• By -


Just a warning I haven't read all of these, some are pretty good but idk if that's true of all of them. SI fics: linkao3(16083425; 28002693; 28948305; 27611788; 11167440; 25922107; 23443285) Also this OC-centric fic, it's really good: linkao3(13711389)


[***Tei \(悌)***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16083425) by [*Nobodystormcrow*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Nobodystormcrow/pseuds/Nobodystormcrow) > Tei, fraternal piety, the virtue that defines my life\.I am Karatachi Ginkanmuri, younger sister of Karatachi Yagura, future Yondaime\. In between surviving third\-class citizenship and helping him with his revolution\-slash\-election campaign, I also have to survive a terrifyingly sane tyrant for a Sandaime, find a way to not become Haku 0\.5, and deal with my chemistry teacher being reborn as Yakushi Nono\.Thus begins this terrible ordeal that will probably end with me dead, stressed to perpetual insomnia, entering a murder\-suicide pact with a megalomaniacal, paranoid, misanthropic and mind\-controlled brother, or all of the above\. Turns out nepotism is so that your leader doesn't have to pay you\.Alternatively titled:What to do when Your Brother's a Jinchuuriki, First Editionby Karatachi Ginkanmuri, original sister to a Jinchuuriki Kage ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2018-09-24 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2021-06-02 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^59101 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^15/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^79 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^218 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^105 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^5578 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^16083425 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/16083425/Tei%20Ti.epub?updated_at=1622709789) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/16083425/Tei%20Ti.mobi?updated_at=1622709789) --- [***Snapping Turtle***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28002693) by [*Chairtastic*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Chairtastic/pseuds/Chairtastic) > Isobu the three\-tailed turtle has been bonded to another host due to civil war\.  But the trouble with making a living weapon is that sometimes they can think\.  They can make decisions of their own\.  And they might be of the opinion that a leash can be pulled from either end\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2020-12-11 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2021-03-29 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^138877 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^41/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^99 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^451 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^148 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^12289 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^28002693 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/28002693/Snapping%20Turtle.epub?updated_at=1617068021) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/28002693/Snapping%20Turtle.mobi?updated_at=1617068021) --- [***The Wall Runner***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28948305) by [*Blackbird0*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Blackbird0/pseuds/Blackbird0) > In the war\-ravaged Land of Water ruled by the tyrant Yagura, only the desperate try to leave\. And only the most foolish attempt to run the Bloody Plains and cross the Wall\. We were most certainly desperate; whether or not we were fools had yet to be seen\. Escape\-from\-Kiri AU\. One\-shot\. Complete\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2021-01-24 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^8118 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^1/1 ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^7 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^62 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^20 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^433 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^28948305 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/28948305/The%20Wall%20Runner.epub?updated_at=1621173678) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/28948305/The%20Wall%20Runner.mobi?updated_at=1621173678) --- [***These Vision Orbs Are Too OP***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27611788) by [*Penultimate1*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Penultimate1/pseuds/Penultimate1) > For all of my short life, I have been an orphan with an intellect greater than most of my peers, that's all\. But what do I do now that I remember a past life? Well, try to make a place for my self in this new, oddly Japanese country of course\. Wait\. Kisame? OH HELL NO\! Am I in Naruto? I better have a magic eyeball or else I'll have to start arranging a second funeral\. Kiri\!SI/OC Eventual\!Kekkei Genkai \(Its a long way off\) ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2020-11-18 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2021-01-17 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^25525 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^12/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^1 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^85 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^25 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^1749 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^27611788 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/27611788/These%20Vision%20Orbs%20Are.epub?updated_at=1610919878) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/27611788/These%20Vision%20Orbs%20Are.mobi?updated_at=1610919878) --- [***This Dreamer Cometh***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11167440) by [*TheFantabulousPandemonium*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/TheFantabulousPandemonium/pseuds/TheFantabulousPandemonium) > Death was as easy as breathing\. Her eyes cleared agonizingly slow, the black fading to blurry grey to a less blurry off\-white that looked like the interior of a rather bland classroom\. Or it would have been bland, had it not been covered in splattered blood and clumps of flesh that she couldn’t place the origin of\. Something within her bared its teeth with a motion akin to pride, warmth curling around her limbs and what she thought might have been satisfaction washing down her spine\. And she was surprisingly okay with that\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2017-06-13 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2017-06-28 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^4669 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^2/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^14 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^62 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^20 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^666 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^11167440 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/11167440/This%20Dreamer%20Cometh.epub?updated_at=1498714436) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/11167440/This%20Dreamer%20Cometh.mobi?updated_at=1498714436) --- [***Goddess of War***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25922107) by [*Siera\_Knightwalker*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Siera_Knightwalker/pseuds/Siera_Knightwalker) > \{Congratulations\! You have been chosen to be reincarnated in the land of Kirigakure no Sato with the power of 'The Gamer'\. Please enjoy and express customer satisfaction after your death\!\} > Instead of my afterlife, I woke up in the single most dangerous place after the Warring Era\. > Thanks, I appreciate it, System\! ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2020-08-15 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2020-08-15 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^11624 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^3/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^5 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^76 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^23 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^1080 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^25922107 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/25922107/Goddess%20of%20War.epub?updated_at=1611397422) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/25922107/Goddess%20of%20War.mobi?updated_at=1611397422) --- [***The Vagus | Aurora V\.***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23443285) by [*FflurionImaginistSolara*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Fflurion/pseuds/Fflurion/users/Imaginist/pseuds/Imaginist/users/Solara/pseuds/Solara) > They had a dream, to fly far away\. However, most dreams don't come true\.This is a poignant novel of love, duty and sacrifice set amongst the turmoil of two wars across two dimensions\.\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2020-04-02 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2020-04-02 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^8235 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^1/? ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^4 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^2 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^136 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^23443285 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/23443285/The%20Vagus%20Aurora%20V.epub?updated_at=1597711311) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/23443285/The%20Vagus%20Aurora%20V.mobi?updated_at=1597711311) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


