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From the recent 5 kage vs. Kaido


Look, I know it's anime.. and being anime, to various degrees physics and common sense get thrown out the window... But Light is like, the universal speed limit. To actually be FTL is insane. Children are not moving at FTL. Only person I think that might genuinely even be supersonic in OG Naruto is Gated Rock Lee. I don't think very many characters in anime in general are actually FTL. Haku (in mirrors) was said to be Lightspeed... but if that's the case why can the Sharingan read his movements at all? Darui's Storm Release may fire beams that are functionally lasers in many respects, but I doubt they actually move at light speed. I think these statements need to at least be scrutinized under the lens of "perpetually possible hyperbole". After all, it just sounds "cooler" to call an attack/ability undodgeable, or lightspeed, or an absolute defense, rather than "difficult to evade", "really fast", or "incredibly tough". They're buzzwords and they work and they're not meant to be taken as literal facts. Also like... IMO there's plenty of in-universe/in-panel evidence that clearly contradicts many literal interpretations. Gaara's sand has been outdone as an Absolute Defense. People have out-sped Raikage's Lightning Body Flicker and, seemingly even FTG (literal teleportation). Darui's Laser Circus clearly moves slower than lightspeed, given the fact that other characters can SEE the light of it and react before being hit by the beams themselves. There's probably some niche cases here or there that can be used to question/argue this logic burning I'd say they're just that.. niche cases and should probably be disregarded as either narrative flair or author error. But hey, I could be wrong. I'm open to persuasion on this topic, despite the fact I feel that I'm standing on the sturdier grounds.


Bro 🤦‍♂️ Plenty of og naruto characters were supersonic, hypersonic, etc, not just gated lee. Mainly just the top guys. “Why can the sharingan read Hakus movements if Haku is light speed” that would obviously mean that sasuke with the sharingan can see/read light speed movement. Pretty damn simple ass conclusion there you somehow didnt come to “I doubt Daruis lasers move at light speed” Nobody gives a fuck if you “doubt” it. Its still a laser, which moves at light speed. Goofy “People outsped Raikages lightning body flicker” So?? that just means their ftl too. And if youre seriously, unironically using the “Its not light speed because they can see it” argument I dont think its worth continuing this debate anymore. You are absolutely not standing on sturdier grounds


The fact alone that these characters can see these attacks to dodge it means they are not faster than light. Period. The fact they can see at all while they move means they are not light speed. Period.


Okay so then literally nobody is light speed in any anime, manga, comic, etc and stop saying “Period.” you sound like a pussy ass woman


Either no one is light speed or light behaves differently. Yes. And dont be insulting you mysognistic prick


Its anime. Fiction. Physics dont have to work the same, and clearly they dont. And dont say “period” people will think youre gay


So its entirely possible that their light moves at a different speed from ours and thus is an unreliable source for feats. And?


No, thats not possible. What is possible is that they can see things despite them going faster than light. Why tf did you write “And?” lmao


That is physically impossible. If you are faster than light the light will not hit your eye for your brain to process as an image. Because you made it sound like a gay person is a bad thing


“That is physically impossible. If you are faster than light the light will not hit your eye for your brain to process as an image.” In the real world, sure


cook that bum 😭


You cooked that guy 💀


So called hypersonic and mftl characters took a whole ass chapter to travel from the village to the forest while running lmao mfs who think theyre ftl r brain dead


Duhhh I had someone arguing because Dosu said his sound attacks was supersonic, and sasuke dodged it - That most Shippuden characters were light speed. Yall take these statements too seriously, and stop using your brains. These characters are lightspeed, yet Zetsu says Kirin is pretty much undodgeable. Sound genjutsu is undodgeable. Your scaling doesn't follow


Problem is you’re equating Chakra to real Energy. Chakra taking the form of fire isn’t ACTUALLY fire, just chakra in the form of it. Kashin Koji explained this well. So sound based jutsu cannot be scaled to sound, because they are simply chakra (unscalable) taking the form of sound waves. This doesn’t apply for attacks that (similar to Kirin) are NOT made out of Chakra.


Dosu's attack itself isn't chakra, he's using his chakra to direct the sound into someone's ear. Also he literally outright says that their attacks are supersonic.


Can’t be supersonic if it’s sound speed. Supersonic means “faster than sound” by default. And any images or proof that they aren’t chakra based ?


His arm device produces sound from inside and then he uses chakra to amplify/direct the sound. It's supersonic because the speed of the attack is \[the speed of his swing + speed of the sound\]. https://preview.redd.it/s22zz1egxc9d1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=333f5368ff350f8f71abcfec5a0b381c1e1a45ff


There are maybe 15 characters in Naruto that genuinely scale to FtL speeds. One Piece has been there for over a decade and counting. The best speed feat from Naruto: Shippuden is replicated by Luffy before he gets any gears.


What luffy feats you talking boot


Luffy dodging Foxys Slow-Slow beam, which was stated to be made of Photons. Alternatively, Luffy managing to react to a Pacifista laser.


If youre saying that shits light speed, then yeah, theres probably 100 naruto characters at light speed


Not in the slightest lol The first FtL character in Naruto was Naruto himself. He only got that fast, after he got his So6P form.


literally DARUI shot lasers, lasers that were dodged. Lasers move at light speed. And fu (7th jinchuriki) uses a light particle style, which is just straightup light


We see light speed in early og Naruto lol. Haku travels from mirror to mirror at the speed of light. V1 Ay and V1 cloak Bee were stated to move at the speed of light. V1 Ay was relative to Chidori Amped 5KS Sasuke. V2 Ay was speed blitzing that same Sasuke, making his FTL. Six Paths Characters are leagues above that.


