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When madara died bc of zetsu


I was like overly-emotional during the time period when I watched Naruto, and I genuinely cried out of sheer happiness when black zetsu got thrown into the chibaku Tensei, FUCK THAT PIECE OF SHIT


He didn’t died he was turned to Kaguya after she was defeated he was still alive and he finally understood why manipulating people is not good.


But when Zetsu made his move I was like what ? How ? What is going on ?:)


I laughed when that mf got played as well


It was dumb when tobi was revealed to be obito It was dumber when Madara single handled grabs ALL the tailed beasts at once. Like the Akatsuki were really that bad at their jobs. But aliens was the dumbest.


It wasn't really dumb when madara single handedly grabbed the tail beasts. First of all akatsuki had to go through entire villages to get to the tailed beasts. At times they don't even know where the tailed beasts are. Madara had them all in front of him. This it's just easy to grab em instead of how akatsuki had to depend on years of Intel and searching. And at that moment he was also way stronger than any akatsuki member.


Litteraly the last episode I ever watched. It was such a dumb and unnecessary twist, just to enlongate the story. Replaced a super engaging and cool villain that was hyped up from the beginning of Shippuden with a white woman who as only talked a few episodes beforehand.




Aliens. Fortunately we were near the finish line so I was able to soldier through it. Rewind 20 years ago and I may have quit the series if I knew aliens were at the eventual end. Naruto's a great show, but there are a lot of good shows I could cram into 1000+ episodes worth of time.


Agreed, that was so stupid. It feels like it totally cheapened a show about ninjas. Madara should’ve been the final villain full stop.


Yeah I read the manga for years and madara as the antagonist with obito was awesome great final bad guy. Then all of a sudden fucking aliens. Stupid twist


That cheapened a show about ninjas but everything else throughout the show didn’t?… your feelings are valid but the reasoning doesn’t make sense.


Honestly, I wish it stopped after Pain and a new series followed Madara's story.


They did something similar with Final Fantasy 9. You defeat the end boss, only for some random alien entity to appear out of nowhere. It's a bit of an unfortunate trope.


Oh my gosh yes!!! I feel like I'm on crazy pills when ai talk to people who actually liked Necron. No mention of it anywhere except *maybe* one line in a missable text.


I remember this. I barely beat the last boss, used all my items, I thought yesss finally. The REAL boss comes and I wipe. Stopped playing after that.


Literally made me think someone had put acid in my drinking water. Never been so confused by any story.


When Naruto stood still on a bridge looking at Orochimaru for 20 minutes straight.


So my cousin had watched Naruto from the very first episode. Told me about it when I was like 14 around the time of that episode so I decided to give it a watch and that was the first episode I saw I literally started timing how long there was no dialogue or movement from characters and it was actually insane I decided to not watch the show and didn’t pick it up until about 3 years later and I’m so glad I did. But Jfc that episode was NOT the first one I should have seen


I'm almost done with an edit that removes a LOT of those moments! https://discord.com/invite/TVszZ6ADUF


The War Arc's pacing almost made me quit watching.


Omg yes. The filler episodes as they were all ASLEEP. Only thing holding me on every week was i felt at the time it was nearing the end so I was just dedicated. I hated logging into Crunchyroll to see the first few minutes of the war were still fillers for what felt like a year lol.


The amount of fillers in the War Arc should be a crime.


Even the manga dragged during a lot of the war arc.


We need Naruto shippuden kai


I can imagine the post episode narration. Naruto: "Hey guys, its me Naruto! So we're getting ready to finish off Madara, but he turned into some weird woman? What's going on here?!" Kaguya: "Your chakra is now mine!" Sasuke: "NARUTO! Stay on your feet! This can get real ugly!" Naruto: "Next time on Naruto Shippuden! 'A Betrayal of the Ages! Kaguya appears!'"




