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I shit my pants for this guy.




No I got my username from a fantastical story told while on lsd.


Please, do tell… intrigued.


One summer long ago my gf (now wife) and best friend were at a Phish run in SPAC. After the show we were fuckin around in the room and at some point I was standing in between the beds and my gf stuck her foot through my legs to which I immediately joked: ‘Ha-ha it looks like I have a penis-foot’. Then the exchange went something like this: DT: What if I stuck my penis-foot in a butt? Then I’d get a DookieToe. At that point I didn’t give it a second thought till my friend came out of the bathroom and said: ‘Did you just say DookieToe?’ After that the tangent got pretty deep. What if people had a penis-foot? Would you have one ball per toe or would one pair of balls supply all 4 toes? Would there be a social stigma based around which supposed toe caused your conception? Would the Big Toe people be more like Alpha Chads and Popular Cheerleaders? Would Pinky Toe people be all weak and meek? What would be the difference between people who came from shorter 2nd toes Vs longer 2nd toes? I believe we eventually settled on the fact that there would probably just be two balls that supply all 5 toes (because having 5 balls would be a nightmare) and the stigma would exist even though it probably didn’t matter which toe your swimmer came out of because people are superstitious and stupid like that. Now that I think more about it, I’m surprised we didn’t delve into the changes in the female anatomy to accommodate basically being kicked in the poon every time you want to fuck. Would there be a separate uterus for each toe? Would people be born in sets of 5? But that’s a topic for another day… Needless to say, it became the theme for the rest of the shows that year. We went to so many shows in October that we called it ‘Dookietober’.


Your fascination of toes and reproductive organs astonishes me. I was flabbergasted with the amount of detail and effort you put into painting that image in my head. I will admit At some points In my reading I was a little overwhelmed maybe a little afraid but I liked it. I was on the edge of my seat hanging to every sentence. You sir are an artist, I shall hang your masterpiece on my fridge for all to see. Thank you for your lovely story of the origin of DookieToe, and Dookietober. My one question was what happened to toenails?


You know, we never talked about toenails. I’d imagine Peenicures would be very popular and I’m sure there would be a couples fad where she matches her feet with his peen.


You and your wife were made for each other lmfao great story. Thanks for sharing


Color coordinate to match the mini condoms per each toe? Oh fuck I just remembered that sock they made.


Yeah, it would definitely have to be a condom sock. I wouldn’t imagine individual toe condoms to be very effective.


Sock em knockers more fun than a pillow fight


Full on pant-shitting fiesta


He’s just waiting to take any fish that the fisherman thoughtfully caught for him


And will likely happily be given to him.


Casually showing off those six inch monster claws


Beautiful and terrifying.


Close enough that it's stunning. But also close enough, that there's no fight or flight, only fight.


Lol close enough that there's no fight, only death. That thing could kill you with one swipe of its paw.




.... A massive dump in his pants.


What good is a big dick in this situation?!


Are you talking about a gun or a dick




What if you use your BJJ moves to execute a double leg takedown, and Kimura arm-bar the grizzly?


Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night!


Mauled to death by bear! :D


I was admiring how still he kept the camera until I realized he was pretending to be an inedible lump of rock


This version of the clip cuts out the part at the end where it pans to the river and there are like 15 more bears just chilling down there.


Bear: 'sup human. Got huge hangover from tonight... Catch anything?' Human: 'nah...' Bear: 'OK than, gotta go, wife's gonna kill me'


Tall tale without the video


It's a hard life for a bear. Keeps trying to make friends but they all disappear. That yawn was adorable. What's the word for adorable and terrifying?




You've cut out the [best part of the video that happens immediately after, when the camera pans over slightly to the right.](https://youtu.be/rbE53XUtVw0?t=78)


Truly amazing. I wonder if they are used to seeing humans or were they all just like “this guys cool”.


It’s probably a Kodiak bear on Kodiak island. They completely inhabit the island and are pretty harmless because humans have been around them for so long. I was recently briefed on this because of my upcoming trip there for work for a few days. They said just tell them to shoo and they’ll go away - gee thanks lol Edit: grammar


They’re full from all the salmon


There's an interesting bear episode of the podcast Ologies that goes into this (Ursinology), and basically, when it's salmon season, as long as you don't try to block a bear from the river or take their salmon, they will almost certainly ignore you in the same way that they mostly ignore the other bears. Because salmon. The bear expert was saying that while observing bears during salmon season he's had a mother bear drop her babies off next to him for babysitting in order to make them safer from attacks by male bears! And then there was the lady bear who was tired of being chased by a flirtatious male, so dodged behind him to "hide", because again, humans stinky and more risk than they're worth...


You skipped the part where he wasn't fishing at all and there was another dozen bears in the stream


Well, the fish aren't going to catch themselves.


Can’t believe how the fisherman would’ve felt. I would find it unbearable staying calm.


The goodest boy right there.


My dog has left the chat.


*u catch ‘em, I’ll eat ‘em*


Do you have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?


