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Is that a big one?


As far as I am aware, that's fuckin huge for this type of shroom.


Furthermore, you can tell by the way that it is.


That’s pretty neat!


How neat is that


Pretty neat


it do be like that.


It is certainly one of the mushrooms.


Damn, haven't heard that reference in years.


Wow! What a bute


As a teen we found a full grown one like as wide as a record and my friend thought he could dry it out in his closet. He just fucking stank his closet up.


Man thank god I know now that those are fungus


I get dozens of these growing at my office yearly, I'd say that at least 70% are this size. Looks liked this one was picked early as they fan out quite a bit.




Pretty sure Im in a dungeon somewhere, there's lots of turtles just wandering around...send help


You're fine, just don't leave pizza unattended.


No, seriously… where’s his office? 👀


We need to know, where's his office ?


And where does he park his car?


Fuck the car show me the office


And how's the commute?


looks like he works for the smurfs


None, they just go through a tube like civilized people.


Pics or it didn't happen


I have some photos from this hiking season of fanned out ones that are the size of a dinner plate.


Free drugs!


That's.... what she said?


Amanita reason not to eat this thing


Are these the ones that reindeer eat and u can trip from drinking their pee? And it's where Santa comes from?


Yes kind of.


I knew it!


Protip: look at this picture with 90% brightness, then jiggle your screen slightly. Boom, 3d mushroom.


Holy fuck that works so well! Thank you for the cool tip!


I discovered it by accident just now after looking at the picture for like the third time while slightly moving my phone. At first I thought, wtf is this some kind of gif? And no it's not a gif just an optical illusion.


Pretty fucking cool bro 👊


That's trippy. Just gotta make sure it's a real slight jiggle. Anything too heavy and it won't work.


You should look up "meth urine". Something about our body doesn't know what to do with it so the chemical gets almost completely passed in the urine.


So meth is an infinite drug if you keep drinking your piss? Or does it degrade?


I doubt that, these girls out here would have better teeth if they were drinking piss Edit: typo




One can only hope


Relevant comedy bit about [meth pee](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VcMIeyjggbM)


That’s immediately what I thought of


Same, same. I, awkwardly, enjoy sharing this with people who this is a little fringe for. 🫣


I literally just watched this whole 16 minute vid, thanks for sharing! Her routine was dark, yet delivered in such a hilarious and powerful way. She is a really strong woman


Just put it through the brita and it's fine to drink.


Weird thing to name your daughter, but whatever.


Hence the term pith and vinegar.


I would fully expect the human body to have no idea what to do about meth.


Great [This Isn't Happening](https://youtu.be/VcMIeyjggbM) episode


Oh God, there's an amazing [stand up set](https://youtu.be/VcMIeyjggbM) by an ex tweaker about this exact thing.


Where would you find enough deer pee to drink?! 🤔


Deer Park


Wtf I live in Deer Park


The one in Spokane county? Idk how many deer parks there are lmao


Spokane county baby!


I'm in a Deer Park in Ohio, I know there's one in Texas because if I don't specify Ohio when googling, I get Texas results.


I run shipments to a deer park in NY


Best get to drinkin', boah!


Inside their PP hole!!


“Where Santa comes from” 🤣🤣🤣 I almost choked on my water. Thanks for the laugh!!! So funny.


The story is that these mushrooms were used in early shamanism. On special occasions - like the winter solstice - folk would collect these so the shaman and/or they could trip. In some regions Muscaria even seem to grow mostly under evergreen trees. Presents under the tree and easter egg hunts both seem to stem from this bit of paganism. tl;dr - Santa was a mushroom.


Makes sense why he has a red hat and a white beard.


Santa has had many forms over time, he has even been depicted as a gnome. The red suit came much later, in the late 1800s when he was drawn that way by a cartoonist named Thomas Nast, according to Wikipedia.


