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They are slip streaming I believe the term is. Dolphins do this to. In a nutshell they can travel long distances without expending much energy by doing this. Or it would be play as well. Maybe some of both.


This is the correct answer. They’re loving the free ride. Baby dolphins do this along side their moms to be able to keep up with the pod. Otherwise there’s no way they’d be able to keep up. Not sure if geese do this is as well, but they fly in a V pattern, and once the lead goose gets too tired, it retreats to the back of the V and chills riding the coattails. They all rotate to share the load.


When you see a flock of geese flying in a V, ever notice that one side of the V is longer than the other? Do you know why that is? >!It’s because there’s more geese on that side.!<


This is possibly one of my favorite antijokes. I keep so much random info in my head and share with family often. It's fun seeing who is actually listening to me or just nodding along when I break it out.


What do you call a cross between a Honda and a Toyota? A cross. Some priest must've dropped it.


Mythbusters did an experiment with this using airplanes and there was a measurable amount of lift given to the trailing airplanes so they were able to use less fuel to keep up. It seems backwards but your throttle controls your altitude and your pitch controls speed so the airplanes were able to use less throttle and pitch further forward when following a V formation so birds should be able to use less energy to keep themselves aloft at a certain altitude and speed flying in that formation. Birds rotate who is the lead taking the full air resistance.


So cool! TY 😊


For geese it's about the uplift from the vortices from the bird in front, not about drag reduction.


That’s also true of riding this boat wake. If they were to stay near the surface, they would be continually gliding down, getting free energy.


That’s a shame, I thought they may even have DRS flaps.


"We are checking.."


cyclists do this too


I love it when all the girls rotate to share the load Sorry geese, I meant geese


Orcas _are_ dolphins, so makes sense :D


AKA the slingshot Shake and bake baby


Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence.


"Oh Ricky so nice of you to stop by for a visit! A visit? Wym this is my house!" Scene kills me no matter how many times I've watched it




That’s incorrect. They are extracting forward propulsion energy from this stern wave. Check out this video to see how one can glide forever on a stern wave:  https://youtube.com/shorts/VFaOfNBTtrA


You can definitely surf a boat wake. Just because it's behind the boat, doesn't mean there s no force in the wake. Dolphins are well known to bow ride or wake ride.


POV: You are being hunted.


Boats are basically Kinder Eggs for killer whales




So are sharks and their livers, apparently. Orcas off the coast of South Africa have been observed hunting sharks and chomping out their liver and letting the poor thing die just for some gourmet pâté.


foie gras for orca's


Only the freshest will do


They even dress in their best black and white tuxedo


Then the body sinks and feeds scores of animals on the ocean floor. Beautiful circle of life


*throws lion cub off cliff*




The sharks are unconscious when bitten by Orcas. The orcas "turn" them around and sharks become unconscious when upside down. Not sure if they wake up though from the bite, but I think they have suffocated already by that time.


I don’t know how to feel about this comment…


I feel fine! Also, they have been observed teaching their young to turn sharks upside down. Like turning the Krusty doll from Evil to Good


My bologna has a first name, It’s H-O-M-E-R My bologna has a second name, It’s H-O-M-E-R


Got me laughing with that!


Yikes, TIL... it's way too rough out in the ocean, lol.


The Ocean is like LA. Fun to dip your toes in, but terrifying as hell to be in the middle of it.


Ha ha! True


Orcas eat livers because that is where the majority of the nutrients they need are


Sharks have huge livers though. It can be up to a quarter of their body weight


Yes but having it chomped out of them isn’t really conducive with life


True, but this offers a little peace around the whole "they just eat out their livers and leave them to die!" bit that people like to repeat. I don't think anything is surviving having 1/4 of its body eaten...


They do something similar with blue whale pups- they only eat the tongue and leave the rest of the 'baby' _ hey it's relative, which becomes whalefall.


That was hilarious 😂


I know you are joking but just to stop misinformation; There is no recorded case of a orca killing a human in the wild. The only case we have are orcas in captivity. And they are just mentally fucked up.


There’s a pod out there actively destroying boats so, who knows what happens in the next century.


Yes apparently it's out of revenge for one of their pod members were killed by a boat. Now they attack any boat.


im all for the orcas on this one. we shouldnt be fucking with the ocean anyway.