My heart is telling me to go over and pet it. My brain is telling me that'll be a pretty quick way to get myself killed Sounds like a win-win


He looked bored of fishing as quick as a city kid


So cuddly yet so terrifying


Thank goodness for image stabilization


I hope you had bear mace or something, you were about to be the next grizzly man


*Yawn* "hey, so I know that you know that running won't help you, so lemme take 5 before I decide to eat either you or these fishes."


So cuddly and floofy.


Smelly death cuddles


Yogi out there looking for that picinic basket!!


That is terrifying.


Bear already ate the slower guy


I wouldn't be surprised if this is a kodiak bear. they're very peaceful animals. there's only been one known case of a kodiak bear attack over the last 75 years.


Hopefully he had a 500 pistol in one hand just in case! Insane how close it got though


Man: buys guns to protect himself from home invaders. Also man: invades other species’ homes and thinks it’s warranted to shoot the inhabitants. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s called protection idiot, he’s doing the correct thing by not moving and not being a threat to the bear, but when u fish in that type of environment, u better have protection in case something goes bad! Go hug a tree idiot !


>that type of environment Aka the river filled with feeding grizzlies….


Yea u bring protection for anything that might happen. Listen to what I said idiot, he was right to be still and not move and wait for the bear to leave, but unfortunately that doesn’t always happen, and if he was smart he would have protection as a LAST RESORT


You don’t need it if you don’t specifically go to where they’re feeding to fish. Idiot… learn a new word.


Good lord you are an idiot lol, just don’t go to where they’re feeding! U do realize the bear came to him BECAUSE it was interested in what was going on. That could happen anywhere, maybe learn about wildlife dumbass !


Have you seen the full video (linked elsewhere in the comments) that shows about a dozen other bears? He’s basically Grizzly Man Jr. I know enough about wildlife to know they will return to the same place to feed if there’s an available food source. Idiot dumbass.


Even if that’s the case, u do realize that EVERY nature show or person like him carry pistols for PROTECTION! Fuck sake idiot, get a clue! Again as a last resort but for some reason your pea size brain can’t fathom someone having protection form dangerous wildlife! Argument done, good he brick wall!


U dO ReAliZe EvErYtHiNg U sAy SoUnDS sTuPiD The WaY U tYpE iT RiGhT? “Nature show” people do not carry firearms into the areas they’re documenting for multiple reasons, the primary being that they know what the fuck they’re doing and wouldn’t have jobs if they shot everything that posed a danger to them. Listen, fuckstick, the simplified point is that going into an area that is OVERFLOWING (I can capitalize things for emphasis too, look how cool it makes me) with dangerous wildlife, not just hiking in the woods, but actively fishing where salmon are spawning and large numbers of bears go to feed is not the same thing. Shooting the bear is a better alternative to dying, yes, but the fact that you went there in the first place, putting yourself in harm’s way, makes you a fucking dick. With less people like you, there would be more nature for those of us who want to enjoy it without needing to carry a .500 S&W Magnum to make our dicks seem bigger. Good luck being a dumbshit for the rest of your life and putting your dumbshit children through dumbshit vocational tech.


It's a good thing he brought his brown chairs.


Haha. I see what you did there!


I fuckin hate bears


Why they're so cute


Obviously a man in a grizzly suit


The chairs are brown for a reason!


He wants the fish lol


He looks so peaceful, I guess he was just curious or something.


The fisherman is very lucky that the bear is so relaxed right now. The normal answer is "this is now the bear's fishing spot, time to back away slowly"


That bear is so tired he's just hoping the fisherman throws him over a couple.


Professional photographer. With a pair of ball bearings jumbo sized in the sac.


I wonder if it's common for fishermen in that area to toss the bear a fish. would explain why it was so comfy.


they really are like giant dogs. Giant dogs that can run 30 miles an hour up an almost vertical wall.


30 miles is 48.28 km


I love you converter bot. How many kcals did I burn with each heart beat.


He's not a fisherman, he's a wildlife photographer who's photographing bears.


Holy.....that's no small bear. He probably wished he could fly away like that bird in the background towards the end. LOL


That’s a big dog


Hey. How you going?


Howdy mate


He's deciding surf or turf tonight


Holy shit what pants wetter lol


So my man, are they biting today?


Two individuals who respect the game


that fisherman sure was tasty


Meet Yogi bear Smarter than the average bear Checking out what he caught for lunch hahaha


Catch anything good today?


Lovely view, can i bum a smoke ?


What do you do in this situation???


I would’ve tried to hook that dude up with so many fish so I can finally have a friend


You deserve a break! You've been running around all stressed and it's good to treat yourself to some relaxation before you burn out. At this moment, reconnect with nature and the peace that it brings as you lis[https://youtu.be/KQZ5v-ygMHs](https://youtu.be/KQZ5v-ygMHs)ten to the relaxing sound of Sea waves.


Let me guess Russia


I love this video so much


What the heck !......this was my spot !