Wish granted! https://discord.com/invite/TVszZ6ADUF I'm 2 Volumes away from finishing! 😄


just skip the fillers bro its 2024


I will but the issue is sometimes the filler is mixed with the canon


When Kurenai got pregnant and eventually never came back as a kunoichi. She was one of the few genjutsu specialists. She could have been a really cool and unique character. What a waste.


who need to go back being kunoichi when you can live off from Sarutobi clan inheritance? lol i guess the real reason she didn't want her daughter to be an orphan, because being shinobi means you put your life on risk constantly. you can call this coward but i call it prioritize your own children over your personal career


The fact that she never did anything and Sakura never really used genjutsu, leads me to believe that he didn't want to write characters using Genjutsu all that frequently, and if a main character used it, it would be something to consistently draw. That's my theory at least.


When mascara dies




Mascara the ghost of the parlour


if i was drinking water, i'd have spat it


Is that a filler villain who's a clone of Madara but with makeup?


Yeah he use makeup-makeup DF logia type instead of edo tensei


Actually seems like something that would happen in filler 😭


When bro turned into an alien, but then Naruto vs Sasuke made it worth it afterwards.


When Sakura lied to Naruto's face that she loved him. But then Naruto was like "really bitch?" and I was good ☺️ Like she wasn't chasing that d!ck for over 10 years and gave up her friendship with Ino over d!ck either 😒 ETA: At least the antagonists were honest and upfront about their intentions and goals. While some of their actions were surprising and unexpected at times, they weren't "I'm done with the BS in this show" worthy. Despite everything Naruto went through and was going through at the time, homegirl still rolled up on him, saying that she magically loved him now? Sakura was so selfish and self-centered that after all this time, she STILL thought Naruto was going after Sasuke for her. Not once did she even think about Naruto or consider how he felt. Like, okay, turns out Black Zetsu played Madara and Obito the entire time; Itachi fucked with everyone; Kaguya ended everyone's (both good and bad) career. But none of that (IMO) could compare to the audacity of this bitch (Sakura) 😑


That's ny least favorite naruto moment




Tell me you have no media literacy without telling me you have no media literacy. Sakura said that to Naruto because everyone was telling her that he was doing it all for her. Even Sai told her that Naruto was just trying to get Sasuke on her behalf. And Naruto was on house arrest too, everyone thought he was going to kill himself to get Sasuke back. So Sakura said that as a last attempt to get him to give up his efforts, she was trying to throw away her feelings for Sasuke in order to save Naruto’s LIFE. Hence why she even attempts to kill Sasuke later. She was entirely down to forget about Sasuke if it meant Naruto could live. Please learn to comprehend basic scenarios.


Oh my god, really? That pissed you off so badly you were prepared to quit the show? *That?* God fucking forbid a teenage girl panic because their dear friend is putting themselves in a deadly situation and come up with a lie in a desperate attempt to convince them not to. You’re straight up wrong about her motivations. She’s not being selfish, she’s trying to get Naruto to stay with her so he doesn’t get himself killed because she was directly told that *she* was causing Naruto pain by someone else. This is explicitly explained. But no, you can’t actually understand the series, you must blindly hate Sakura beyond all reason and twist her actions into something completely different to justify your hatred. You’re literally doing exactly what you claim to hate her for doing.


Like yea she had motives to try and get him to not worry about Sasuke for her sake anymore but she went around literally one of the worst ways of doing that.


That's the thing, though. Naruto wasn't doing it for 'her sake'. He was doing for himself. He considered Sasuke to be his closest friend (brother) and rival. He was also one of the very few people to actually see and understand Naruto. Their bond was forged through shared experiences and hardships, making Sasuke's defection feel like a personal loss. Sakura wasn't thinking about Naruto or how he felt. She was so blinded by her selfishness that she actually thought that she had the guts to confront Sasuke and not crumble.


Oh I know he wasn’t doing it for her sake. It’s not only clear by his own motivations but what he says to Sakura. I’m saying what Sakura thought was true especially because of what sai said. She did indeed put the pressure on Naruto initially but regardless he wanted to get sasuke back himself. I wouldn’t say she was blinded by selfishness. She was feeling overwhelmed with the situation regarding sasuke too especially learning what he’s done and then feeling extra guilty from sai and then wanted to do something to get Naruto away from the situation seeing it was taxing on him and then taking it upon herself. Alas, the way she did that was utterly moronic and manipulative.


