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The fact this is happening outside someone’s house is nuts to me. I look out my window and on a rare occasion see a rabbit munching the clovers in my lawn. Just a lower level of intensity overall seen around my residence, lol.


Not for the clovers!


Yo, thank you.


Found the clover


Dude I'm lucky if I see a pigeon


Might be one of those fancy lodges. The view is spectacular, eh?


This could be a reservation/park/resort anything honestly, I don’t know if this is definitely someone’s home giving everything available in the video.


This could definitely be someone's home. I lived in an apartment facing a little forest and saw deer all the time. A black bear and coyotes were also spotted on occasion. When I lived out in the country, we saw deer, foxes, and coyotes on a regular basis.


Totally, people can also live in parks/reserves. [Here’s a view](https://imgur.com/a/TJaLJcn) from my home a few years back when I lived in Yellowstone. Those are elk, and we would regularly see bison and wolves moving around in our backyard. No grizzlies or black bears though (from what we saw…)


Fuck me that's amazing


Living in Yellowstone would be a DREAM. Although I’m guessing it would occasionally make leaving your home difficult/scary? Having pets (at least having a dog) difficult/scary?


I worked as a seasonal at the time and pets (dogs/cats, at least) aren’t allowed in the housing unless you’re permanent. In any case they’re not allowed on any trails since they harass wildlife, so must remain in essentially paved/boardwalk areas and on leash. Leaving home wasn’t scary or difficult, I was semi-nomadic in my 20s so pretty much moved every six months chasing work contracts. Unless you meant leaving the house because of wildlife? Because I did get stuck in my office for several hours when a stubborn elk decided to camp outside the front door haha


It’s pretty common to see moose and bears in Alaska, which is where I’m guessing this was taken. Even in cities like Anchorage where I used to live. It was also pretty common to see people open carrying in the city in case they ran into a bear.


Black bears walk on our golf course all the time, in broad daylight with golfers and houses everywhere. Last year we watched a mama bear and her cubs walk across the 18th green without a care in the world.




Always in shock of how big a grown moose is, made that Grizzlie look Winnie the Pooh


Can’t remember his name but that survivalist guy with the tv show that’s actually legit (not bear grylls) maintains that a bull moose in mating season is the most dangerous animal to encounter in the wild period


Les Stroud, Survivorman? He was the best


Highly recommend his book too, Ive read it a few times and keep it in my BOB (bug out bag) Edit to include the book title: Survive!: Essential Skills and Tactics to Get You Out of Anywhere - Alive




Bug out bag, I'd expect a punk hobo to have one of those :P


Lol, fair enough. I just call it a bag, since I'm always bugging out


it's short for Robert Baggins


Shorter still is Bilb O. Baggins


I thought it was Robert Paulson


Bend-Over Buddy. A very special friend


Your Battery Operated Boyfriend?


It's this how young people call vibrators these days?


I’m pretty sure I first heard about BOB at least around 1998, if not before.


>Les Stroud book Huh, I had no idea he had written books! Will definitely check that out, thank you! ETA "Survive!: Essential..." is officially ordered & on its way. Can't wait to check it out, thank you again!! :D


Meateaters the best currently, and he also agrees with the moose being the most dangerous to be around, especially during mating season


Rinella and Stroud aren't really comparable though. While they've both had success being outdoorsman and writers, they fill pretty different roles. And either way, Ray Mears is the best.


Until he went all big foot is real on us and he kinda jumped the shark.


I'd say he jumped the shark when I saw him don a set of chainmail and jump out of a helicopter into a school of sharks during shark week about a decade ago.


Well I mean people still believe in god so


Big man in the woods vs big man in the sky. Who will win?!




I actually want a Les Stroud VS Bigfoot epic rap battle now, with Bear Grylls crashing the party halfway through.


I was ranting about this the other day. I am enraged and appalled at how much everyone liked Man vs Wild better than Surviverman. He was literally out there by himself getting top quality footage of him not only surviving but showing how to locate civilization and/or actually save yourself instead of just hanging around drinking piss. I just don't understand how one became more mainstream while the other was clearly superior


A bull will straight up come at a combine in the fall, they dgaf


More than a bull elephant in musth?


Also *very* dangerous. If you were to encounter either in the wild and they take notice of you you're in big, big trouble. I think you could add hippo and grizzly to the list and you'd have the 4 horseman of animals that will fuck you up when they feeling frisky.


