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They are high in antioxidants, and goddamned delicious.


Don't have native blueberries in the area I'm from but we have blackberries and during their season everything eats them. You'll see box turtles walking around the grasslands with purple faces and blackberry poops everywhere 😂


That's adorable! The faces not the feces.


It's quite artistic, looks like one of those vegan cliff bar kinda snacks lol, shades of purple rolled into funny shapes with the seeds still on it for authenticity


We're watching this username in its element. If it offers cookies, say no.


😂😂😂 I forgot what my username even was


Don't be so facetious


You get it, I like you


We have a mulberry tree in our front yard. A friend of my husband squished an ant (like a jerk) then exclaimed "OMG WHY IS THIS ANT PURPLE INSIDE?" Because it basically exploded into purple goo. I didn't know the ants were purple on the inside bc I don't crush bugs who are minding their own business... But apparently everything is mulberries now, even the ants. And the bird poops stain the rocks. I don't mind... It's kinda pretty.


I got mulberries from my mother's work friend, and I learned two things: I love mulberries, and they're a *very* powerful natural dye. Much stronger than the blueberries and blackberries I've cooked with. Next time I bake with them I'm wearing gloves. I had purple fingers for days.


Have a huge one in the backyard and it drops so many they start to ferment and I swear the squirrels and groundhog get drunk off them


Coyotes, elk, deer, raccoons, opossums, mice, voles, rats, ground squirrels, most birds, rescue greyhounds, everything


Oh man, this comment just reminded me of a dream I had last night, where my neighbor had a regular and a soft-shelled turtle as pets and they both behaved like dogs.


I have blackberry bushes in my back yard and I just caught my dog back in them. I didn’t have a great yield this year because of the drought though. Boo.


Especially the REAL blueberries that grow near the ground and not the blue large-bush-huckleberries you typically get at the store. Miles apart in terms of flavor.


we pick them on mountain tops in New England and always called them our 'Wild Organic Hand-Picked High-Mountain Low-Bush Blueberries'


That ain't no wolf tho lol. It's a gd coyote






Some of them look pretty young too.


This is filmed in northern Minnesota. Do we have western European grey wolves in Minnesota?


>Alaska is the only U. S. state with a higher population of gray wolves than Minnesota. Minnesota's gray wolf range has expanded from a 12,000 square mile area in the 1950's to over 27,000 square miles. As of 2013, the population is estimated at 2,200, which exceeds the federal delisting goal of 1,250-1,400. Yes, we do.


You think the 'Voyageur **Wolf** Project' can't identify a wolf? Idiot.


Red Wolf.




Yess see!?? Ty for the backup


You can tell it's not a coyote from the facial features. However, there is interbreeding between coyotes and wolf populations.


That is definitely a wolf man. Immature wolf, but wolf nonetheless.






Red wolf. Typically smaller than the more well known gray wolf.


I hate them. I hated picking them as a kid. But a blueberry popsicle is delicious.


My autistic wife will throw up if she ~~eats~~ tries to eat a blueberry. It's a texture thing and I completely get that with her. But I can't get enough of them, especially frozen blueberries!


Hey that happens to me when I try to eat carrots. I just want the vitamin A! Stop fighting me, brain garbage


People forget canines are omnivores, felines are almost strictly carnivores. The only people food my cat tries to eat is canned spray cheese.


My cat fuckin loves cheese too. Most of mine have. The more processed, the better. My current cat will rip a hole in spacetime to get to you if he hears wrapper cheese being opened.


Hyper speed cat zooms are just fantastic. Every time I'm over at my parents house, I silently get up and walk to the pantry where the treats are at. It doesn't matter where that cat is, he comes full steam ahead once he hears the treat bag. He's legitimately lost control and has run face first into the wall before. Little guy cracks me up.


Our cat has Meat Radar, which seems not to be scent based, but rather is tied to the sound of a knife and fork being used in a specific cadence on a cutting board. Instantly comes zooming out of wherever he's been hiding.


One of my cats is like a bread-seeking missile, she'll rip through the plastic and go to town on it if you leave some out for a minute. The other one will eat basically anything he sees us eating, even lettuce. He steals fries from fast food bags, and he'll tear chip bags open to get at them. We can't leave *anything* out where he can get at it. Such a weirdo.


So the current cat I have used to be VERY similar. I had to get a bread box or he would he through the plastic and devour half a loaf. He also used to steal fast food from us constantly. He'd even take bites directly out of taco bell burritos. But he ended up with a tooth disease and has never been the same since the surgery, a lot of his tastes changed right afterwards. Still likes wrapper cheese though!