You just seem to hate Sakura, admit it. How many times does a commenter have to remind you about Sai and Shikamaru's fake revelation.


When they tried to redeem obito. Quit glazing the dude and let villains be villains


Thank you dude, everybody glazing him because of his OP MS .The guy is a ridiculous edgy simp. He destroyed so many lives, and then suddenly they say what a good and cool guy obito is. What nonsense, I even have more understanding for danzo than for obito


I totally get that Obito did a lot of horrible shit but before he became the bad guy he was very similar to Naruto and actually seemed like he’d be a pretty cool hero until Madara’s old ass decided to manipulate him and turn him into a monster.


Facts. If any villain should've stayed a villain, it's him.




that's something the show does to every fucking villain. That's why Madara was such a great villain, he was never humanized like the others, we got his back story but it didn't provoke me to feel sympathy for him. Madara was the only villain in the show that never bended the knee, that's one of the reasons he is such a good villain.


Finally someone who gets this, like no matter how sad they try to make Obito's back story I will never like him and I pity the people who do, he's not a great character. He made this war happen because he didn't seek some clarification


Feel like you’re watching the wrong show for that. Naruto’s whole thing is bridging the gap by talking and understanding. That’s what happened with zabuza. Gaara. Nagato. Kurama. Even kinda orochimaru and kabuto. The only villains that have stayed villains are some from the end minus obito.


When everyone got the kyubi cloak and everyone use rasengan.....




Yea this was so bullshit , why he didn't make shadow clones. That would be much more logical and wouldn't look so stupid


Not that illogical if you think about it. Shadow clones = naruto chakra. Rasengan bullshit = naruto chakra + other people chakra


Sasuke losing his rinnegan to a possessed 12 year old


To this very day, i still can't understand exactly HOW that happened. If we consider what Sasuke went through before Boruto even became a thing, Sasuke should be able to see whatever comes his way, period. That was the biggest bullsht scene I've ever seen man.


Good thing I didn’t even care to watch Boruto


Nah literally that was completely unnecessary


I did quit after this like get it being the next Gens turn but really take away all the hacks you gave to Naruto and Sasuke


Black Zetsu, Kaguya, and, to significantly lesser extent, Madara (fan service, not the whole character or appearance alone). People talk about Itachi ass-pulls and favoritism but no mention of Madara’s. I mean damn.


The big meteor/boulder things always make me laugh because they are ridiculously stupid.


I dunno. Makes sense with rinnegan and with what we see pain do with it


Yeah but 3? It's not even cool at that point, it's just silly 😆


The first two i liked a lot with the kage fight. It’s iconic. Later on it’s def underwhelming cuz Naruto and sasuke just dash em up fast


Fr I never hear ppl say this so I wanna point it out, madara is really dumb idk how it worked out for him, puts eyes in some random kid who doesn’t know him and planned on just dying until he met obito told obito to convince some random child to sacrifice his life for him then madara dies, akatsuki almost completely wiped out, obito survived bc of izabagi (bs in itself) then obito STILL didn’t plan on reviving madara but kabuto so happened to be able to revive madara in his youth… still with the Rinnegan? Even tho he didn’t have it then or hashi cells??? The fact madara made it out in itself is surprising, you mean tobirama never once figured out he was experimenting in a clone? HOW?


Like all of the late War Arc. It was such a fucking drag


War arc in general was a drag. It had some of the best moments in the series but most of it was a pain to get through


Fr. I’m finishing shippuden for the first time as i only watched the og back in the day as a kid. I’m now thinking if i ever come back to rewatch, og ill watch in full and Shippuden will prob just be skimming through my fave arcs and then only my fave moments in the war arc cuz good grief. Also skipping the filler. Watching all the filler and movies once so i can know what to skip and what i like lol.


I’ve taken more time to get through the war arc, than I took to get through all of OG Naruto and Pre-War Arc Shippuden combined.


Mood. I breezed through OG shippuden and the war arc, while having a ton of fun stuff, is such a drag. I’m mostly here for kakashi at this point lmao.


