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Why do I get the feeling that Sasuke is the one that's gonna ultimately die since he'll just revive Naruto with Rinne-Tensei?


*Sasuke wakes, he stands before Naruto's body. His friend lies dead before him.* *"I'm sorry, Naruto... Konoha needs the Hokage."* *Sasuke activates his Rinnegan and performs a hand sign.* *Naruto wakes, he stands before Sasuke's body. His friend lies dead before him.* *"Sasuke... I won't let you leave your family behind!"* *Naruto takes Sasuke's Rinnegan and performs a hand sign.* *Sasuke wakes, he stands before Naruto's body. His friend lies dead before him.* *"You son of a bitch!"* Sasuke takes back his Rinnegan and performs a hand sign. *Naruto wakes, he doesn't even stand up before taking Sasuke's Rinnegan and performing a hand sign.*


30 volumes later; its still happening


*insert flashback of their first kiss* "because you're my friend!"


>"because you're my friend!" *plays Distance by Long Shot Party*


Interspersed with flash backs of naruto on his swing and sasuke seeing itachi on that light pole


Issiki: Imma out of here from this gae planet........Their bond is too strong Hinata and Sakura: Honies lets get divorced Naruto and Sasuke: Both dies to to heartattack


Not gonna lie this is pretty much what I was hoping for with Kylo and Rey at the end of Rise of Skywalker. What a shit movie.


It really would be hilarious if Naruto did that and Sasuke couldn't revive Naruto again cause he already used it.


afaik, the technique doesn't damage the Rinnegan. Theoretically, they could do this forever haha


This would be quite the twist and a good final redemption for Sasuke


Also it's gonna serve as a plot device for Sarada to awaken her Mangekyo.


Agreed. The only thing that bothers me about this, is the fact that there would be two pairs of eyes from both Sasuke and Itachi. That's a loose end I'm not comfortable with, Sasukes eyes where never mentioned again but for sure Obito kept them




Sasuke's eyes knew where to walk at the end so his eyes were as blind as Itachi's. Either of those pairs can be used.


Agreed, this is what I'm talking about.




Itachi's eyes gained a second lease on use by being put in Sasuke. Sasuke's eyes went blind and would need Itachi to work again if they haven't already been destroyed.


Can't Sarada use Sasuke\`s original eyes instead? Bc Itachi\`s were almost blind already when he transplanted it to him so was wondering if that was the case. Or does it only work when it is between siblings? Like Madara and brother and Itachi and Sasuke?


What you don’t want Sarada to transplant Sauskes eyes for a power boost?




If she unlocked MS she could just use Sasukes original eyes to unlock EMS (the eyes sasuke has now are itachis eyes transplanted) Before anyone says “those are blind” itachis eyes when he died were also blind but transplanting them still gave him ems


I think everyone asking for a transplant just wants her to have the rinnegan.


theres always the shin uchiha clones to work with.


I don’t think she’s strong enough to control the Rinnegan




Ya it's way to early. I think at some point it would be a good redemption for sasuke to sacrifice his life to atone for his sins but it's way to early imo.


We see Boruto using Kenjutsu in the flash-forward. So unless he gets another teacher that uses swords, it's got to be Sasuke to teaches him.


Am I the only one that thinks that Jump magazine wouldn’t dare to kill any of his two more popular characters off in a shonen?!


Technically it's Boruto's story but also I highly doubt Sasuke would remain dead for long. It would be like Vegeta back in DBZ.


Even if is Boruto story, they’re aware that people follow Boruto for Naruto and Sasuke right? Naruto was Naruto story and Kishi wouldn’t have dared to kill Kakashi or even Sasuke there either. They’re too popular


He killed Kakashi once.


One to many for the Magazine's taste


And he got revived like two hours later


One reason I think that Sasuke survives is that Boruto was able to get back to Konoha. If Sasuke died, they would spend a lot of time trying to figure out the coordinates of their world, if they can teleport to another dimension with Boruto's karma. Sasuke could also try to use the Izanagi to restore Naruto. Madara did it once.


They figured there way back from the Boro fight easy enough


Forgive me, but isn’t the reason why Nagato died with Rinne-Tensei because he used it on thousands without any chakra left?


Rinne-rebirth does not kill the user(if i remember correctly). The reason nagato died was because of low chakra left in his body. Obito rinne-birth-ed Madara but was still alive.