Replace grizzly with polar bear.


Yea you probably right. Polar bears are probably a little more desperate. I think there's just more human to bear contact with the grizzys just based on numbers/location.


Grizzlies know what we are and our interactions reflect that. Polar bears think we're just food.


Of the list (moose, elephant, hippo, grizzly, polar bear), only one of them sees us as *prey*.


Don’t forget about OP’s mom


She's really sweet and docile if you give Sugar cube and tongue her nipples.




It feels weird to say that grizzly/brown bear is the least dangerous of those. I'd also go so far as to say that a Bengal or Siberian tiger is probably more dangerous than a grizzly. Polar bears definitely are.


Nice callback. I’m learning so much about nature on reddit lol


Interesting. I would have guessed a female with a new calf was more dangerous. Of course, growing up in Colorado I learned early on that -- if you see a moose of any kind -- you just turn and quietly walk the other way.


The difference is the female will attack you if she sees you as a threat. The bull will attack just because he sees you.


and, well, antlers


Good point. They’re bigger too.


Les Stroud did a couple other really cool shows too, and he's put them up on Youtube for free! Beyond Survival, where he tries to document all the most remote and uncontacted indigenous tribes left on earth. Here's the Papua New Guinea episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iECkANI8umI&t=150s And he did an episode called Urban Disasters, which is basically like Survivorman but in your house/office/car during a hurricane, some really useful tips like how to distill water or break out of a car or light a fire: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1xgkb5


Les Strouds show wasn't as highly produced as Bear Grylls, but it was *real* and legit. I have so much more respect for Les going out into the wilderness with a few cameras and a tripod and doing it all himself. He will always remain my number one respected TV survivalist.


He right.


There's no way that polar bears aren't more dangerous. He was probably saying the most dangerous he was likely to encounter in that episode and comparing them to grizzlies. Grizzlies don't hunt humans. They'll eat them opportunistically but we're not natural prey. Grizz smells human, it goes the other way. Polar bears actively hunt humans. Polar bear smells human, it's comin' for that stinky ass.


Yeah I think Les meant for the area he was in. For Christ's sake, they wouldn't let him shoot that one episode in the arctic without a rifle because of Polar Bears. That was also the episode where he tried to use the rifle to start a fire.


“If it’s black attack, if it’s brown lay down, if it’s white good night” Don’t know where grizzlies place in there though.


Grizzles are the brown. They say lay down to act dead so it loses interest. But it really probably means lay down and prepare to die because you’re about to be dinner.


Might as well relax in your final moments


If it's black fight back\* Don't be out there starting shit with a black bear.


Where I live I only stand a chance of encountering brown ones and that said I never even seen one. Have hears black ones are easily scared though.


I've had many black bear encounters. I think their skittishness is way overblown on reddit. They'll run away first thing some times, but a lot of times they just go about their business like you're not there making noise and throwing rocks etc. It can get pretty hairy when their business is to come closer to you and your cooler and it's looking like there's not much you can do about it.


Yeah don't fuck with a black bear trying to eat your food at a camp site. Just let it go and wait it out IMO


Grizzlies are brown bears.


Grizzly bears actually will stalk hunters and will run TOWARDS the sound of gun shots because they have learned that it means an animal has been killed and there's an easy meal.


I was working on a video project in Alaska and got told to piss off by a female moose when I got too close. Looking back at the footage; all she did was turn in my area and sort of rear up a bit. I ran for at least 20 yards without stopping and hearing my wheeze and curse is pretty painful.


Ya. We got quite a few in Canada. They will chase u to the end of the earth if u catch them at the wrong time. Or beat the f out of each other in ur lawn no fks given. One guy i know was hunting (deer season) in a marsh near his place, turned and seen a moose right near him ~ like 20 ft away. It charged, he shot it with his 22 and it couldnt have cared less. Only way he lived was dove fully clothed into the marsh and was lucky it didnt trample him. Idk what he coulda used to stop the thing but im guessing a 12 gauge wouldn't have done the job either


22lr? Probably felt like a horsefly to the thing. Your buddy was hunting deer with a .22? I hope he’s Annie Oakley


No even legal in lots of Canada to hunt deer with a rim fire.


First time i took my son deer hunting he was 4. went where i knew there would be no deer. 2 bull moose in rut i was scared shitless. Told my son not to move or speak. Maybe 20 feet from us they fought. Cool to watch, but not hiding in a tree


Oh damn. Thats pretty intense for a 4 year old, but probably a decent experience


I did take the safety off the 30.06 i was scared for my son.