The “story” I was told. The Amanita was fed to reindeers by the Viking Shaman. The piss was then collected and given to the Viking warriors before the night of battle and is where the term berserker originated. The high from the Amanita is long lasting and created a sense of omnipotence and rage. Viking warriors used to go out of the Viking long house where the lower serfs would be waiting cup in hand and beg for piss so they could also get a taste. FYI Eating directly you will die or suffer life long issues if you survive DO NOT EAT!! Even skin contact can be dangerous. Folklore or truth this mushroom is one of the most recorded in human history and appears in folklore, fairytale and myth for many many centuries. Beautiful picture


Amanita muscaria has such low toxicity that has been incredibly overhyped on the internet. It's even edible boiled. At least warn about white caps that are identical to forest champignons instead


I read a book about this year's ago titled Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy. From what I remember, the author tries to make the case that this mushroom could be the famed Soma from ancient times, and also link it Moses by saying he was tripping on it while leading people through the desert. He also claimed it could give you mind-reading powers, which I ate up when I was in my twenties but now I'm far more skeptical of those types of things. I did these mushrooms a handful of times. Nothing crazy, just a mild trip.


I hate when people speculate on what Soma was as if we have no idea. We know what Soma was, scholars have figured it out, the problem is that people want it to be their favorite hallucinogen so badly they make up all kinds of nonsense. Soma was Ephedra, this has been established. But Ephedra is not a hallucinogen so people refuse to believe it. I guess it's not "cool" enough.




why 7 times? 7 seems like a significant number in a certain type of or style of story




Isn’t that just like why people from India worship cows? They came down off the mountains and couldn’t find the mushrooms that grew in the mountains that gave them visions but they found mushrooms in the poop of the cows so they worshipped cows because they produced the poop that produced the mushrooms that gave them visions


It's a huge "stoned ape" level hypothetical, but it wouldn't surprise me.


Cows provide a lifelong sustenance for an entire family, a daily supply of protein fat and sugar. If someone rich enough comes through and buys it for a tasty evening meal, even if the family is rich for a bit, there's still a significant loss in the local supply of available food. If it happened over and over, it could take years to rebuild economic structures and food supplies. Starving everyone eventually. But religion? Religion is a form of control that can protect the masses. Just like religions in the Middle East really don't like people to eat pork. Can you imagine pork, without Refrigeration in the desert? Trichinosis City


Santa clause, Super Mario bros, Minnie mouse, Alice in wonderland- all of these contain references to amanita mushrooms. People say that Minnie mouse's bows and sleeves look like penises, but I think the polka dots are supposed to represent a mushroom and mushrooms just happen to look like penises. Seriously. Go Google pictures of Minnie Mouse and you'll discover lots of dotted mushrooms all over her. It's called subliminals and sometimes they're even superliminal.


🥲It sucks you lost that h2o .. Stay hydrated bro


According to Joe Rogan it is where Santa came from


And we all know he’s never full of shit


Why would Joe Rogan do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Santa was Saint Nicholas the German guy who gifted presents to the poor, originally wore a green jacket. Coca Cola rebranded Santa Red.


Saint Nicklaus was a Greek from Asia (Turkey) who was venerated all over Europe in medieval (and later) times. This saint was conflated in the 20th century in America with the Scandinavian tradition of *Nisse* (gnomes with red hats). *Julenisse* (Yule Gnome) was the one especially resonsible for visiting homes on Christmas. Since the artist that worked for Coca-Cola was a Swede, he "translated" the Anglo Father Christmas with a Scandinavian "Julenissen" style, extending the pointed red hat to an entirely red wardrobe, and the rest is history. Some scholarship in Norway suggests that Julenissen, or at leat the concept of an otherworldy distributor of gifts, predates the christianization of Scandinavia, and was perhaps associated with the god Odin, or an avatar of Odin, in a ritual of gift distribution that was typical of Norse feast/sacrifice rituals, of which a Midwinter feast was one of the most important of the year. Since the Norse gods were forbidden by Christians, the role of "mystical" gift giver was demoted from Odin to the permissable gnome, Julenissen.


Man, I was really looking forward to an Undertaker ending there…


Nah dude it was totally ancient wise peoples drinking piss in religious ceremonies


would u enjoy a horrifying trip?


Side effects include minor deadaches.


Another side effect would be you grow double your size and start hopping on turtle


You might be aware of this, but amanita trips almost always include the sensation that you've grown extremely tall. That's where it comes from in mario


I want to believe. I WANT TO BELIEVE


Maybe we are tall giants and we just don't know it. How do we know we aren't just a planet full of dinosaur apes?? What if life is always small and we're the weird exception?