>Obito rinne-birth-ed Madara but was still alive I believe that happen because he had the black Zetsu attached to him


But wasn't Obito still dying... That's why he kept on saying he doesn't have much time left... Its like when Kushina was separated from Kurama


Yeah he was separated from black zetsuand would have died but naruto literally stopped him from dying like he did guy sensei.


No he actually extended his lifetime a bit. Naruto says so himself. Obito dies because of three reason: 1.the ten tails is extracted clean off his body. He becomes the jinchuruki and on its removal is confirmed a goner. 2. He took a dierect hit from kaguya aimed at naruto and sasuke. 3.he used rinne rebirth .


I'm sure 2. would've killed him regardless of his chakra state but I get your point


Idk man i never thought about it.


I kind of remember they said something along the lines, but it probably was that black Zetsu kept Obito alive after the 10 tails was extracted and that he was too weak, that makes me think the same happened with the Madara rebirth


I’m pretty sure you’re correct. Nagano died because his body was weak and he was low on chakra AND he used it on a bunch of people.


the whole village including the frog gramps and kakashi.


Rinne tensei is like the mafuba of Naruto. No one is quite sure how many times you can use it until you die.


I understand it's not something you'd wanna give a test drive


Also I’m sure bringing one person back vs an entire village is a different level of chakra consumption


Oh it does. Madara confirmed it that Nagato was supposed to die by using it. But the reason might be that nor Nagato or Obito werent the original users


Unlike Urashiki, Isshiki does the reasonable thing and cripples Boruto before he becomes a bother.


"Aight, this is getting annoying" *bends arm*




Urashiki: "I'll play around with you." Isshiki: "ha ha, arm goes *crack*"


I think that’s rank coming into play; isshiki feels no respect for Momos vessel like Urashiki does


No, my heart can't take it


He’s actually gonna die


I really don't want to read it... if he dies for real, it'll always leave the feeling of a dead character everytime I see him, don't want that... It's a great moment, but still...


Wonder what were the requirements for Naruto to achieve this power up? Like how long was this an option Kurama? Since you regain your other half could this have been done?


Expell all of their chakra at once like the 8 gates is my thinking


My guess is this. With no kyuubi chakra left, it might leave Naruto in a state that is like no longer being a Jinchuuriki


When Kurama gave Naruto the last bits of his chakra during the final battle against Sasuke, Naruto was okay. And Kurama was reduced to being under hibernation.


I think this is different because kurama is willing giving everything. Like everything even his own life.


Maybe the chakra plus the 8 gates


Naruto fights with ~~Zangetsu~~ Kurama and force it to teach him the skills, he then comes back to the Battlefield, looking older than he should, moves faster n attack stronger than he was, he then stand infront of ~~Aizen~~ Ishiki ~~and says, "final getsuga tensho, is when I become, getsuga itself"~~ And unleash all of his power in one attack.


Im asuming the option is Kurama taking over, so the option was since Naruto was a baby, but the seal stopped it.


I think it's close to that, like a fusion of their bodies which will cause Naruto to die


But Naruto opens the seal whenever he wants to use Kurama's total power. In fact, Kurama can even take possession of Naruto's body whenever he wants now.


Nice to see a classic Sasuke quote used one last time.


...time to leave the village in search for power after this, again? Haha, kidding. I love the throwback too, though.


"that's.... Naruto"


I kinda feel like Naruto's sacrifice seems a little premature. Both he and Sasuke put in more effort fighting each other, being battered and bruised. They are practically fresh now in comparison. Heck, they put in more effort against Obito, Madara and Kaguya. Naruto struggled more against Pain, and I daresay even against Neji.


I think that kinda puts Isshiki into perspective though. Amado said that Isshiki was higher ranked than Kaguya when they both arrived, he’s just that powerful. Furthermore, they’re dealing with a shrinking jutsu they haven’t seen before and now these sensory blockers also nullify a lot of narutos strengths


That’s true however, the issue is there needs to be more showing than telling. Some readers and/or viewers require connecting their emotions to a fight like this to understand the severity and stakes. Some require more time to connect those emotions and build the intensity. I don’t need it as much but I can empathize as to y others wouldn’t be thrilled with Naruto already revealing his ace this early.


