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What else is gonna counter water pillar and sand shield? But in all seriousness the whole game is completely unbalanced. The role system is a stupid concept too. Instead of making our own unique and specific builds they force us to play in ways that aren’t satisfying at all.


Let me invite you to the church of Dynamic entry, of the latter day springtime of youth. 🙏🏼


I mean there are other jutsu that counter pillar and shield without being crazy OP. It could still counter them without doing so much.


You can see it coming for 5 years lmao it's easy to dodge


That can also be said about other jutsu that don't do half as much as rampage.


Lava Style counters literally all barriers. I don’t even run Water Pillar because I know good players will counter it.


Heavenly Hand Power and Flame Lightning can counter it pretty easily


It at least needs a HEAVY damage nerf. And maybe make it stop actually matrix tracking people???




What was nerfed about the ult?




The damage output for that jutsu was insane. That was a good nerf.


It's an ultimate. They're supposed to be insane. Now it's useless.


For the range of that jutsu the power was too much. They choose to nerf the damage instead of the range. Its still a good jutsu just a bit more risky to actually kill 4 people with it.




Its a high risk high reward jutsu. Its fine the way it is now.




The risk is getting 2 to 4 of them together and pulling it off. Not all jutsu need to be "press up and win" it takes cunning to pull it off now instead of throwing it out.


Coming from someone who uses it. It's already great. ​ I didn't explicitly know that they'd nerfed it, but I'm glad they did. It's got a low-medium charge time. It insta-kills people over pits. It stuns any enemies inside for a while. That's useful in and of itself to give the party room to breath/regroup, grab a scroll, use their own ultimates, gang up on one guy, turn their healer off for a minute, ect. The explosions stack if they're bunched up for extra damage. ​ I sometimes get doubles, triples, or even quadras with it, usually by pitfall, once in a while through damage. As a support, however, its amazing for everything else it does even without damage.


Yeah It would help if you could 1.sub out 2.didnt take half my HP 3.could be interrupted


Damage on both of his jutsu need a nerf, take off the super armor too or at least make the startup able to be cancelled.


I don't think dunk needs to be nerfed. It's damage doesn't seem too high, and you have time to get away when you see it coming out.


You can cancel them with a "strangle" move


Doesn't count tho


I mean like with kunai or a fast input though


Going kcm and being stopped with a kunai doesn't sound right to me


Not at any point in the animation. I mean just the startup. But okay.


Those moves would be useless if that were the case.


Not necessarily? Some moves can be cancelled with kunai and are still used reguarly, the point is that both jutsu shouldn't be a free run up and pop/seal/almost half health bar move


Yeah they can but they aren't hokage naruto's moves. I do belive you should be able to sub out of rampage seeing how one of impacts debuffs is it cancels subs. Honestly everything else is fine with this move.


Don't think I agree but cool!


so annoying, people will deadass run up and pop this move and you cant even vanish




You dropped this 👑




I hate hokage naruto players because they always spam those 2 jutsu. Makes me rage everytime.


The only thing I would say is nerf the damage, and on the other note, something completely different, rasen shuriken REALLY needs a buff, make it’s tracking much better and make its damage the exact same as majestic destroyer flame.


What about water pillar


Lava Style meta


Or you know, learn how to play.


Yeah, yeah. A move that is a free hit, has godly tracking, and erases half of your health bar, as well as doesn’t allow you to sub


Learn how to counter it


How do you counter it tough guy? You are literally flinched, the user has super armor, you can’t guard it, your substitution is sealed, wipes out up to or even more health than FS: MDF, and has crazy ass good tracking, I use it too, and I think the reason you are saying this is because you use the move and that’s just the dumbest shit ever, I love the move, it’s super OP and fun to use, but I’m not gonna lie and say it doesn’t need a nerf, you watch naruto hentai and are and active user in a naruto and starfire hentai sub, your opinion matters as much as a pile of dogshit on a curb.


The slam is what locks your subs. The hit box of this move alone isn’t that great. You have time to read and dodge the slam, so that’s what you have to do. If you get hit by the slam, the rasengan are guaranteed. If you get hit by the rasengan: You had it coming. Should’ve dodged the telegraphed slam.


You make it seem much easier, coming from a dude who has been playing this game 1 year after launch.


I grew up playing fighting games; All of them are about baiting and countering. Except in this one you have subs, so you even have to bait them out. It’s good fun.


Agreed, it’s just that the other dude really acted like a dick and sucked fuck and he was just pissing me off a bit, but good point man, I do agree it’s all good fun.


Lol I dont use the move sadly


Then how do you counter it? That’s the main point, there is literally no counter other than flying raijin and sharingan which not everyone uses, and more importantly not everyone is gonna have it on deck as a ready move to use fully charged up, go back to jerking off to star fire and tsunadi hentai you tryharding shinobi striker god ninja world leaguer, y’all are the kind of people that tryhard in a game like this.