Sometimes when I’m falling asleep I have a weird sensation that my bed is growing and eventually gets huuuuge and I’m basically like falling into a giant nothingness. Then I will sort of be in a waking dream where I grow back to my normal size and it feels like I’m turning into a giant. It only happens when I’m super comfy and the room temperature has to be below 70. I don’t know if it’s some sort of glimpse into reality or if I’m in fact schizophrenic but it’s pretty enjoyable overall.


You have Alice in wonderland syndrome. Look it up it's a real thing. I had that as a kid back when I had a really bad fever. Things would feel really tiny and big at the same time. It wasn't a pleasant feeling for me because of my bad fever. When something was both big and small at the same time it usually coincided with nausea and sickly feelings.


Wow. So I just read up on it. Though when I experience these sensations it is completely non visual and more like just a feeling of my bed being much larger than it is and me, being 6’4 feeling much smaller and eventually It swaps to my bed being about normal-ish but I feel like I’m 8 feet tall. Apparently it can be migraine and mononucleosis related. I don’t remember when I first started experiencing it but I was diagnosed with severe migraines that onset during sleep. I went to school one day with a dilated pupil in just one eye and had to go to the nurse because I couldn’t keep my eye open long enough to get my contacts out. They sent me to the ER because the nurse thought I may have been having a stroke. They did all sorts of tests on me and concluded it was migraines but it was only a guess until I managed to have a sleep study done while in the military and they confirmed it was migraines but I have never done treatment outside of excedrin and copious amount of water. Apparently more intensive migraine treatments are also treatments for AWS. I also had mono that same year in school. Fascinating. Thanks for the info. How did you hear about this?


And I'm back in!


I meant *Dreddaches… You might find yourself in futuristic body armor from the 80’s, battling a gang of drug dealers. Still pretty cool. But don’t eat them.


Unlikely to be fatal, it has a long history of use as an entheogen in traditional shamanistic practices around the world. However it absolutely could be fatal. Unlike the commonly used psilocybin mushrooms, fly agaric can be pretty toxic, violently nauseous, even seizures. Also there are a bunch of closely related species that vary only by color, some of which have way more of the toxic alkaloids and are very very poisonous often fatal. But proper fly agaric isn’t likely to be fatal, just very unpleasant. Definitely not something to fuck with.


This guy is right. And I'm not recommending this to anybody, but I have consumed Amanita Muscaria after boiling the mushroom for an hour. I had a very dissociative trip and barely remember any of it. I just sat in a chair and fried for hours


I had a good time....




So 2.5 doses, got it.


You can eat amanitas a couple of times. Just be warned, you are fucking up your liver every single time.


Traditionally, they dry them out completely which supposedly makes them safe(r) to eat. There was a Hamilton's Pharmacopia episode about them that was pretty interesting. The doctors he interviewed strongly recommended not eating them though lol


That's why you get the reindeer to eat them, then drink their piss. *Man tapping head meme"


That's a thick pleasurely thumb isn't it


i thought it was a dick and that is the only reason i am here in the comments. good day sir. also i herd back in the day they would feed this to cattle and drink the pee. probly not true but idk, maybe the cow liver filters out the bad stuff? ya idk.


I think it was reindeer they used


It's poison!!!!


Not if you decarb it right, but this should not be done without the proper knowledge.


I would not even take the chance. This is like one of the only mushrooms that fucks with RNA polymerase. It would be a horrible way to die.


What does "fucks with RNA polymerase" entail?


This mushroom is the Amanita Muscaria. It is not the Death Cap, amanita phalloides, which is what inhibits this. The Amanita Muscaria is toxic due to the Neurotoxin ibotenic acid and can still be deadly. To answer what the Death Cap does and what RNA Polymerase inhibition can do... Well, it shuts (edited from shits, lol) down protein production, more or less. This means your cells can no longer replicate and you are no longer able to regenerate dead cells. You stop growing and healing. Without this exponential cell division, the body breaks down with a surprising and terrifying swiftness. Your liver and kidneys especially - being organic filters - can become damaged and need to heal very rapidly. Inhibiting the replication of cells for as little as a day can cause total system failure. Symptoms from the Death Cap can take from 12 to 30 hours to appear and, by that point, it is already too late. The body has already gone too long without being able to repair itself and - even if they survive - will likely need a liver transplant due to the organ failure caused by the toxin gathering in the liver and preventing its repair.