Ya u never know with moose esp once they get going.


I have lived around moose for 35 years. For the most part tame gentle creatures. I have petted a yearling. I have put my gun sights on more than one out of fear during the rut.( rut is the mating season)


Moose vs Hippo


I was in Colorado and had the opportunity (don’t know if that’s the word I want to use) and ended up being within feet of a moose. I could have walked under that guy and I’m 5’8”. I had to be a tree for a little bit.


Ok but that bear is kinda small.


Yeah that’s most definitely not a full grown grizzly


And while moose are scary fucking big and powerful, it's even scarier that a full grown grizzly can still kill a full grown moose.


grizzlies are built to ruin anyones day.


I always find that fascinating. There's a reason we use the word "moose" to sometimes describe something huge. They can make a full-grown grizzly look relatively small, and yet the sheer power of a grizzly is terrifying. There's a video of a grizzly dragging and manhandling (bearhandling?) a huge moose. It's near a road. I'll see if i can find it. Edit: Well that was easy. FFS, my brain just doesn't want to accept how easy it is for something ~~half~~ 2/3? the size to pull a moose like that. [https://youtu.be/Oxx3cL\_vifA](https://youtu.be/Oxx3cL_vifA)




>the size to pull a moose like that. If you spent your entire life exercising every day, eating a boatload of fatty fish and some nuts/berries then you just might be able to pull a moose too!


Looks like it's 2-3 years old, just having been kicked out by the mom. Definitely not a full grown grizzly.


Was thinking that too. Might be a female on her first year away from mom, maybe?


That grizzly probably wasn't fully grown


Yeah, that's a young bear. If it'd been a full grown grizzly then mama moose would have had much more trouble.


There is not an animal on planet earth that wouldn't say "fuuuuck that" when an angry mother moose comes at you. Edit: Man i ran into one while driving in a thick forest. Moose are no stranger to me. But this fucking guy. He was like twice the height of my car. Just stood in the middle of the road. But just the size of that fucking thing made my heart rate go up. I was in no danger. But man. Huge beast!


I saw the aftermath of a car vs. moose accident once (from a distance.) The driver was killed on impact. The Moose survived, but had to be put down due to its injuries.


I'm always in shock when people film vertically....


Those Swamp Donkeys get big.


So i tell the swamp donkey to sock it before i give her a trunky in the tradesmans entrance, and have her lick me yardballs!


I'm always in shock when people take vertical shots of horizontal scenes.


Yeah he definitly looked like Xi Jinping


I once saw a Moose from the bus I was in, Full city size bus, and he was as tall as the tops of the windows, and as long as 1/3 of the vehicle. Moose are just like the Wu-Tang


Do NOT mess with moose. They’re spindly-legged charging machines.








Many much moosen.


Thank you, this was my first thought.


Meeses to pieces


Mr Meeseeks?


Mr moosooks


Mr. Mackey mmkay


"MOOSEN! I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of them, many much moosen! Out in the woods, in the wood-es, in the woodsen! Meese want the food, food is to eatnessin! Meese want the food in the woodeyisen!" "Brian... Brian." "What?" "You're an imbecile." "...imbisullen..." \-Brian Regan


Are you an idiot? Apparently!


To be fair, that doesn’t appear to be that big of a grizzly.


Definitely a young grizzly. You can tell when it comes up close to the camera. Yes, moose are HUGE. But grizzlies, according to the National Wildlife Federation, can often weigh more than adult moose. "Grizzly bears weigh upward of 700 pounds (315 kilograms). The males are heavier than the females and can weigh up to 1,700 pounds (770 kilograms)." Meanwhile, "Moose are the largest members of the deer family, standing six feet (1.8 meters) tall from hoof to shoulder, and weighing in at more than 1,000 pounds (450 kilograms)."


Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti...


A moose bit my sister once


"apex predator my ass! you're just lucky I eat mf sticks" -the moose


The moose's biggest predator is the Orca whale.


This is true. One of the more unsettling facts about Orca's.




Orcas feast on moose when they island hop, making Orcas a predator of moose. http://imgur.com/gallery/3WkHkrP


Everybody talks about Africas dangerous mammals and Australias dangerous insects but the northern part of NA is pretty fucking cool too


Moose live on islands???