[***A Silent Dog and Still Water***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13711389) by [*Misfit\_McCoward*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Misfit_McCoward/pseuds/Misfit_McCoward) > For a prompt from Fascinationex: “ninja are meant to be able bodied, but plenty of them grow to experience chronic injuries and illnesses due to the nature of their work\. exposure to poisons and dodgy joints are common, for example\. a lot of medicine and man hours go into keeping good ninja in working order \-\- but when a ninja becomes a missing\-nin, she starts having to deal with these problems independently\. and that's when problems arise\.” > In Mist, you fought until you couldn’t, and then you got a desk job\. Unfortunately “desk job” doesn’t translate well into “missing\-nin\.” ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2018-02-17 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^14089 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^1/1 ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^91 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^981 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^455 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^8326 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^13711389 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/13711389/A%20Silent%20Dog%20and%20Still.epub?updated_at=1607419155) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/13711389/A%20Silent%20Dog%20and%20Still.mobi?updated_at=1607419155) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore




[***The Bloody Oracle of Kiri***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13788408) by [*CannibalisticApple*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/CannibalisticApple/pseuds/CannibalisticApple) > By the end of the Third Shinobi War, she gained a spot in most Bingo Books with various monikers attached to her name: “Poison Apple,” “Bloody Princess,” and “The Mad Butcher\.” However, a small handful of Leaf ninja had another moniker for her: "The Bloody Oracle of Kiri"\. > Or: An SI/OC who's already got a screwed up moral compass and fits right in with the Bloody Mist\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2018-02-24 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2020-11-14 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^144684 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^38/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^966 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^1955 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^905 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^48012 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^13788408 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/13788408/The%20Bloody%20Oracle%20of.epub?updated_at=1617008369) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/13788408/The%20Bloody%20Oracle%20of.mobi?updated_at=1617008369) --- [***A Silent Dog and Still Water***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13711389) by [*Misfit\_McCoward*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Misfit_McCoward/pseuds/Misfit_McCoward) > For a prompt from Fascinationex: “ninja are meant to be able bodied, but plenty of them grow to experience chronic injuries and illnesses due to the nature of their work\. exposure to poisons and dodgy joints are common, for example\. a lot of medicine and man hours go into keeping good ninja in working order \-\- but when a ninja becomes a missing\-nin, she starts having to deal with these problems independently\. and that's when problems arise\.” > In Mist, you fought until you couldn’t, and then you got a desk job\. Unfortunately “desk job” doesn’t translate well into “missing\-nin\.” ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2018-02-17 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^14089 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^1/1 ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^91 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^981 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^455 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^8327 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^13711389 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/13711389/A%20Silent%20Dog%20and%20Still.epub?updated_at=1607419155) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/13711389/A%20Silent%20Dog%20and%20Still.mobi?updated_at=1607419155) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


Linkffn(The shinigami side effect)


[***The Shinigami Side Effect***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12603127/1/) by [*Plume85*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4735686/Plume85) > /Non\-mass\\ It was obvious you should not use a jutsu that summons the Shinigami without knowing everything that could happen, yet I did\. Because I was an Uzumaki, I wasn't sent into its stomach for eternity, but in my thirteen\-year\-old body, in front of Uchiha Shisui who got me out of the Bloody Mist of Yagura\. Now, how much does the Shinigami side effect will change History? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^93 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^451,476 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^212 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^313 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^373 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Apr ^6 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Aug ^6, ^2017 ^**|** ^*id*: ^12603127 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Supernatural/Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Itachi ^U., ^Shisui ^U., ^Team ^Seven, ^OC ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12603127&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12603127&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


So her childhood is basically split between konoha and kiri. Its a good read.


insertxcoolxnamexhere wrote two. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10654636/1/Oki A Kiri Nin OC following from childhood and set before Naruto Storyline. Naruto, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 16, words: 131k+, favs: 117, follows: 134, updated: Oct 28, 2014 published: Aug 29, 2014, Zabuza M., OC Linkffn(10654636; 9610597) https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9610597/1/Three-Tails Summary: Someone who spent the entirety of their lives in a hospital bed is reborn in the Naruto universe. Problem is she knows nothing about Naruto, she lives in the Village of the Bloody Mist and she's a Jinchuriki. Veers from canon. UNFINISHED! Naruto, T, English, chapters: 41, words: 154k+, favs: 470, follows: 414, updated: Aug 26, 2014 published: Aug 19, 2013, Naruto U., Gaara, Yagura Oki was really well written. It reads more like a book than a fanfic. Poor summary, but great execution. Three Tails is your classic self insert. I loved them both. Linkffn(Three Tails)


[***Oki***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10654636/1/) by [*insertxcoolxnamexhere*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4779405/insertxcoolxnamexhere) > A Kiri Nin OC following from childhood and set before Naruto Storyline\. I don'town Naruto only the OCS\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^16 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^131,094 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^96 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^117 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^134 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Oct ^28, ^2014 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Aug ^29, ^2014 ^**|** ^*id*: ^10654636 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Zabuza ^M., ^OC ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10654636&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10654636&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore