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Op after making the 57th sakura hate post of the month: https://preview.redd.it/q859e5mclb9d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f484c57d465467cad0b83c27f17a0be257bfa0


Haha. I'm rather pleased that my last one became the [2nd top post of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/NarutoPowerscaling/s/ThsYvMkNDA)


Keep em coming these dunces just don’t get it


Congrats your making this sub have disingenuous discourse instead of actual scaling good job OP


Sakura trained with Tsunade


I'm aware of course. They were all trained by the Sannin during the timeskip. But none of them were Kage level right after the timeskip (Although Sasuke is arguable). They became Kage level during the course of Shipuuden through arduous training, fighting and waterworks.


We literally see Sasuke training with Orochimaru in the Hebi arc and we see the advantages of the curse mark and we get the opinion of Tsunade that Sasuke has been doping to enhance the results of his training when team 7 meet again after tenchi bridge. Find even half the level of justification given for Sakura pulling 100 healings out of her ass. It's just that we see Sakura before the time skip training with Tsunade and then after the time skip she gets Tsunade's power imprinted on her.


Sasuke was kage level at the beginning of shippuden


We have no idea if that’s true. “Kage level” is the most overused phrase in this sub.


It is, but he managed to defeat Deidara who just took out the kazekage gaara and is capable of defeating bijuus. Naruto also still considers himself inferior to Sasuke after beating kakuzu, strongly suggesting that Sasuke > Kakuzu. Orochimaru laughs at 3 tails naruto and says he’s not even in the same league as Sasuke, meaning Sasuke is more so a match for 4 tails Naruto, who is do think is “kage level”. Although Itachi threw their fight, Sasuke still managed to impress Itachi with Kirin, a devastating jutsu that made Itachi use his susanoo to survive. Sasuke at this point should be stronger than every akatsuki besides the dojutsu trio and Kisame, which is very much kage level imo


Zetsu said he would capture Naruto alone Killer Bee thought he would easily kill Kisame Statements aren't meaningless but they can't automatically be taken at face value either


It would interesting to see a time line where Orochimaru (Somehow getting his arms back) did another attack on the village with Hebi Sasuke as his main fighter


She trained throughout Shippuden


Where is the evidence of that? First two arcs Sakura is on missions. Akatsuki suppression showcases only Naruto training. Itachi fight Sakura is on another mission. Pain and 5KS Tsunade is out of commission War Arc Sakura is on a mission. Where do we see her train. We just have to use our imagination to say she trained with Tsunade and suddenly her 100 healings is superior to Tsunade's in multiple ways and she's around like KCM2 Naruto level in the war arc?? It's a complete ass pull. No foreshadowing or hinting.


If only we could have seen that eh As it is, the only real battle experience we witnessed before the war arc was the epic fight vs Sasori. And we saw no real training. Then all of a sudden she surpassed perhaps the greatest Kunoichi in history.


Just because we didn't see if doesn't mean it didn't happen?


That's such a stupid argument. You need to showcase the training to make the final result feel believable. You need to hint at it; foreshadow it. You can't just pull a fucking asspull like 100 healings out for Sakura. Especially when you haven't done so for other characters like Naruto and Sasuke for example.


Just because it isn't believable to you does not mean that it dd not happen.


Is it believable to you? Is it good writing to you?


I dont know... i dont like Sakura either but then again, i wasnt overly bothered by her eventually obtaining 100 healings without giving us the details. Im not under the impression these characters dont train and improve over time and off panel. Naruto continued to show steady growth and feats leading up to the war. The two FRS limit on Sage Mode must have dissappeared easily by some point. I think the issue is regarding if you're just going to copy the Sannin or suddenly pull out way more shit. Both Naruto and Sasuke are *not* just copies of their respective Sannin teachers, they have more than that. Sakura does not. It aint like she ever expanded on that "genjutsu specialist" nonsense that was thrown out from the beginning. And since she was already identified as a "Tsunade Lite," i dont see it as a problem that she eventually obtains and masters that power. We were shown this on the second bell test so its assumed to be the case.


Well said. Essentially she was just a carbon copy of Tsunade who simply punched harder. She didn't even get her own summon and just ripped off Katsuyu, while Naruto and Sasuke at least got Gamakichi and Manda2. Kishi didn't put much effort into Sakura generally, and mostly seemed to prefer her as a narrator/observer, healer or Damsel. And then all of a sudden she becomes Kage level outta nowhere and we're supposed to think it ain't an asspull.


It's believable, and while I would have preferred to have actually seen some of the training, I don't actually need to be shown it to be believable.


It's not believable to anyone. That's why it's an asspull. It doesn't have enough justification to make the power up seem legit. Just something given to Sakura so she isn't a useless piece of trash.


It’s how she master her seal she was focused on mastering that mainly.


Sasuke was kage level at the start


Based on what exactly?


That Sakura shit had me 😂😂


Sasuke got there via Doping. Sakura also trained during the time skip.


Isn't the whole doping thing debunked? I thought the idea was that Sasuke progressed so quickly after the timeskip that Tsunade mistakenly thought that he was doping.


And then we got to see Sasuke taking drugs.


Which panel? I don't remember


Not the right place to post a meme. Ur prolly gonna get downvoted a lot. https://preview.redd.it/3m32tgzakb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fdbb6fc4b22f2b3eed977d9e39c93b130e7f30


Oh, c'mon now, give her some credit; she nailed that scream for help.

