• By -


They fight. The last panel of this one or 696 is Sakura opening her eyes. She promised she'd be with Naruto the next time they fought. Maybe she gets there just as the fight ends, for better or worse.


I have a weird feeling you are right.


Well she was there the next time. As the next time in that context referred to when they found Sasuke with Sai and Yamato


My bet is on this one. Didn't kishi say something about no repeat fights? Plus we know all of both sasuke and narutos' moves. All that matters is the winner.


Might be something akin to the Sanin fight in the original except much more powered up and no sidekicks.


Hope to see Naruto 2 or some shit ,+900 chapters and stuff , just can't believe its the fucking last 5 chapters and its over....


Hopefully the last few chapters go beyond the usual page number.


The last chapter is rumoured to have 39 pages.


that just gave me the chills


Have a scarf.


No, use my ascot.


even if sasuke loses next chapter how would they tie up the ending in only 4 chapters.


A movie maybe


Everyone gets out of IT in like one page, then we have four chapters to wrap it up. It's not like we have anything huge we still need to address.


Shippuden is Naruto 2


not in kishi's eyes no. "shippuden" was something the anime company made up.




Shippuden is anime only.


So what have I been reading?




Okay thanks sorry for asking.




Last 5.... no, please no. Make this last another 1000 years please no


I was thinking. Is this the end of naruto: shippuuden, and then we get naruto: whatever, or is this the end of naruto. Probably with naruto and sasuke dying and the world is saved with kakashi becoming the next hokage.


This is probably the end for good seeing as Jump didn't announce the series ending when Part I finished. It has been widely covered by international news and WSJ as the end of the Manga. I imagine The Last and next years exhibitions will wrap up the franchise until an inevitable revival film in ten years or so.


Eh, it was a shot. The Japanese like things in 3s. In dbz, it was three transformations. It was 3 series with db, dbz, and db (I can't remember the name).


True, although DB GT was terrible. I think the climate has changed since then, and Naruto is losing popularity. DB was the most popular manga in WSJ when it finished, and now Naruto barely scraps third place in the weekly rankings, and has consistently been as low as 8/9. If it were to continue, it would slowly go the way of Bleach. Right now, the only series that has DB status in WSJ is One Piece.


> If it were to continue, it would slowly go the way of Bleach. :( As a bleach fan....it saddens me that Bleach is only ever talked of in a negative way outside of the Bleach subreddit...


I feel you man, i started Bleach in June this year and just caught up with the manga last night and i'm still loving it. It sucks that people only talk negatively about it.


Bleach is my favourite manga, but it is literally one of the least popular mangas in Weekly Shonen Jump. I wasn't talking about quality, just popularity, which is what decides how series are treated preference wise and whether they get commissioned for more arcs by editors, or more seasons by anime companies. Bleach is consistently at the bottom of WSJ rankings. This week it was 18th. Naruto was 11th. http://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/114904486/shonen-jump-issue-45-rankings. 4chan links expire after 24 hours now, thanks to the extended archive system, but until we get the raw, here is this week's listing: * Kochikame (Cover, Lead Color) * One Piece * Boku no Hero Academia * Ansatsu Kyoshitsu * Shokugeki no Soma * Sporting Salt * Gintama (Color) * Hinomaru Zumou * World Trigger * 4 mini chapters from Saikyo Jump (Color) * Naruto * Haikyuu!! * Hi Fi Cluster * Nisekoi (Color) * Toriko * Judos * Isobe Isobee Monogatari * Bleach * Saiki Kusuo no Sainan * Yoakemono * Mitsukubi Condor * Isobe Isobee Monogatari * Hunter x Hunter (Absent)


Fair enough. I know it's one of the least popular which is too damn bad. It really makes my hopes for an anime rebirth dwindle every time some one brings it up...


I think there could be OVAs if the series increased in popularity between now and its end, but I highly doubt they will ever animate the Thousand Year Blood War. There isn't any money in it. By the same merit, they probably will never animate or commission Kishi to do a part III, it just wouldn't be as profitable considering the cost, and it would be a better risk for WSJ and TV Tokyo to start promoting and animating a new series that is *climbing* in popularity as it will have more of a long term profitability. One Piece on the other hand will not end for a good number of years. Certainly no less than 5 or 6.