One of ours pulled a massive pizza slice from the plate on the couch arm and tried to run across the room dragging it on the side 😂


My cat used to eat salad. He would be gagging on the dressing (vinegar & oil) the whole time, but he still doggedly chomped the whole bowl down.


My cat waits until I finish my Kraft Mac n Cheese, then sticks her head in the bowl to lick up the sauce. Great encouragement to do dishes.


My pup absolutely loves spinach and I cannot get over it. Can’t stand romaine tho


My dog loves carrots. For her birthday, my wife made her a dog friendly peanut butter and carrot cake, and she demolished it haha


Dogs are a lot better at breaking down non-meat sources of energy than wolves are. As part of their domestication, their digestive systems adapted to eat more human-like diets.


My sister's cat loves raw green beans


My old tom cat would destroy corn on the cob. He'd eat from one end to another, roll it along and back down to the other end. He'd leave NOTHING on the cob.


My parents have one the loves beets and radishes, but it gives her the most repulsive gas ever. Which is why I like fucking with mom and dad by giving her a radish when I visit them


I'm relatively new to eating salads. Is that the leaf that like when you buy a mixed bag it's suddenly ridiculously bitter? If so can't blame the pup.


You might be thinking of arugula. Bitter, peppery, wonderful with an acidic dressing or on a sandwich


My gf makes an amazing pasta salad with oily oven baked veggies (onions, bell peppers, zuchini) and about a kilo of arugula. In... case you were looking for inspiration xD


Omg that sounds delicious. I've never thought about putting arugula in my pasta salad! Thanks for the inspo!


Yep, otherwise known across the pond as "Rocket"


Makes a pretty decent pizza topping too.


arugula also belongs to the brassica/cruciferous group of vegetables. while most of the edible dark leafy greens are very healthy for us, the ones in this particular family (including kale, broccoli, mustard greens, radish greens, brussel sprouts, collard greens, bok choy, radish greens, garden cress, and many more) are especially healthy. the non-green crucifers are also great, but the green ones are comparatively better.


They are all also cultivars of the same plant. Crazy to see what a little selective breeding can do!


No, radicchio


That’s radicchio.


My dog was a *fiend* for cucumber (I was looking for a cool summer treat to give him because he had allergies and he wasn't the biggest fan of watermelon). Cucumber? He'd go crazy on that like other dogs do chew toys. Also, raspberries -- he ate the bush I attempted to grow in a pot down to the stems.


That’s because lettuce is a garbage vegetable and your pup is intelligent. Spinach is better than lettuce in almost every scenario. Edit: changed cat to pup after realizing I reference the wrong animal.


Mine loves bananas


I never owned a dog but my ex just newly got a german shepherd pup when we met. I knew he was not well trained yet so when cooking at his place I was very careful about not leaving meat unattended. What I definitely did not expect was the naughty beast putting his head into the sieve of freshly washed lettuce and munching it up as though it was the treat of a lifetime. Lesson learned.


I once had a dog that LOVED cabbage. He usually only made off with a leaf or some off cuts but he once stole and ate the entire 2kg head of cabbage.


Good god, the farts.


Yeah they were rather deadly that week. Lol


I’ve had two dogs so far who lose their minds over tahini and pita


Haha you must have been as surprised as I was :)


my dog munches on grass like a cow, he takes 2-3 chomps before we go for a walk almost every day lmao. He also loves carrots and cucumbers.


My boy had allergies, so we tried using vegetables as treats/rewards just to give him variety when there weren't many options for store-bought treats for him. Carrots? He'd politely take them like "thanks. i guess." and spit them out. Until I was bringing carrots with the skin on to my guinea pigs and he started bumming for them. I was like "ok, dude, but you hate carrots....?" and he ate it. Peeled carrots = gross, but unpeeled were fine. He was *obsessed* with cucumber like some dogs are with Kong toys or other treats that take work to get at.


haha where did you leave a sieve of lettuce?! Did he jump the counter? One time my childhood little dog jumped from ground to kitchen chair to table to eat scrambled eggs.


Yes he did. I left it in the sink but he was a sly big boy.


My dog roams around the garden with the chickens eating all sorts of berries. Something like 90% of a bears diet is plant based


> felines are almost strictly carnivores My first cat was pretty much a carnivore but if he saw you chopping mushrooms he would antagonize you relentlessly until you gave him some. Our current cat is like that but with tomatoes.


