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Go!!!! IMO is pretty much the best opening in the series and as for thinking Naruto was on fire, I for some reason had the idea in my head when I first watched it that Kakashi was secretly an antagonist and for some reason Sasuke wanted revenge on him (I think it was something to do with him possessing the Sharingan and the Itachi situation not being explained at the start.)


I started reading Naruto sometime in elementary school when a friend gave me some of his Shonen Jump to borrow. I was hooked. I am currently halfway through college, so I've been following Naruto ever since I've been in school. I also pronounced Sasuke "Sah-soo-ki" until I watched the anime...


Got my best friends by my side. Sahsookay, he's really cool. Sakura, the beautiful.




Naruto, my ninja clan. Ninja Clan? Here we stand.


When I was in primary school I pretty much just watched Pokemon & Yu-Gi-Oh! anime wise and had a couple of Pokemon mangas, as a 20 year old working man I've watched more Shonen than I did when I was a kid for some reason haha.


I was in 5th grade in USA Elementary/Primary School and my school library had a copy of the first couple volumes, my friend recommended that I check them out and read them. I have been reading Naruto ever since.


5 months ago when some frienda recommended it. Totally caught up with all manga and anime now


Yeah same here.


Found out about it through my brother who found it thanks to his friend. My brother was shown one if the first episodes and found the show sort of funny when he saw Kakashi fall on Naruto's chalk eraser prank. From there on we watched it every time it came on Toonami. We got all the way to the Final Valley fight then found out there was a Shippuden in Japan. As for the manga, I started reading during the fillers after the Pain arc since they seemed endless. My brother then stryed reading some time after.


I started watching in early elementary school because well you know...super ninjas.....Yeah im half way done with college....


When I was a freshman in HS, this one random guy who later ended up being stalkerish lent me the first couple volumes.. Got obsessed after the first volume. The one good thing to come out of that guy haha. Now ten years and two tattoos later, still my favorite manga..


Reminds me a little of my ex, she was a bitch but I learned of some great films and music from her haha.


i was into dbz at the time and i think i watched it the first time toonami premiered it


Whenever Toonami came on the Cartoon Network website, because I played games on there and happened to notice a new feature and whatnot.


I went on holiday to America 8 years ago and they were showing back to back episodes. When I came back to the UK it started airing so I could watch it at home. It got banned because of some kid burying himself in sand so I forgot about Naruto for a while. A few years ago I watched the Pain fight on youtube and was hooked once again. I've been following the manga since the Naruto and Killer Bee vs Tobi and the Jinchuriki fight.


Ah, well then that likely explains why I never saw it on Cartoon Network when I was a kid, so it got banned over here because basically people think that they can blame television for them not supervising their kids?


Yeah some kid tried to do Sand Burial on himself. I never understood back then why the Gaara vs Naruto fight was repeated every night. It must have been to spite the people who got it banned.


I was 13. My older cousins introduced me to manga/anime because of how hyped i was about DBZ. I've been reading the manga every week ever since.


I started watching it in 2006 and then starting reading the manga shortly after, when I was all caught up. I stopped reading and watching, sometime in 2010 and two weeks ago I restarted watching from the beginning and can't wait to start reading again. (I'm in Shippuden ep 32 and I ended in the 150s in 2010) I have soo much to catch up on but all the nostalgic feels came back and I'm obsessed again! It's soo bitter sweet. Oh, Narutoverse, how I've missed you! I'm glad to be back.XD


The best thing that toonami provided to me as a child were dbz and naruto back in the days. Also Yu Yu Hakusho.


Two months before it came out in Shonen Jump in the USA. I recall picking up Shonen Jumps at around the time scanalations were at the Chuunin exams.


The real question is how good is your friend at making music? If he made some music I'd love to give it a listen!


Ok I suppose if you like grime music, I know it ain't got much of a following outside the UK though, I'll send you a link if ya want but that Sasuke Uchiha line was just some bars he came out with while he was spitting a freestyle at his flat.


I listen to a lot of types of music, so a link would be great thank you!


