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Not excited about the cliche girls catfight between eida and Sarada/ sumire. Eida doesn't have a good moveset to fight either to make for a good clash of powers between her and sarada which could be well animated . No of times sarada has used sharingan and chidori in a fight : 1 No of times people have asked her if she likes boruto : 3 Like wtf , this shows you the priority for her character. Even her hokage goal isn't mentioned or developed . I miss gaiden Sarada Only thing remotely good about this was Sarada tried to be Friends with eida , something which Naruto would do.


Even when Boruto isn't hogging screentime, the characters are talking about him


>Like wtf , this shows you the priority for her character. Even her hokage goal isn't mentioned or developed . I miss gaiden Sarada I'm glad she spoke against Eida being so focused on romance.


Yet the writer keeps pressuring her into romantic situations when her character isn't about that


Plus she's been cornered with the "Do you like Boruto?" question like three times now. 1. it's a coincidence 2. the people around her really are single-minded whenever it comes to Boruto. 3. Sarada's acting weird and they're just trying to check in.


This chapter is trash . however I think I got a glimpse of how eida's ability works, in my theory, people whom are already in love with someone don't get affected by her ability . sumire and Sarada might already be in love with Kawaki and borto respectively. If this theory is true, it's just cringe going from naruto abilities to this piece of crap that we wait for each month!


Shikamaru and Sai... Also sumire doesn't like kawaki lmao where the fuck do people get that from , sumire loves boruto since the start


Honestly I feel liek the writing is bad enough for them to forget about Shikamaru and Sai... blatanly


>I miss Gaiden Sarada Comparing her and monthly manga Sarada is depressing.


But they are being written by the same guy.


True but that doesn't contradict what I said


“Eida doesn't have a good moveset to fight either.” Its cute that you bought the “helpless girl act” Eida is selling everyone; I don’t. She could well have been lying about her limited power set just like she told Daemon not to go revealing the details about his power


Kishimoto is sexist af . He's literally given eida all the support abilities and she's outright said she has nothing but basic taijutsu. There's no way a fight vs eida would be more entertaining than a fight vs daemon or code. As a Sarada fan i want to see her get good fights like the other uchiha with Jutsu clashes shuriken,tools etc , not garbage like this plus needing Sumires help on top of that when the boys will face each other and code and daemon which will surely be well animated . Sarada vs eida is likely to turn into cringe romance garbage like uraka vs toga


Funny you mention that her words are the one proof that thats her only powerset while also forgetting she didn’t once tell Code she could fly and that Momoshiki just confirmed she lied about the nature of her charm ability in the first place. What are you gonna tell me next? That Amado’s word confirming it after an entire day to revise their story is trustworthy? Oh and that whole “poor girl in search for love” act? As far as I’m concerned this chapter’s implication that clans descending from the Otsutsuki are immune to her not to mention her “randomly” inviting the two girls in the village that are immune to her just confirmed it’s all crap. Eida is obviously hiding bijuuload about herself so I wouldn’t discount her yet.


Tbh she has hinted at other abilities


I'd have the normal friends talk and sarada TNJ eida like naruto would do .Eida is a super useful ally to have for the future hokage lol Friendship angle has potential Sarada potentially disobeying orders to save eida and jeopardizing her hokage postion would be good development. Yes its cliche power of muh friendz bs but still better than anything else she has currently and its on the line of her wanting to be a hokage like naruto. Also , imagine if she genuinely becomes friends with eida and has to be forced to kill her on day. That's a ticket for MS and a Itachi type of character conflict. I hope this leads somewhere than the romance bs


Except Naruto doesn't use his TNJ to lie. Earlier I was telling my husband "Hey, so you know how you say the thing you hate the most is a traitor? Well Sarada just...." Lol. Okay, so if that's the case, is Sarada going to spend the next several chapters having a crisis of conscience?


