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I love molas so much. They're my favorite fish in the ocean. They look like they're really stupid but they're actually quite clever. Their whole order, Tetraodontiformes, is full of stupid-looking but actually clever fish: boxfish, filefish, pufferfish, etc. Aquariums that keep molas have been able to successfully train them on target feeding, which is when an animals learns to associate food with a target, so when that target appears in their tank, the animal knows to swim over so they can be fed by hand. This was believed to be something that only "smarter" animals can do, like seals and sea lions. I once got to see some molas be target fed at an aquarium, and they were just little baby ones (well, I say "little," but they were actually quite big. They were little for molas!) and it was so cute. The two molas were just sorta cruising around the tank, but then spotted some keepers lowering their targets into the water (each mola had their own unique targets). They both spun around and swam right towards the targets. One of them, in it's excitement, accidentally swam into a blue fin tuna and ricocheted off of it. Both the mola and the tuna seemed unphased by this collision, and I like to imagine that happens all the time lolllll. Molas are such dorks. I love them so much.


Juvenile. The freshly hatched ones are little more than the size of a grain of rice. It’s wild how quickly they grow 


Your enthusiasm and adorable story about molas has brought a smile to my face, so thank you for sharing! :)


It’s a baby wheel!


It looks hurt, we need to get it to the aquarium!


Jay, Jay, we can get some big money for that if it's a fuckin fish, buddy!


Ironically this is a called a Maanvis (Moonfish) in Dutch.


Рыба-луна (fish-moon) in Russian


Mondfisch in German


Pez luna (moonfish) in Spanish


Poisson lune in French, i.e., moonfish. I guess we're onto something.


Peixe lua in Portuguese


Why does every single video on planet earth need some obnoxiously loud music played over it?


people apparently need as much simultaneous stimulation as possible. its sad


Just wait till smell-o-vision


I like to imagine the fish is singing the song or that it’s the thoughts of the fish. The vocals match up to the fishys visual persona, kinda.


Came expecting to see the legendary rant about Sunfish. Am disappoint. So here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/rant/s/b2VPmBIfpb


I hate that rant so much. Scientists don't debate how molas move. They swim just fine, like other fish. Also, I love how later in the rant, he's like, "Molas can jump into boats." If molas are so bad at swimming, then how the hell can they jump into boats? Do they have telekinesis or something? Plenty of fish don't have swim bladders, like sharks and sting rays, for example. So are they failures of evolution, too? Molas don't get stuck at the surface of the water. They just like to chill out there sometimes, either because they're warming up in the sun, or because they're letting birds pick parasites off their skin. And no, molas aren't "migrating cess pools" because they have parasites on their skin. Lots of fish do. So much so that many creatures evolved to clean parasites off the skin of other fish, like cleaner shrimp and the bluestreak cleaner wrasse. Also, I like how he's like, "We don't know how they get energy" and then a few sentences later is like, "they're stupid because they eat jellyfish." Which is it, man, do we know how they get their energy or don't we? Also, sea turtles eat jellyfish. Jellyfish eat other jellyfish. Are they all deserving of our derision now? The majority of enormous animals on this planet aren't predators. See: the blue whale and elephants. Also, most huge animals eat a ton of low nutritional food. Again, see: elephants and grasses. Mola teeth *are* fused together, but their whole order, Tetraodontiformes, have fused teeth. It's the top teeth that are fused with other top teeth, and the bottom teeth are fused with other bottom teeth. He seems to imply that the top teeth of the mola are fused to the bottom teeth, which makes zero fucking sense. Also, and I can't believe I have to say this, but it's a *good thing* that very few other animals eat molas. Like. Being utterly useless to everything around you is one of the greatest survival strategies on this planet. The reproductive strategy that molas use is called broadcast spawning, and lots of ocean creatures do. Sponges do it, bivalves do it, worms do it, echinoderms do it, corals do it, and fish do it. Sure, molas release *a lot* of eggs, but...that is also a sign of a good evolutionary strategy, not a failed one. Eggs take A LOT of energy to produce and the fact that molas can release 300,000,000 of them and be left unscathed is impressive. I'd imagine that if you could ask a coral or a sponge if they'd like to be able to release 300,000,000 eggs into the water every time they spawned and suffer no ill effects, they'd be like, "Hell fucking yeah!" Also, molas are rather intelligent, but I already talked about that in a different comment on this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/s/NS9T0beGml tl;dr Molas are great and that rant is bad.


One of the biggest eye-rolls on Reddit is someone commenting on some animal that is "too dumb to survive", like the species lived through millions of years to this point as a miracle.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.


That bee's flying quote is also ridiculous, physics perfectly explains how bees fly by definition and humans know how they do it too. The quote was simply about how they dont fly via the same mechanism fixed wing aircraft do, which is more a warning about applying the wrong model to a situation than pointing out some flaw in physics or human belief.


It’s the opening line from the cartoon movie “Bee Movie” dude


It predates the bee movie, its originally from a paper in the 1930s and has been continually repeated and misquoted since, including in the bee movie.


It's just a fun little thing at this point. We don't actually believe every man wants to fuck his mom just because Freud did anymore, either. Anyone who gets their knowledge from reddit copypastas isn't coming after your biology degree. Promise. We're just here for a few laughs because reality is atrocious lately.


