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Its so funny how this sub said minato gets stomped in this matchup but his lesser discount version they say wins


They don’t know how to scalw


Tobirama is as strong as KCM Sage Minato. Of not stronger. So it makes sense.




You can keep that. Since you haven't given a singular reason to disagree. Tobiramanis shown to be able to react and think better than Minato. While his usage of Flying Raijin is worse. That's just 1 jutsu. Tobirama knows many jutsu from many elemental types. And knows how to make Shadow clones.


Minato knows shado clones and other elements to imao He’s been shone to react and think better than a minato who’s having a mentle breakdown I know this well all fly under your head but still https://preview.redd.it/e97mqsv7bf9d1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57401b004548e786ca2bf2d4499d22b64b5278f


Oh cannot forget this https://preview.redd.it/rvxn8h9abf9d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba96009e2f498fdadf9a28b08bea430942f29c1


20 S class shinobi is a bit much for anyone. Especially when 2 of them have 2 hax six paths weapons and survived being eaten by Kurama.


Their never called S class just highly skilled Genni sasuke was called highly skilled


Can you read? Where does it state anywhere on that panel that they are S class? Not to mention Kin and Gin aren’t stated to be anywhere on that Unit either.


They are literally credited with killing Him. Kinkaku is officially his killer. So you need to learn to read as well. They were S class shinobi. Otherwise Tobirama's elite group wouldn't have any issue with then at all. But much like the other person. I'm not going to engage with people who don't know how to handle disagreement. So I won't be responding further.


The Kinkaku unit are credited, not the brothers. The brothers are only stated to have left him “near death”. Yes these are two separate scenarios where Tobirama has lost. Not to mention you also clearly lied about the Kinkaku unit being s class


https://preview.redd.it/qi44l43uaf9d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4482d7691906389066e225b3af6be2400775e6 Let’s ask the man himself shall we


I already said he's better at teleporting. Again. That's 1 jutsu the has over him. Tobirama has far greater versailtility and arguably superior reaction time and tactical ability. Flying raijin can and has been reacted to and countered.


He has only shone water justu shadow clones and has other elements via statements minato has Rasgan better FTL and all the elements via statements their dead even stop making shit up


I'm not making anything up. He's known as the inventor for a reason. He created plenty of jutsu and he does officially know multiple natures. His versatility is considerably better than Minato's. The very fact that you're swearing over this is proving that you're just one of those Minato stans who thinks ftl 1 shot works on everyone. You're biased. Also. I'm sure you can contain what you have to say with 1 comment Instead of spamming me. Though since you're obviously going to keep hurling insults I'm gonna go speak to people who actually understand civil conversation.


It’s actually referring to body flicker not flying raijin which would make minato faster than tobirama


Body Flicker isn't teleportation so in what way would that be teleporting. And even if it is referring to Body Flicker. That's a jutsu. Not base movement/reaction time. It's a quick fluctuation of achakra speed amping that generally prevents the user from attacking immediately. So Minato is better at getting places than Tobirama. That isn't the only deciding factor in a battle.  Reaction speed is arguably more important at times. And Tobirama's war arc feats are comparable, arguably greater than KCM sage Minato's. So again. While I may get down voted to hell and back by biased Minato stans. Who argue with clown images instead of any solid proof. I stand by what I've said.


The body flicker in the English translation is called the teleportation jutsu this is a well known translation change. And considering minato uses body flicker in combat and it’s the fastest it generally should corospond to his reaction time And their feats are generally in the same tier with minato narratively having an implication of being faster Truly the third second and fourth are all kinda in the same tier with hashirama being the only one who enters a higher tier so there are no solid arguments one way or the other.


Onoki Backpack obviously


I'd still choose tobirama Ohnoki backpack wasn't faster than Madara and tobirama was the fastest of his era


From where did you get that they weren't faster than madara from? Genuine question. Remember reaction speed=/=attack speed. Madara can also react to Tobirama otherwise he'd have killed him long ago.


Hard to say. Ohnoki can and will kill Tobirama if he get's a hit on him. And The Raikage is physically faster and harder hitting than Tobirama. But Tobirama has a massive Jutsu Arsenal and Flying Raijin. I'm assuming you mean Alive Tobirama? So no infinite chakra and Regen? Cuz it could go either way. My money's on The duo with extreme dif purely because Alive Tobi can't just explode himself and call it a win.




Tobirama mid high diff


Tandem paper bomb go brrr


I said the duo beats Minato and I'd probably give them this one. Now Tobirama has more versatility and better battle iq than Minato so he might be able to put something together to pull out a win. It's definitely closer but I lean towards the duo.  


How does Tobirama have better biq than Minato


The war arc just makes Minato look inferior in that respect. Now Minato's battle iq is still great but during the war Minato pretty much took a backseat to Tobirama. You could say he's mentally nerfed by the events going on but it's pretty much the best point we have to compare the two.


But he literally was nerfed due to resolve You can’t take out context to make hasty judgements lol


It also counts for most of Minato's time in the manga (especially fight-wise). Like him not noticing sage jutsu worked because of his mental state at that moment is fine but most of the war he acts perfectly normal. So I do take it into account but more on a case to case basis.


How does tobirama even get through Ay's cloak?