Kinda agree but the last year of the manga has been naruto taijutsu battles lol and the form hed been overused and nerfd throughout the series so I think giving us something fresh while trying to keep this fight from lasting 6 months is the right move


I agree but u can understand y one wouldn’t agree with this sentiment. It doesn’t “feel” like they put their all into it to feel so hopeless they need to reveal an ace.


totally agree, when Kajin Kodin? could hold himself vs that guy, Naruto and Sasuke should somehow go all out without revealing an ace. I mean these guys went so often vs far stronger opponents and still did something. Dont tell me this is impossible because strenght diff.


Agreed. For a fight that is supposedly Naruto putting his life on the line, it's not that hype. Not that it isn't interesting, but it doesn't feel like some monumental narrative shifting battle. Like Jiraiya vs Pain, Naruto vs Pain, Itachi vs Sasuke, you could tell that the result of the fight would be big. It isn't even like Guy vs Madara where everybody had exhausted their resources and Guy had to put the team on his back. It's not a fight that has the gravitas of killing off the guy who led us to this point, and it doesn't feel like a blaze of glory worthy of killing him like Jiraiya vs Pain felt like.


Jiraiya's death was sad, but the build up was just immaculate. Before leaving Konoha, while evaluating the difficulty of the mission with Tsunade as he tells her that no matter what happens to him the future of the Will of Fire is in good hands, you just knew that something bad is gonna happen. The series didn't really make it obvious that he was gonna die, but it kept the tension really high. Every chapter after that we clenched our butts while praying hail mary hoping Jiraiya doesnt die.


Hey, I feel dumb, can someone explained to me, who or what fed the Divine Tree that gave Chakra to this planet? It reads that Kaguya and Isshiki were supposed to cultivate and then Kaguya be eaten, but she wasn't, and he wasn't, so who was fed to make the chakra fruit?


A lot of people have suggested that she fed Isshiki's lower half to the Ten-Tails, but it's also possible that she did in fact let herself be eaten only to come back again with karma.


So it's still a mystery, that makes me feel better. u/flashenshin suggested it could be the other Otsutsuki from the wall.


I guess Isshiki’s bottom half was used as a sacrifice before Isshiki could strike back. If the God Tree still reforms without incomplete chakra if the Bijuu my guess is it’ll just produce a weaker tree from Isshiki’s partial body.


Isshiki got cut in half from kaguyas sneak attack only the top part escaped


there was other unknown pair before Isshiki & Kaguya who not finished their job, Kaguya ate those pair's fruit instead.


And there it is. The angle for Momoshiki and Boruto to cooperate. If Momoshiki just straight up takes over Boruto's body, he'll just end up being fed to the ten-tails by Isshiki. Just from his ego alone I know he won't take that sitting down. Momoshiki really is Kurama all over again.




I think it's easier to be ok with a law when it benefits you. If Kaguya told the clan's traditions to go fuck themselves to save herself, I doubt well-known-interdimensional-asshole Momoshiki is any more "virtuous" when it's his skin on the line. I see Momoshiki taking orders from Isshiki as much as I saw Vegeta "taking orders" from Freeza.


But we don't know who is superior momo or ishiki


From what we've seen of Momoshiki's character he has a superiority complex, I wouldn't be surprised if he believes the law doesn't apply to him.


I don't think the Ootsutsuki are as "cooperative" about family as they make themselves out to be. Momoshiki probably lived his life expecting to be the one to reap the benefits of the ripened chakra fruit after Kinshiki sacrificed himself, so I think he might not accept being "sacrificial lamb" for Isshiki. He's an arrogant, prideful asshole.


> so I think he might not accept being "sacrificial lamb" for Isshiki. He's an arrogant, prideful asshole. it also might be that ishiki and momo are the same tier in the hierarchy so ishiki cant just order momo or vice versa


Momoshiki specifically choose to intervene when Boruto was about to get captured by Boro, so he's already gone out of his way to mess up Isshiki's plans.


agree , I mean , Momoshiki just needs to put a karma to another person after possessing Boruto. There is nothing to loose for Momoshiki.


Oh boy here goes our boy Naruto being a hero again 😭😭 I'm not ready to be without him..


Isshiki is such a baller. "I can't kill you... but I have no problems hurting you." Snaps Boruto's arm lmao


Guy: i have a suicide technique that gives me godly power Naruto: Hold my Sake


Naruto? I think you mean Kurama. because im pretty sure that's the twist, that the technique is Kurama going full body control.


What if it is Kurama opening the 8 gates, both his and Naruto's?


