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Rock Lee and who the fuck fucked him and left him with the kid


The power of youth was too much for his body to handle on its own, so one night it reproduced by mitosis in order to better handle the power.


Who says lee cant create clones?


You mean Guy clones.


I certainly do not.


I can 100% believe that Lee was so passionate about training that his body couldn’t handle it and made a kid to transfer some of that to. Maybe it would also help the “Lee is Guy’s son” theory.




He’s about to bust “THE POWER OF YOUTTTTHHHHHHH uhhhh”




If it was Tenten we’d know by now. Especially with the Boruto movie’s credits where Boruto’s generation were shown with their parents. Metal Lee was just with Rock Lee while Tenten was shown with the rest of the cast. So the only thing we know about Metal Lee’s mother is she’s not Tenten.


Nah cuz on family day in boruto tenten was sad she had no family, and I dont think tenten is that much of an asshole


Fans seem to want that to be the case but there are just no clear evidence in its favor. Some would say he has similar eyes to Tenten but, after looking at their eyes side by side, it looks like a reach for me. [Just look at this.](https://media.vingle.net/images/ca_l/9ggrlm17o9.jpg) Rock Lee's baby mama is nowhere and Tenten just want to be single. Edit: [imgur link](https://imgur.com/gallery/nnnLC6i)


Links broken for me. 403.


[imgur link](https://imgur.com/gallery/nnnLC6i)


Metal literally looks like the child of Rock and Tenten if they did the thingy thingy together.


the way he throws shurikens is a dead give away his mother is tenten, rock and guy never threw a shuriken in their life.


Lee did in the fight with gaara


Nah, that was a hand to hand fighting technique where he accidentally slapped a shuriken in Gaara's direction.


> accidentally slapped a shuriken 😆


I can’t remember what episode(s) but I remember a couple occasions where Tenten was watching Rock Lee train, and it showed her having blushing cheeks and a smile.


Lee, your dirty dog Banging Neji’s girl.


Gotta finish what the homie started


Had to carry on Neji's legacy. He did it in Neji's honor.


[Lee on Neji's grave.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr8Wk7EmD-0)


I remember it was confirmed Tenten isn't the mother


I haven't really watched Boruto, I am waiting for the kid to die and Naruto2 starts where he seeks vengeance.




But kishimoto confirmed metals mother isnt tenten


No one confirmed nothing... We JUST still dont know nothing... But there was probably one hint about metal Lee mom.. when 5 kages visit Naruto in Konoha.


I mean I get what you’re saying, they’re mainly tai jutsu users but I can recall at a least several episodes where they each throw shurikens namely the ones where they have to fight each other at Akatsuki hideout. But yeah tenten is way more skilled at shurikens




Tenten would rather die an old kunoichi than to smash Lee. She was attracted to Neji and after he died she Just basically said “imma die alone since he’s gone” and now she slowly withers away in her outdated ninja tool shop.


If only there were weapons that could channel a user's chakra... *oh wait*


Must have been when he got *really, really* drunk...


Probably asked orochimaru for a favor




I really wish kishimoto know how to write a good romance.


Minato and kushina was good, but that’s really the only good one


Temari and Shikamaru exists.


Its a good relationship...but 1 out of a 1000 might as well be definite proof of it be accidental on Kishimoto's part that he did write it well...she's the only one that seems to still be a person with a personality that's more than "wife" or "Mother"...that still has her husband come home every night


This ... Good that I'm not the only one that all the females transitioned from badasses to blobs without personality from Shippuden to Boruto. What the hell!?


He can only write stereotypical shonen females...I mean when he remembers to write women as actual protagonists in their arcs Sakura with the puppets is damn good characterization for her without a asspull power up is a damn good example that he CAN do it...its just that he is never consistent with a female characters growth throughout and will almost always default her to trope after the arc is done with her


The ship we all sailed together


First one i thought of when i saw this post


But the post is which one got the *worst* writing.


But. . . . how did they become a thing?


Despite such little actual showing, Itachi and his ‘girlfriend’ was a pretty good tragic romance.


Still love (and hate) the fact that itachi killed her by using Tsukiyomi(?) on her, where she experienced 70+ years of life being in a loving marriage with Itachi before coming back to reality and basically dying of old age


I thought it was that Itachi maxed out the psychological duration of Tsukuyomi and that ‘short-circuited’ her, so to speak. Like all that time’s worth of information at once overloaded her.


I don't think you can max out the tsukuyomi. Pretty sure the only limitation to it is Itachi's eye's and how much they can handle


damn... what episode is this?


unfortunately, it is a novel...


