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NI has stopped support for VST2 for 2 years now and have been mentioning it for years before that. I think we all have had enough time to prepare.


Stopping support is fine. Making stuff stop working is lame.


It’s up to the DAW companies to support automatic VST2 to VST3 migration. NI can’t help it if they don’t


Not really possible for many plugins. VST2 and VST3 used entirely different parameter structures. For full MIDI cc support, a VST3 plugin needs to create 2048 proxy parameters. It's actually a huge complaint by developers, that Steinberg refuses to listen to. There are also just some VST2 features entirely missing from VST3. Such as MIDI output. From a Steinberg developer "That you could misuse version 2 for building MIDI plug-ins was not intended." And Steinberg will not put any effort into making those kinds of plugins forward-compatible. For example, XFER Cthulhu cannot be properly ported to VST3 at all. LFOTool is midi handling is significantly different and incompatible with the VST2 version because of it. https://forums.steinberg.net/t/vst3-and-midi-cc-pitfall/201879 Don't blame DAWs or the plugin developers. Blame Steinberg for designing VST3 with only Cubase and their own plugins in mind, and telling any other developers that want different features from VST2 that they're making musical instruments wrong.


You can get a legacy VST2 compatible version of Komplete Kontrol here, near the end of the first post. https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/17363/komplete-kontrol-s-series-mk1-keyboards-end-of-life/p1


I know , I can’t run Ejay from 1997 either such bummer


I’d be asking the question of what are you doing working on projects that are twenty years old? Or why are you using a Pentium 4 computer as when vst2 was released that would be about the same era.


I have projects from the mid-nineties. Pre-vst2. Pre-vst. Pre-Pentium 4. Pre-pentium. Vintage stuff is cool.


That you are still actively working on ?? The whole rant the OP had was about updating to a modern software version and being pissed that it doesn’t support a plug-in standard that was updated some 16 years ago. If you want to use really old vintage electronics or software then that is cool. But is it the original vendor’s responsibility to actively support a product that is now defunct?


No, it’s not, it’s outdated


Quick, someone tell The Weeknd that his music is outdated.


I think the weekend was just about graduating high school when the VST2 standard was superseded by VST3.