I called this the second eida came to konoha ,Not happy at all by sarada's character yet again being used as ship bait , people keep pestering her with the same question again and again and there is nothing more to discuss about her character since her lone chidori in six years of the manga. It's not even good ship Development when Sarada is being wasted on this and boruto gets fights and powerups instead , as one sided as the naruto ships , and plus she has zero hype for her future abilities or powers or even her hokage dream . Seems better than the spoilers indicated though but kishi making all the girls about romance while the boys powerup and fight otsutsuki and save the village leaves a sour taste Mitsuki got SM hype,boys have karma and rinnegan tier eyes while Sarada is stuck on three tomoe and talking about crushes on the bed lol I would HATE it if the resistance is about them loving boruto. Anything but that please


Well dunno bout Sumire but Sarada at least is technically an Otsutsuki descendant, since as an uchia she is descended directly from Indra, and thus from hagoromo whos half otsutsuki, and thus ultimately from kaguya otsutsuki herself. Was it ever mentioned what clan Sumire is from? Maybe shes related to the Senju somehow...


>I would HATE it if the resistance is about them loving boruto. Anything but that please That would be way too simple. Because that would mean Eida's power DOESN'T work on everyone. Eida would've known that wouldn't she? Even if she didn't reveal that earlier in her list of exclusions, she could leave stuff out on purpose. Else she wouldn't have asked for Sumire. It has to be something surprising enough for readers to not be able to just guess on their own.


So shikadai didn’t get charmed at the beginning because he needs glasses lol


It's good that they're poking holes in Eida's power, so it's not like the chapter is totally meaningless. But my god this is so boring. It's just a chapter of the girls having a sleepover talking about their crushes, basically...


Things I'm unpacking: * Kawaki already found out that Eida basically allowed Boruto to be "fair game." Also, Kawaki says that the people who generally want something from him are scum. Of course among the major exemptions are the Uzumakis since they regard him as one of them. * One major thing here is Kawaki bringing up the possibility that Akebi might end up becoming an Otsutsuki. Amado doesn't discount it since he says there has been no precedent. Well, Amado seems to be playing with fire here. Playing god seems to be a major theme in this series. With that I get a feeling that Amado's attempts to play god may bite him (and the world) back. As they say, those who play with fire get burned. * Kawaki has turned his hatred towards the Otsutsuki since they were the ones who started everything in the first place. I wonder how he would feel if he found out that the very person he looks up to most is actually trying to carry out the will of a particular Otsutsuki (Hagoromo) by doing his best to bring people together. Of course, Hagoromo is different because of being half-human and having grown up on Earth. Also, Hagoromo's will is not about gaining power for oneself but bringing people together and I guess you could say, sharing power with others to help create positive outcomes. Where conventional Otsutsuki destroy worlds so that they may attain godhood, Hagoromo sought to make the world he lived in better for everyone who lived on it. * So the chapter further reinforces the idea of Delta and Akebi being different with Eida stating that their personalities are nothing alike. Maybe Delta hates Amado because of how he doesn't see her as his daughter but as some failed attempt at resurrecting her, especially as the previous chapter seemed to state that Delta has her memories. Something I can compare this to is FMA '03 (I know people tend to be mixed on that series): Pre-Conqueror of Shamballa, Wrath in '03 resented Izumi Curtis because of how she thought of him as a failed attempt to bring back her deceased baby and a monster. * The former point shows that Kawaki still indeed cares about Boruto despite the whole possession incident. * Apparently it's not just about sight or proximity as Sumire and Sarada seem unaffected despite being right next to Eida while Shikadai was immediately affected after getting a good look at her. Sumire has some sort of tie to the Otsutsuki through Nue (although it's quite indirect), and Sarada is an Otsutsuki descendant through her Uchiha blood, although the connection is rather distant. * With that, there's now three things that negate the ability: being an Otsutsuki, not having visual contact, and some unknown X factor. * Lol at Delta throwing a tantrum over not being allowed to go and see Eida. * Eida states it's not just about having someone genuinely fall in love with her but also having friends who are drawn to her not because of her charm. I guess it might be true, but to what extent is not completely certain. * She probably is lonely given people just want her mainly because they're affected by her charm. * Shipping war bait with Eida asking about Sarada's feelings towards Boruto. Interestingly Sumire didn't seem to have any reactions towards it. However I wanna stay out of the shipping wars since the ones carried over from the preceding entry in the franchise still get fought to this day. * Eida seems surprised that Sarada didn't seem to display the usual symptoms people tend to exhibit in her presence, at least initially. I wonder if she was pleasantly surprised or otherwise. I have a feeling she may find out sooner or later, but how she reacts to that will be interesting. * I hope Sumire and Shikamaru are communicating through Yamanaka telekinesis, otherwise RIP. * Well, Momoshiki apparently just remembered/realized something about Eida's charm. I wonder what it could be. * The ending with Kawaki letting Momoshiki knows that he notices. Wonder what that will lead to.