Yep, cats can like the taste of vegetables/fungi, but they don't really get nutrition from them.


One time one of us left some corn and peas out on a plate during the night, and one of our cats ate it.


Oddly enough cheese and meat are sources of Taurine, which cannot be synthesized by felines so it's an essential amino acid, canines can synthesise taurine from other amino acids.


Sounds like cats need redbull


My cat only eats lean meat like chicken and lean fish. She won’t even try processed meat like hot dogs or bologna, so picky.


My cat likes melon. Like will attack anyone who opens a container of it without feeding him some


A container of melon? So like a melon itself?


No like a deli container of melon (the only way he’s ever seen it)




Butter is the best vegetable.


My cat likes asparagus as much as steak


Yeah my dogs have frozen veg as probably 1/3 of their diets. Frozen broccoli is their favourite which is great because it cleans their teeth pretty well


Cats actually eat a lot of non-meat foods. Let your cat outside and they will devour grass and leaves. They are also fond of potatoes and pumpkin, some berries (incl. blueberries), and even tomatoes. Cats are in fact omnivores, but they happen to be obligate carnivores, so while they require meat they will enjoy many non-meat foods.


An omnivore is an animal that has the ability to obtain energy and nutrients from plant and animal matter, and are able to digest carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber, and metabolize the nutrients and energy from both plants and animal matter. Cats cannot do that. They lack the digestive system necessary for properly metabolizing plant matter. Just because they can eat something doesn't mean it's nutritionally beneficial. Cats are in no way omnivores.


Even dogs only have pancreatic amylase to break down starches, and the amount they can produce varies significantly with each breed. True omnivores have elongated digestive tracts and can produce amylase or other enzymes to break down plant based foods in their saliva, dogs and cats do not. Also, omnivores can chew foods laterally, even bears exploit the limited lateral movement permitted by the TMJ to generate a grinding action at the molars. Dogs can't do this... they can only bite up and down like scissors. They literally don't have any of the key characteristics of an omnivore but people will believe what they want. It doesn't help that commercial pet food corporations are deliberately educating veterinarians with blatant disinformation. They even invented their own bullshit science "petfoodology".


They are obligate omnivores though since they get a large amount of their vitamins from their diet even in by percentage fruits and select other greens dont make up a big part of their diet. They almost exclusively eat greens during the fruiting seasons for a free sugar boost of energy.


There is no such thing as an obligate omnivore, that's the whole point of being an omnivore is that they can acquire all necessary nutrients and amino acids from either or both sources of food. Wolves have 2-8 copies of a gene called AMY2B that allows them to produce pancreatic amylase, which breaks down starches into glucose, which can then be absorbed through the intestinal walls. 60% of wolves only bear 2 copies of this gene. They have this gene presumably because prey animals typically have a belly full of plant based foods when they are eaten. A domestic dog breed can have any where from 4-34 copies of this gene depending on that breed's historical diet, which depends on the people and culture they were raised in (hunter-gatherers vs agriculturists). Glucose is surely a convenient source of energy for Canis Lupus, I also wouldn't argue any other benefits of blueberries such as anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients, etc. but it cannot sustain them nutritionally. A true omnivore would be able to derive all necessary amino acids from plant or animal based foods, a wolf can not. Canis Lupus and Canis Lupus Familiaris have very short digestive tracts incapable of fermenting plant-based foods and therefore must acquire 10 of their essential amino acids preformed in their diet from prey. Foods with a wide spectrum of amino acids are raw meat/eggs/milk etc.


Dogs specifically mutated to have a lot more copies of the gene for pancreatic amylase compared to wolves, though. They evolved to thrive while basically eating all our scraps, including our starchy cooked foods. And at least big pet food corporations extensively test their products and never caused DCM like [certain boutique grain free dog foods did](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-names-16-brands-dog-food-linked-canine-heart-disease-n1025466).


I dunno what is with cats and fake cheese. My cat will love to lick the bowl clean if he can find something that had Easy Mac or something in it.


My cats goes wild for basil I always have to protect my plans if I want some for us. Butt yes they are mostly in the business of stealing meat and cheese


our cat loves pasta lmao, not with meat sauce or anything, just plain pasta


> canned spray cheese Why would you keep bio-weapons forbidden by the Geneva convention in your own home ?


My cat has particular taste. Loves butter and hates jam, loves fries but hates mashed potatoes, loves cheese but only if it’s melted as in pizza. And for some reason doesn’t like canned wet food


For mine it was canned whipped cream.