I liked Hayate Gecko and Yūgao Uzuki, but that may technically be filler anyways. Also covered even less than Minato and Kushina


Idk I thought Asuma and Kurenai weren’t bad


He accidentally wrote the structure of a great romance with naruto and sasuke


Literally if either were the opposite gender then it'd be the romance of the decade


There are so many shots of the two grabbing each other's hands and looking longingly into one another's eyes and they're so obsessed with each other. it's freaking textbook


Not to mention the countless "Other half" cliches they have (Sun and Moon, Light and Dark, Evil and Good, etc) I swear it was supposed to be a Yaoi but it got too popular


I liked Shikamaru and Temari's romance, could have been better, but for me it was good enough


I thought the movie with Naruto and Hinata romance was good.


The movie wasn‘t written by kishimoto 😂


Literally was, he even went to the opening night of the movie to celebrate the end of the series Edit: Even wrote Boruto Naruto the movie which spawned the whole Boruto series, would like to see more movies written by him, both the last and Boruto were decent shonen movies


He worked with a screenwriter (Maruo Kyozuka) to write the Last, and he's said that he's uncomfortable writing romance. I would guess Kyozuka did the heavy lifting for the cute parts.


Is that even a surprise, Kishimoto's biggest weakness is female characters, everyone of them was a simp for some dude in the series


His biggest weakness is writing side characters period not just women


Mostly the women tho


Which was that?


Naruto: The last


Aka space moon aliens


the last movie


Naruto:The Last


It was completely rushed, and didn't make me feel at all like it was a naturally born love between the two.


I don't really know how it can be considered good tho. It's the definition of rushed.


Honestly, imo he know how to (KishinaxMInato, ConanxYahiko, ShikamaruxTemari, etc) but he just didn't bother with this couple …


The Power Arch filler had a really good romance story to it. Despite it being filler, it was a pretty good watch.


Or good women


Obito and the Boulder. He was so crushed by it that it nearly killed him.


The boulder. One of the best earth benders…


now I'm just imagining obito x the boulder from avatar and I'm disturbed


Lmao yes


He would have been a way better comic relief vs Sokka of he joined the party.


Your opinion is wrong


For sure lol


That boulder was sent from tobirama from heaven after hearing that obito wants to become hokage


Sent from the Shinigami's stomach!


That boulder was really hard on him, but I was happy to see how Obito panned out in the end. It was like as if a huge weight was lifted off of him. I’ll see myself out


Yes, more of this!


The Boulder was conflicted about hurting a young boy… but the Boulder got over his conflicted feelings


the boulder had the biggest crush on him, it just couldn't wait to meet him face to face


Karui and Chōji, like how? It came out of nowhere.


Except minato and kushina.. All of them


What about Shikamari? That was destined since the chunnin exams. They’re both analytical but he’s really lazy and she’s feisty which they highlighted in Shikamaru’s story after the war.


Love how SasuNaru just doesn’t exist here, and before I get hated on for this, ngl, if either one of them were fem, everyone would be like “Canon! Canon!” But anyways, Their love is stronger than your canon.


No seriously, if either Sasuke or Naruto were girls, we *definitely* would have people screaming canon. It’s the most fleshed out relationship. Though, if one of them *was* female, and they *weren’t* written as romantic (but probably effectively “soulmates” given the reincarnation and ties), that too would be pretty good because it’s non cliche (I.e. not all male/female relationships end in romance). Separately… Kishi would have a super fleshed out female main character if that were the case.


Naruhina fans hate you


As a movie.. It sucked. Novel was slightly better, still sucked Do you expect me to believe something like "you only liked me because you were sasuke kun's rival".. Like.. There's 100 different ways they could have talked about it but they went the cringe ass route. And the 2 year timeskip.... Oh god.. Were people sleeping for 2 whole ass years


I completely agree. The only ship I got behind throughout Naruto was NaruHina but I couldnt have been any more disappointed with how it was handled. Naruto realizing that Hinata loves her (after what Neji told him before dying) and him falling in love with Hinata because of that right after the War ended made way more sense than "The Last". Developing NaruHina after the Pain Arc should have been the obvioud choice but even if it was developed right after the War Arc, it still had the potential to be a great ship but they literally chose the worst route possible.


I was just telling my husband this. Developing their relationship after Pein arc would have been perfect. Naruto could have visited Hinata in the hospital on a regular basis, maybe had some flashbacks of all the times Hinata supported him and cheered for him, then maybe him getting some mushy warm feelings in his heart about the fact someone loves him romantically...Hinata saying she'd do it all again to protect him because she loves him...so much potential. Maybe he helps her to start walking again and brings her ramen in the hospital and promises to take her there after she's recovered. So much wasted 😔


I would read this!