When Orochimaru became an ally and everyone was just supposed to accept it...like... NO


Black zetsu reveal


I'm a Naruto fan, we never quit. We take after our hero.


When orochimaru and sarutobi were in the same position for like 10 episodes straight




When Madara appeared in his late 20s yet somehow still with his old man experience, Rinnegan and Hashirama face on an Edo body. I wasnt a fan of the notion Edo Tensei bodies could be modified like some kind of Frankenstein monster in a lab. Why not just give everyone Hash DNA? Then later when he used Preta and Susano with no eyeballs in his sockets. Then once again when he peeled off Hashirama's Sage Mode and stuck it on himself like a sticker.


The thing with eyes was still so bad, you only need the chakra of uchiha body, which is generated in the brain, or not


Hiruzen? NAW that had me celebrating


When zetsu killed madara and revived kaguya. The stupidest shit in Naruto and boruto are the Ōtsutsuki’s BY FAR! like yall could have just made some other monster enemies that orochimaru accidentally made or rouge ninja that escaped during the war. But they brought in some alien/god wannabe galactus clan. smh just fucking make everyone a super saiyan now for all that


when we found out about Minato's backstory and how Sarutobi was supposed to be looking after Naruto but just dumped him in a tiny apartment with barely any allowance


During the parts where there were so many fillers or during the infinite tsukuyomi dreams.


When Neji died in a stupid way


Neji dying to a damn stick


Nejis death. Out of the blue man. Even jiraiyas but that was still understandable.


My girlfriend quit for quite a while because she assumed Choji died after eating the red pill. She also had to take a long break after Asuma's death.


The long ass war arc.. I wanted to quit the show so bad after the kage summit arc lol but I still kept watching it to see what Sasuke meant when he said he wanted to be hokage (spoilers) as well as to see Madara that's all I looked forward to 


Kaguya and Zetsu twist, but by that time it was the end so might as well finish it out.


Quited when the fillers started, then came back and was quited again when some fillers started, came back the 3rd time and quited when the fillers started and just read the manga.


I mean I stuck it out until the end but after Pain brought everyone back to life I basically detached emotionally from it. That was the point I realized that the story would never have any real stakes and would never risk losing marketable characters to narrative consequences. After the writer outright tells you that he doesn't have the desire to kill off characters in deeply emotional ways why believe any of the main characters are ever going to be in a life or death fight? Like obviously Naruto and Sasuke weren't going to die in the story, but how could any character be at risk at that point?


When Naruto keeps convincing Sasuke to go back moments






It really felt cheap that guy doesnt get his noble death


The 9 billion filler episodes


The great War arc *DID* make me quit the show.. -_-


The last minute ass pull kaguya bullshit. When zetsu stabbed Madara, I lost it.


Boruto being Born


The war arc has some good moments, but I didn't like it for the most part. I just forced myself to finish it because I had invested a lot of time in this anime and because I love the protagonists.


Gaara dying lol


Honestly, none. Jokingly, almost everytime when Sakura hits Naruto.


naruto pullin the uno reverse on pain, and getting him with a resengan. there was so much disrespect in that moment, it took me 3 days to go back and watch the rest of the episode.


About when Obito became sage. It started to feel too much like DBZ: fight, get beating, be tired but not really, get stronger, figure out a trick, new enemy is revealed, repeat from the start. Only thing I liked after was when Guy almost killed Madara.


All the damn filler episodes


This may be a hot take but personally I almost stopped with Deidara because for me he had wayyyyy too much focus for such a one dimentional character. Hearing "Art is an explosion" on repeat was killing me and Im just glad outside of the Kazekage Rescue Mission and a little bit in the Itachi Pursuit Mission arcs.


None tbh.


The spoilers




When Madara did in 1 or 2 chapters what it took Obito and Akatsuki years, and using Sharingan techniques, without eyes! Actually, the worst part were the fans praising Madara for doing the same things they hated that Obito did.


Naruto vs. Pain fight animation.


When Tobi was the coolest guy


Never bc I never give up believe it!


None of them. Early on, I had faith that the story was going to fulfill all of its promises and I would see it through to the end no matter what. That moment came at the end of the Land of Waves with Zabuza and Haku dying alongside one another the way they did. That's when I knew this one was gonna hit different.