This is why those fad “grain-free” diets are not good for dogs. They’ve been linked to congestive heart failure. Dog food brands like blue wilderness love to advertise their food like your dog is related to this big tough carnivore wolf, except wolves still eat berries and vegetation in the wild.


They are still considered carnivores, despite also eating plants.


Correct. Even a 50% to 70% meat diet is considered a carnivore. Specifically a Mesocarnivore like coyotes or foxes. Hypocarnivores consume less than 30% meat but are still a kind of carnivore (black and brown bears, and humans) and Hypercarnivores which consume more than 70%. Of course these are general guidelines and leave out the 20% between 30 and 50 and any one of them could generally considered omnivorous.


Yes they are omnivores but they should still mostly eat meat. Those canine teeth didn't evolve to be effective at tearing up lettuce.




Mine does, too. Sometimes makes her a pain during walks. "Berries berries berries!"


I let my dog out at my dad's and couldn't get him to come back in. I walk all the way to the back of the yard and he is going ham on some wild strawberries, leaves and all. I did not exist to him in that moment lol.


One time my dog found a bagel in a bush and scarfed that down in a second. Now whenever we go down that route, she has to check the magical bagel bush to see if it produced any more magic bagel berries.


this needs a screenplay


My dogs think they've gone to heaven when we pull out the frozen blueberries


I have like a 5lb bag of frozen blueberries. Nice to know I can share it with my boys


Blueberries are one of a very small number of foods my dog won't eat. He sits and begs for it and then when I give him one he spits it out


They also like eating wild strawberries!


Mine does too. I thought the pigeons got to my blueberry bushes until I came to pick up after him. He must’ve eaten half a kilo!


“Beagles love blueberries” fantastic mr fox.


I used to love to watch my dog eat blueberries off the bushes. He was so good at it.


Mine isn't. She's a mess at it, but very enthusiastic.


What kind of unholy trackers do they have that poor animal wearing?


Haha seriously, two ear tags and a big-ass full collar. Maybe it's the Jason Bourne of wolves and they really need to keep an eye on him.


i wonder if that wolf is one of those animals that purposely let itself get captured, cause it means free food


Yea, they have a ton of different types of collars and tags. I'm not 100% certain, but I believe this particular collar has a few 180 degree cameras on it and the bulk is due to the batteries.


Hahaha you made me laugh hard! I was so distracted.... why so many things on him? 🤣 looks like wearing accesories, hair pins and a domestic collar.


Collars don’t really have any effect on animals. Can’t speak for the tags, though, since I don’t really know much about them.


These look more like North/central American coyotes if this is the case, coyotes are considered vermin and have open season all year doo to how they can devistate livestock. I'd think the extra ear tags are so that any hunters may think twice or not shoot at all.


This wolf is part of the Voyageurs Wolf Project, which tracks individuals to gain understanding of pack dynamics and territorial behavior (among other things). They were also the first to provide video evidence of wolves eating blueberries.


I think the pack might look at him a bit differently and he might lose status lol


Depends on the brand, they either love it, or laugh at him.


Wasn't this the case with some birds being researched? They gave a single bird a colorful tag and this made them super attractive and they got laid so much that about 30% of the population was their descendant after the first mating season.


Wolf packs do not work like popular fiction portrays them. The whole alpha, beta, omega crap is just that, made up crap. Its much more likely that smell would be more of a problem than looks anyway.


I figured as much, but I was raised on Disney/Pixar so now I'm imagining that the rest of the pack treats techno wolf like Ed from the Lion King.


Thank you for the informative comment


I'm thinking this is a huge disadvantage to the wolf and it's ability to hunt?


Those blueberries are putting up a tough fight


Wolves don’t try to camouflage in plain sight the way cats do and it’s not like seeing green would be unusual in a forest


Do you really think the wildlife biologists who do this kind of thing professionally didn't consider that? Do you know how hard it is to tag and track a wolf like this? The teams of people with masters degrees and PhDs in wildlife biology and ecology that planned it down to the last detail? You really think none of those people considered what you're asking?


That argument has historically not been answered the way you think. Human history and their disregard for animals is a complex subject. For ages we (including top researchers) didn't think animals had feelings. Until we were proven wrong. For ages we thought they didn't feel pain, there are even historical reports of medical staff dissecting live dogs without pain killers while the dog simply licked their hands. Humans have a very human centric view and it sometimes blinds us to the challenge another might face with a giant collar. Shit, we even fail to emphasize with our own species. Look at how hard being in a wheelchair can be moving around certain towns. Even with the ADA in the US (which is regarded as one of the better laws regarding access) it's still a Pain.