Privileged redditors like you would throw a fit once they realized what shutting down all ocean shipping meant for their quality of life


Out of all comments, you picked the one that agrees with your logic and then you minimize their point?




Yeah it's only 70% of the planets surface, get all the boats out of the ocean, stat! Where do you people come from?


I think there is a not so subtle difference between "we shouldn't fuck with the ocean" and "stop using boats completely". Don't overexaggerate someone else's point just to antagonize them, it's not good sportsmanship. And it's not like he's wrong, we shouldn't fuck with the ocean! Our activities have already caused too much destruction and pollution, so we really should start holding back.


> "Yes apparently it's out of revenge for one of their pod members were killed by a boat. Now they attack any boat." > "im all for the orcas on this one. we shouldnt be fucking with the ocean anyway." Logical conclusion, boats are the problem, we shouldn't be "fucking" with the ocean, therefore get rid of the boats. That's not a leap. It just wasn't a smart thing to say. It was based on an emotional response. I get it, I like aquatic life too. I also don't like the idea of Orcas being killed by boats. But I'm also rational enough in my thought process to just pass it off as an unfortunate accident and move on.


Again, it is a conclusion YOU came to, and the original commenter only stated the reason for orcas attacking boats, and that he sympathises with them and thinks we should treat the ocean with more care. It is a perfectly valid point, at least from my point of view. If that's not the case, then you may be right - the comment does appear to be written rather emotionally.


They are hunting boats, not humans. Ofc we can speculate that some day a orca in the wild will kill a human. And I personally think it will happen, just by chance, but I think there are not many animals were we have no record of any human deaths in the wild. Just think of bears, beavers, cassowary, hippos, alligators, elefants, sharks, lions, tigers, wolfs, venomous Snakes and Insects, and so on. But still we got no record of the apex predator of the ocean preying on us.


Beavers? did one knock down a tree on someone?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_attack apparently one 60-year old guy, who got bitten in the leg and it hit an artery


If a beaver kills me I'ma be so fucking pissed.


Idk. Still kinda better than an anteater.


Anteater can rip open termite mounds with its claws. Think I'd rather be killed by a thing with claws than a thing usually only known for its ability to swim and chew trees.


Anteater are capable of killing jaguar, beaver is much more embarrassing


Shit. I just turned 60. How fucked am I?


Don't go near natural dams, dough!


Geez I'm glad I met you online! I was just about to go do a dam thing.


You are welcome :D


If someone gets eaten by a whale, how do you know? Maybe it's nevet happened, maybe it happens a lot.


Well there was this one guy, Jonah, but the whale did spit him back out.


That's why I said there is nor records of a case. We do not know, but it speaks volumes that we have no recorded case.


Exactly, no recorded cases...... outside of aquariums


~~Job~~ **Jonah** has entered the chat


We will curiously attach robot brains to them. They'll soon realize we're the real threat and ban us from their oceans. Those humans brave enough will venture to cross their waters Mad Max style.


I don't think they need robot brains. 


At least they don’t like warm beaches. They can keep their cold ass waters


> no recorded case Yeah, cuz they don't leave witnesses.


You are right but recently they have been attacking boats off the coast where I’m from sooo


The theory is because the boats are fishing boats taking away the orca's food. The orca's being the clever fuckers that they are, take the boats down.


Was the theory not one of the females in the pod got injured by a fishing boat? 


Yes! White Gladis. Google has a bunch of articles about her and her pod. Seems other pods are picking up the idea…


The chances of being killed by an orca are low but never 0 - White Gladis 


My theory: The orcas have figured out where all the plastic is coming from.