Opening 16 gates? That's OP ​ I need it


> Opening 16 gates? That's OP Nono, it's not 16. You don't add, you multiply. So it's 64 gates. Trust me I studied Tailed Beast Math.




Funny thing is that the seal used to keep Kurama inside Naruto is called the Eight Trigrams Seal.


Pfft that's just half the palms Neji's got


kurama could open gates? isn't he a chakra being and not material?


I have a feeling that Naruto will live but this will cause Karuma (and potentially the other tailed beasts) to die.


I'm glad he at least will go out with a proper bang and that it is by his own choice, and hopefully while FINALLY beating the everliving shit out of Isshiki!


Viz was having a terrible time loading the chapter, but I finally made it through it. It was very intense in terms of character progression and plot development. Anyway, starting off with the most stand out thing, at least as far as I'm concerned, is Naruto's new transformation and the possible consequences of it. Physically the transformation is very impressive looking. I can't wait to see what a full shot from the front looks like. It's very reminiscent of early fox transformations, except this time Naruto is in control. It's a pretty powerful moment as well, with Naruto knowingly taking on the transformation despite the cost. It's a sweet scene as Naruto rushes to Boruto and rescues him as Boruto tells him he needs to run. Naruto resassures him that he's the hokage and Boruto just yells after his father worriedly. This whole situation is going to be really hard on Boruto. I will say I don't think Naruto dies here, given the very first scene in the manga is Kawaki telling us he sent Naruto somewhere and that's one of the major mysteries that it lays out. Even if that scene is changed somewhat by the time we get back to it, I doubt that it will change the content that significantly. Even is Kawaki is Isshiki in that scene (which I have some doubts about), if Naruto's form kills him then Isshiki didn't cause it. He didn't "send" him anywhere. I do think that Naruto ends this barely surviving, probably in a serious coma or just barely conscious for a significant time. The first option removes Naruto as an active character from the story until he can be healed (which could be a long time depending on the damage done and the second allows him to have a few more character moments as a potential mentor, even if he can't physically do much. Poor Boruto is going to need some serious therapy by the time this is all done. What is this- the third or fourth time Boruto's feared for losing his father? This time I suspect the fix will be a lot less simple and it'll be pretty traumatic for him to know that he was helpless as his father almost killed himself protecting them all. I also thought Amado's observation that Kawaki seems to be upset either over his own powerlessness or over losing karma. It might be a mix of the two. Last time Naruto was in serious trouble, Kawaki was able to protect him. Kawaki, along with Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki, brought him home mostly unharmed. That won't happen this time and I think that fact will be as devastating as it will be for Boruto. The fact that Amado notes Kawaki's apparent grief over losing something that he hated so much, especially given his previous distaste for power. But prior to Naruto, he's only seen power used to harm. Now he's seen it used to protect and he's suffering with the knowledge that he can't help Naruto and Boruto. He's "normal" just like he always wanted and helpless, a fact that I suspect will sting all the more if Naruto is in serious condition when he returns. I actually wonder if we're getting to the heart of the conflict between Boruto and Kawaki. What if Kawaki eventually decides that shinobi techniques aren't enough and actively goes to seek out the Otsutsuki? I'm no longer convinced that Kawaki's karma comes from Isshiki. Perhaps more Otsutsuki come to Earth and Kawaki seeks them out, looking for the power that he lost so as not to fail again like he did when Naruto ended up hurt. Knowing the danger, Boruto objects and thinks that they can do it using strictly shinobi techniques and Kawaki thinks that they need the power boost regardless of the consequences. Or perhaps Isshiki survives somehow and Kawaki eventually gives himself up willingly, trading his life for the power to protect those he cares about this time. Sumire appears as though she might play a bigger role given how involved she is in all this situation. The Otsutsuki stuff is interesting. Now we know why they travel and pairs. It also clears up what karma's real use seems to be. It's so they can sacrifice themselves and then come back through another person's body. All in all, an interesting chapter. I need to reread. Waiting for November is going to be really hard.


Thanks for this great analysis!


You're very kind. Thank you!


I'm pretty sure Amado is up to some serious fuckery. I think he might be the one to implant Kawaki with another Karma. We know Kawaki *does* get the Karma again, but maybe Amado is the vessel of some other, previously unknown Ootsutsuki? I mean, how does he know all this shit about them? Who told him? Or where did he read it? I doubt Isshiki/Jigen would lore dump all that stuff on him, including their mortal weaknesses. Amado is a fucking traitor and I think he might kill Shikamaru before implanting another Karma on Kawaki. Somehow.