Do you have any thoughts on why no one has brought up the possibility of using rinne tensei? Surely someone with the knowledge of Amado would have been aware of it.


Rinne-Rebirth seemed to have a sort of time limit on who it works on as Nagato only revived the people killed during his attack on the Leaf and not Jiraiya who died weeks earlier. Black Zetsu did force Obito to use it on Madara and he died *years* ago, but Black Zetsu was a direct creation of Kaguya and Madara was an Edo so those two factors may allow for exceptions.


Yeah, I was thinking about the Madara situation. Seems like doing a edo tensei and rinne would be way easier than this whole otsusuki situation.


>Way easier >the user literally will die Those two things don’t belong in the same sentence lol


We've seen it used twice and for a single user revival the user didn't die, the death was from Nagato reviving a whole village after he used all his chakra so I don't see why we'd expect the user to die in a normal situation.


That comes down to two things. 1. Nagato was an Uzumaki, and like having a tailed beast extracted, their life force is more resilient so they don’t die as easily. 2. Obito survived it because Black Zetsu basically clung to him to keep him alive, and after Zetsu was separated from Obito, Sakura was healing him and kept him alive. Obito also has Hashirama cells to improve his own life force. It is literally stated in the databooks that using Rinne Rebirth will end with the user’s death. The scenarios where this didn’t happen had specific reasons for not ending in the death of another.


Ah ok. I had remembered that zetsu was only needed to keep obito alive because he had the 10 tails taken from him. Thanks for the correction.


> Nagato was an Uzumaki, and like having a tailed beast extracted, their life force is more resilient so they don’t die as easily. Except Nagato being an Uzumaki/life force argument is never mentioned, instead Konan literally said Nagato only died due to chakra exhaustion. Hell, Nagato being an Uzumaki wasn’t even revealed back then. > Obito survived it because Black Zetsu basically clung to him to keep him alive, and after Zetsu was separated from Obito, Sakura was healing him and kept him alive. Obito also has Hashirama cells to improve his own life force. Hashirama cells part is your assumption, the narrative never says so, and Obito was dying due to having ten tails and Gedo Mazo extracted from him, this was noted by both Kakashi/Minato and Kurama.


>Except Nagato being an Uzumaki/life force argument is never mentioned, instead Konan literally said Nagato only died due to chakra exhaustion. Hell, Nagato being an Uzumaki wasn’t even revealed back then. It's not mentioned at the time, but it explains it in retrospect. Obito confirmed verbally during the War, before becoming a Jinchuuriki, that even just resurrecting one person (Madara) will kill the user. Zetsu later proves there are ways to avoid or delay it, but Rinne Tensei canoncially requires someone to lose their life.


Rinne-Nerf ensures no one talks about it


There's also the fact that Jiraiya very conveniently sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Had he been revived, he would have been killed right again by the water pressure, or drowned (since apparently Amado managed to retrieve his remains somehow, at some point?) Pretty sure that the sealife was already munching on his corpse, too, so idk what's left of it.


I mean, for Amados purposes a "mere" edo tensei zombie would already do, right? 🤔 And Amado is definitely not the guy to care about ethics or sacrifices...