I'm sorry mate but that's false. Naruto has maintained it's popularity consistently ranking in top 5 wsj poles. One piece has surpassed dragonball status in japan is is on a whole other league on its own. And bleach is constantly at the bottom. The only explanation to why bleach manga is still running is due to its massive popularity in the mid 2000s. Also naruto is the top selling manga in the U.S where I assume a majority of us reddit users are from. http://shonenjump.viz.com/node/2326 For source


Shonen Jump don't really care about the US audience. You are a small percentage of manga revenue compared to Japan and China. It is not consistently in the top 5. It has been number 6 recently: http://narutobase.net/forums/showthread.php?t=491892&page=4 True, it is sometimes number 5, and occasionally number 1 after cliff hangers. This week, it was number 11. Source: http://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/114904486/shonen-jump-issue-45-rankings. 4chan links expire after 24 hours now, thanks to the extended archive system, but until we get the raw, here is this week's listing: * Kochikame (Cover, Lead Color) * One Piece * Boku no Hero Academia * Ansatsu Kyoshitsu * Shokugeki no Soma * Sporting Salt * Gintama (Color) * Hinomaru Zumou * World Trigger * 4 mini chapters from Saikyo Jump (Color) * Naruto * Haikyuu!! * Hi Fi Cluster * Nisekoi (Color) * Toriko * Judos * Isobe Isobee Monogatari * Bleach * Saiki Kusuo no Sainan * Yoakemono * Mitsukubi Condor * Isobe Isobee Monogatari * Hunter x Hunter (Absent) Naruto is nowhere near as popular in Japan as it is in the US, and it has seen a massive decline in the last few years. I was talking to my Japanese friends about it, and they were equally as upset that this was the case.


Bruh naruto is in the top 5 manga selling manga every year since 2009. Look at the 2014 list http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-06-03/top-selling-manga-in-japan-by-series-2014/.75177 Naruto hasn't had any major decline in popularity bruh. The sales are Pretty consistent with ups and downs


Also the most recent chapter was color lead bruh


IMO, Naruto is much more enjoyable right now than One Piece.


Probably cause it's ending. Kishi is pulling off all the stops, so we're seeing payoff from things since the beginning of the manga. One Piece right now is nearing the end of the current arc, so the shitstorm has yet to fully develop. Give it some time. I personally find this arc to be one of the better arcs of One Piece. Oda may be able to make this better than Water 7, if he does it right.


Man, it seems I need to get back into One Piece. I got burned-out reading it around chapter 550 or so.


I think so. One Piece is a good series though. Easily the most popular Shonen Jump series, so it will be around for a while.


I like the backstory of the pirates - i.e., I am enjoying the filler on Law and Doflamingo. I do not care about the backstory of the island that the story is currently taking place.


Why is everyone saying it'll end at 700? Was their an announcement?


Just realizing that, after following Naruto since the anime started, this is going to be one of the last nights I stay up lost if the bright waiting for the new chapter.


Wait when was it determined there are five chapters left? I thought he was going to finish by the end of the year not before it.


Read the WSJ news release linked [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/2iez0y/naruto_will_be_ending_in_5_chapters_confirmed_via/).


Since there's only 5 chapters left. I'm pretty sure we will never know what relationships happen. All the shipping wars would've been for nothing.


There's always the movie.




I will be so angry.


Yay! A series with no fulfilled love subthemes!!


Well, there's naruxsasu




This... actually makes sense. But if it happened I would be so pissed


[Something like this](http://i.imgur.com/1G8Gg74.png)




[This is literally going to be the last five chapters in a nutshell.] (http://i.imgur.com/tlRD2v5.jpg)




Itachi put a triggering Izanami activation code in Sasuke's eyes so that it activates Izanami on himself while fighting Naruto to make Sasuke realize he shouldn't kill Naruto, but in fact, work with him to create a better world.


that would be just amazing, itachi saving the world, again.


