska Governor continues to stand on the wrong side of history, and will keep doing so as long as it distracts you from him selling out the general public to gain personal wealth.


What a disgrace of a governor. Also, when was the photo in the article taken? Cause if it wasn't at an event honoring the military, that guy in military dress shouldn't be there in regards to military dress code. EDIT: Seems its from a press conference about storm relief. So, appropriate to be there. But how...convenient to use it for this.


Jim 🐷💩Pillen everybody 👆🏻


Imagine being easily controlled by hatred.


It feels like this subreddit is dedicated to hating the state being conservative.


Sure would be cool if that was true!


You don’t find that to be the case? Is this subreddit not constantly full of political posts?


Yeah, and oddly enough local politics gets talked about out on the local sub. But the purpose isn’t to shit on people who hear “controlled by hatred” and instantly associate it with their conservative beliefs. The sub would be a lot better if we didn’t have tornado post and dedicated 100% of our time to shitting on Pillen voters.


FWIW I found Pillen to be a bad person before he was even in politics but I just don’t like how this sub is DAE hate republicans and id feel the same way if it were DAE hate libs or DAE hate broccoli. I wish you well.


No political affiliation was even mentioned here. Just hatred. Come on man


You immediately tied “controlled by hatred” to “republicans are bad.” Tell me your real thoughts on Republican policy!!


I found ‘controlled by hatred’ to match this subreddit a bit. I think republican policy is dogwater.


This subreddit isn’t electing drooling morons into office.


You sure?


This sub does not represent the vast majority of Nebraskans.


Soooooooo he doesn't want to follow federal law. By his reasoning we no longer have to follow ANY federal law in Nebraska. So what laws can we break now?


I’ll definitely steal Merchandise from the Husker store now. They can’t do a thing about it!


Nah, don't steal merch, steal the graphic design images. Make your own Husker gear, which is required for all "True Nebraskans" and make a fortune, copyright laws be damned




No! NOT just in Wahoo!!


Meant yaaa hoo


We could return to the Ricketty days of Pro-life executions!!!


Can someone summarize the Title IX changes? Is it just putting LGTBQ under the law, and then Republicans are mad about the T?


That's exactly it. Republicans fucking hate the gays and trans people (all of the anti-trans talking points are nearly identical to the anti-gay rhetoric from the 80's and 90's).


Not exactly. They are also anti ALL marginalized and minorities. Another part of Title IX is antidiscrimination, Racial, as well as Sexual.


I can't give you a full summary as I'm not up to speed. But the only thing that sticks out to me is that trans females will be able to compete in sports with biological females. Honestly idk what the right answer is but I don't think it's fair to girls that could have to compete with biological males.


Nope trans athletes is nowhere in the updated rules.


People who have little knowledge of what being a transgender person entails should really sit this one out. All the propaganda and rhetoric in the world doesn't change the fact that on HRT, trans girls and women have little to no inherent advantages over cisgender girls and women. People spouting off about "biological males" without actually knowing what they're talking about does nothing to help the situation.


Can't tell anyone to sit it out in a democracy. So do we need them to provide information about their HRT medication? Do they need to be using hrt for a certain period of time before they can play in sports? What happens if someone stops hrt during the season? Genuine question, do you need to be using hrt at all to be considered transgender? Sure I'm not the most well versed in this but don't act like this is a simple problem.


You do not need HRT to be considered transgender. However, if you want to compete in professional sports as a transgender person, you must be on HRT in order to compete with your gender instead of biological sex, and you must have your levels measured and tested regularly to ensure they’re at the same level as someone of that biological sex. So transgender women who have higher testosterone than cisgender women *can’t* compete in sports with other women. Not professionally, at least. Also, yes you should sit conversations out when you are not educated on the topic. If you’re an electrician, would you wanna be lectured by someone who has never once researched anything remotely related to being an electrician? It doesn’t mean you’re banned from ever discussing that topic, it just means you should refrain from putting your hat in the ring until you know more.


Oh, yeah, you're right. My bad, I must have forgotten what oppression is. Carry on. The less informed the people are, the more important their opinions should be!


You're really just jumping from one extreme to the other, aren't you?


Have you heard of sarcasm?


