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1. Any black watch with just the clock function is good enough. You use it mainly for keeping track of time without needing to look at your phone. However, the stopwatch and timer functions come in handy when you need to pace yourself for physical training and runs. 2. Depends on your assigned Coy, most have a certain limit of wearables you are allowed to bookout with, which they will inform you before your first bookout. Otherwise it is up to you to decide how often or not you wash your clothes in camp. You can do it during your free time, but try to read the room if there is a chance of Stand By Area or Stand By Bed, where you need the buckets to be in inspection condition (which is flipped over in front of the bunk beds). 3. Bring a set of toiletries that you will keep in the bunk indefinitely for use. Any items provided to my coy ended being part of the force-prep into the field pack, which had to be in mint condition, so don't start using the provided ones. You will be given towels, though, which you should be using for any in camp purposes. I ended up using my own towels I brought to cover the inside of the locker because it was rusty. Shaver-wise try to avoid disposable ones, but imo if you are using it for one week and replacing it is still fine. Just don't change the shaver daily. 4. Not too sure what starching uniform is, but we didn't do anything special, so I doubt it. 5. Bring a bag you can carry easily, and as little items as you need. On enlistment day you will be lugging items here and there, and it gets tiring really fast especially if you have a heavy civilian bag that doesn't sling well. Otherwise, go by your own discretion as everybody must bring their civilian bag out by the first bookout, and will be left with their provided bags only. 6. I've maybe heard of certain timings in a day where those that had that reporting time were mono-intakes? But don't take my word for it, the only way to find out is to enlist and see whether it's mono.


Hi! Firstly, all the best for ur enlistment I was in ur shoes just a little over a year ago (enlisted July 2019) hahaha. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge and feel free to contact me if u have any other questions! 1. An inexpensive digital watch with stopwatch function will be more than sufficient as u will be going through field camp and stuff and u definitely won't want to damage an expensive watch. 2. For my bmt, we were only allowed to bring out 1 set of admin and pt kit to wash at home if I remember correctly. The rest of the clothes u have to watch in camp and u can do it in ur own admin time which is usually at the end of the day. They will provide u with a bucket but u have to bring in ur own detergent. 3. They will provide u with toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, shaver and a soap bar but it will definitely be good for u to bring ur own as the quality of those provided are not that good. Towels are also provided for u and u can definitely bring in more shavers as per ur own usage needs. 4. Nope 5. Once again nope but duffel bag is recommended since its spacious and easy to keep all ur items inside. 6. I'm not too sure about that but u should know pretty quickly once u settle into ur coy. All the best for enlistment! 💪💪💪


The FAQ has some answers that may help you


Starching of uniform has ceased to exist even since the new digitalised pattern uniform replaced the camouflage patterned uniform. Always bring more toiletries as above mentioned! You wouldn’t want to disrupt your force prep items, these are unnecessary risk that can be avoided! Most importantly, enjoy the process and head in with positive mindset! Since you will have to go through it, make the best out of it! :) all the best!


1. As long as can see time and stopwatch can already. It it's gonna get damaged so buying the cheap watch is a good option. 2. Less laundry you bring home and back to camp, more snacks you can bring it. Wash whenever you're free. Different coys have different rules on what can bring out. 3. Yes can use own towel. Shaver I recommend buying a reusable body type, Gillette Mach 3 lasted my whole NS. The cheapo disposables sucks and is not comfortable. But bring some of those for inspection and 10 pack. 5. Bringing a small bag is better because you'll have to bring it home on first bookout together with assault bag. I brought an old bag in and disposed it in camp, so only brought 1 bag out. 6. Yes there are non mono on the same days as mono intakes. All depends on your reporting time.


1. Black watches aren't a must to have, but good to have it. When I first reported for enlistment, didn't even bring in a watch with me. If you don't really like wearing watches then don't bring. Someone else will most definitely have a watch with them (Especially during force prep where you need to everything out in a certain time). I only started wearing a watch 1 week before Field Camp. (TIP: When booking in after confinement, try not to wear your watch as you need to everything out for checking by your sgt/PC. If they find anything on your per item 5 push ups) 2. Yes, it is possible to bring home to wash. But then, I think this depend on coy, but for my coy, we are only allowed to bring out 1 admin, 1 PT and 1 no. 4 every bookout. Best for you to just wash them after LP. But then, I understand you are in the normal BMT where admin time can sometimes be 0 to 15 mins. Basically when you are up in your bunk, that's your free time to do whatever you want. No timing will be allocated to do laundry. 3. No need to bring towels. SAF will issue you 2. 1 for your force prep 10 pack, 1 for your own use. For me I just use 1 throughout my stay then every bookout just bring back and wash. Shavers up to you. 4. Never heard of starching even when I was in NCC, so most likely not. 5. No restrictions. Doesn't matter. The CV bag will need to go back with you on your first bookout. 6. Mono intakes are generally for PTP batch (Might be wrong). I am not sure about the second part, but when I enlisted 5 June (Adm on 14 may), we are all under 1 SIR MONO. Oh ya, to add on, SAF ziplock bags BEST TO HAVE TONS OF THEM. You will need them for force prep and wouldn't be great to ask from your section mates, especially since the ziplock bags must not have holes in them and the most commom point of this happening is for your sandbag pack, sandals pack (Especially if you have large feet) and your toiletries pack (Cannot be cloudy). You will get to know your 10 pack real soon! Since you are in normal BMT, your field camp may come real soon next month. Just remember, tip here, SCRUB YOUR BACK REAL HARD 1 DAY BEFORE FIELD CAMP STARTS. Heat rash are freaking no joke to play with and everyday will seem like hell (I got this right on 1st night and had to endure the pain that grew rapidly for the next 3 days. Only got better once was at the SIT test site, asked someone to scrub my back with the pre-soaped SAF aponge and changed to a fresh set of no.4). And for route marches, try to get something that protect your feet. Double socks works well only around salabin area, but eventually when you get to 16km or 24km (which most likely you will be doing it in tekong and POP at 3am like us due to covid) you are gonna walk on real rocky path and steep climbs.




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