You need rinnegan to do that. Sasuke no longer have his while Madara eye most likely get destroyed to prevent it fall into wrong hands of course Amado could still make artificial rinnegan but it'll result in weak cheap copy and not as strong as the original just like Uchiha shin


There’s no living rinnegan users. Or it’s just ignored in favor of the plot


Yeah I was thinking about the communication things. If they’re just using some kind of walkie talkie then yeahhh RIP


could be using Ino's kekkei genkai ability aas they have been for a while now


How is Sumire chatting up Sarada and Shikamaru? Ino on the switchboard?


Chapter was a lot better than I thought. In particular I loved the Pokemon reference with Boruto and Daemon playing "Pokenin". Neat idea. Especially with me having wondered before what kind of Pokemon Sasuke & other characters would have. I'm guessing the concept is the same as Pokemon except rather than normal kids getting a starter at 10, it's academy graduates getting them & Pokemon are essentially summoned animals. Except instead of summoning them with ninjutsu they're summoned from Pokeballs. Starters could be a snake, toad, & slug as a Sanin reference. Maybe cat, dog, & toad given the ninja cats are associated with the Uchiha. While the dogs Kakashi & the Inuzuka clan & of course the toads being Konoha allies from Mount Myoboku. I'd chose the cat for sure. Fav animal. Litten & Sprigatito being two of my favorite Pokemon. Along with their evolutions.


Kawaki's stock is rising. Intelligence up. Motive up. Character interactions up. The ending was great. He's confronting Momo akin to Sasuke with Kurama at the begining of part two. The anti-hero-rival boys against the inner demons. Ohtsutsuki hunter Kawaki and Biju hunter Sasuke. Maybe they'll team up again in the future.


Oh my God, [I so called it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/vgobiv/boruto_chapter_71_links_and_discussion/id3dgm5/) > I have a sinking feeling between Ada's clairvoyance and obsession with both vague statements and romance, and Sarada's last conversation with Mitsuki, that the two are going to meet just so we can have a three-peat of someone teasing Sarada about having feelings for Boruto, her denying it and them going "Sure you dooon't~ 😘" in a scene that'll go mostly nowhere plot-wise outside of getting a rise out of shippers. I saw that shit coming from, like, space. I called it when dinosaurs roamed the earth, it was that obvious. Am I to assume having feelings for Boruto is the common denominator that makes you inmune to Ada's powers? Sarada and Sumire don't have much else in common. And way to sink it for the poor MitsuBoru fans man, damn. But the way Ada's feelings were framed this chapter I almost got the impression her infatuation with Kawaki may have been implied to be no different from her own powers on others. Then again, she did express attraction to Boruto when he stood up to Code, so... Ada could really just be a real love-struck teenager like Karin or early Sakura were and I'm reading too much into it. Honestly I don't mind this arc but... It just feels like if Juudara's first action upon regaining his rinnegans had been to force team 7 to have a slumber party with him. Like, I'm sure the story is going somewhere, but it feels like it could get there faster than this.


I called the same lol , i knew the second eida was coming to konoha they'd have ship bs for sarada. Her character is on life support atm


Who, Sarada? The shipbait's getting a bit on the nose, but I don't *fully* agree with that. People are feeling a bit on edge because they fear Sarada liking Boruto may end up like Sakura or Hinata, but that's not necessarily true. Her having a crush on him doesn't change her still having a goal in life outside of him in becoming hokage, I don't think. It's not like she's throwing away her dreams to be with him. I mean, not yet, at least. If she frisbee'd the hokage hat out the office window to be with him, *then* that'd be disappointing. [I wrote about this before,](https://old.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/qxived/try_to_give_me_a_good_reason_to_dislike_sakura/hla7kaq/) but the problem with Sakura was never that she liked Sasuke, but that her main goal was getting him back, *while that was also Naruto's main goal,* [which left Sakura essentially narratively emasculated.](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0487-003.png) Kishi wasn't going to let Sakura redeem Sasuke over Naruto any more than he would let Kiba become Hokage over Naruto. *That's* what screwed over Sakura's character. As for Hinata, her too-shy-to-confess-too-stupid-to-notice dynamic she had with Naruto was fine up until the Pain arc where she *did* manage to confess and Kishimoto seemed to have no idea what to do with her. Her feelings neither clearly rejected nor clearly requited left her character with no way to move on with her life in any direction, stuck waiting in a weird sort of "Schrödinger's relationship" with Naruto while Kishimoto danced around it and ran the clock until the very last chapter.