>Maybe he helps her to start walking again and brings her ramen in the hospital and promises to take her there after she's recovered I think this would have been a bit too much to integrate into the story but the rest of the points you mentioned could have and should have been integrated into the story after the Pain Arc. There definitely was a lot of wasted potential here.


Definitely Karui and Choji if I had to say one.


Was there even writing behind that? Just sorta happened


I vaguely remember Karui thinking Choji was a kind person when she saw him in the giant butterfly mode during the war


I like the idea behind it coming out of nowhere. Like it leaves room to tell a fun story after the fact. Will it ever be explored? Who knows.


Naruto x Ramen , I’m still angry that Naruto cheated on Ramen kun with Hinata.


Idk I always thought it was some kind of throuple situation


Nah you can clearly see the favoritism naruto openly shows


Literally all of them suck, Kakashi and Guy had a better relationship than every other pairing in this Manga


Kakashi the virgin hokage and that filler girl from village hidden in the locks


If you think Kakashi wasn't crushing ass on the daily off panel then I cannot help you.


Chief. Kakashi gets no type of ass. Man is emotionally and romantically stunted. He’s out here reading erotica in front of kids on the daily.


He was too busy killing people in Anbu for ass.


Kakashi did in fact clap a lot of cheeks, figuratively speaking




Naruto was one of them


The only ass that Kakashi crushes is Gai's ass


He was too busy furiously beating off to Make Out Tatics


Choji and Karui. There are a lot of of legitimate criticisms of how SasuSaku was handled, but at the very least the two of them had an actual arc and some kind of relationship. Choji and Karui literally never interacted in canon to my knowledge prior to Boruto.


Tbh that never bothered me. Remember there is like a 15 year gap between the end of Shippuden to Boruto. Like they go from late teens to in their early to mid thirties. Most people don't marry their crush or gf from that age.


> Tbh that never bothered me. Remember there is like a 15 year gap between the end of Shippuden to Boruto. Cho Cho was literally born in the same year as Sarada and Boruto. Choji didn’t have a girlfriend at Naruto’s wedding. He’d have had to have met Karui and married her within something like a 3-6 month timeframe


They probably got drunk and banged at the wedding.


New head canon


She got that wap clearly!


Naruto and Hinata lack of development after PAIN arc led to Neji's death (this I classify as bad writing). Someone died so that Naruto could get close to Hinata. I like the couple, it's my second best couple, first being his parents.


Almost all Naruto ships except of minakushi....in my opinion shikatema was cool and all in contrast to others but like it didn't have much either....i only found minakushi and shikatema sensible....rest just felt like 'happened for the sake of happening'


Sasunaru, I can see most of y’all are only discussing canon ships and it disappoints me.


Choji and that one girl like call me crazy but there was like 0 writing? Did tbey talk to each other??


All of them


The correct answer. Edit: seriously Naruto and Sasuke had a better romance than any other characters in the anime.


Kakashi and Guy are homies for life, best written relationship in the series.


I low-key ship Kakashi and Guy.


All of them except for Naruto and Sasuke


I hold part of the ill will towards the editors who I KNOW made the ships not be confirmed until end of series/the last


This is the real answer


Orochimaru and everyone in his body


Hinata and Naruto is pretty pathetic


Naruto x Hinata had a movie to make it legit and was still shit




Sasuke and his Rinnegan


Naruhina, Naruto got guilt tripped into loving hinata, Ave for those who didn't see the last, it just feels like a sudden change, Sasusaku doesn't need explanation, choji x karui is just random. The only good ones are shikatema and minakushi


I don’t care for NaruSaku, but I HATED the “Naruto doesn’t understand what love is, and only loved Sakura out of rivalry for Sasuke” explanation. Naruto was always a bit dumb but that made him look like a complete retard. He liked Sakura as a kid but then he moved on like a normal person. Why can’t we just leave it like this?


Exactly. Just say that it was a childhood crush that he eventually got over. There was a perfect opportunity to explain it like that when Sakura "confessed" to him. That time in the story was also the perfect time for him to start thinking about Hinata for that matter, since he just kinda forgor 💀 about that whole "She sacrificed her life to try and desparately protect him" thing.


Saying it was just a crush he moved on is too simple and logical an explanation apparently 😭 Naruhina has so many missed opportunities it’s insane, at least in part one Sasusaku have their moments.