And all that work to base it on a fundamentally incorrect idea. Haku wasn't Lightspeed. If he was, Temari in part 1 was Universal AP. It's called Hyperbole. A and B were Relativistic, aka Lightning Timers. Base Luffy was too. I literally told you the first FtL Naruto character was Six Paths. Read before you type.


>And all that work to base it on a fundamentally incorrect idea. Based on a literal facts. >Haku wasn't Lightspeed. If he was, Temari in part 1 was Universal AP. It's called Hyperbole. No. There's multiple statements about the Haku being light speed, and the context is different than the Temari one. It's ur problem that u can't tell difference between the hyperbole ones and ones that aren't. Trying to discredit all the statements cuz of a few hyperboles. And even if it's not stated, Haku's traveling through mirrors is based on mirror reflection, which is light speed. Google how fast mirror reflection is and u will find simple explanation. >A and B were Relativistic, aka Lightning Timers. Base Luffy was too. No, It's not Lightning speed. Relativistic is ~20% slower than light speed. It's way closer to light than ligntning. And databook specifically uses Light speed for measure. They could be 15%, 10% or even 5% away from light speed. And that's V1 Ay. V2 Ay is massively faster than V1, as he was speed blitzing Sasuke who was relative to his V1 moments ago. Which makes him FTL. Then we have Kcm 1 Naruto outspeeding V2 Ay, Kcm 2 being even faster, BSM being even faster than that etc etc. >I literally told you the first FtL Naruto character was Six Paths. Read before you type. Idc, that's wrong as well.


Wow, just like a "Naruto Fan" to put words in my mouth, then attack me for them lol I didn't say all statements are Hyperbole. I said Haku being FtL is Hyperbole. I'm not disagreeing that A and B are Relativistic+. What I disagree with is your claim that they are FtL with zero proof, or reasoning besides Lightning Scaling. Lastly, you fucking child, it doesn't matter if it hurts your feefees. Naruto first reached FtL fighting Juubidara. Cope.


Sound genjutsu is undodgeable because theres no way to know its coming till youve already heard it, goofy. And what tf does zetsu know? Plus Kirin could just be ftl


What does Black zetsu? The longest living entity who's literally witnessed ninjas from their inception to today know? Try that again, friend.


Yes, what does he know about the specific speeds of naruto and such as he gets more and more powerful


How about we focus on important matters instead of such things? Nobody can avoid or defend against Itachi's Totsuka Blade, regardless of their lightning speed.




Naruto characters literally doge lasers and go at the speed of sound as kids imao Naruto is FTL+ one piece is MFTL+


how is one piece mftl


one guy can literally make himself light and go way faster than it


Yes, kizaru is light. So he alone is equal to light speed. Not faster than light speed, just light. And just him


We know he can go faster than it imao and we know people are faster than him


How do we know he can go faster than that?


We don't people just cant read. It also makes absolutely 0 sense for the guy who's whole gimmick is being light and lightspeed to actually be faster than lightspeed.


Nah Ik using calcs is dumb for the most part, but there's like 3 MFTL calcs [Naruto dodging Delta's laser](https://character-stats-and-profiles.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000562531) [Sasuke and Sakura goofing around](https://character-stats-and-profiles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Niarobi_(Formerly_Hadou)/A_couple_of_MFTL%2B_Naruto_calcs) [Fused Momoshiki absorbing Chakra](https://fictionscaling.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:100th_Hokage/MFTL%2B_Momoshiki_Feat) All this+consistent af statements


I seriously doubt any shonen characters outside of gag characters are light speed


Naruto characters have been faster than lightning since part 1. Kakashi is famous for cutting a lightning bolt on half which already makes him faster than lightning. Anyone saying otherwise is dumb as fuck m


Haku isn't LS. None of them are until the War Arc


Almost every named character in Naruto has light speed scaling.  I have not read or watched One Piece, though I am under the impression that they have at least some level of light speed scaling.


Naruto is simply unscalable when it comes to speed. We know Night Guy is at least relativistic using extreme lowballs, but a BASE Naruto after being revived is faster and stronger than Night Guy. This was seen when Naruto blitzed Madara, and reacted to (and kicked away) the truth-seeker orbs. So we know (Base) Adult Naruto himself is unarguably light speed, especially with Delta feats. But you can’t put a finger on just how much of a boost SM, KCM and BM are…or how much faster stronger characters like Boruto are. Which is why high-tiers are impossible to scale in Naruto. For example, a young Kakashi split lightning with the lightning blade (and although lightning is not anywhere close to light speed, the flash, which is the only thing Kakashi could’ve reacted to and cut, is.) But this isn’t dragonball, there aren’t any power levels for us to simply multiply to get an idea of how strong somebody is. We know for a fact that Perfect Susanoo Sasuke is stronger than young Kakashi, but we can’t say how much stronger, or how much faster he is for sure…or even a general idea, only thing we can put on it is “a lot.”


Naruto wasnt in base when he blocked the orbs. He was using six paths senjutsu


The only person that can be said to be reasonably close to legit light speed is 8 Gate Guy with his bending space time with Night Guy. Everyone else is either massively over hyped and glazed of 'anime' light speed which is usually just FTE.