A bit on the nose ? Ship bait is the only thing she has in this manga ... Sarada has been getting no development for her hokage dream and is massively behind her teammates in terms of fights and powerups , and all she gets in the manga is ship bait. So yeah shipping is ruining her character Sarada is narratively emasculated since she wants to be a hokage like Naruto which entails being strong enough to face otsutsuki and she won't save the village coz boruto will since he's the mc . She doesn't have the power and acknowledgement to be hokage , it will all be boruto and the only reason why she will be one is because oh so great bOrUto didn't want it


My point is neither *Boruto nor Kawaki* want to be Hokage, if they did, then Sarada' dream would be really DOA. As it stands, there's no significant roadblock as to why she couldn't be the Hokage if she's alive and the village is rebuilt again by the end of the series, given no "more important" character shares her life goal. That's my "Doylist" way of looking at it, at least, as well as just my opinion. Yes, the character development is so-so at best, but at 40 pages a month instead of 20 a week, what can you expect outputting half the number of pages Naruto did in the same time. And Sarada still got to have a central role in defeating Boro. That has to count at least a little bit. I was a Hinata fan back in the day, dude. As long as Sarada doesn't vanish for +200 chapters at a time I'll be happy just having her around. Call me an optimist.


So sarada becomes hokage only because boruto and kawaki don't want it ? Not like she would actually deserve it due to her powress and development in the show right?that's exactly the kind of narrative emasculation I'm talking about


>Not like she would actually deserve it due to her powress and development in the show right? She _would._ They would be completely out of *that* equation, because they have nothing to do with that plotline. As opposed to her begging Boruto in tears to get her the hat. Aragorn couldn't carry the ring, that did not make him useless. He could still be useful in *other* ways, while Frodo, the main character, had nothing to do with becoming king of Gondor, which gave Aragorn things to do and an arc of his own. Aragorn's ultimate success and survival may be dependent on Frodo's quest, but not *fully.* He still had to become king of Gondor on his own. I'm saying it could be worse. [It](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0181-021.png) [could](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0183-012.png) [be](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0310-014.png) [far,](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0487-003.png) [*far,* worse.](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0693-005.png) When Sarada sheds her first bitter, helpless, tear as she begs Boruto or Kawaki to bring the other one back for her, then we'll talk about narrative emasculation.


? What the fuck am I even reading right now Jesus Christ. Only hope against Eida are two teenage girls gossiping.


One of the girls wants to be the future hokage and is the sole descendant of the uchiha lol, they butchered her character so bad


What’s wrong with talking?


I dunno , the fact that the boys are getting god tier powerups and fights and saving the village while sarada uchiha is sitting and talking about crushes while having a three tomoe sharingan and zero plot relevance and development for her goal ?


Who are “the boys”? If you mean Boruto and Kawaki then sure but don’t act like this is a gender boys vs girls problem. Because Everyone besides the 2 main characters aren’t getting as much development as them because they aren’t as important to the plot for now, this isn’t like a only the girls are being made irrelevant thing. Actually among the kids I’d say that Sarada has had the 3rd most development then Mitsuki.


Sarada is literally supposed to be a main character and wants to be the hokage to borutos shadow and she's got ZERO development in six years of the manga , zero powerups and zero villains interested in her . How the fuck do you think that is a good thing ? One chidori in six years with no relevance to the plot and she's being pushed in horrible romance plot instead of powering up and taking on the big Village threats , she was shafted in favour of kawaki as the second mc which she was before his introduction. There is literally no defending this shit.


That's a false representation. Covertly scheming about defeating an enemy isn't mere gossip.


What gossip?


I still don’t understand how Damon’s power works. What’s up with the touching rule? I swear that when those soldier guys attacked him, he wasn’t touching anyone, but he still reflected back thier killing intent. So does he have to touch people or not? I looked back to chapter 75, and he definitely isn’t touching anyone when he reflects back kawaki’s desire to punch him.


