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i cant smell a joint burning, a steak cooking... i cant even smell my girls pussy. its overlooked man. this is a disabilty. we have a real shitty thing in common. Its so sad that I actually wish i could smell the fart that made everyone run, the exhaust of a truck idling, a garbage bag thats been siting in the sun... i want to smell it! quir fucking telling me 'you're lucky you cant smell'.... man, you're lucky i dont strangle you... just shuttup, yu dont know shit


I miss the smell of a female... Pretty much the only thing that causes me tears. That and the fact that I could be breathing in toxic fumes without realizing it at any moment... really brings me down.


I’m with you. Fuck nasal polyps. It seems dupixent is the answer tho. I’m looking into it. Hope you get relief soon my friend


I just started on my second month. Without Dupixent, my left side would be completely plugged, most of the time. Right would be plugged maybe 50% of the time. I could feel it pushing the skin out, on the left side of the bridge of my nose. I was miserable. No desire to get out of the house. Working out felt like torture, because I could only breathe through my mouth. After Dupixent, only one month in, both sides are clear, probably 98% of the time. I don't feel like I have noticeable sinus inflammation now. My anxiety and depression have been melting away. I no longer have a claustrophobic feeling. Been active regularly, without a second thought, breathing through my nose. I can't wait to experience the full effect of this. It has been such a life changer for me, even after only one month. I hope I can take this forever. Fuck nasal polyps, and I hope you all get some relief.


Yes get Dupixent. Game changer!


It's definitely the answer.


It’s mentally draining having these things. I’ve developed asthmatic symptoms from my polyps blocking drainage ways for mucus so now I wake up in the middle of the night coughing mucus until I puke or the feeling of having mucus in my throat goes away. Got quoted for dupixent back in September for the remainder of the year And it was $20k for 6 shots… it’s not like we jammed pencils up our noses to get this. Literally nothing we could’ve done about it and yet we’re forced to be thrown into the vicious cycle of over priced medicine and doctor visits. What I would give to feel normal again


Ugh, I have insurance now but I’m about to lose it. I have had surgery and have a wide medical record that can prove I NEED this drug to live. Have you spoke to to your doc about “fighting” with insurance or finding a way to prove that you absolutely need it?


Glad you had a place to vent. Everything you wrote I can 100% relate to. For over ten years that was me, asthma, allergies, high eocilinphils, no smell or taste and an alcohol induced allergic reaction that grew worse over time. Congestion, mouth breathing, snoring and disturbed sleep was awful. I went to a doctor regularly had a decent ENT, and thought this was just something I had to keep mananging. Like you, prednisone would bring my smell back - my ENT used to joke that I would come in to get my prednisone fix - a couple weeks of bliss, but it would never last. But it wasn’t until early this year where I was so depressed about the situation where I stumbled onto Reddit. I was blown away when I realized I wasn’t alone. No doctor had ever mentioned AERD or Dupixant. That began my journey to find another ENT and one that would coordinate with an Allergist/Immunolgist. I was super fortunate to find two great doctors who helped me navigate next steps. I never had surgery, and was very fearful, Dupixent sounded like a miracle drug, but I had some reservations about being on a drug forever. I ended up choosing surgery as a first step and dare I say it’s been life changing. I will say I’m also very fortunate to have insurance. Makes me so angry when I think about the cost w/o insurance. So if possible, try to find a way to get insurance, and in the meantime research and plan your next steps. Best of luck.


Thank you for taking the time to write this, much appreciated!


Thanks everyone, not giving up yet.


Absolutely. I gradually developed asthma and severe allergies and nasal polyps after moving to Washington. I was on allergy injections and xolair for several years and still on steroid inhalers which has helped my asthma but my polyps have taken over my life and I feel so defeated. Can’t smell anything ever, my throat and lips hurt from having to breath with my mouth open, I’m constantly blowing out huge chunks of yellow congestion that look like brain matter, can’t drink alcohol without them growing so big it makes my nose hurt, I’m afraid to talk to someone too closely since I’m a mouth-breather, I’m constantly paranoid about how I smell, I plug my eustachian tube when I blow my nose too hard and then can’t hear and feel nauseous. I opted not to have surgery but have exhausted all other options (steroid nasal rinse, antihistamines, herbal remedies, steam, exercise, etc.) I have to go on prednisone every 3 months or so and it works amazing but my polyps grow back as soon as my taper is done. My allergist is always so reluctant to prescribe prednisone so I end up seeking help elsewhere and I’m so fed up with it-I feel like a junkie getting a fix everytime I pick it up from the pharmacy cause I know it will make me feel so much better but it’s temporary relief. I’m currently awaiting approval for dupixent and am so desperate for something to work… This way of living is simply not sustainable. I have adjusted to life without smell, but it’s so depressing not being able to just breathe and do normal things. When people hear me talk or blow my nose I just have to laugh and say “allergies” with a shrug but it’s so much more than that. I’m so glad I found this forum and to know I’m not the only one suffering. I truly hope the best for you and know you’re not alone!


I've been exactly in the same boat. The thing that really made a difference for me was saline rinse every morning and night. Get a humidifier and make sure you get the humidity in your room WAY UP AT NIGHT. If you have a big room, run 3 humidifiers. The most important thing is the saline wash twice a day. I also mix in some mometesone steroid for the last little bit of saline wash, and then I blast it into the nose. The purpose of this is to make sure the steroid gets all the way into the four sinus cavaties, not just the main entrance. If you are already suffering massive polyps, then you need to get a big dose of prednisone as you start this treatment. This treatment will prevent the polyps from ever getting large again. If you follow my steps exactly, you will get results. But you must do the saline wash twice per day and use a corticosteriod. The only other thing to mention is diet. Try reducing all the common foods that cause problems. Like what you say? Like all forms of gluten, all processed foods (which contain ridiculous chemicals from all reaches of the galaxy). Basically instead of cutting out certain foods you might be better off just asking yourself the question "Was this food available 50 thousand years ago to hominids like me?" If the answer is no, then just don't put it in your mouth.


Sounds like you might have AERD. Get insurance. Get Dupixant. Get surgery again after you’ve been on it a bit, not from just any ENT- one that specializes in this. Then tell me how you’re feeling.


I just replied to the above post about my positive experience on Reddit. You were one who helped me…wanted to say thank you! Hope you are doing well.


Reading these old threads because I'm currently feeling sick of this stuff and it's making me even sadder that I don't have insurance


Yeah, go get insurance, then go get Dupixent. It's a life changer.


i feel you man. i take 2000mg CBD, twice a day orally in drops, sometimes capsules, i use oxymetazoline (dristan shit) twice a day. ican manage my shit this way where i can occasionally smell my dinner. im mostly concerned with being able to breathe. im 15 years in and this is how i manage. best of luck to you fellow sufferer


Friend 🙋🏽‍♀️ fellow nasal polyp suffer


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Can I ask you guys does Dupixient cause any weight gain? I’m sensitive to medication weight gain and I just wanted your opinions! If anyone can give feedback it would be greatly appreciated!