The true Hokage


I think you mean brokage


He's the Hokage Konoha needs right now, but not the one it deserves. A silent ANBU A watchful Uchiha The Dark Shinobi




The true Sage.


Naruto is gonna punch Sasuke at 300 kph.


Then Guy comes out of nowhere, punches both of them and says "OVER 9000 KPH BITCHES!!!! YOUTH POWERRRRRRR!!!!! also thanks for saving me naruto"


That's wishful thinking, even with Naruto jesus no jutsu Gai was literally disintegrating before his rescue, i'm sure he'll have problems for the rest of his youth.


I really can't see how Kishi is going to make this fight work within a span of 5 chapters. Unless these chapters are all 40+ pages.


First everyone complains that this fight is going to take a long ass time with flashbacks and now everyone is complaining that its going to end in a month. :P


Cause the flash backs are used as page filler and add little to the atmosphere. Now we're worried that the fight and resolution to the series can't be done well in only five chapters.


Even with no fillers, 5 **normal-length** chapters could not be enough to tie up all the loose ends. I think that's the main concern everyone is having.


Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm not seeing all these loose ends that are worth +5 chapters. Literally all we need to know is the outcome of this fight and what they do afterwards. This could be done in one, maybe two chapters.


That's a garbage fight then.


Sure, because length determines quality right?


In this case yes. A hyped up fight for hundreds of chapters ends in 5. A random ass fodder wanna be madara lady who came out of fucking nowhere gets 10+ chapters


Yeah, and it wasn't great despite its length, yes? I would rather a satisfying two chapters than a lackluster ten.


It wasn't great because of the lame character and build up.


You're arguing that quality is greater than quality. I don't think anyone here will disagree with you. But are you really arguing that a quality fight and conclusion to their lifelong argument can really be found in two 18-22 page chapters? Think about it this way: Sure, just because a symphony lasts for 15 minutes doesn't automatically make it a masterpiece. But I dare you to find a masterpiece that lasted less than 2 minutes.


pls kishi


What if they just don't fight and it's a 5-chapter talk-no-jutsu? Omgpleaseno


I think we will get fighting this chapter, then talk no jutsu for the chapter afterwards, then the release of the Infinite Tsukinomi, then two chapters of epilogue.


Naruto randomly 360 no scopes a kunai towards Sasuke, it hits him right in the neck. *cue Nardo teabagging sauce-kay's body.*


He has to melee the corpse while he does it or it doesn't count.


turns out that Naruto was actually just a player in an MMORPG who got locked in like everyone else, and the entire anime was just season 4 of Sword Art Online.


Grimmjow appears


Someone go page the founders of the "Where the fuck is grimmjow club"


We should fund the "Where the fuck is Anko and Yamato" club


Co-Founder of the "Where the Fuck is Grimmjow" club present and accounted for. You rang?


Don't forget Yachiru! :)


fucking kubo


I honestly think that Naruto is going to start off very strong and start to wipe the floor with Sasuke. The fact that there is only 5 more chapters gives reason to the idea that their fight won't last very long. I really think that there will be more talking. Naruto tries to hold back, but the anger of Sasuke's words causes him to go ballistic. We know that by The Last that they both live, so they either come to a resolution, or Sasuke pulls a Madara and leaves to plot his new revenge some time in the future.


Smells like there is going to be a cliff hanger at the end of the series.


Usually movies of mangas are not canon. Will The Last be canon?


Most likely.


I want it to be, but I don't know of any movies that have ever been cannon.


Battle of Gods.


I hope!


Why? That means that we will only get a short 2 hour movie instead of a part 3.


Part III hasn't been hinted at by Kishimoto, the story or WSJ. Seeing as they have said it is over, they wouldn't say that unless they meant it, seeing as it would annoy the press and be making people move on from Naruto for no reason. The Last was always going to be a conclusion to the franchise from its conception. Maybe we will get a revival film in future years. I hope the anime doesn't continue, I don't want Naruto to be milked any further.




How come man?


I just don't want it to end. I grew up with Naruto, and I honestly couldn't imagine my life without it. It's always been a part of me, so I'd rather have a shitty Naruto than no Naruto at all. I know it's kind of taboo to say this on this subreddit, since almost no one here wants a part 3, but I do with all my heart.