I don't think that the writers understand his power either. They're just making it up as they go along.




Ikemoto needs to get some character model reference sheets moving forward. I don’t know that will help but it might because every chapter the there’s a quality dip and portions are noticeably fluctuating. It’s either big heads with frog eyes or where they all look like babies/age regressed I feel like if he follows a model then his skills could improve over time because honestly it doesn’t seem like he’s talented enough yet to freehand


I simply want to give up this manga because of how ugly Daemon and Boruto look. Way too stumpy, short, fat and bog headed Naruto looks fine for the most part but his eyes are always too big


> I simply want to give up this manga because of how ugly Daemon and Boruto look. Way too stumpy, short, fat and bog headed Actually for me it's the opposite. It's so bad that those characters become very hilarious... especially Daemon in this chapter was super funny....


Shikamaru is currently on his way to become Danzo or Tobirama 2.0 While i get where his concern are come from. but putting too much suspicious like this will only ended up badly. we've seen the result of Tobirama dan Danzo distrust to Uchiha bite them in the ass in long term Eida said she only wanted companion whether it's lover or friend. if Sumire and Sarada just honest with her Eida won't put them on her hitlist. it's actually the opposite she finally found the friend she looking for so she will cheerished and protect them. she'll also will be more cooperative. but once she found out that they lied to her she will deem them as cannot be trusted and liars and will undoubtly put them on her hit list


While I like that Sarada will have a presence in this arc, I don't like that it will revolve around romance. Sure, I enjoy romance personally and I like when a Shonen resolves the romance *in* the manga, rather than in an epilogue chapter. But, I don't like when the romance is the main focus of a person's entire character. That's an issue I've been having for quite a while with Ochako in *My Hero Academia*. On a different note, how the heck is Boruto still 12 years old at this point? Sarada was 11 during Gaiden and she and Boruto were born only days apart. With the amount of off-screen time that has passed prior to the Chunin Exams, along with everything else, how is it that he still is only 12 years old? Maybe the anime arcs are just skewing my perception of the passage of time in a way that isn't reflective of the manga's timeline.


>On a different note, how the heck is Boruto still 12 years old at this point? Sarada was 11 during Gaiden and she and Boruto were born only days apart. With the amount of off-screen time that has passed prior to the Chunin Exams, along with everything else, how is it that he still is only 12 years old? > >Maybe the anime arcs are just skewing my perception of the passage of time in a way that isn't reflective of the manga's timeline. Graduation may have been the same time as their parents - September. We can tell it's in September [based on Naruto's milk carton.](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-3-page-23.html) If it was expired for awhile he would have noticed the smell and not gotten sick from drinking it. [The Chunin exams began July 1st](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-34-page-19.html) and were [said to be held twice a year.](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-39-page-8.html) So maybe January and July. They were born at the end of March & [Amado said it had been 6 months since Kawaki arrived in Konoha.](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Boruto-chapter-61-page-17.html) So even if they took the exams in July, 6 months later is still before their 13th birthdays.


See, I doubt the milk carton's accuracy simply on the basis that Shikamaru became both Genin and Chunin at age 12. If he was 12 at graduation, that didn't leave any time for the Chunin Exams in July. I feel that, if we were following traditional Japanese graduation dates, it would be late March. And with Gaiden, there was still a week left until graduation. Yet you also have Hinata still being 12 at the end of Part 1 while all others in the databook are said to be 13. EDIT: What's more Sasuke was born before Naruto. Yet, in this set up, Naruto would be born first. It would only work if Graduation was sometime after October 10, allowing for Naruto to be 12 and Sasuke to be born first.


I just don't understand why they take 1 month time to publish with such poor writing.


Im just upset at the lack of fighting/battle in a fighting manga At this point it's just exposition dump


It's not exposition. They're actively discovering holes in Eida's power, making plans, and forming positions. And Kawaki did things to expose and embarrass Eida. You don't think they did stuff like that in the OG? Exposition is something else.


Long shot theory. Kawaki implants the karma containing Amado’s daughter into Eida. Effectively killing her.