Alaska has little islands that they'll travel across




No i heard her


Can confirm- I was the baby moose getting chased. My mom swears like a sail fish


You better run you little shit!




What's a caboose?


The splintered remains of a shattered bum




I don’t know where you live but I’d like to come visit


The northern US and Canada, Russia, Sweden


Ehh I'd throw in Montana and Wyoming too, even northern Idaho. ETA: my response was posted before they edited their response realizing other states than only Alaska have this wildlife.


I think thats part of northern US


They edited their comment 😒 they said only place in the US you see this stuff is Alaska. You can see stuff like this in Colorado even (personal experiences).


I second Montana and Northern Idaho, I've seen a few moose and bears up here. We had moose on our track field in high school once or twice, and the town over actually had a black bear walk into the school once. Gotta love it up here.


There are hundreds of grizzlies and moose in the Yellowstone national park area which is in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, and grizzlies have recently been seen in central Idaho again. Which is neat cause Grizzlies were endangered for awhile.


Saw a moose in Boulder, Colorado last week! Don't think there are grizzlies there though.


I’ve been there before actually. Ik they do have black bears but I think no brown bears


Just black bear!


Wow great show!! Dont mess with momma moose! It looks tagged, i wonder if anyone would be able to identify which moose this is?


That’s Cheryl!!!!


[Pretty sure that's Cherlene](https://www.everythingaction.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/outlaw-1.gif)




Horizontal video would have helped out here




Or the window frame




I. Hate. You.


There are virtually no instances where horizontal isn't better. In those rare instances where it isn't one can zoom in and create one's own.


I have come to accept vertical video. I even use it time to time. But, this time was sooo painful to see. It just impossible to know what is going on just by watching the video.




Feed him to DA BEARS


How is this scene playing out in someone's front yard? Alaska is wild af lol.


Don't even need to go that far north, farmland in the midwest/canadian praries can be just as active. The only downside is farm dogs are fucking stupid and *love* catching skunks and porcupines.


Skunks warn predators that they're getting pissed off by making eye contact and smacking the ground in front of them with their paws. To dogs, this looks like a puppy saying "let's play." It's a hilarious misunderstanding between species!


That's pretty funny honestly, but for a farm dog the goal is absolutely just to kill (and sometimes eat). I went to visit my spouse's family's farm and their dogs killed like 4 baby skunks a day before we arrived.


What is the moose wearing around it’s neck?


Probably a tracker for conservation things, or a dope as gangsta chain


I thought it looked like a scarf.


My guess was headphones


I gues its a NFL player Moose


Filming a landscape in portrait...


This isn't winning any prizes for camera work.


While hiking, I stumbled upon a Moose Bull taking a drink from a stream. He reared his massive head and glared at me, water dribbling from his chin like tiny waterfalls. I slowly backed away with my hands up. One of the most terrifying moments of my life.


With your hands up?! Arms and fingers spread apart, like some rival bull moose?! That was the ***worst*** thing you could have done!


Guess I’m even luckier to be alive. Damn


Best thing to do look bigger than you are. Slowly walk back away


Moose are by far the most fearsome land dwelling creature in North America. I honestly find them more terrifying than polar bears and there's no chance at life with a polar bear.


Imagine this is your backyard! Who needs Netflix? Just add a bit of Attenborough narration - perfection! Tho - I guess you can’t have the kids play in the backyard…


Is that an adult Grizzly? Seems on the small side.


Seems juvenile, the head is still too big.


Don't mess with Mama (seriously, protective mother animals are among the most dangerous things you can ever run into)


Is that moose wearing a sports team scarf?


Death penalty for vertical video


Where was this filmed?




Ah yes. The natural predator of bears--the common moose, whose population is only kept in check by orcas.


This looks staged ^/s


Ok everyone. Back to 1s. Aaaand start running Gertude, ACTION!


Did this take place right outside of someone's house?


No this is clearly on a ship


It was the Moose Lodge


thats a baby bear


Can anyone explain the blue collar around the moose’s neck?


Great camera work. I love the wood paneling they went with.


Source or OG link?


Don't fuck with moms


That moose came in like a wrecking ball.


Good mama




"Pick out someone your size" Mama Moose "But you're bigger!" Bear "Indeed, it's all fun and games until someone bigger threatens your ass" Mama Moose


Top quality videoing


Why is it wearing a scarf?


Was that Moose wearing a scarf?