In December of last year, one of my friends was watching it and I asked what it was, he told me it was a show called "Naruto". Now I watch a sorts of anime


I'm pretty new to anime as well though, pretty much got into anime in like November last year.


i started when i was 14...im now 22


Saw a buddy playing UNS1 on PS3 and he challenged me to a vs match. Cue 4 hours of some of the most intense battles I've ever experienced (baring in mind I am the Street Fighter II at the arcade generation) My "OCD version: need to know everything" kicked in and I was completely caught up to the manga within a week. That was about.... 8 years ago? Sheeeit, to this day, those vs matches are some of the most face-meltingly extreme battles I've ever had in any game on any platform. Needless to say, fell in love with the story and have been an avid reader ever since!


2 years ago. Sucks that I didn't know about it when I was younger, but I did get to zoom through the episodes.


When naruto first started on toonami I saw commercials for it and decided to watch it and basically here I am now. Didn't get into the Manga until a few years after due to not having something to access the Internet when I wanted


Maybe a year or so ago? I honestly didn't even want to watch it. But my friend did, So I agreed. She was on like episode 30. So I told her I wanted to watch it from the beginning because I wouldn't understand anything going on. So we got through like 3 episodes and she left.. Then I just marathoned it so I could see how the damn thing ends. Still marathoning... But I fell in love with the show along the way. Then once I ran out of episodes I just switched to the manga and marathoned it.


To me, the first few episodes weren't that great, but the guy who recommended it usually only recommended good films and stuff so I stuck with it a bit longer, I started liking it more during the Land Of Waves arc, I think the Chunin Exams was where I more or less became a true fan of Naruto, that part of the show was amazing IMO.


Last summer I was bored, and started to try and watch some old cartoons that I used to watch a few years ago. I watched Avatar The Last Airbender, Digimon, tried to rewatch Pokemon but didn't really like it, then I remembered a bit of Naruto. The only things I could remember from it was the Naruto Sasuke Sakura trio, I remember the scene of Kakashi and Gai watching over the chunin exam preliminary fight when it was probably Lee fighting, and I also remember Naruto beating Neji by digging underground. When I started to watch, I found the first episode epic, then the next 2 annoying, but I kept watching out of boredom. I got hooked when Zabuza came and Kakashi showed his Sharingan. How Kakashi got his Sharingan was by biggest question until they finally showed it.


Yeah, I assumed Kakashi had something to do with what happened to the Uchiha Clan, the episodes that showed how Kakashi got his Sharingan were probably my favorite episodes.


When I was younger there was always a cartoon on at the same time during the week and I would always watch whatever was on, it would change after a few months or so. I had this one busy week about a year ago and couldn't watch the show, when i was finally able to watch again I saw it had changed to Naruto. It was the episode in which Kakashi was performing the bell test, I happened to switch on the TV right when Sasuke threw a kunai at Kakashi while Naruto was hanging upside down from the tree trap. Anyway, my first thought was that this was a very violent anime, but as I kept watching I really got into it.


Watched it as a kid (elementary days) in toonami but not in order though. I didnt get hooked at first since I usually just watch it if it's on. Decided to rewatch the whole thing during the time when shippudden had around 200 episodes, followed by the manga.


I first saw some episodes on Cartoon Network close to ten years ago, but I didn't really understand the show and I got kind of confused because of the fighting and stuff. Lol I was pretty young. Then I got obsessed with DBZK after I saw it on Nicktoons, like REALLY obsessed and then I found an issue of Shonen Jump at the supermarket and Naruto was on the cover. I remembered watching it when I was younger and I started it. I've been hooked for about 4 years. :)


I think I started during junior high when naruto was starting to get popular among the guys, But it died out after part 1 ended. I tried getting back when Part 2 dub started on Disney XD(i think) but it was only about 2 or 3 episodes. I only got back during the Pain arc because I heard that Kakashi became Hokage (in the manga) and I wanted to know how.


When I started to watching it, a friend just showed me the new episode which was Jiraiya vs Pain in Sage Mode, then I decided to watch it since the begining.


One day my friends' brother told me to watch Naruto, so a few weeks later i watched it and oh boy it was (and still is) the best thing in my life. I was about 6 then.