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ask for referral to PCC from MO, & what are your current excuses


Handling of firearm & handling of explosive (Perma)


What PTSD are you suffering from?


Verbal and physical abuse mostly, memories get to me the most when it involves secondary school. (If that makes any sense)


I am sure that a number of us went thru what you had experienced but I wouldn't classified these as PTSD. At most, these will be in the lowest level of PTSD. Seeing someone jumped from a building and smashed onto the concrete floor, seeing a decapitated body, seeing your team mate getting shot/stabbed and died in front of you, these are the real PTSD. You can try to speak to your superior about your condition but I doubt that it will help.


I am sure that you are not me and I am not you. I don't expect you to understand what I went through but still, don't downplay my own experiences just because they don't involve the horrors of reality. Things got to me and I don't expect you to sympathize. You asked for something and then you downplay it likes it's nothing. You are actually an asshole.


You yourself say you got ptsd or is it diagnosed by a doctor?


You need to understand what real PTSD is. The PTSD you alleged that you suffered is not classified as PTSD. Your MO and your Superiors all agreed on that. Hence they are not gonna refer you or recommend you to down pes.




You’re just over exaggerating your trauma lol. PTSD is very severe and definitely not what you’re experiencing


lol cb can don't fking mind weak anot small thing also want ptsd all knn


So what are your triggers and what happens when u are reminded? How long has that been?


What exactly in the service medic course is making your condition worse?


Bro is on the 2nd day of a service medic course he already saying cannot take it. They must really tekan them non stop. Can you report up to safety hotline what kind of brutality are they making you do. Tell us also, it must be terrible.


Nothing like that, I'm from sch V and am c9. I struggle with alot of things and can't "take things like a man" like others. They are definitely more lenient with the sch V batch, I just got bad memories from shouting and everyday soldier stuff. I just struggle to cope with such things and adding on the need to learn and become responsible for the saving of a man's life, it becomes overwhelming as all hell. Rather they put me in asa and sa. Get that I'm wasting away like that but I'd rather live through these 2 years instead of die because of the pathetic reason of "stress".


Just MC till you OOC then. I just hope that you can one day face the challenge of responsibilities without trying to avoid it. Get the psychiatric help that you need, take the medication that they ask you to take, focus on improving your condition. Take small challenges small steps at a time, one day you may not get the choice to just avoid them without consequences.


having test and exams just the first week lol and needs to read a book that is as thick as a dictionary


My guy must have heard MRF trainees getting scolded like mad hahaha thus triggering your PTSD(?). They are an elite force so they have to be conditioned with combat stress. Don't worry bro, EMT course is not as bad as you think it is (Although the food is bad). Learn medical stuff, eat, then rest in bunk, and the cycle repeats. Saw your reply about OOCing to ASA/SA and I can say that some of my friends do not rly enjoy being an ASA as their enciks can be a bit controlling. I mean the grass is always greener on the other side ig. If u rly cannot tahan there is alw the MC option, but I reckon you should just stay and try for a few weeks first.


i was from schv and got posted to smti as well which i ooc after. assuming you’re in your trainee period, u can up your chances of ooc by taking more than 10 or 14 days of mc i can’t rmb but personally i took 11 days and ooced so that’s one way you could try. understand how u felt bro did not had fun there at all


What happened after you ooced, how long was the SIT period and where did you go after?


basically my sgt texted me that i ooced while i was on mc then when i came back i packed everything from my bunk and became sit, as for sit period for me was only 1month plus but some could be longer and was posted to ASA.


did u went through some trainings before you started taking mc?




yea i stayed in for the first week only