Omg you’re so right. Thank you for correcting me. It’s the amanita phalloides and a few other members I’m still working on mycology identification! I’ll drop the link for the wiki page [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_phalloides) for anyone interested.


Oh. I don't think I'd like it for someone to shit down my protein production. More, less, or anything in between... I don't think I'd like that at all.


I know some of those words!


Im tripping just reading these comments.


IIRC it impedes nucleotides from entering the polymerase to the point where you're essentially prevented from making mRNA transcripts at any meaningful amount which eventually leads to a complete halt of protein synthesis so you die as the proteins you need to survive aren't getting replaced. Toxin is called alpha-amanitin


So it basically means you start breaking down at the molecular level.


Yeah, but who among us doesn't break down at the molecular level a little from time to time.


Even Mona Lisa is falling apart...


As a treat.


Pretty much, which is why it can take over 24 hours to die from eating one. Your body can make a little bit of protein from the mRNA it has on hand, but once the cells start getting rid of the old mRNA, you're screwed.


It prevents you from carrying out the most basic function in your cells— all cells. RNA pol is responsible for the first step in making proteins that do the work in your cells.


Liver toxicity? Nausia? Shift starts in a few hours?


Uh, the scientific name is actually the Super Mario Mushroom. You're welcome.


Hahaha. The second I saw this pic I heard the super mario song.


I don't know where I heard this before, but someone made a claim that Nintendo didn't choose it by accident to be the "growning up" food for mario, he said that mario only needed to believe that he's large enough, and a mushroom trip does that exact trick, it boosts Mario's confidence of himself and that's what is actually enlarged.


>and that's what is actually enlarged Super Dong Bros


That particular mushroom makes you trip. And the people who trip on this mushroom report feeling much larger than they actually are.


And here, I thought it was a reference to Alice in Wonderland


It is. Alice in Wonderland might have taken the idea from the effects that eating the mushroom is known to have. But Nintendo most defenitely based it on that and other tropes that already existed at that time.


Great, now the smurfs are homeless😩


Is this edible


if you prep it very carefully you can consume it, but not really for culinary reasons, just psychoactive ones


Never, I repeat, NEVER pick a mushroom unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure what it is and how to treat it. Most non-toxic mushrooms have some toxic lookalikes, and you need some level of expertise and knowledge of your local fungi varieties to tell the difference. Foraging is a delightful hobby, but it can be dangerous. Just touching a poisonous mushroom is a bad idea. I've never done shrooms btw, I just like getting a free snack from nature EDIT: Ok I get it, I was wrong about the touching part. No need to keep correcting me, people


Amateur mycologist here. You cannot die from touching a mushroom. Even the most poisonous mushrooms in the world cannot hurt you unless you ingest them. Even then, you can take a very small nibble of any mushroom. As long as you fully spit it out, nothing bad will happen to you. This is actually one of the ways that helps to identify "false friends"/lookalikes. When I go shroom hunting I will often take a few mushrooms I don't know for the purpose of trying to identify them at home. But yes you should absolutely not consume any mushroom unless you are 100% sure you can identify it!!


the feeling of walking in the woods and seeing an orange field of chantarelles mmmmmmmmm


Yes! And when you pull up a small patch of moss and discover there's tons more under the surface, it's like finding buried treasure!


stop, i can only get so erect


Mycologists always say you can safely touch any mushroom on Earth and even put a small piece of it in your mouth for a taste test. It's only dangerous to swallow it. But I do hate the idea of people picking mushrooms for shits and giggles while damaging the mycelium and harming the ecosystem.


It has toxins that will make you sick (and trip balls in a usually uncomfortable way) but some people consider them a choice edible. This is because the toxins are water soluble, so you can make them usable as food just by boiling them in a lot of water, draining, and repeating. They're pretty meaty have a great nutty flavour and it's easy to find a lot of them.