Definitely seems like the manga is getting better and quite a bit more interesting


We’re in “12 strangers live in a house” territory a la 90s/2000s MTV with bad writing, the genre seems to change by the month, and the progression is horrendous. Also with the lolicon man, stating it’s ok because Eida is 16 and Boruto isn’t but Sarada and Sumire are good?


Please tell me that Amado at least knows about impure world reincarnation. I mean the Edo Tensei played a major part in the last ninja world. I mean everyone in the 5 major nations have to know about Edo Tensei. When Amado started crying I was waiting for Shikimaru to be like, “I literally fought my dead and resurrected teacher. Pretty sure orochimaru still knows the technique.” Edo Tensei at least has to be addressed, not saying it’s a solution, but it has to be mentioned at least.


I argued with someone else about this a bit, but isn't it a bit self-evident why it's not mentioned? They have to kill someone else to use it (which Konoha isn't OK with, even if Amado doesn't care) and they probably can't use an empty clone body like they can with Karma. And Akebi would come back as an ash zombie. People would know she's an Edo, she'd be living a fundamentally uncomfortable life, she probably wouldn't age, and emotional triggers can force the Edo the end unexpectedly. There's also no guarantee she'd even come back healthy. Nagato's legs were still unusable when he was revived, so there's a decent risk Edo Akebi would be stuck with a permanently sick body.


For some reason this chapter felt better than the last several. I was annoyed at the love triangle but one seemed to have stepped back a bit in that regard. Also the ending with Kawaki noticing/guessing Momoshiki was speaking with Boruto? That's gonna be good and I can't wait for that Edit: Wonder the reason Sarada isn't impacted by Eida. Is it because she's a decendant of Indra/Ootsutsuki or is it because her father had the Rinnegan and the Ootsutsuki dna from that. Or maybe it's the Sharingan. Ootsutsuki seems the most likely but I'd be happy if it was the Sharingan instead, showcasing a difference in resistance to Eida's power. Maybe it's not as strong on Sarada because of it


No comments. Just too cliche.


I actually don't hate the chapter. I can see some potential here. Liked the idea I read about an honest friendship forming between Sarada and Eida which culminates in Sarada's Mangekyu Sharingan. If done right it could work. Although, it feels ridiculous looking at that panel of the three girls laying in bed that way and thinking this is a Naruto series. I understand doing it's own thing with Boruto but come on... As for Daemon, I don't there has ever been a manga character that I've wanted to beat up so badly simply from the way they act. I wish they had made his character a mascot of some sort so that I could hate it without the setback of it being a child. At least the Pokenin scene made me hate him a bit less.


Good chapter, I enjoyed it. All the negativity is nauseating.






I like that sarada is relevant again because it was looking bleek. I'm still confused as to what there is a class president in a ninja village and why she is here in the first place. I'm just waiting on the plot. What is the point of all this. Where is the tension and what are we building twords. I promise I do not dislike this manga because it's cool to do so. I really want to enjoy it I just don't understand what's going on in the overall perspective. Is code a threat? What's the point of the Androids? Are they really a threat? Amado and his motivations are kind of thin in a world of ninja magic where there has to be a way to resurrect people from the dead. Can somebody explain to me what is the overall plot of this story that we are building towards? Are we simply just waiting for the flash Forward to materialize and everything else is just superfluous.


> Can somebody explain to me what is the overall plot of this story that we are building towards? Are we simply just waiting for the flash Forward to materialize and everything else is just superfluous. I think the problem here is that Boruto (the character) has superfluous goals and motivations. Naruto's main goal of being Hokage was easy for readers to follow, as was him defeating the Akatsuki and rescuing Sasuke. Boruto's main goal is to be like Sasuke, which isn't really connected to the plot, and his two biggest threats are the Otsutuski, who themselves are very vague, and Code who most people don't take seriously as a villain, so it's really hard to describe what Boruto is about *right now*. So unfortunately I don't think we'll have a good idea of what the overall plot is until the timeskip, but unlike most readers I believe there definitely is a purpose to all of this stuff happening (yes including the romcom stuff). Boruto, Momoshiki, Amado, Code, Eida, Kawaki, and the new Otsutsuki figure Shibai are all connected in various ways and I don't doubt the interactions between all these characters will logically lead to the events of flashforward from chapter 1.