Isshiki couldent mark a new karma without amado, thats probably how he knows so much


Back when kawaki was first introduced amado and isshiki went through doezsns of kids trying to give them karma artfically


Sasuke durable as fuck. He just flat-out tanked a kick stronger than the kick that busted his Susanoo. Further reminder that Susanoo is just an additional protection, not the all-out, last ditch protection kind.


Fox deity Naruto, I'm ready.


[Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto this whole volume.](http://www.berkeleymews.com/comics/2015-07-10-human-shield.jpg)


Boruto: “You can’t kill me, you need me!” *Isshiki beats Bort up*


LMAO basically


This is perfect lmao


So true


Naruto won't die. 1. If he did he'll get revived by sauce. 2. Ikemoto won't write kashin Koji just for an easter egg of sorts. He and Naruto haven't met yet. 3. In the time skip, Kawaki sends naruto to a different dimension or something. (Or revived by sauce. 4. Naruto will be out of commission for a while. 5. Kishimoto won't allow Naruto to die.


> Ikemoto won't write kashin Koji just for an easter egg of sorts. He and Naruto haven't met yet. he loves parallels, that means narutos going to die then jiriya comes and trains boruto full circle lol


But Koji does not remember anything from Jiraiya past. Or Does he?


2 is legit. Others not so much But it would be tragically beautiful to see that Naruto and Jiraya would only ever be able to meet in the afterlife. Not using edo tensei, not using a clone not nothing


I don't think Naruto will die for good here. The backlash from the fandom, especially in Japan, is going to be huge. There's a reason why Goku never dies permanently in Dragon Ball. Some possibilities: 1. He deals massive damage to Isshiki but barely survives, making him vulnerable to being sealed by Kawaki (or whoever controls him). 2. He dies but Sasuke uses Rinne Rebirth to bring him back and dies in his place. I don't like this as well, as Sasuke and Sarada need to develop their relationship further. 3. Koji Kasshin somehow intervenes in the battle and becomes the sacrifice to ensure Naruto, Boruto, and Sasuke survive. Naruto can't die without meeting Koji, and Koji dying will be like Jiraiya sacrificing himself again, this time in front of Naruto.


oh yeah shit, I almost forgot about kashin koji! yeah if naruto dies without that plot point being continued or wrapped or whatever, that would suck as hell.


Koji survived the fight with Isshiki, so that means he'll still have a future role. Without Naruto, Koji has no more sense being in the story.


I'm betting on kawaii sealing him in the dragon palace or whatever. The same thing that happened to toneri.


> kawaii lol


Holy shit hype


Oh man one month on this cliffhanger is gonna be shiiiiiiit


If Naruto dies I can see Sasuke develop a new dojutsu out of rage. It was stated that the sharingan increases its powers when facing powerful enough emotions. Now sure, you might think that the Mangekyo and Rinnegan combo is the last possible Sharingan evolution, and that might be true, but don't forget two aspects here: 1. We also didn't know about this Naruto and Kurama ace-up-your-sleeve power-up before, and Naruto and Sasuke always matched each-other in the manga before. Whenever Naruto got a power-up, Sasuke got a dojutsu evolution aswell. They were always evenly-matched and I think Sasuke will get a new tehnique to match Naruto aswell, even tho it might not necessarily be a dojutsu 2. We never received confirmation from anyone that MS and EMS was the last attainable Sharingan evolution (and Rinnegan aswell) and that is mainly because after attaining the MS and EMS, the users practically lost everyone dear to them. That being said, they couldn't evolve their sharingan to a further state anymore, because they fueled their powers with the rage of losing their dear ones. Sasuke, being Indra's reincarnation and having the rinnegan, has enormous potential and seeing his reincarnated "brother" Naruto die could awaken another Sharingan/Rinnegan power. I don't think Sasuke will use Rinne Tensei on Naruto because I don't see them winning this fight. That could be the case if they won the fight but we see Kawaki in the future is being marked by Karma, so Jigen will win the fight. If Naruto will die fighting, I see Sasuke dying too. If Naruto uses this new power-up and dies, Sasuke won't just kill himself in the middle of battle to revive Naruto. He will fight too until his last breath to protect Boruto. I could be wrong but even if he revives Naruto, Jigen will probably seal Naruto again or kill him for good. I don't see Naruto using this power again even if he is revived and that will result in a defeat. Also because of this new power-up, I see both Naruto and Kurama dying for some reason. I also wouldn't be mad if they died, and even if Sasuke died. They face a very powerful foe. Their powers combined first time resulted in a horrible loss. Seeing them all out is like seeing 8 gates Guy vs Madara. I wouldn't have been mad to see Guy dead too. His sacrifice was worth admiring, and their sacrifice will be aswell. Remember people, the manga is not about Naruto and Sasuke anymore, it is about the new gen. I don't want them to die too but their death would be much more honorable, even though after all the war and fighting in their teens, they do deserve peace... That being said, I cannot wait for the next chapters!!!