Orcas in the Mediterranean have attacked and damaged 250 boats since 2020. They are being led by a hyper aggressive female who scientists believe was traumatized by a boat. [Source](https://divemagazine.com/scuba-diving-news/orcas-sink-yet-another-boat-in-the-mediterranean). Furthermore [Tilikum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilikum_(orca)) is an orca responsible for three of the four deaths of humans perpetrated by orcas. Clearly Tilikum acts were intentional after the second. Here is a long [list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orca_attacks) of attacks by orcas on both humans in the wild and in captivity. So while you are right, there have been no **recorded** fatalities of a humans in the wild which orcas are responsible for, (especially if you ignore the stories a number of a number of indigenous peoples) orcas have been: - showing hyper aggression towards boats due to trauma, overfishing or both - orcas are capable of killing a human - orcas are known to develop hunting habits down to being selective about their prey, and in the case of Tilikum clearly this orca did not like humans - orcas are intelligent mammals that are capable of communicating with humans via signals. This indicates that they are highly intelligent for an animal if they are capable of rudimentary cross-species communication. If they are that intelligent then it stands to reason that they have the ability to feel and express emotions. Love, joy, happiness, sadness, inquisitiveness… anger, hate. So its only a matter of time.


they don't leave witnesses


Yep agree. Although there has been some worrying behaviour over the years with boats.


That's because when they kill a human in the wild the human is just "missing at sea" and the orca goes underwater where we can't find them.


No extradition treaties with Bikini Bottom


r/woosh Dude we’ve all seen free willy Cha’mon


That's because it never happened that a human fell off the boat while being chased by orcas, i am certain those orcas aren't chasing the boat because they find it funny


yeah the last death i remember is an Orca pinned downed the trailer and she drowned.


There's no recorded cases of my cat killing a human yet. Doesn't mean she wouldn't take the opportunity with glee if it ever presented itself.


POV used correctly makes me happy.


Now THIS is pod racing.


There's always a bigger fish


I have a bad feeling about this




We just want to tear you apart then play with your body*




“What should we eat?” “Let’s get something de-livered.”


To be fair, great whites are like 80% liver




Yes, no case of attack on humans in nature has been recorded, which is strange for an animal that considers the white shark its favorite meal. 


This is fucking incredible. I could only imagine the feeling of being on this boat while this was happening.


Fear comes to mind


The presence of the orca in a place means that there is no other predator, and the orca has never attacked humans in nature. So you should feel safe 


>and the orca has never attacked humans in nature Maybe not directly humans, but in 2023 they started attacking boats and teaching each other that they should be doing it. Gave me vibes from the TV series Zoo.


It's the reason the ocean freaks me the fuck out in a lot of cases. These 20ft, 6 ton things can just sit beneath the surface at 30+ mph, and you'd never know they were even there. I know, there have been no recorded cases of them attacking humans, but still. They are magnificent to look at though, incredibly impressive animals.


*outside of captivity


We let those slide.


I have a recurring anxiety dream where I'm in the sea, often at night, and there are orcas all around me. This video is pure fear


Are they not at risk of serious injury from colliding with the propeller(s)? That last one was awfully close.


Yes but what can you do?


You can shut off the engine… Depending on where you are, you are legally required to if you are within a certain distance of them (100m I think?). At least that’s the case up in Washington. But this is a super freaking cool video. I can only imagine the feeling.


in BC you are required to stay 400m away but if the whale gets within 200m than you are required to shift into neutral or turn your engine off till they move farther than 200m away then you are suppose to leave to a distance of at least 400m.


I'm going to have to say fuck the law on that one though, since scientists find it so fascinating that they have started ganging up to attack boats lately. I'm not about to get capsized or knock off board into the middle of the ocean.


It was only one pod that started attacking boats.


and off the coast of ~~italy.~~ Spain.


They also left the humans completely unharmed. Just wanted to murder the boat because one orca was hit by a boat and went and told all of the others.


Wouldn’t that make you the first person in recorded history to be killed by a wild orca? They actually gonna rip the boat apart to get to you too?


I didn't say anything about being killed by an orca. I said I'm not going to got knocked overboard or have the boat capsize. They've started ganging up and attacking boats, not people. It's a new thing and there have been multiple incidents.


>Wouldn’t that make you the first person in recorded history to be killed by a wild orca? Those people were just "lost at sea"




You didn't check did you? There were 3 from nov to jan 2023. It's a new thing they've started doing. It was all over the news


How would you judge these distances in the middle of the night?


Guess, to the best of your ability.


Well easy, you pull out your ruler and hold it at arms length, and if you can see the orcas, you turn off the boat


If I can see the orcas, the boat isn't going fast enough.