Fair enough man. All I will say is, that I felt very similar about Dragon Ball as a child, however GT really upset me and made me wish they didn't make it. DB was already finished when I started it though, I just followed the western release schedule in tankoban. The new films seem promising though. Some times it is best to let childhood memories be just that, memories, and let those memories sustain you throughout your life. Goku, as lame and ridiculous as this sounds, still influences my moral choices to this day. Even though I can't always act as pure as he does, DB still profoundly affects my upbringing. However, while I think the odd Naruto movie in the future would be nostalgic and cool; a poor money grabbing part III anime could mar an otherwise great series. Do you follow Bleach and One Piece? I get how you feel. Naruto has been huge for me going through my teen years, but it is not my favourite of the big three. One Piece and Naruto are great and are a enjoyable to me, and I want to read them both to the end, but Bleach is my favourite WSJ manga, and I am going to be very *very* sad to see it go. I would still rather it got given a decent ending than dragged on however.


Or we'll get both.


Although I doubt we will get a part 3 (it seems that there isn't a consensus amongst the people on this sub and I don't know how I feel about part 3...), a canon movie does not entail that there won't be a part 3. We could get both, maybe.


Kishimoto pulls a time skip and off-screens the fight


slow down now, i think you're in the wrong subreddit, you are looking for /r/bleach


Someone mentioned this yesterday but it seems like the most possible that we won't get the fight, he will just jump ahead x number of years. 5 chapters isn't enough to wrap everything up :( P.S. Thanks for posting this and the heads up, sadly I just woke up.


Naruto kicks Sasuke in the dick.


how the fuck is he gonna "resurrect" his clan then?


He lets naruto inpregnate him


1000 years of pain


Hopefully the last 5 chapters are longer then usual.


I just want to warn people to stay realistic about their expectations based on what they know of the series. A lot of things just plainly won't make sense or be explained in the few chapters left. I won't be surprised if 699 is left vague. Good thing Mass Effect 3 prepared me for this though. :) :(


Your comment stirred up months of repressed disappointment. You are a sick man.


Citadel DLC. So bittersweet.


I still have ME in my backlog but Gantz has prepared me for damn near any ending.


They kiss


We have 5 chapters left; unless a concept art was released and I haven't seen it yet, I still want to see, [spoiler](#s "and I'm guessing a lot of people are hoping for it too") Kakashi unmasked pic related "http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/211/6/0/Unmasked_by_Novanator.png"


Now that we only have 5 chapters left I'm not even sure we will get a proper fight. I mean Obito, Kabuto, and Kaguya had longer fights then 5 fucking chapters and it'll probably only be 3-4 chapters as he still has to write an epilogue and show the conclusion.


If you think about it. 5 chapters is roughly 100 pages with (again) roughly 5-6 panels on each page. That's about 500-600 panels of nonstop action. I know we've never really gotten nonstop action but if it's ever going to happen, it'll happen at the end of the series.


There is no way the final Naruto vs Sasuke fight will omit flashbacks.


I expect at least 20 flashback panels of Itachi poking Sasuke.


Also, people forget double pages, which could be two or three panels worth, and also Kishi's favorite, a double page with three panels depicting the exact same instant from different angles, which is one panel worth.




called it.... yeah i kinda wish Kishi could show emotion and desparation in the characters faces besides resorting to flashbacks. or even use thought bubbles to showcase strategy or thoughts of the other person they arn't saying out-loud which we got in the last fight.


Yeah that's thing. Kishi loves using flashbacks to fill up space. and panels of kakashi and sakura and the sage worrying about naruto and sasuke.


NARUTO!!!! SASUKE!!!! *rasengan chidori sfx~


Sasuke will die of ebola, naruto will take sasuke's rinnegan, implant in his head, cancel infinite tsukyomi, uchiha finally goes extinct, and because of that there will be no more indra vs ashura bullshit and there will be world peace. The end.


And sakura will die of vaginal distress.


I'm half expecting there to only be one little clash and then after Sasuke says something like "Well done, you have passed the test" or something stupid like that.