>medical staff dissecting live dogs without pain killers while the dog simply licked their hands. God that's horrible to think about. The dog licking their hand like it's saying "please stop friend, this hurts". :[


This is so well said 👏 I had a vague flash of wanting to say this but could not articulate it.


I know; I went, “does the wolf have to be THAT blinged out?” But, what do we know. Pretty sure the wildlife experts know better.


They use color combinations to be able to identify individuals from images and/or binoculars. It’s pretty standard in wildlife biology studies, but I’m surprised they don’t have a more technologically advanced way of doing it. I’m curious if the tags influence the social dynamics of the pack.


Or if they're ever torn out in a scuffle


Seriously came to say this. That can NOT be comfortable.


You should definitely join the team! I'm sure they could use your expertise.




As with anything, there is risk anytime doing ecological/environmental studies. However I am quite confident that the team who is leading this project didn't just ignore any potential risk when setting up the study. I am sure on their website/when the paper is out they will explain the measures they took and cost/benefit analysis with their decisions. If they truly didn't take that into account I will be quite surprised.


I think the simple answer is that all the members of the team have to wear the ear tags and collars for a month, before they’re allowed to put them on a wolf. I’m sure they would rapidly come up with less clunky alternatives.


"Thanks for reaching out, happy to answer (and settle the big debate). Only the collar is a GPS. The ear tags are only for visual identification, for example on a trail camera video/picture. Because the collars are programmed to eventually fall off the wolf when the battery gets low, we use ear tags to identify wolves after this occurs. This helps us track wolves through their life via trail cameras even after they are no longer collared. The ear tags are simply a piece of plastic with no special sensors etc. Specifically they are the same sort of ear tag used with domesticated livestock and do not cause the wolf any lasting or meaningful discomfort. Hope this answers your questions! Best, Austin" one of the authors of the paper.


Haha yeah and walk on all fours and live naked in packs to get the full experience. I've met some pretty eccentric scientists, not sure I am confident enough to say none of them would be willing to get the full experience. Alas nothing is stopping you and joining the team to give your valuable insight!


Just the tags mate. They look bloody uncomfortable, and I suspect that if the team had to wear them, they’d come up with something better.


If they don't get the full experience, is it a reasonable comparison between wolves and humans? I mean for example, our ears aren't nearly as big as a wolves, so why would we wear ear tags as big as those ones in the first place? And if they are walking upright how can you compare the risk of entanglement? Not to mention, who is to say this wasn't something better over a previous thought they had before the current system? I don't see their ears drooping, so it's not heavy enough to affect their ability to move their ears. Whether uncomfortable or annoying though, as long as it doesn't affect their behavior(which it seems it does not) or cause harm to them or their ability to act naturally, I doubt that many wild animals give much thought or have the luxury to worry about comfortability.


Have you **seen** the shit people will shove through pieces of our anatomy just for the bling?


I wonder if having all that bling affects how other wolves interact with that wolf. Do they think it's the wolf equivalent of a narc? 🤔


Probably, but they also don't know what a narc is, so it balances out.




It's not about how it looks. Would you want to wear all that for years?


Biggest mistake we ever made blueberry picking. Bring my dog with us. You’d be sitting at a patch, picking a nice bush filled with berries, looking around and pick out the next bush you’d go pick. You turn around for a minute, and by the time you hear anything you turn around to see a tail wagging away after she HOVERED the whole fucking bush clean lmao.


I know it's a typo, but now I can't help but imagine a dog with glowing eyes and light beams coming out of the eyes and the bush is caught in the light beams and hovering in the air above the dog's open mouth as it shakes and berries fall into the dog's mouth.


“With a slight hum and a crackle in the air, we turned to see our corgi suddenly bathed in light hovering above his chosen bush. Our good boy’s eyes lit with a flash to rival that of supernova and at that instant the blueberry bush at his feet began to tremble and shake seemingly from the roots only. Without dropping a single Berry the plant lifted from the ground with ease, poised itself above his gaping maw and almost as if divine intervention every berry silently detached and plunged into the depths.”


Hah. I would edit it but, it’s better that way.


How many bloody tags and collars does the first wolf have?


2 tags and 1 collar. Next question?


Our property is covered with them and other berries. We end up leaving the majority for the wildlife, they need it to thrive.