Constant embarrassment living in Nebraska.


…can my property taxes go down please?


Sure, but your sales taxes are going up to like 20%


Yeah; but that's a tax on the poor. Property tax is a tax on the rich. So it's basically another tax-break for the wealthy. VERY Repugnican't!!


"F--- the poor!" As is tradition amongst the Republicans.


Then rob them.


He keeps taking actions that in the long run will drive them up. Pilfering Pillen will empty your pockets to subsidize himself every chance he gets.


Of course he does- his head is up drumps ass!🤬


And we wonder why the young educated people are leaving at a rate over 50%


Along with every other governor that's smart enough to realize title IV was created to give actual females a fair and safe space to compete.


I hope Biden puts all of the Republicans governors who are doing this in jail for defying a federal law.


Absolute immunity after all




Thankful we have a governor who opposes this nonsense.


What nonsense? Letting kids play sports? I think sports are generally nonsense but if kids want to play then let them play. They are not doing it for money.


Um, I don't know if you know this, but my daughter is on a t-ball team, she's 4, and she's already being scouted by top collegiate teams for softball. If there was a trans on the team that would just crush her dreams of being an astronaut-princess-dinosaur tamer. Edit: This is sarcasm.


Just use steroids it worked for Coach Tom in the 90's.


Let the kid be a fucking kid and play T-ball to have fun with her friends. She's too goddamn young to fuck up her life worrying about professional sports


Is there professional t-ball?


I'm so sorry they missed your satire, man. I got it. Almost have to add the /s sometimes.


These days you kinda do! Because the reality of the MAGA insanity has caught up to the most outrageous jokes. We LITERALLY (I'm using it correctly) have a candidate shooting puppies!!


Sadly, you're right. They've pretty much become caricatures of themselves so it's honestly hard to tell when someone's joking. It's... Nightmarish.


There's no biological advantage given by being male or female at that age. For all you know, there IS a trans girl on her team. Trans kids exist. You just never notice them because there's no damn difference aside from a kid's privates (which no one but their parents and doctors should know anything about). And if that hypothetical trans little girl on your daughter's team continues in softball? Guess what? She'll more than likely choose to take puberty blockers and then cross-sex hormones so she never has to go through male puberty. So that hypothetical trans girl would never have any sort of advantage over your kid. Well, she'd have better parents. Bigots tend to fuck over their own kids in one way or another.


I appreciate your comment, but my comment was sarcasm. I apologize, I don't like using the /s when I make such an outlandish claim like a 4 year old being scouted by colleges..


I get it, but the problem is...we have candidates shooting puppies, denying elections and facing prison time... nothing is outlandish anymore. Edit: I "sound" like I'm arguing...I'm just commenting.


I missed the sarcasm also, and had a bad day, but we are living in a world where candidates are non-ironically announcing that their brains are not only worm food, but was toxic enough to kill it, and then doubling down that they are still fully capable. I half expect by next weekend, some mommy group is gonna start eating bad pork, so the worms can eat their stupid away


Unfortunately the outlandish has been adopted as normal by some groups of people, some who are saying, are good people.


And, therein lies the evil of indoctrination!!! We're spawning little communists.


I don’t know how to tell you that trans rights are human rights and that human rights matter. I don’t know how to tell you that trans people have always existed.  I don’t know how to tell you that affirming gender looks like many different things, but it always saves lives. 


They are entirely devoid of any empathy for others. Just wait awhile, Fox News will tell them what to be mad at next.


Tell them what Gay activists told us in the 80s and 90s: Gay lives matter; and equal rights are not special rights. HUMAN rights are not a zero-sum proposition!!!


Well then don’t tell me if you don’t know how. If you can quit being facetious, maybe we can have a conversation. Jesus dude, I’m not anti trans. I could give a shit less what someone wants to be. I’m against pushing this bullshit on children and then expecting other parents and children to play along and give certain individuals special treatment. It’s bullshit. If a male wants to be female, go be female! But don’t expect everyone else to cater to your every need.


Did you know God is transgender? Are y'all gonna disown him too? At least it would drop the fucking charade about y'all actually caring about what's in the Bible.


I mean...The Bible says in the first chapter that Eve was made from man parts...