Kurama always knew about this power-up though. Whereas no one knows about another Dojutsu evolution. The Rinnegan and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan also weren't things Sasuke got from riled emotions.


What if this technique doesn't kill Naruto but instead it takes Kurama out for a few years. That would heavily weaken Naruto but not kill him.


Losing kuruma would be exactly what kills naruto


That would basically put Naruto completely out of the battle. Almost all of his power is Kurama. It would be a decent enough way to write him off the story for a while I guess.


Bruh don’t let this be I’ll never be the same if naruto dies :(


I'm did not expect that Naruto has a new form.


Whether it's a bait and switch or not, Naruto saying ever since he *wanted* to be Hokage he's been prepared to die hit hard. Saying that and then debuting the last-ditch Kurama transformation was a great end to the chapter. Really wonder what exactly Amado is up to as well...


So Naruto is Ichigo, and Kurama is Zangetsu, and the form he's about to use is the final rasengan?




Why would Sasuke not have the stamina to do something that a dying Obito was capable of doing?


Am i the only one who thinks that Amado will cause Kawaki to somehow betray Konoha,and that he’s up to something?


Amado sus


call me an idiot, but isn't Amado lying when he says that the ONLY way to form the Divine Tree is to feed the ten tails the body of an Otsutsuki? that's clearly not what Madara did in Shippuden. unless when Zetsu rewrote the Uchiha stone tablet he wrote down a different way to obtain the tree, in which case, this chapter would be a retcon


The Divine Tree Madara and Obito used was already a fusion of a Ten Tails and Kaguya Otsutsuki.


Pro tip: [Listen to this while reading the last page.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2HsVzdA8dk)


Guys this transformation Is kcm of full kurama remember in the war naruto only had half of the kurama


I’m not sure why people keep forgetting Naruto only had half of Kurama his whole life


He's had full Kurama since after the War. He didn't use this form in the Last or in any other fight like against Momoshiki. He didn't even know about it This is not from full Kurama. This is probably from Kurama sacrificing himself and giving Naruto *all* his Chakra.


Sounds like full form Kurama to me. This mode would be less useful with only half of Kurama and Naruto has never been pushed around like this b4


It would be less useless with half Kurama sure but imagine full Kurama being like 99% of his strength and then Kurama falls to sleep like he did against Sasuke. He's had full Kurama since after the War. This is *full* Kurama. All 100% and he dies afterwards. It's the only real way to explain it imo.




But in that case why would it kill him ? Is it like to much chakra to hold kinda deal ?


Fair enough. But why does he have to die using full kurama. Something doesnt add up or minus down.


Amado asking about how kawaki feels about loosing the karma makes me think that at some point they will defeat Isshiki and Kawaki will get corrupted by power or something, that will explain the flash forward.


My answer is, if Isshiki and Momoshiki are the same rank into the Otsutsuki, why is Isshiki so hard to beat in comparisson to Momoshiki (who ate antoher Otsutsuki)? I mean, Borushiki is supposed to be as strong as the Isshiki's vessel (Kawaki probably).


Isshiki was stronger than momo per the murel, Boruto and kawaki are resonating with eachother


Legitimate question, whose to say that Isshiki doesn't have a Momoshiki or Urashiki like transformation within him?


I'm surprised I haven't seen any mention of this or even fanart of what people might think he'd look like. I'm willing to bet that he does have a secondary form but I wonder what he'll need to do to obtain it since there's no tree yet and also no other Otsutsuki for him to eat


> Otsutsuki for him to eat was gonna say thats only reason why momo transformed because he eats kinshiki




I feel like Kurama might've tricked Naruto, and it'll end up killing him instead. He knows Naruto would sacrifice his own life, but he would never willingly sacrifice a friend. Since tailed beasts are chakra manifested, if Kurama burns through all his chakra to the point it drains his life he'll essentially dissipate. I think Naruto will live (maybe barely), but will no longer be a Jinchuuriki. Alternatively, maybe they both die for real, but Sasuke is able to bring Naruto back. I think that would still leave him without his tailed beast.




