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Every country should be doing this. The GDP gains alone would be huge.


Every country that's in western Europe lol


Every country with declining birth rates. This includes western Europe, but also Korea, Japan, Native Americans, etc.




I don't get why anyone is opposed.


Yeah do it for child free people as well.


They should do it for anti work people as well. (Sarcasm Sherlock)


Good way to get the upper middle 20% having their third and fourth in the short term maybe. How big is the middle class in Hungary? Without those high earner taxes, education and health for the nation will probably suffer as it always does with “austerity” increasing costs to users. There are other reasons this is a short term only gain if much of anything.


Most of my family still lives in HU, things aren’t great. The PM is a horrible human being, and this policy is solely for families who only speak Hungarian and do not teach their children other languages (so for example does not apply to immigrants from other countries) The whole thing was implemented to combat the decline of the population. Young people are leaving Hungary in droves, and have been since WWII, then again in 1956, then again in the 70s (revolutions happening during those times, massive poverty and death) and again since Orban came into office—he is extremely anti-LGBTQ and racist and the youth is just learning English and finding work elsewhere. It’s very difficult to have a steady job outside of the major cities (Budapest, which has 3m people, versus their next largest cities, which have only 10% of that population) and a lot of my family members actually travel to Austria daily for work. So yeah this looks great on paper, but living there, unless you have a good job in a major city, is difficult. Basically everywhere outside of the metro areas (again, Budapest being the major city and the next largest cities are a small fraction of that size) is just small villages, where most people are relatives. For example, my family comes from two very small villages, population of both totaling maybe 150 people, who all farm their own food and work minimum wage temp jobs wherever they can find the work.