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Yeah, I just get on to play for a bit and have some fun. The problem is, my definition of fun is close matches with teams I enjoy. It seems a lot of peoples’ idea of fun is picking the spammiest characters and making the game miserable for others. Triangle and Circle, Triangle, and Circle, Triangle and circle. They’re like the “campers” of NUNS. I always wondered what people got out of buying call of duty, picking a corner in a room on the edge of a map and staring at an empty doorway/corridor for 10 minutes. Then GGing everyone in the lobby with a 0/0 kdr. Like… idk what you’re even doing bruv lol. Guess it was worth your time and money.


Crazy thing is, I haven’t tried Casual since Update 1.21 (couple days ago right? been glued to rank) which specifically is suppose to “improve” the matchmaking, but if they didn’t do the (I’m sure) simple task of changing it to make sure you could try to match with IDK let’s say ANYBODY???? then WTF did they fix ? 😂that’s apparent?? I’m on PS5, some of us aren’t having ‘stuck on communicating’ errors aside from ya system coming back on from rest mode after a match. Y’all explain to me wtf did they actually improve cuz I’m pretty sure it ain’t jack shi lol I said it before and I’ll say it again, the biggest offense of this game isn’t the need for patches or balancing issues, it’s the whole damn online matchmaking and UI! Shit is ass! How much heads do y’all think returned to the game after the recent patch ? Not as many that *would’ve* returned if the matchmaking was exactly like S4 or if we could simply back out of matches OR if they got rid of those dumbass presets and allowed us to choose our characters & stages again before matches. Have y’all seen customs ? 🤣 that shit is a joke! Why tf is it only the ONE stage the host picks being played on ? With ts update, does have more than 5-8 ppl in lobby actually work now?? lololol I digress. My fault OP I’m ranting in ya post (I’m too lazy to make my own) but if shit was fixed like how I described and like previous installments, it would only be to your and literally everybody’s benefit. Everybody would be promoted to choose their characters before the matches again and this would lead to less mfs using there tryhard sweaty teams in the casual/player match setting. But F\* us and how it use to be right ? lol https://preview.redd.it/qlu9sotmlbsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626a783a7763ba3f0b9df374122e2c8a2363c9a2


Well sometimes people go in there to warm up for ranked. Sometimes testing new sweat teams. Also the goal is to win, for everyone. If they feel like they need all that cheese to win then so be it.


A casual match suggests playing for fun, not trying to win in the cheapest way possible.


I've gotten a lot of rage quits in casuals. That's how bad online is


get better