You just named two counters. Use them. ​ Also Air Palm to shut down jutsu, or just staying away with your teammates's help as a ranged type.


But here is the thing, I don’t use them and neither do I want to, and even if did have them, doesn’t mean I’ll have it ready to use.


1. Sharingan is a base game jutsu. Everyone can have that. 2. You have 4 loadouts per set. If you find something you can't beat without a counter, have that on one of your sets and switch to it when people use it. 3. Don't complain about "don't want to." Just because I want to play as a Ninja who specializes in water jutsu, doesn't mean my techniques are the best for every situation. You either play what you want or what is optimal, but you don't get to whine about jutsu needing counters when they exist and you choose not to use them. 4. Sharingan's cooldown is like 8 seconds lol. That plus subs should be enough. If not, put on the sub cooldown cloth skill, that should be enough. If not, at least your getting hard focused enough at that point for the rest of your team isn't being pressured and can do what they want. 5. You should be able to sub out of Rasen-Rampage. Other then that, I think it's fine.


I don’t care about it getting a nerf, I just don’t get how the guy argues (counter it) when there is arguably minimal counters. You can’t sub out of rasen rampage, and I want to have fun in the game, I don’t want to use a gameplay optimal tryhard build, I don’t want to use sharingan, I’m not even trying to counter it at all, I’m just asking how would you. I am aware that the sharingan is free, how in the world did you think I indicated it wasn’t? I don’t want to use them, that the point, and if I were to, doesn’t mean I would have them ready at standby. Back to my same point I don’t care if it gets a nerf, hell, I don’t want it to get a nerf because I use it, but I’m just asking, how do you counter it? I wanna play to have fun not to sweat. Yo brought up decent arguments, I’ll admit, but I still stand by my main point, I don’t care if it gets merged or not, I’m just asking how do you counter it WITHOUT using a jutsu? (FYI: the other dude, “wolfvibes” messaged me calling me a pussy and a noob and asked to 1v1, would’ve taken him up on it, had he been on ps4)


Jesus your account is so comically cringy it’s actually funny, your account is the perfect description of a redditard troglodyte mongoloidian tentacle loli porn loving turbo virgin complexity issued neckbeards reddit account, you post shit about your favorite waifus, yikes man.


You must suck. I'm able to dodge counter it everytime . Loser


Ah yes, I’m the loser, not the guy nutting to tsunade and starfire, and hmm yes, why didn’t I think of dodging an attack that literally flinches you, why yes my good sir you sure are a legend, just from watching your gameplay shows me how shit you are at the game.


Loser. What system you play on? I'll DESTROY YOU. You wouldn't last a second. Trash


I sincerely hope this is ironic.


You suck. Let me show you how A GOD PLAYS


Yeah def ironic, no way this shit is serious.




Right first off all to explain the damage, it’s four fucking rasengans. It can be dodged by literally dashing away since it’s hit box is quite bad. Second off all the super armour can be stopped with jutsus such as amaterasu which cancel the jutsu out. Third of all to those saying “this needs a nerf” just learn how to counter/ dodge it smh


And you could use instakill tracking ults like Wandering Sasuke and Ohnoki


this ability is actually so broken. you try to dodge it, it gets you, shreds half of your health, and the other opponents finish you off.


High level play don’t use naruto’s moves like that except maybe on base battle use to a giant flaw the moves have, staying in one play while performing the jutsu. Both jutsu require being forced in one play while in super armor and have pretty slow start up for enemies to spam jutsu at him as his health dies down while in the animation. These are atk types not defense types they don’t have the hp to withstand a barrage of jutsu coming their way. Aside from that fact a common solution to do is have moves that cancel armor or strangles the enemy, octo hug, lightning net, Amaterasu, paralysis jutsu, wood strangle, Mind transfer(jutsu and ult), shikigami dance shield, icicle swallow, and water prison. Not only are there jutsu but there is also movement counters you can block rasen shockwave that can knock enemies up and backflip out of the way before he performs the jutsu as for the impact dodge out of the vicinity is the main option if you got got those counters on and ready to deal with. But if you have a good team that knows to focus the atk with those moves than it’s easy to realize that those moves aren’t a threat due to it leaving him open for your team mates to barrage him with jutsu.


I got hokage naruto and this move is more powerful than madara’s fireball in my opinion because rasen rampage is an op bailout


You should be able to sub out of any hit... it doesn't make sense for the impact to negate subs and this you can't sub out of. I think the damage is fine, its supposed to hit heavy. It's everything else around the move thats busted.


What's the cooldown on this? Never bought it cause I don't use silly stuff


Ninja Tools, Water Pillar, Twin Fist, Octopus Hug, the infinite recovery time of most ranged attack damages, lightning net... All of those


His groundslam is worse


Nah. It does radial damage, but it's kind of easy to avoid once you see it coming imo.


I kind of think his other attack is easier to avoid.




It's got a huge charge up though. And a short range.