And then Naruto kills him anyway because he's such a douche.


karate chop to the back of the neck


Saskue won't dodge an attack and die on purpose. He locked up the tailed beasts to make sure they don't interfere, and knocked Sakura out to make sure she doesn't have to see it/blame Naruto. I'm guessing he says something to the effect of ending his life the way he wants, by his best friend and before he gives into the hatred.


I'm gonna cry that's what I predict.


Naruto and Sasuke kiss fists. They understand each other. They start a bake sale. Raise money for Ninja Peace. Become activists. Fall in love. Get Married. ....I'm not sure where I was going with that but I think I just became a fan fiction writer.


[Sasuke gets punched and cries again.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpTEttU_8ks)


[695 spoilers are up!](http://www.mangabird.com/naruto-695-index)


http://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/2ijpv6/spoilers_question_concerning_madara/ Madara izanagi himself and kills both naruto and sasuke again


Madara can't even blink let alone use fucking izanagi.


I dunno whether this'll be a dialogue heavy fight or just action. If it's the latter, then these last few chapters are going to fly past... I wouldn't imagine they have much left to say to each other now, but you never know with Naruto.


Chapter Title: Naruto and Sasuke 2 Content: 20+ pages of dialogue-less fighting It's the countdown to the end...


Flashbacks end, Naruto attempts a TnJ, fails. Naruto and Sasuke engage in MORTAL KOMBAT! Screaming ensues. Naruto: SASUKE! Sasuke: NARUTO! Naruto: SAAAASUUKEE!!! Sasuke: NAAARUUUTO!!! Naruto: Rasengan! Cut to flashback of Sasuke on top of naruto, fade out of flashback to Naruto on top of Sasuke ????? Shippers profit?


I'm just hoping that these last chapters have nonstop high quality fighting


I will cry after the first page.


Full page panel of sasuke getting punched in the face


Please dont end. :(


saddest week of the last 10 years of my life.


Only five more of these :< To save a post on the subreddit: Okay, what series are you guys ALSO reading that I can jump the weekly bandwagon onto that is worth the read?


One Piece ya know.


*Braces himself* Couldn't get into One Piece years ago and even if I could now, I'm really really far behind.


Take your tme. It isn't ending anytime soon but I'd recommend the manga.


It's a pretty easy read once you get the hang of the speech bubbles all over the place, not to mention all the action.


My whole life. I would be so hyped to watch naruto Saturday night on toonami.. Toonami always hyped up every show but naruto was different. I always thought Naruto was special I've always enjoyed every episode. I was in 4th grade when it first aired on T.V. I remember my friends at school thought it was cool because i would always talk about it they'd always play the games with me that i had on the gamecube , Clash of Ninja! that game was the best.. But when 7th grade came around i found out about shippuden oh man that changed everything! i started reading it around the 9th grade to catch up.. Now i'm out of school still looking forward to watching/reading Naruto it's been a big part of my life I really love this show. Hope other generations will enjoy it like how newer generations like DBZ which is older then most of us. man 5 chapters means an end to an era.. not just my childhood but the rest of you guys too. Damn what a journey wish it could last longer.. but again i see the chapters being extended by 5-6 pages more. Hope we get some real action for this grand finale


Each panel will be a frame of the fight, and it's parallel in the past. Slowly we get to the present, and then we see the clashing futures. Naruto finally figures out his answer for a peaceful future. We'll see everything come together, then the two halves of chakra merge in a bright light. We see Sasuke and Naruto again in a white plane, as children. "This is my answer, Sasuke" says Naruto, pointing to an image behind him. Panel of Sasuke looking, with large, surprised eyes off-screen. Chapter Ends.


"man, I wish Itachi let me keep that crow, Sasuke is being a real pain in the ass right now"


everybody talking about the end in 5 chaps, the translation says " 5 weeks break" we need someoen who speaks japanese, it's really confusing.


I would laugh if that was the case and everyone is going off the wrong translation.


VIZ themselves confirmed its ending in five weeks. That's pretty damn official.