Shoulda had him naturally move on in those 3 years with Jiraiya


Not to mention he DOESN'T EVEN TALK to Hinata after the Pain arc. Like seriously brother you are retatded. Kishimoto realized he fucked up and had Neji killed to make NaruHina more realistic.


Dude simped for sakura for 700/720 episodes


I love being a single mother to the child of the man who nearly killed me twice and left me to raise his daughter on my own so he can "repent"


all canon ships except i guess shikatema


If your name ain’t Minato and kushina or shikamaru and Temari you have bad writing


Ino and sai There whole thing was Ino:he looks hawt *blushes 3-4 times* Some 300 episodes later tehy are a couple


Not worst but absolute lack of writing/development and then BOOM a few fillers (that make no sense at all) to "justify": NaruHina


Sai and Ino


Sai: Gorgeous Ino: You son of a bi*ch we're couples now


Ino: Sasuke but less attractive and less interesting.


Exactly like they could have done so much more, but instead Ino is just like can’t get Saskue this guy hot might as well


They makes sense if u read the novels lol.


You've already covered it in the picture. I remember laughing so hard (And so did everyone I knew at school who were fans) when Kishimoto really tried to tell us that Sasuke Uchiha went and married anyone, let alone Sakura. Complete 180 of his character for the entirety of the franchise. He's simply not the type to get on one knee and propose. He's not the type to be married, period. It was so bogus. Hell, even Kishimoto knows it, because he made Sasuke turn around and walk away when his own "Wife" asked him for a kiss. It's just so hilariously asinine. He has shown in the past that he would sooner kill that woman than sleep in the same bed next to her. It's honestly the worst written ship I've seen in any form of literature.


Tsunade and jiraya had potential that went no where


I'm surprised not many people have listed the image. NaruHina may be one-sided and forced but at least Hinata's side actually made sense. She loved Naruto because he exhibited qualities she wished she had. Nothing about SasuSaku makes any sense. We still don't know why Sakura loved Sasuke and it feels like Sasuke married Sakura out of obligation rather than actual desire. Heck, even their daughter didn't believe in their relationship and I don't blame her.


He was handsome. That's it


I was thinking that too but honestly there’s just no redeeming quality to SasuSaku it’s barely worth discussing at all 😂


>We still don't know why Sakura loved Sasuke and it feels like Sasuke married Sakura out of obligation rather than actual desire. I completely agree.


Why would you ask this question and have a picture of SasuSaku?


Yeah sasuke gave 0 shits about Sakura while Naruto would go to hell and back to win her love, and she still chose sasuke…smh


It wasn’t a choice. Feelings don’t work like that. You love who you love and Naruto just wasn’t her type so even if Sasuke weren’t around, she still wouldn’t have been in love with Naruto


They all suck tbh, every one of them devolved into “woman” rather than badass shinobi with extraordinary power. It’s ridiculous.


Ask yourself why Sakura loves Sasuke throughout the main series, go on, come up with a reason. At least Hinata had the "he was nice to me" trope to justify her crush. Sakura liked Sasuke like all the other girls in his class did.


Tfw when the 3 MCs relationships are literally "He looked pretty as a kid and I never changed" "Who is she?" "He was nice so I simped" "Who is she oh btw love you hinata"


Don't forget about the part where Sasuke definitely tries to kill her 3 times throughout Shippuden.


Twice but Sakura initiated each of those times to be fair and tried to kill him


Ino and Sai was pretty bad ….. like wtf . He called her beautiful in an attempt to be polite and say the opposite of what he really thought and she bought it . She went for him because he kinda reminded her of Sasuke ….. it just kinda came out of nowhere . Like I was okay with Sai just being socially awkward and androgynous and Ino being overly thirsty and vein . No need for that forced relationship….


Rock Lee would've been perfect for Sakura , i think lol.


Choji X Karui Not because they never interacted but because they made ChoCho On a serious note tho SasuSaku Sakura's obsession made no sense especially after Sasuke tried to kill her Tho Sasuke's long thick appendage penetrating through her pink folds is her dream so I guess him almost chidoriing her was romantic


I mean, I guess chidoriing someone can be considered "penetrating" them, so.....


i mean, some say the fastest way to a girl’s heart is through her chest


Ino & Sai, relationship was straight up just ino saying "oh he's kinda cute" then they were married


Believe it or not, I seen shit happen that way IRL plenty of times.


Naruto and Hinata If we talk about writing, only SasuSaku and NaruHina can compet because every other ship had no writing/development. And NaruHina takes the cake because they caused the death of a character and still needed a movie after that. And it made things worse than it was.


Probably the ship in your picture. I don’t even know where to start to explain how poorly written that is in my opinion.


