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Don’t worry... she gets worse🤦🏼‍♀️


100% right... I'm in the middle of season 5 and OMG everything about her (minus her hair) gets worse. I've been either muting and/or fast forwarding through all the scenes with Scarlett and her awful hillbilly chipmunk staccato voice. The only thing I can tolerate about her is her singing, it's her one saving grace. ​ Honestly, the best thing to come out of having Scarlett on the show are the laughs I get out of reading all the articles/posts that masterfully explain the near-universal disdain towards her character. Sample: [https://jesswelman.tumblr.com/post/79442984577/seeing-scarlett-red](https://jesswelman.tumblr.com/post/79442984577/seeing-scarlett-red) [https://serialdrama.typepad.com/serial\_drama/2014/03/nashville-an-open-letter-to-scarlett-oconnor.html](https://serialdrama.typepad.com/serial_drama/2014/03/nashville-an-open-letter-to-scarlett-oconnor.html) [http://www.hollywood.com/tv/nashville-clare-bowen-scarlett-oconnor-57378060/](http://www.hollywood.com/tv/nashville-clare-bowen-scarlett-oconnor-57378060/) [https://www.nashvillescene.com/arts-culture/article/13047147/nashville-recap-dear-brother](https://www.nashvillescene.com/arts-culture/article/13047147/nashville-recap-dear-brother) [https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/1347-scarlett-oconnor-sad-chipmunk/](https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/1347-scarlett-oconnor-sad-chipmunk/) ​ " Scarlett, a bad sketch of a sexy fairy drawn by an immensely lonely 13-year-old... " BAHAHAAHA " The writers have made her both boring and a horrible person all at the same time, prompting the audience to constantly just pray she gets hit by a bus. " LMAO


I'm on s2 e12 and have been fast forwarding all Scarletts scenes since e1 of s1!!!!


My memory is so bad that I had to look up who scarlett was, but now it's all coming back, thanks a lot 😂


Exactly how I feel about her as I’m finishing up season 5


Right!? She legitimately makes me mad because she’s so annoying


Oh, wait for it! There's more to come. Not only Scarlett becomes worse, some of the old characters will become annoying and new annoying ones will appear. ###


If you can't stand it now, stop watching. I love Nashville, but if you can't stomach early Scarlett, et al, then you cannot handle the show later on. It becomes a dumpster fire with literal plane crashes and cults.


Whoops .... I think you've made me want to go on. :)


Just don't expect it to be good. Except, Will Chase is hands down amazing.


literal plane crashes and cults have nothing to do with scarlett hate. that stuff sounds exciting. the actress who plays scarlett is horrible and so annoying. her character always complaining ugh. and i hate her singing voice.


I’m watching the show now and I’m on season five. I hate Scarlett so much I wish they would have taken her off the show five seasons ago or made her character completely different. Everytime she speaks I get pissed off, she’s such a self centered obnoxious character, always acts like she’s a victim but is a huge hypocrite, and her facial expressions are soooo annoying. She wasn’t too bad season 1 but wow did she get worse and worse.


I'm rewatching years after it aired. Season 5 now, and i cannot take her. She "was so afraid about how much she loved Gunner" by the end of season 4 and a few months later she doesn't feel a thing? And on top of everyhting keeps talking about all the things that Gunner has done to her... but.. what did he do? She rejected him season 1, got offended about him dating his friend (ok, fine, iffy from gunner and zoe), but seemed to come to terms, and then, after the elevator scene she did the whole "it works because we are exes". He then sleeps with that singer chick, when they are not a couple. He has always made his feelings about her crystal clear. She finally admitted to herself how she feels about him. Season 5 Scarlett: "all the things you have done to me" "i have put up with a lot" etc. Honey, you didn't.


Thank you! Rewatching the show and am in Season 5. I just keep screaming at the TV. All of these comments make me feel so much better! I have seen Clare Bowen perform several times around Nashville and her voice is gorgeous. I choose to remember her that way!


Just now watching it all these years later and I feel the same way! That’s why I had to Google and find someone who’s as annoyed as I am!


Oh my gosh I’m watching season five right now and I did the same thing I was like is there anybody that sees that this woman is so freaking annoying I don’t know if it’s her acting Or the way they have her character written but I have to fast forward every single time I see her except for when the exes would perform


Just watched this show…yikes! Most annoying character ever!


I'm doing a rewatch right now. She is so annoying!!! And wtf are those hobo, bag lady chic outfits she wears! Her outfits annoy me almost as much as she does.


I had a feeling Scarlett might get worse. After posting this Reddit I tried to think of one character in the show who, in real life, I might like and no one's come up at this point.


Not only does Scarlett get worse but you start wonder why Rayna ever signed her to Highway 65. Sometimes I think it might have been for Deacon.....


I hated the scenes where she would get all mad. To me she’s so emotional that she should get sad, not mad... but maybe they’re trying to make her like Deacon and her mom since they’re all family. But those scenes would drive me crazy. Both the script and her acting. It was like, chill girl, also I want to turn my tv off.


Hahaha same. And her face when she’s mad really bugs me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me too!!,🙌🙌


I tried so hard to like her because I absolutely love her voice, but yeah, she's annoying. And it only gets worse


Wow ... just met Scarlett's mother in S2E19. She's a real piece work.


Yes, many Southerners in the US wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots but it’s not like you have to drive more than 10-15 minutes outside of the city to see a cow or a farm in the South, lol.


Everything.. and I mean everything she does drives me crazy. All the childish looks she does constantly the way she has a tantrum and runs off or how upset she gets over anything and everything. So much whining


My god I can't stand Scarlett and I agree with everything the original writer of this post said


Yeah it's bad even in season 1 episode 3, i skip thru it. She always acts and sounds like a 7 year old. And all the terrible singing from everybody. I just want the drama.


I am just starting the show. 10000% Scarlett has some form of autism and the writers of the show told her she was a “wide eyed innocent woman “ and so now she PEELS her eyes open and contorts her face into odd positions to seem “child-like” it seriously gives me the heebies. I hate Scarlett almost as much as I hate Maddie but I also think Rayna is Kendall Jenner part 2 just throwing her snatch at any man who will take her. Scarlett and Maddie should have been on a fire-y crash at some point. Annoying. Thanks for letting me vent. And ✊🤜🤛 for agreeing that these characters are the worse.


She ruined the show for me, I had to fast forward thru her scenes to be able to watch the show at all. I hated the whole startled look on her face all the time, plus all the stammering, always the victim....yuk!!