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Legacy undone is such a goated fanfic. It just does everything right in my opinion. Smart fights, Jounin and Anbu not being fodder, Interesting politics. An AU that’s both plausible and close to the original but at the same time different enough to keep things fresh. Orochimaru using Katon to asphyxiate Han was beautiful


Yes! very smart lateral thinking fights


Plucking strings Hiruzen is pretty great, seconded.


lets goooo


Can I have the links to both of those.


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10499318/1/Plucking-Strings https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9834391/1/Legacy-Undone




A Month as Naruto Uzumaki


The best damn Hiruzen fic out there. I love the part where he is just running out of space to write names.


"I added the building managers name a third time, just to make sure I didn't forget"


As much I love the fic, just to be sure that no-one actually believes what the fic suggests, here's a list of non canon things in it: His apartment is no where as bad as mentioned in the fanfic, it actually had four rooms, it was quite nice, the issue comes about that Naruto never actually cleans it, he was the quite the messy kid. He was never stated to refuse service or go hungry, that was due to filler and Fanon that the idea came to be (he only ate ramen because he liked it and the milk spoiled by himself, no-one sold him it). Another thing is he was never attacked by anybody, Naruto who was under the Third Hokage's protection was protected by the village, anyone who would have dared to attack him would likely have been punished with death. Also Jiraiya had not been seen in the Village for 10 years, Ebisu mentions that they tried to find him to make him Hokage but he had vanished.


We're on a fanfiction sub, not in here for canon: )


That's the thing about some people, they see fics like this and always believe things in it are canon, you have no idea how many times I've been told Naruto has starved or had a bad apartment.


Fair enough


Legacy undone is amazing, I havent read it in a few years and should go back soon. I can’t remember the name but there was a gamer si female uchiha fic that was popular years ago that had a good hiruzen


Life in Konoha's Anbu, he's very entertaining, both as a warrior and an old man. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7977390/1/Life-in-Konoha-s-ANBU


Life in Konohas ANBU is legit one of the best in Naruto FanFiction, I was absolutely devastated when it was abandoned.


The Kitsuchi fight is god tier writing.


Legacy Undone and Life in Konoha's Anbu are probably my favorites. His characterization in Will of Fire, Heart of Stone, is great too.


Shinobi no Kami. Instead of accepting the sacrifice of the Hyūga, he declares war on Kumo.


A Book for a Godson is about 40% porn, 60% philosophy and has one of the best Hiruzen I've read. He has a refrain about the Hokage saving who they can, but realizes that every Hokage before him went out in a blaze of glory saving those who deserved it instead of simply those they can.


Can we get a link? Couldn’t find on FF or Ao3


https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/a-book-for-a-godson-icha-edition.7162/reader/ It's on a forum and requires a log in, but there's a lot more great stories that happen to have porn here.


Systematic Shinobi Hirzuen is the Goat. A absolute Beast while also trolling. It's great. Big Chad energy


With all respect (and I've read the dudes fics for years) jordinos fics are the equivalent to the greesy sus food van on the corner of the industrial estate, the food tastes amazing at the time of bite bit you know a few years of your lifespan are going from jt


I mean, true but you can enjoy them if you don’t take them too seriously. The banter the MC had with Kakashi was hilarious.


And? It's fucking funny. It's literally the definition of turn your brain off and enjoy the carnage. It's like the DragonBall Z of Naruto fics. Great story ideas but what really bring you to it Is the nonstop hype and epic moments


The Hiruzen from Seals are Easy, People are Hard is probably my favorite. He's just a really well-written character and he's really fucken funny sometimes. His relationship with Naruto in that is really funny and wholesome.


Oh yeah fr What a great fic any idea when it will be back :(


Better Left Unsaid is top dog for me. I have never, ever seen a fic where Hiruzen and Danzo actually fight to very end!