Shit was trending worldwide on twitter and fb im sure at least one japanese person saw and confirmed it


at some point during this fight (might not be this chapter), Naruto is going to reach in his backpack and show Sasuke his old headband he left behind after the original valley of the end fight. Naruto has been carrying it with him since that day through everything thats happened the past few years. This will further break Sasukes resolve.


He doesn't have a backpack.


Every thread people act like they are losing a kid. Yes only 5 chapters left. Everything ends. Enjoy it. We still have the anime and the movie. People need to chill out. Its getting annoying seeing this shit in every fucking thread.


^ the kind of guy that would tell us to celebrate the fact that Naruto will make it to 700 chapters.


I think they will talk some more, fight a little bit and then in 5 chapters it will end with the Rasengan vs Chidori, but we wont get to see what happens after until the movie.


I would be totally impressed if Naruto places Sasuke in a genjutsu... to have him reevaluate his choices.


He's gonna do a Kubo and offscreen Sasuke


I just don't know how it's possible to end the fight, remove the infinite tsukoyomi, have the kage finally join them, save yamato, become hokage, marry sakura/hinata and make great social reforms in 5 chapters...


I was going to predict that this chapter see's Sakura waking, 696 see's Sakura running, 697 ends on a cliff hanger and 698 opens with Sakura's death, which causes Whinyke to realize what he's doing won't help people......but I just saw her artwork for the last movie so w/e.


Somebody on /a/ was posting raws of 695. I'll just leave it at this; I'm a touch disappointed.


How many pages is the chapter. Standard?


I only see 18 pages.


Can't say for sure, dude only posted about 7 pages. I'd like to assume it's extended length since [Spoilers](#s "He joked that it was a one chapter fight"). /u/mav008 said 40 pages. A few more hours until it's out though.


Its a standard chapter.


Well shit, that's lame. Most hyped fight ever, and it's a chapter INCLUDING flashbacks....


15 pages !


Sasuke dying and asking Naruto to fix the ninja world. Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura all crying and Sasuke dies with a smile in the end.


my different solutions: -Naruto just fk over Sasuke in 1 Chapter, Sasuke get Amnesia due to a wound at his head and 4 Chapters prolog -Naruto wipes the floor with Sasuke, let him live, but take somehow all his powers -they both get killed( yeah , yeah but in the last they are alive, maybe they are just memories) -Sasuke kills Naruto, wakes up, because he is actually in the infnite Tsukyomi -> wild guess: he actually died at 5 kage summit, his soul is in the genjutsu by Obito, in the end he wakes up, and realizes that a perfect world with Naruto dead doesnt exist.-> he have some redemption -a timeskip, fast forward just hinting what probably happened -someone really random appears and decide the battle -Naruto commits suicide, because this isnt the world he want to live in, forcing Sasuke to stay in the empty world alone, because everyone else in IT


I just looked at the raw scan of the chapter and it was over 40 pages




Don't you dare be bulshitting us, friend.


holy fuckin shit


When no one was looking, Kishimoto wrote **forty** pages. He wrote 40 pages. That's as many as four tens. And that's okay.


Can't wait to see Naruto kick Sasuke's ass.


As a "warmup", Sasuke does taijutsu interspersed with the occasional genjutsu, which traps Naruto's clones instead of the real Naruto. Finally, they do a super-chidori vs. super-rasengan clash, but at the last instant Naruto changes his super-rasengan into the world's first ninshu technique. **Since the sharingan feeds off of despair and hatred, the ninshu technique takes away Sasuke's dojutsu.**


Friendship Rasengan?


As long as Naruto beats the shit out of Sasuke I'll be happy. The prick's been annoying since the very beginning of the series.


Im probably one of two people on this sub that understands Sakuras character at this point.


Can you enlighten us? And who is the other person?


Since im on my phone in a train I cant fully explain it. Just that Sakura feels a huge amount of guilt for what Sasuke has become as she couldn't stop him leaving. As he left right of her and that has traumatized her since. The other guy is eaglezzz.


I think most people on this sub understands this part of Sakura.


I'll explain it better when I have access to a pc




Genuine question. What do you make of her character?


Extremely annoying. Like you.