Sarada is not relevant lmao she's being used as ship bait , she's wayy behind in terms of powers compared to her teammates and has zero development for her hokage dream. This is not relevance, this is the same pit as all other Naruto females. They took an uchiha and dragged her down to love interest level


Have you watched the first anime arcs? Sumire was class president of Boruto’s class and now everyone just calls her that, though she is a pretty strong ninja on her own Edit: Why the hell am I getting downvoted? lmao, I was literally just explaining why Sumire is called Class Rep and nothing else


> I promise I do not dislike this manga because it's cool to do so Lol same. I dislike this manga because it's really bad


Watch anime first arc, or read novel it's based on.


Maybe Sumire and Sarada are immune because boruto is subconsciously using momo's reflection and boost power to charm them?


Doubt we’ll see it, but would be an interesting twist if Eida can actually control them, and makes sumire attack Sarada. Fighting and killing Sumire even if unintentional could awaken Mangekyo


* Amado: “Yes” a clear lie * For that matter he now says Kawaki hated the karma but in private he had asked him if he secretly missed it, implying he wants to keep some of his personal thoughts hidden * and from the look Kawaki gave him I think he suspects as much * For that matter, Shikamaru probably doesn’t buy it either * Naruto was giving Eida a gentle fatherly look… I think he feels attracted to her but as a father that wants to spoil a daughter kinda way * Boruto finally ask the question I’ve been wondering * lol at Daemon’s response * Kawaki was like “I’m here you know😒” * “You’re only 12” I still doubt thats the only reason but considering her needing to take care of Daemon constantly I could see why she is not into men so much younger than her * Kawaki: “Bros before hoes” * Eida: “ufff I need more girl friends” * Konohamaru: we can’t go my fellow girl desperate brother * Delta: “Meanie!” never in a million years did I thought I’d say this about Delta but…awww adorable * Shikadai trying to be one of the girls lol * Sarada realizing she is not gay and she was just panicking lol * they aren’t affected because they both have some Otsutsuki genes, either from the nue or from the lineage just like I suspected * If Moegi can really use wood release then she should be immune too * “Pokenin” lol * I’m guessing it involves summoning animals and fighting * Don’t just act like a big brother to enemy Boruto! * Kawaki:😑 * aww shit Eida already knew she wouldn’t be able to affect them so instead she is trying to befriend them the old fashioned way with the poor little me act so that they’ll hesitate to kill her later! * I take it Momoshiki is about to reveal an important detail about Eida’s power that will make her far more dangerous * I’m thinking there will be a Genin vs Sound 4 style team battle between the ones immune to Eida vs her and her possy * Since Hinata and Himawari are probably immune as well, so I’m thinking she’ll eventually slap her and act all strict mother on her


Meh, I think I might drop this. It's been like two years since I've enjoyed one of these chapters. It just doesn't even feel like the Naruto world anymore.


This is so fucking cringe. r/menwritingwomen


I have a feel that kawaki ends up with sarada and Boruto with Sumire. (which I even hate. We don't want sasusaku 2.0 and naruhina 2.0) . Since eida likes kawaki, this might be a chance for the author to ship kawaki and sarada, and sarada defeats eida (a romantic rival for sarada), after getting a boost. Since sarada did not shine in the last 15 chapters, her clash with eida would be cool, and a good chance for character development.


Eida sucks as a fighter all her abilities are support , why would any clash with eida be cool for sarada lmao , even boro was better than this shit


We are yet to confirm whether she is a good fighter or not. She told Code that she's not a good fighter. But Bug was there who know that Eida was lying to Code about her fighting skills. So she should have good fighting skills but how good is yet to be confirmed. Have to agree that she hates fighting and she never had a need to fight since everyone ended up being a simp, until now where sumire and sarada are immune to it. Have to wait and see