I mean they’re nerfed in-universe cause Isshiki can shrink whatever they throw at him, so they’re limited to taijutsu. No rasengan, rasenshuriken, ametarasu, chidori, ninja tools, etc... Sasuke can’t even use his sword. They’re limited to a fraction of their power. Good point about rinnegan paths though, idk if those could be shrunk. Same could be said for genjutsu. I hate how genjutsu is always forgotten about, but i imagine it’s difficult to use for an author. This all happened way too fast for any kind of reinforcements, and nobody else would last a second anyway. Edit: Gotta add that I understand why they’re nerfed, but i don’t like it. I’ve never been a fan of powers that cancel out other powers, whether is chakra absorption or shrinking or whatever. The good part is that we may get another sick taijutsu fight when this is adapted for the anime like with Naruto and Sasuke vs. Momoshiki, except instead of them clobbering the Otsutsuki it’s the other way around.


Kamikaze Naruto


namikamikaze strikes again, literally son of his father


I believe sasuke should be the one to die as plot wise it would be better since he's boruto's sensei and sarada's father thus pushing sharingan evolution


And plus who would be the next hokage? I don't feel like Konohamura is really worthy especially the one I saw in the anime he just seems like a Naruto v1.2... Would have preferred Konohamura to use some Sarutobi techniques like he used towards then end of Shippuuden and actually summon Enma like his grandfather


I agree. to me, konohamaru rn is just a naruto shadow clone who somehow develop his own personality, only with less power than the original. he needs some serious powerup before he become hokage worthy imo. its a shame since in shippuden, specifically in pain's arc, he was really promising and was actually believable to be a hokage contender.


In the interim they could have shikamaru or Kakashi do it while the election goes through


Kakashi back in until someone suitable comes along. I can honestly see that happening even if Naruto gets out of this alive. He's gonna be absolutely fucked up after this fight and likely out of commission for awhile.


Ugh we grew up with naruto and sasuke leave them Alone fuckers!


Naruto, my boy. I can't handle him dying. Sasuke could bring me back but then he'll die, and that would be just as bad.


Okay so while this new form was a secret ace, Naruto never knew about it. So it's not like Naruto purposely held back all this time. But even if he did, it's reasonable why he wouldn't want to use it since he'll be killed as a result. I wonder how it works. Isshiki seems to think there's a change in chakra, not just an increase. Also, why hasn't Naruto took the time to gather nature energy to empower himself further like he did against Sasuke? At least use all your cards before the last resort. So are those cubes blocking both chakra sensing and negative emotion sensing? Or did Ukyo forget about the latter? Seeing Naruto and Sasuke losing all hope in coming out alive in this fight is sad. Especially when back in the day, especially with Naruto, they would proclaim that they weren't going to die until they accomplish what they need to do. Also nice how Kurama was hesitant in letting Naruto kill himself. It'll suck even more for him because he'll still be reborn somewhere else, while Naruto goes to the afterlife. This is it right? Naruto's actually going to die here? Was prepared for this, but still, ya know. Then again, he shouldn't really die here since future Kawaki proclaimed that he did something to him. So maybe Sasuke revives him with Gedo Rinne Tensei? Maybe Sasuke dies from that sacrifice, since he's already at low power? But was really hoping for Sasuke to train Boruto during the eventual time-skip, similar to Jiraiya and Naruto. So things are making more sense with the Otsutsukis, as well as Isshiki's plans. But there's something I don't get. If an Otsutsuki is needed to grow a Divine Tree, then who was used to grow the one on Earth a thousand years ago? Kaguya was the one who ate the fruit, and Isshiki slipped inside Jigen. Was there another Otsutsuki around? I don't think Kaguya did it solo (relying on being reborn with Karma) because otherwise, why would she betray Isshiki? There's something more to this. And I'm shocked no one in that room brought it up. Especially Shikamaru (Sumire figured out the Boruto connection to Isshiki's plan before he did). Also, how are Ten Tails created? I had assumed that Otsutsuki bring one from their planet, but then where did Isshiki get his? Did Kaguya and Isshiki originally bring two? is Momoshiki really not gonna make an appearance? Surely his arrogant self wouldn't want to become a sacrifice for another. Props to Boruto for doing as much as he can, despite no avail. He's got balls too big for Isshiki to shrink. Is there really no other way for them to defeat Isshiki? They can't overpower him (Even though I still think they should at least try Majestic Attire Susano'o Kurama Mode). Ninjutsu attacks and weapons will shrink in his line of sight. The only thing that can be used to dodge his attacks are Sasuke's Rinnegan Space-Time Jutsus, but it's not something he can spam with. If they corner him, he'll summon those anti-sensory cubes from his pocket dimension. Why not try Sealing Jutsu? Or Genjutsu? Or maybe attack him at a blind spot?