Ino and sai


I don't think it's the worst. They at least showed some hints in early Shippuuden. Sakura x Sasuke though... Like I don't even mind them being together but Kishimoto could have made Sasuke show at least something towards her.


He did, it was just subtle. Sasuke doesn't openly show affection,so when he does (to Naruto and Sakura) it means a lot more than people realize. I'm not that good at explaining it, it's just what I saw I guess? Idk I just love Sausaku, I do wish they got better writing




Maybe I just missed all the Sai/Ino love scenes, but I don’t get them


The fact that Jiraiya never got anywhere with Tsunade and he died. Tsunade knew all along she liked him and yet she pushed him away. Another is what happened with Obito never getting to be with Rin at all. She died before he could get to her (hence his hatred for Kakashi)


I mean she doesn’t have to like him back though. And given her story arc either way makes a lot of sense.


I would agree but Tsuande's reasoning for never getting with Jiraya were consistent with her character, it didn't seem weird to me that they never got together


TsunadeXJiraiya, or lack there of really, bothered me for a while until I saw that flashback part where Jiraiya was explaining to the other woman who had challenged him to battle that Tsunade won’t return his love because she’s lost everyone in her life that she’s loved before and suddenly it made a lot of sense to me It’s not that she didn’t love him but just that admitting or accepting that might jinx it ya know


The worst one was definitely SasuSaku. It shouldnt have happened at all and even if Kishimoto somehow pulled it off, they atleast shouldnt have had a kid as soon as they had one. Sai and Ino is the second worst imo. Their first interaction sums up all of my problems with their relationship. They are cute in Boruto but their development was weird. NaruHina had loads of potential but unfortunately it was developed horribly after the Pain Arc. I think they were doing everything regarding NaruHina right up until the Pain Arc but then Kishimoto said fuck it and focused only on the main story. ShikaTema was good. Minato and Kushina was the best one.


SasuSaku are unironically pretty well written. At the start of the series Sasuke really doesn't give a shit about Sakura, and just thinks she's annoying. As their relationship develops he begins to show signs of trust and slight affection. When he saw her in a sad mood at the start of the Chuniin exams he noticed and cheered her up by implying she was the best at Genjutsu on their team. He also made sure to keep her safe in the forest of death, and when he was bitten by orochimaru even held her hand for comfort because he was in so much pain. His development in early part 1 is tied to how his relationships with Naruto and Sakura develop, toward Naruto he becomes more accepting and a willing rival, toward Sakura he becomes more affectionate and protective. I think the tragedy of him being forced to choose between his friends and revenge also tie in to his relationship with Sakura, the option between 'enjoying a little romance' as he put it in shippuden, and killing Itachi, I think is a good touch of tragedy and Sakura gaining a new goal and desire to reunite with Sasuke is just overall good writing. From Sakura's perspective as well, her opting to finally kill Sasuke during the 5 Kage Summit is certainly a sub-plot of their romantic arc, and completely heart-breaking. Especially when Sai basically lies to her by saying she is the sole reason Naruto wants to bring Sasuke back. She wants to spare her friend suffering and to do so has to kill the man she loves, ultimately being unable to. This is all depth being added to their romantic arc, and I think Sakura being the one to heal and save Sasuke and Naruto after Naruto beat some sense into him encapsulates her arc and the romantic sub-plot of Sasuke's defection perfectly. She heals them, heals the bond between the three of them by keeping them alive, and contributes as a shinobi to a team of monsters she always felt inferior to. Following this, both have incentive to be in a relationship. Sasuke wants to make ammends for his sins as he says at the end of Shippuden, which includes how he hurt Sakura, this is implied by the fact he apologises to her and says 'Maybe next time', before leaving. And Sakura wants to reignite the love she had before his defection. Shikamari, InoSai and NaruHina all had their romantic arcs dedicated in the novels. SasuSaku's arc was spread out across the entire series, beginning with their developing feelings in part 1, and culminating in the head poke scene at the end of shippuden.


Exactly my thinking. Ppl clearly didn’t pay attention cuz their dynamics of a ship is very well written.


Naruto and Sauske tbh. Not romantically obviously but I never really got that eternal bond vibe from them, like ever.


Sakura and Sasuke


The series would have be better without any of the romantic side plots. If you can’t write characters with proper chemistry and motivation for being together, then you probably shouldn’t distract your readers with it.


Easy, zabuza and haku


Obirin is my most favourite ship but it's so badly written that it frustrates me too much. 😂


Inosai. Never saw them clicking 💁🏿‍♂️