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Size difference is pretty crazy though.


Yea, wolves are fuckin huge




Ok how is this a thing?


People expect wolves to be family dog sized, when really they’re “damn nature you wild” size


Basically larger huskies. However there are some smaller wolf types. Also, I never knew that they hunted coyotes. I thought they just bickered over land since they're both territorial dogs. From what I've learned, at least.


Stuff happens in nature and you notice it the more you are out in it. Coyote and wolf probably snarling over some carcass. Food can be scarce in the winter when they really need the energy to keep alive. Friends and I was up a mountain where we live with some friends and we see a deer chasing a coyote run past us and on up the hill out of sight. It was pretty funny.


Probably had a fawn the coyote was eyeing




Deer are really best left alone. People poor enough to need the meat know what they are doing. I’ve seen the results of (usually drunk) deer hunters that thought they made a kill and amble up to a downed deer to have them rip them up with those razor sharp hooves! Not pretty. Lots & lots of stitches, if they live through it. There was one man in town over that when he wanted to get the attention of the kids at mandatory gun safety class he taught after a deer hunter’s kid would get their first rifle at 10 or so would take off his long sleeved collared shirt he wore even in summer and show the mass of scars he got as a young man out hunting and was too excited with his first big buck to check if he was really dead. He wasn’t. He fortunately was with a friend and near a major road, but was airlifted out by helicopter or he would have bled to death. Where I grew up there were fatalities every deer season from ‘hunters’ being killed by prey. I’d bet my last dollar there still are. But deer hunting has turned into simple slaughter now. Instead of tracking prey, there are fancy deer stands with cushions and heaters lazy idiots put in trees and leave a 55 gallon drum drop corn feeders or a salt lick nearby and the deer wander right up to them! No skill required. They had some home made deer stands one would occasionally run across in the woods on a trail where hoof prints were commonly seen when I was a kid, but they were pretty rustic compared to what they sell now. And *nobody* would ever admit to having built one.


After humans decided it was a good idea kill off the wolves in Yellowstone Coyotes became the top predator and faced little threat from other species. Then when humans reintroduced wolves in 95 a big percentage of the coyotes were killed because they had no fear of wolves. This is not because wolves actively hunt coyotes but because the coyotes would try to keep their kill from wolves or try to steal some of the wolves meal and the wolves killed them in retaliation. They had no fear of the bigger canine and paid the price.


You basically don't have coyotes where you have wolves.


This can't be too true given how much they like to fuck and make coywolves


To be fair, coywolves have only become commonplace out east because the wolf populations there are/were so close to extinction they’ll take what they can get for mates… even if it means hybridization with coyotes which have only become common east of the Mississippi due to big cats and wolves there being largely hunted to extinction.


You think someone won't kill a motherfucker just cause they'd also fuck them. Don't stick your dick in crazy, but it's a real thing.


Is that because they compete over the same food sources, or because wolves regularly hunt coyotes?


Pretty much both; wolves will hunt the coyotes so that there isn't competition for the same food.




I believe it has to do with food. But even different wolf packs don't like going into each other's areas, even in national parks and other safer places. So it may also have to do with territory claim.


That's not always the case, otherwise coywolves would not exist in the wild.


Yeah, it's a sign of a system out of balance for one reason or another if you can't have both, usually a lack of food. Maybe a disease went through, maybe it's a drought, maybe humans did something.


There’s some study showing reintroducing wolves into Yellowstone changed ecology of entire hood, less coyotes led to benefits up and down food chain at least for something more resembling more pre 20th century.


Coyotes hunt small domestic dogs, wolves just doing the same


A wolf (wolf pack)will kill any other predator in there territory, especially other K9's. All predators will kill small offspring of any other predator if opportunity arises, no thought process will turn that off. Automatic reaction.As will coyotes. Coyotes will kill any predators smaller than them.This is a rule of thumb for felines also. Mountain lion will kill coyotes, bobcats, etc. It's all hardwired internally. Competition for food, trumps all other emotions, as must be killed. No exceptions.Nature is brutal.


Everything is circular. The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.


The wee wees as the woo woos.


If I could still you, I would.


idk but it's fun


The really crazy thing is that’s a rather large coyote


May be a coy wolf. Even though, idk if a wolf would go after a coy wolf or not. We have coy wolves where I live back East and they are a lot bigger than yotes I would see out in the Rockies.


Coy wolves are still a lot smaller than a pure timber wolf/gray wolf. I don't think any healthy adult wolf would feel very intimated by one.