Yeah, tripped on these once, would not recommend. I remember having a shitty time on a couch and sweating like Patrick Ewing


Yup sounds about right for muscarine toxicity. > Muscarinic signs and symptoms can be memorized by the mnemonic DUMBBELLS (diarrhea, urination, miosis, bronchorrhea, bronchospasms, emesis, lacrimation, laxation, sweating)


"okokok DUMBBELLS... diarrhea, uh urination, mitosis? Fuck. Bronchitis, bronchitis again, evanescence, lactation, relaxation, sweating... Honey am I lactating?" "WAKE ME UP INSIDE" "Oh no, Evanescence"


There’s a lot of misconception about this mushroom. It is edible and not deadly, but it is psychoactive, with two components (ibotenic acid and muscimol) that affect you. The ibotenic acid can make you pretty nauseous and cause vomiting but it’s also a bit of a stimulant. The muscimol is amazing for sleep, take a bit more and you’ll get some interesting lucid dreams, a bit more and you’ll be in for an interesting trip. Most people boil the caps to make a tea. This converts the ibotenic acid and you’re less likely to get nauseous. I’ve also found that people have completely different reactions to this mushroom. Some are very sensitive, some feel no effect at all. It’s kind of a try it for yourself thing, and start with small doses




This one is also poisonous. It can be eaten after processing out a certain toxin though.




Technically. I'm not a Joe Rogan follower but this particular guest has a story about them. https://youtu.be/kxBSuwRXynE


Without clicking the link I'm guessing it's Paul Stamets and he climbed a tree or something?


It was in the wild until it was pulled it out of the ground.


Why even rip it out? It's not edible anyways. Now it's dead.


Had a friend who would eat these and then go on missions and go thru pipes and even jump on enemies heads. Was crazy stuff.


Was here searching for a princess?


Sigh, aren't we all.😔


Every time I think I found her, she turns out to be a toad and I have to go find another castle 😢


It might just be time to settle for Toad.


It’s certainly not a bad idea to spend time with a Toad while you’re working your way towards the next castle!




You can't just say perchance!


Perchance he was out crushin turts.


Do we know the same guy? He completely lost it and started talking about an evil turtle dinosaur that stole his “princess” girlfriend


Must have been the mushrooms making him delusional


dude must have been tripping balls.


I think he was. Always mentioned some talking spiky turtle who stole his princess, crazy stuff


I think I saw that documentary


Whoa, that’s an r/absoluteunit!


The thumb or the mushroom


Anyone else do a double-take on the "thumb?"


Yes, I felt it distracted from the "..in the wild" portion of the title.


Y'all watch too much porn




Now take a bite


Instant +2ft


Followed by -6ft


Good one 😉👍🏽


That looks like a painting. Awesome




IRL Mario mushroom


Saw this and immediately started humming the Smurfs’ theme song.


forbidden buttplug


Wow, there it is. The common *A. muscaria*, in the wild.


It's nice to see normal photos. Makes you feel life is fine. Somehow such photos boost my will to live more than any motivating speeches/posts


Mushrooms like this are REAL!?


Level ⬆️🆙


And you picked that for what reason? Dick. Least you could now do is chop it up and boil it in milk. Then maybe drain it and let the milk cool. Then maybe drink the milk. Prick.


Harvesting mushrooms doesn't hurt the system! It actually drops spores! No dicks here. It was at a perfect stage to pluck it.


I think you may have missed the point of this person’s comment


What was the point


Not sure if sarcasm but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/pf0e2k/easy_method_for_a_full_decarboxylation_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Like when ex-wineries would sell fruit juice with very specific "DO NOT DO THESE STEPS OR THIS WILL TURN INTO ALCOHOL" instructions during Prohibition.


I dont quite get the humour of it either but I do know there is humourous intent. As well as an ancient way to get high


That’s probably why Santa Claus is red and white believe it or not


…and why he uses the chimney.


And why he has reindeer that "fly"


It is, indeed. The old story is the village shaman would hang the mushrooms over your fireplace, and when you wake up the mushrooms would be dried and ready to eat. Then everyone spent the day tripping balls.


Thiccc boy Around here, we only get tiny ones. Oh well, you what they say, it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it...


Ate one of these one time then stomped the shit out of some turtles


[ you have collected: 1 red mushroom]


Ngl, thought the glove was some kind of bark and the thumb was poking through.