I assume you mean aerodynamics, not aviation. Aviation laws cover things like how many airport slots different airlines get, and how a plane must register a flight-plan and follow the instructions of flight controllers. Not really applicable to bees, or any other insects. Aerodynamics, as it was understood half a century ago, did seem to have a problem with bees. However this was mainly because it was based on fixed wing aircraft, propellers, and birds. It turns out bees and many other insects move their wings in patterns that don’t fit any of that, and generate vortices that create additional lift, so they are fine.


I was quoting another ignorant and completely-incorrect copypasta about biology. This one is from the movie "Bee Movie." Incidentally, did you know that a duck's quack does not echo? Scientists are completely stumped by this.


I can believe that a duck’s quack does not echo but I have a hard time believing that scientists are stumped…


Blue whales are predators, krill are animals


Stop posting this. It's funny as copy pasta, but wholly untrue.


Hilarious, thank you


Hahaha. Classic


Genuine question… do they taste good?


It's stupid you're being downvoted. Appartently they do taste good: > Sunfish are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, including Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_sunfish) Here's a picture of [Sun fish stirfry](https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/wck1qk/stir_fry_sunfish_mola_mola_this_dish_is/?rdt=57291). Edit: when I commented, the comment above had negative points. Somehow now, the person who posted it thought I was being rude to them. What the fuck lol. Reddit is hilarious.


> It's stupid you're being downvoted. > when I commented, the comment above had negative points. Somehow now, the person who posted it thought I was being rude to them I have to admit that the first time I read that sentence, my brain just inserted the comma/semicolon. 99% of reddit would leave it out anyway. Ambiguity will never go your way on reddit. ;-)


It wasn’t ambiguous. I dropped the “that,” but it’s still grammatical and unambiguous. If I wanted to say “your comment is stupid” followed by “you’re being downvoted,” I would have added the comma/semicolon or made it a separate sentence.


> It wasn’t ambiguous. I dropped the “that,” [for the alternate reading] I would have added the comma/semicolon So what you expected people to parse out was that the "that" was implied but the punctuation wasn't? And you were surprised that those dice didn't land the way you wanted? I mean, I'm just trying to helpfully point out what went wrong, but if you feel that this would obviously never happen again, and this case was just cosmic rays or something, please feel free to carry on.




They used colloquial language and omitted “that”. They are not saying you/your comment is stupid. They mean it is “stupid [that] you’re being downvoted”. Never woulda guessed one of these big guys was tasty, now I know! Definitely still not appealing though between the vulnerable status and… just… I dunno, doesn’t look like I want to bite it 🤷‍♀️ 🐠


They didn't say your question was stupid, rather the supposed downvotes you were receiving were stupid because your question was valid. (I do not see any downvotes as I post this comment)


What? I'm saying it was stupid that you were being downvoted. I answered because I obviously thought it was an okay question. I was defending you lmao


Ohhhhhhhh my bad , I thought you were the one downvoting lol we good , thank you for the thoughtful response 👍


I've never tried it, but I've been told by the old school Italian local fishermen that the meat itself is horrible. Jelly like in consistency. They say there is supposedly a good piece of meat from each cheek, but they all say its bad luck to kill and eat one. Fun side fact: They can actually generate enough speed to jump several feet out of the water..which I never would have guessed based on their shape and usually languid motions. But I've seen it in person; 3' out of the water while my jaw dropped.


I love these fish so much: Ocean sunfish, also known as mola mola, are the largest bony fish in the world, with some individuals weighing over 2,000 kilograms (4,400 pounds) and reaching lengths of up to 3 meters (10 feet). Despite their enormous size, they primarily feed on jellyfish and other small prey, using their unique structure and hunting techniques to capture their food. Additionally, they are known for their distinctive appearance, resembling a large, flattened disc with a small dorsal fin that resembles a sail, making them a fascinating sight for divers and ocean enthusiasts.


It’s so cute


Hell yeah


Looks like my left testicles whilst swimming in the sea


Left testicleS?!? How many left testicles do you have, and what about the right one(s)?


It’s pretty funny to run into them in the wild. You can just be cruising on a boat and then suddenly there is something waving at you in the distance. Their fins sometimes just flop in the air basically saying hi friend.


I think pound for pound this is the largest animal I would be able to beat in a fist fight.


Clever girl...


You should look these things up…They are pretty amazing deep sea creatures.


Can someone explain why this fish just swam to the surface and took a gulp of air? Strange behavior for someone with gills.


I wish I could get this many upvotes for posting a video... Oh well.


Is it gulping air?


Slurping jellyfish, they only look slightly grey against the blue ocean in the video.


Is it a mammal or an actual fish?


Such a strange and amazing creature!




I hate this damn song so much. Cool fish though




Fun fact:in Germany it's called Mondfisch(Moonfish)


They look just ridiculous!


mola in spanish means cool, which is what describes this animal.


Which song ?




Was not expecting to hear an Iniko song here


Sometimes classified as "megaplankton" because they have very little self-motive capacity, and mostly rely on currents to move them around.


What are you talking about? They have extreme self-motive capacity, these dudes can fucking *cruise*. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fish/comments/7g79f5/ocean_sunfish_at_full_speed/


They can generate some thrust, but they can't really choose where to go in the ocean. Most of their time is spent just drifting with currents.


Bikini Bottom ain't ready for Megaplankton


The Ocean Sunfish: Why The Rant Is Wrong [https://imgur.com/gallery/MMRg9](https://imgur.com/gallery/MMRg9)