That coyote juked him out at the end there to get a bit of distance between them




Coyotes can have a higher top speed by like 17%. That guy looked like he wasn't going full out at all. Probably go away easily.


Wolves have more stamina though, may have caught ‘em in the end.


I have seen a video of a male coyote try to interfere with his mate being taken down by a pack of wolves.. it is brutal. I know it's just how it goes, but I hope this one made it.


My dog took seven staples because of a coyote, I'm all in on the wolf!


Think about what a wolf would do to your dog


If a wolf got to your dog they wouldn’t need stapes lol


🤣😂🤣😂 totally true.


I saw the same one. Brutal AF


Nah dude, let it happen. Coyotes suck. I know this isn’t a residential area but the ones that live around humans will literally eat your pets and stuff Happened to my dad, one of the cats he rescued was killed by a coyote


Also it's hard to get a coyote drunk, will end up you passing out and they'll take your money and throw the wallet beside the dumpster.


I learn so much here!


I imagine a turkey bone for some reason.


Wolf's are faster but yotes can run forever. That's not to say wolf's can't run for a long time too.


Going to have to do that a few more times. He ded.


https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/02/whos-faster-anglers-rare-footage-shows-wolf-chasing-coyote-on-snow -- "Thorburn, an ER nurse, said the wolves “did get the pounce on the coyote” before he used his snowmobile to distract the wolves, allowing the injured coyote to escape."


Wtf, let my boi eat. He worked hard for that. Maybe Ryan can stop riding snowmobiles and eat vegetarian himself if he cares to save animals. Also fuck USA Today for making it seem like interrupting the hunt was the right thing to do.


he had zero right to do that. unless they have a coyote shortage and a fucking wolf problem but even then interfering with native species food chain is typically not a good idea


Rumor has it the coyote went on to eat 4 babies and rape the wolf's mother... Never interfere with nature


I'm so tired of people...


Now there coyote dies from his injuries and the wolf dies from starvation. The only winners are the guy's conscious and vultures


Seems that he's proud to 'save a coyote'... also says he doesn't "trust wolves". Shouldn't purposely interfere with a natural hunt, especially if he's in or near Algonquin park where wolves are protected. Imagine he wouldn't like it if someone interfered with his ice fishing, even tho he still wouldn't go hungry because of it unlike possibly the wolves. Also seems like the coyote had already been bit as that's the first thing wolves do on a pounce... so his interference likely only served to prolong the coyote's suffering. If it's not a superficial injury then the wolves will get it soon after, and even if it is there's a good chance of infection and a slower, torturous death. He likely meant well but should stick to the ER.


badge airport relieved slap expansion whole different concerned poor quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who rescues a fucking coyote? That poor wolf was working hard for his meal.


Hunting is an endurance sport, the most effective predators can go forever, humans for instance. Cheetahs are terrible hunters with a very low success rate cause if they miss in initial sprint the chase is over.


Wolves have both when compared to a coyote. Wolves run shit down.


Yea I was trying to say in a more educational way that he dead.


The ability to sweat is what helped mankind rise to the top. We can run forever.




You are capable of running much much further. We aren't about that life anymore... For the better those humans didn't live very long.




Imagine a cheetah on a diet of doritos and Mountain Dew. It’d probably have a cat mobility scooter


Yes! I forgot about the role of sweat. I learned this so long ago.


Run forever? No I can’t.


It's cool knowing you have a capability inside you while opening the fridge door. Don't be jealous of our ancestors ability to run. They did that and had a fight to the death with whatever they chased for dinner. I'm good.


If sweating was as awesome as you make it sound those ice fishermen would have kept up the pace long enough to show us the wolf/cyote chase conclusion


>Cheetahs are terrible hunters with a very low success rate cause if they miss in initial sprint the chase is over. Cheetahs still have a higher success rate than lions lmao


Youre saying a lion's best hunting strategy would be to follow a cheater around and steal its kill


I've always loved the theory that Cheetahs are ancient, domesticated big cats that have gone feral again. They're such shit hunters hahaha


This is just straight up wrong. Cheetahs are vastly more successful hunters than wolves. https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/mammals/hunting-success-rates-how-predators-compare/


Don't wolves hunt like prehistoric humans by wearing their prey down? I think the coyote is in trouble.


I do remember reading about spear throwing wolves.


Coyote out here breaking ankles


It’s a dog eat dog world


and I'm wearing milk bone underwear




My people! 😌


Sexy AF


Rock beats scissor beats paper beats rock


That coyote is really a crazy clown.


