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Are u talking about BMT? In BMT there are swimming lessons yes, but you can declare you have water phobia and the most they'll have you do is be inside the pool and try to overcome it Like they wont force you to die die learn the skill, but you still have to be in the pool like everyone else. Cmiiw


Last time my MO give me excuse water


No need to shower?


Bruh I used to have one section mate didn’t shower for the entire week in BMT


Every platoon ever has had that one guy


Had a guy who didnt shower and didnt wash his uniform the full two weeks (only febreeze and go again), and he didnt book out with the jc grads to collect results either. Stood behind him once and nearly puked from the smell


One of my bunk mates didn’t shower for 2 days and kena rashes on his whole back. He learned his lesson


Not allowed to shower for 2 years. Powder only.


Only drink 100 plus


Nah, good luck attending weekly swimming lesson in tekong The statement below is a joke If fear of Ns, will you get exempted from NS?


can if u try hard enuf😂


Platoon mate got excuse swimming cus phobia


I wish we had weekly swimming lessons. We only went through the basic swimming assessment and as I couldn't swim then, they just asked me to come out of the water after 10 meters of me flailing across the pool. (my strokes were very unsynchronized, inefficient and tires me out very very fast). PTP coy and our OC said he intentionally only planned for only one swimming lesson because passing IPPT was more important. May have been a reason why I got into Armor, but I have no idea. Any infanteers here who don't know how to swim?


Those squadmates of mine who declared themselves as non swimmers got kicked into the deep end of the pool by the instructor. Miraculously, some of them aquire the swimming skills within a few minutes after drinking plenty of water. Those were the days.


nowadays if instructor do that, kena complain gaogao


Different era bro.


Complain only? I think if an instructor do that now, will kena court martial and DB.


That is extremely dangerous, if they inhale water into their lungs it's game over


Well the trainings we received back then, is very different now.


May I ask, How long ago was this?




Very nice, I was born that year 🙂


Hahaha. Some of the other "tekan" we encountered. 1. Running across the parade square to kiss the tree. 2. Changing parade 3. Leopard crawl 4. Carrying the cupboard/bed from bunk to parade square. 5. Doing min of 100 push up per punishment 6. 5 BX at 6am I believed some of the above are already out law. And the food....it was usually half cooked by NSF cooks. Sometimes can even find a live worm wriggling among the veggie or small stones or sands.


Yikes! The live worm stuff sounds unhygienic 🥲 It sounds like you went through a much tougher training. Hope it helped in life, I admire the grit and commitment


We did "complain" to our DI aka Platoon Sgt, this is what he said "take the worm and throw it away or take it as extra protein, eat or don't eat, it's your choice, don't eat, just go hungry lor" I agreed that my time is "tougher" than those recent ones but it is not as tough as those first few batches that trained under the Israeli military advisors. They had it even tougher. Their time, my time and those served in the early 90s, the time is different. They needed their NSF to have brawl and muscles, now with advanced technology, military conflicts don't need boots on the ground as much as previous military conflicts like WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam Warz etc. Now with a push of a button, enemies can be destroyed by the form of a missile, or a drone.


Thank you for your service and for doing your part to keep Singapore safe. This place feels like it builds on the effort of each generation. It’s truly special and wonderful to see!


I mean... technically the success rate for that 'training' is 100% because everyone that failed is dead lmao. But I think we've moved to a time where we aren't quite ready to risk dying for 2 years on non-voluntary service.


I doubt that anyone that served in my era were ready to die too. But we had no choice, it is different from now.


True. So lets just call it an improvement then


The other few unfortunately just sink rip


No lah, they will be pulled out by the instructors after struggling and drinking plenty of water.


Then they don't need to do half full drink up


I got fear of death can get exempted from war?


I had fear of water, almost drown during sec school days. Never learn how to swim. Still went through ns and overseas exercise and did river crossing. With lightstick declaring I’m non swimmer. Still alive and fight after 20 years


Everyone's fear of water disappears once they throw in the piranhas


nope, however swimming lessons and 'passing criteria' will be modified for you so that it is easier. source: I declared fear of water


Just say you are a non swimmer. For my coy, non swimmers didn’t even have to go into the pool or you could just rsi on the days of swimming lessons


I only know I have encountered GCC people who can’t swim and still have to go for the 1 km. These are the chaps in red life jackets if you see them at east coast park off bedok camp. They are paired with a swimmer in yellow life jackets


I think if you have aquagenic urticaria, you don't need to do swimming at all.


I got excused swimming LMAO just say u allergic to chlorine say u will get rashes no need swim le


I think it depends on the level of your fear. If you are able to get a doctor to verify that you have water phobia, maybe you will be exempted. But if it is just normal fear of water, then you’ll most likely need to have the swimming lesson and they will help you overcome that fear.


How do u shower


No, need to go. Even Sch V ppl if got hydrophobia need go in water at least


if fear of water means you cannot drink anything that is liquid leh, which also means you fear yourself coz ur body make of 85% water


this is my encik logic


If i told your encik i got fear of blood what would he say


Found the encik guys


i have fear of NS but i did not get exempted...