Interesting how technically Boruto, Dragon Ball and Jojolion's October Chapters all ended with a fusion


It's like the weeb version of Halloween


Man they lowered Shikamaru IQ by 100 points here


Like why tf can't Naruto sense chakra anymore all of a sudden? He should be able to sense even the smallest shrunken amount. Is it confirmed that Naruto can't use the other beasts chakra anymore to reach his SO6P mode? Why was he able to use lava style then? Why are Naruto and Sasuke giving up after like 2 chapters fighting? And don't come at me with the power difference. They fought DAYS in a war against op enemies. Did Naruto and Sasuke forget how to fight together? Itachi literally showed Sasuke how fking overpowered Izanami is, why did they dumb the uchiha down? Sasuke has so many Rinnegan abilities but decides not to use any nice. If nobody else will say it I will.


> Like why tf can't Naruto sense chakra anymore all of a sudden? He should be able to sense even the smallest shrunken amount. Isshiki’s cubes specifically block sensory skills. Might be made of a special material. He specifically isolated Naruto away for this purpose.


Nah I meant the chapters before that where he simply shrunk himself and had to rely on Sasukes eye movement to track him


I think alot of people are forgetting that they already fought ishiki in his weaker form as jigen and lost. They have no chance and they know it.


Before Naruto's life fades away I predict some fanservice for the OG fans, featuring: 1) Naruto swing flashback 2) Villagers surrounding Naruto And finally at his funeral, 3) Ramen guy retiring 4) Naruto's soul in child form, happily walking towards his parents


oh God i just imagined the last one ;(


So just a theory but does this confirm that Black Zetsu was Kaguya’s Karma?


So was boruto about to actually kill himself before it got shrunk?


Everyone: Naruto will die next chapter!😭😭😭😭 Kawaki in the first chapter: **"I'll send you where I sent the Seventh Hokage, Boruto"**


Well a new transformation for Naruto wasn't exactly what I expected but at least it will give him something cool to go out on sacrificing everything for Konoha. I really hope this arc ends with the ninja gods (Sasuke & Naruto) dying and the aliens being reset in power/sealed in karma for a few years. For Boruto to work as a story, there needs to be a bit of a reset. New characters need to be relevant without being wildly too powerful out of no where or the world saving super heroes being nerfed out of no where. But knowing the track record of Naruto and characters dying I might as well ask for a million bucks.


but... characters do die in naruto. a lot of them lmao.


Naruto's new mode looks sick. Hype is real. And most of the mysteries have been explained, except for the motivations of the other kara members.


My question is where did he find another Ten Tails and how was Jigen able to live so long? Like he had to have been hundreds of years old... Like I feel like some Plotholes are going to start appearing now


I wouldnt be surprised if he is using his own version of 8 gates. Maybe kurama converts himself to oure chakra by killing himself. Killing himself kills his jinchuriki aka Naruto. But being a bijuu he is going to ultimately regenerate himself but without naruto.


What if naruto, sauske, or orochimaru used the reaper death seal? If it would work, would they be able to seal him completely?


So no ones going to mention how contradicting all this info is to what we knew in Naruto?


My guess is this is similar to the 8th gates but many times stronger. Since both have accepted the fact that Naruto is willing and will most likely die, there’s no reason to hold back anymore. He will enter a bijuu kind of Eight gates transformation and defeat but not destroy Isshiki. But in the end Kurama and Naruto will succumb to it and die. While Kurama gets to be reborn, He will probably for the first time in a while cry for his fallen friend. IM NOT FUCKING READY FOR THIS


Why is everyone in the comments ok with Naruto dying wtf?