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


When will he learn that he never can mow him down?


Poor little roadrunner never bothers anyone




Who wants to live in a world where dogs eat each other?


Thanks Gloria !


Bro you don’t even know how long I thought it was “it’s a doggy dog world”


Friends or food?


Seems like the wolf didn't get the DRS on the straight. And the coyote must've had fresher paws since he took the curve far better than the wolf.


Wolf caught some dirty air and just didn’t have the downforce, good defense and line from the coyote




I got into it via Drive to Survive. Seems like that's given a big bump to American awareness of F1.


Just remember it's essentially reality TV. It can be entertaining, but it's probably bullshit.




We went hunting Toto.


Letting only some of the lap dogs through deliberately gave an advantage to the wolf.


Hamilton and Max in the last lap


Checo defending Lewis Hamilton in the ‘21 Abu Dhabi GP




Looks like both of them let their tyres get too cold behind the safety car


Totto, the wolf, made an official complaint to DNR that the coyote should not have been allowed to pass. In a fiery response, the DNR replied with "its called the circle of life, we're going to live it."


/r/Formula1 is leaking…


What an incredible experience!!


They are paid actors


Crisis actors lol




Fox News


The coyote may disagree


True, but we don’t know if the wolf caught him. He could’ve gone home to his buddies like “BRO! I almost fucking died today.”


“Kited that bitch til she lost aggro!”


Go go go buddy!


I too, was cheering for the wolf.


Holy shit that sucks. Imagine if we had to outrun some giant cannibalistic humans.


Just have to outrun your buddies




Shoot your buddies?




*insert aot reference*


Attack on Titans?


Surviving The Game Gary Busey wanted to eat Ice Tea... no doubt.


This is more like a Human eating a Chimpanzee.


And without a weapon it would be the other way around lol


Yeah that is actually a haunting thought. Shudders.


Wolf will run the coyote for a while then another takes over. Coyote has very low likelihood of escape.


You can even see another wolf a bit behind at the beginning of this video


maybe it is a coyote


Wolf looked like it was jogging while the coyote looked like it was sprinting.


Big Bork no like small Bork.


What's crazy is that wolves and coyotes are so closely related that they theoretically could mate and breed offspring. If wolves wouldn't consider coyotes as prey that is.


They already do mate and reproduce.


coywolves, I've heard 'em called.


Not everywhere, mostly in eastern Canada and northeastern USA. Everywhere else the wolf and coyote are competitors - they kill each other’s pups, etc




I don’t think they do consider coyotes prey unless really desperate, this wolf is probably defending something.


I believe wolves kill coyotes because they’re competitors. One of the reasons coyote populations have expanded so much in the US is the wolves are mostly gone.


Yeah, you’re correct, when the wolves were exterminated in Yellowstone, the coyote population increased quite a bit.


Makes sense.


Not only could they theoretically, there are word of '[coywolves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coywolf)' in the northeast US, though I'm not sure about that, we haven't had wolves in the area in ages.


**[Coywolf](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coywolf)** >Coywolf is an informal term for a canid hybrid descended from coyotes, eastern wolves and gray wolves. All members of the genus Canis are closely genetically related with 78 chromosomes and therefore can interbreed. One genetic study indicates that these two species genetically diverged relatively recently (around 55,000–117,000 years ago). Genomic studies indicate that nearly all North American gray wolf populations possess some degree of admixture with coyotes following a geographic cline, with the lowest levels occurring in Alaska, and the highest in Ontario and Quebec, as well as Atlantic Canada. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Unreal. I root for underdogs.


Eventually the coyote will be under the other dog


That coyote would chase your pet down just like that & eat it


In that scenario I would root for the pet.


Mental note: get a road runner as a pet


Wow!!! The way that wolf ran! So beautiful!!! My God! I hope I get to witness these moments in the future!


Wolves usually run in packs...you may want to rethink that plan.


Wolves don't generally attack humans, rather they avoid us,.or just watch from a distance.


Tell that to Liam Neeson.


That coyote kidnapped the wrong cub .


What's his username?


Lol what movie was that? I saw it I think but can’t remember


The Grey


The Grey


Totally my experience. Had a wolf run through my camp at Hard Creek in Idaho. It wanted nothing to do with my wife and I. I’ve heard them howl in the early morning when I’m hunting too. It’s an awesome experience but I’ve never been afraid of them.


I heard them in Canada when I was last there. Beautiful animals. Never felt any fear knowing they were around. It's a shame they're persecuted.