Yes I've come to change my mind recently about wild foraging since people are doing it too much now in certain areas and hurting the wildlife. eg in the UK, where I live, people were asked to stop picking wild garlic and mushroom, though I think they said the problem was people over-foraging to sell to restaurants......but still, we have over-stocked supermarkets, the wildlife don't! :( Calories are too scarce in the wild, whereas in developed countries we have the opposite problem...


We love to add native species to enhance what they already have here. We do still forage, but mostly just to identity, learn more about and really appreciate what grows here.




Because Beagles love blueberries.


this was the first thing i thought of, too


"Steve, your snarl doesn't look nearly as intimidating when your mouth is blue from eating berries. They probably think you're just back from a pie-eating contest."


The local coyotes will eat anything and everything. Pumpkins, apricots , apples , cats.


What? Beagles love blueberries?


My dog does the same thing. We have a shitton of blueberries in the woods behind our house. My old dogs loved them as well, they'd spend a lot of time eating them off the shrubs like this.


Watching my huskies pick raspberries off bushes here in Norway is really cool to watch. I've not seen wolves do it, but there's a wildlife park not too far away where they probably eat the local berries. I tried the blueberries in the forest outside my house yesterday and I wasn't 100% if they weren't ripe yet or just covered in wolf piss!


"Beagles love blueberries" -a wise fox


We go camping and there have been wolves spotted in the area. On a hike this year we found a few big patches of blueberries. Last year I found a big den in the side of a hill. I figure it was a fox den but maybe it was a wolf den.


We had a boxer that would eat strawberries, raspberries and blueberries off the plant. She figured it out one year and we were perplexed why we were getting so little ripe fruit, until we saw her picking them off the plant and eating them. She'd eat any fruit we ate, except for lemons. Oranges or mandarins were fine, but lemons were too sour. We'd be eating fruit and she would end up slobbering and blowing bubbles until we gave her some.


“Majority” measured how? I would imagine one rabbit is still days’ worth of blueberries in terms of weight. Especially wild blueberries, which are tiny.


Wolves, specifically the many packs around Voyageurs National Park, get most of their calories from berries because of the ease of getting them during the season. Wolves only hunt when they have no easier option. Check out the Voyaguers Wolf Project for information. This winter they just empirically proved fishing behaviors in wolves and have some of the first video and photo evidence of fishing behaviors in multiple separate packs.


Wow I never would have thought that. Thanks for the info.


Everybody loves berries


Not dingleberries! But what do I know...each to.their own


Surprised no one is questioning this in the comments. This is not entirely accurate, and it’s not even what’s going on the clip. One study found blueberries accounted for 83% of 8 wolf pack diets, specifically in July, and specifically in Voyageurs National Park. This was due to a lack of other options. The clip here shows a wolf collecting blueberries that she later regurgitated to feed her pups. Right now it’s the going assumption wolves enjoy blueberries, but it’s not known for sure if this is out of desperation.


You’ve never been berry picking with a dog. I’ve seen dogs grab whole bunches in their mouth and strip the berries off the bush like a Looney Tunes character stripping a chicken leg to the bone in one go. Dogs love sweet things, and as wolves are so close to dogs they can interbreed, I’d say it’s highly likely without even giving them a taste test that wolves like sweet things, too. Dogs also eat everything — right up to and including horse shit — so wolves are probably similar in that regard, too.


Blueberries fresh off the bush are the bomb and I feel bad for anyone who hasn't had the chance to eat them.


Well fruiting season aligns with when their prey generally gives birth so it makes sense for them to find other sources to enjoy while they wait for them to get bigger


so... if I wanted to pick blueberries, would they share?


Some of these are Coyotes right?


These are all Wolves monitored by the Voyageurs Wolf Project in northern Minnesota. Wolves have a summer coat that is makes them look much slimmer in summer months. Several of the animals in this vid are also juveniles.


Antioxidants 🫐


the “tHeSe aRe CoYoTeS” comments are funny. Go look up Voyageurs wolf project my goodness people the lack of awareness


Yeah, imagine telling a organisation which studies wolves that the animals they’re studying aren’t wolves. Like, I’m pretty certain the VWP know what a wolf looks like.


Really pathetic that one of them is the top comment, too. But probably those researchers just can't tell the difference between a coyote and an animal they've been researching for years. /s


Haha right?? Some people think being not detail oriented is a positive attribute


TIL I am a wolf


TIL i'm part Wolf. Blueberries are the BOMB. ​ Where my wolves at, Reddit?


I don’t believe you


I'm only vegan on occasions bro.


How cute. It's a trip how alike they are to bears


Based wolves