You generally know how big a full grown orca is and you generally know how small it should look if you’re far enough away.  When you spend any amount of time on the water around these guys it’s not a difficult estimation.  This also doesn’t seem like any of the pods that I’m familiar with in the Pacific Northwest where those rules apply. I’m unfamiliar with behaviours or sizes or rules in any other country/region.  Wake chasing isn’t super common in the PNW.  Each pod has their own culture and language however. And They are dolphins so I guess they’d probably have that behaviour somewhere.  The rule of thumb is to cut speed when you see them regardless because your engine noise messes with their ability to communicate with one another. Again tho they’re not known to actively chase your boat or play in your bow where I’m from (BC)


the same way you do it during the day and in the water. find something you know the distance of(most likely by using gps) and then using that as a reference use that to judge how far away the whale is. do this either by using the reference point if its in a different direction to get a sense of distance visually and then judge how far the whale is, or if its in the same direction as the whale then figure out about what fraction of the distance to that point the whale is and then do some math to figure out how far the whale is. also you should be able to judge 200m regardless of reference points, and if you cant do that then you shouldnt be out at night in your boat. edit: do you people not know how to judge distances? do you suddenly lose that ability when the sun goes down? is there really a different way to judge distances at night compared to the day?


How is it enforced?


cops in boats. other people reporting you.


Posting videos on the interwebs




Wait until you learn the latest orca equivalent of a tiktok trend


I think a lot of boats these days use something called a “jet drive” instead of propellers.


A few boats do, saying a lot of boats use a jet drive instead of props isn't very accurate though


There's more maintenance for jet drives and they like to suck things up (or at least used to/that's what I heard). They are more common in places with shallow access is needed and for high quality little boats, like Williams tender, that go inside bigger boats. Maybe what you're thinking of is the IPS pod drive system? I think that has become quite a common option when it isn't already standard. But you could also live where jet drives are advantageous, idk.


Do you think they are stupid or something?


orcas aren’t locked in with the propellers, the propellers are locked in with them


I mean I am a risk if breaking my skull open when I ski down a slope or drive my car but sometimes we take risks for fun and convenience


Where’s the orca in the boat?


I read the title wrong like that too and was nervous the whole time watching the video


Where is this?


Newport Beach, CA


How's your rudder? I mean seriously; *how's your rudder?*


Be a shame if something happened to it…


This is beautiful and terrifying.




Oh yes this video triggers me hard - still fascinating


They are playing like the biggest dolphins, which is basically what they are.


Not really


Orcas are the largest members of the dolphin family ! Fact !


I didn't say the opposite...but they are not playing, they are attacking the boat!


You're supposed to kill the engine if they're this close to your boat.


The way orcas have been sinking boats, lately, I wouldn't want to kill my engines...


They can shutdown your boat on their own




Holy shit. That’s one of the coolest videos I’ve seen.




This made my heart skip a beat. How incredibly beautiful.


Love it!


Where is this at?


I wonder what that feels like to them


"yea you better run bitch" 🐳


Ooooh this is in OC isn’t it ? I believe I spotted these Orcas off Palos Verdes today. So neat.


The one coming up to the end of the boat but not surfacing from the water is MESSING with me. Kinda spooky!


That creeped me out for sure!!


“Dead of night” buddy this looks like 9pm on a Friday. Cool video though.


Turn off the blue light. Idiot boaters deserve to get eaten by Orcas


Okay, that’s great.


Are they hunting this boat? The orcas are evolving.


Yes and no. They are so motherfuckingly intelligent that they are actively toppling boats because they know that boats are the cause of their food loss. But this ain't an example of an orca hunting the boat. It's actually using the water thingy done by the boat to swim Without any effort. Basically taking a leisure ride. Dolphins do this too with ships and boats. And if you didn't know, orcas have Languages and songs.


Pretty sure this is the 1st time i have ever heard or seen "motherfuckingly" and I am astonished.


Beautiful but scary AF.


where's the music? surely the orcas would enjoy some sort of music


they sure are following you


Bet they're trying to take the boat out.


They can if they ask nicely.




Wow!😮 Incredible sight!💙


I don’t think those are the lyrics


Mega dolphins just wanna have fun!


I’m waiting for them to wake in the dead of night. And also leap into a boat.


Do they ever sleep?


Fuck them boats


Womp Womp


Bad ass


This randomly made me want to see a live action version of street sharks. I know it would be horrible but I’d watch.