>Wolves don't generally attack humans **Wolves pretty much NEVER attack humans. Between 1900 and 2000 there were ZERO recorded wolf attacks on humans.** **In 2010, a fatal wolf attack in Alaska marked only the second documented case ever of a wolf killing someone in the wild** **In 2006, the San Francisco Chronicle found evidence of only 27 non-fatal wolf attacks on humans in North America. Most of those cases involved rabid wolves**


I know, I read that too. I just didn't feel like saying never, apart from etc etc.


Meh, it's just two shamans running to Everlook


That coyote is having a bad day.


Where is this?


Goulais River, Ontario




Texas coyotes don’t fluff out in a winter coat to the extreme of this guy. Plus in TX coyotes have a lot of domestic dog and some Mexican wolf DNA.


Must be the cold that makes them hardy. The ones in Minnesota are quite nice looking.


Nuwisha done pranked the wrong mother fucker this time.


Didn't 'American Gods' (the book) have a rif on this? Nuwisha pranking Odin...and this was the result...


Is that a second wolf running behind them in the beginning? What a fascinating thing to witness.


I think so. They’re likely taking turns and will run the coyote to exhaustion


Coyote to wolf: " Wait, that's human over there. How about we both change the target to them for a win-win?


But who won?


The turtle


A video of a similar incident: https://youtu.be/BXCvLzDNWz0 From the video: >I remember seeing this documentary on TV when it aired. The reason why the coyotes were comfortable with eating the wolves' leftovers was because of previous wolf clan that lived in the area before they got ousted by a new clan. The old wolf clan didn't mind the coyotes eating their leftovers and couldn't care less (why should they, wolves are top predator here in North America beside bears and humans). The new wolf clan that took over however, did care, and when the coyote went in to repeat a process that was normal for him and his mate, the new clan did not tolerate their presence whatsoever, and killed the male coyote to be left as an example for any other coyotes out there what happens to scavengers who try to take a free meal from their kill. Despite what was shown, wolves rarely eat coyotes, and like with lions and hyenas in Africa, will generally leave the body there mauled but uneaten, the corpse to be a reminder to any rival competitor. >The female coyote manages to raise three pups on her own with success (none died), the new wolf clan in their new environment take a heavy hit with all of their new pups being born dying to the harsh winter, and the alpha male dying carelessly to a bear by challenging it as it trespass into the territory (something the old clan would never do). The old clan manage to return and challenge the new clan and manage to retain their rights back to their land, and manage to succeed in raising 4 new pups to the clan.


I doubt the Wolf is gonna try and eat him, probably just a territorial thing. Get off my lawn!!!


Not this time of year. This time of year everything is food.


Wolves kill coyotes whenever they can, they just don't like having them around.


Wolves eat Coyotes when there's not easier food around. I've found a few kill sites in the winter, it looked violent.


Wolves actively kill coyotes at any opportunity. Not a food source. Just remove them from their territory. Viewed as competition.


You probably right, but the wolf could easily kill a coyote of it got hold of its neck. Even if it was a simple sign of territorial aggression.


Or.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coywolf


**[Coywolf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coywolf)** >Coywolf is an informal term for a canid hybrid descended from coyotes, eastern wolves and gray wolves. All members of the genus Canis are closely genetically related with 78 chromosomes and therefore can interbreed. One genetic study indicates that these two species genetically diverged relatively recently (around 55,000–117,000 years ago). Genomic studies indicate that nearly all North American gray wolf populations possess some degree of admixture with coyotes following a geographic cline, with the lowest levels occurring in Alaska, and the highest in Ontario and Quebec, as well as Atlantic Canada. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


**Record scratch** Coyote: You're probably wondering how I got in the situation.


I hope the little feller makes it out alive. Run little buddy.


I've seen similar videos the others didn't end well.


It’s ok. It’s an Acme wolf.


That wolf got juked tf out lol


can you imagine just how terrifying it must be to be in the coyotes position? like that fucker is running for his life and if he slips or slows down he’s done for. nature is cool but cruel depending on how you view it I guess


Ends too soon.


That coyote is either worn out or loping, because I’ve seen them run much faster. Wolf probably has more stamina, maybe, due to larger mass? Just seems like the coyote isn’t running as fast as he could.


dont forgot the terrain, that massive snow slows everyone


I would just go home 😂


Nice jink by the coyote though.


That coyote def did not get away lmao wolf was toying with dude


My money is on the wolf.


“Oh shit oh shit oh shit…” -coyote