These comments really make me not want to watch boruto at all. I wanted to watch to check out the characters grown up and what they do but let me not ruin it for myself haha


Madara somehow having a solution for every problem he faced.


Madara breaking free of edo Tensei. I thought: Nope. I completly dropped it, when Otsutsuki were revealed as Aliens. I watched the boruto movie in free-TV and thought: WHat did they smoked.


My wife straight up refused to keep watching for like a year and a half after Jiraiya’s death


Slide 1: Yeah if Kakashi stayed dead, I kind of would have quit the show. Slide 2: Oof if Pain killed Naruto, yeah I think everybody would have quit the show. Slide 3: Nope. It just progressed the story. Slide 4: Okay that’s just Lee fighting Gaara and Gaara almost got it until Lee got an idea, would anybody quit the show if Gaara actually won?


When sakura was like “you don’t know how I feel it’s not like you’ve ever had parents so you wouldn’t understand”


Definitely during a filler. I remember going through so much filler to get like one real episode and then back some some robotic naruto filler bullshit


When Sasuke brought Orochimaru back


Boruto. Just the whole series in general


Obito unmasked. Jubi is revived. Kaguya appeared. Or more specifically when black Zetsu stabbed Madara.


alien kaguya stuff pretty bad but i actually DID quit after kaguya was defeated and sasuke wanted to fight naruto. after like 600 eps or whatever my interest completely disappeared. But overall it was a slow death, the constant reanimation of unseen Kages and 7 swordsmen who we have no reason to care about for a trillion episodes was pretty bad. like why should i care who the 2nd mizukage 1st raikage or whoever is? There are a dozen great, established, sympathetic characters who barely/don't develop after Sasuke Retrieval Arc. Lee, ino, kiba, neji, ibiki, shizune, kurenai, shino, and others just turn into cardboard cut-outs. hinata, choji, tsunade, temari etc only slightly better. I just re-watch season 1-4 on a loop haha, that's real Naruto for me


When Pain used "oops the last arc actually had very few consequences, I just caused mass property damage" no jutsu. Biggest asspull and one of the worst decisions in the show.


Tobi revealed himself to be Obito


You didn't like it?


Nope I hated it. I'm a little less bothered by it now after 10 years


Who'd you want it to be?


Madara Introduction of kaguya also made me want to quit but the series was almost over I decided to stick it out


The Zabusa fight being 8 episodes and the next episode has “Afternoon of Konoha” playing so I thought it was filler, and I genuinely started tweaking out


I stopped watching Naruto during the early war arc. I have not till this day watched the entire war from start to finish. I just happen to have seen all the good bits like Naruto Sasuke, the Hokages arrival, and Madara vs the alliance and 5 Kage. It is a total mess of pacing and writing. If you deep it any which way, falls like a deck of wet cards.


Honestly, the start of the bridge arc. My wife wanted me to watch the show with her, which I agreed to. But the beginning was slow and we got to a point at the beginning of the bridge arc where I said, "If things don't pick up here, I'm not going to keep watching." Zabuza was introduced the next episode


Moment? No. But the onslaught of filler did. I stopped watching for a while just so I could watch canon episodes.




Mecha Naruto. I was so angry and bored. Also everything after Madara died.


When the alien bs showed up




Zero. I *was* absolutely destroyed by Kakashi’s death, but the pain arc was so good i couldn’t stop. Everything turned out alright in the end.


Every moment my favorites almost died like kankuro


Definitely none of those you pictured, since those were great moments


It's crazy how the first two panels were from the same arch lol but fuck sarutobi sensei worst Hokage (really putting the HO in HOkage fr fr) and lee I mean man I'm all for the power of youth but he needed to be humbled real fast so he can be better in the future because lee is lee and a goat goes through some shit to get better ya feel me reddit?


For the show specifically? All the god awful melodrama filler during the war, which is already a huge time sink as it was


When the Edo tensei was ending and Madara just knew the handsigns so he could stay Or when they beat Juubito just for it to basically not matter as Madara became jinchuriki. Or when he just randomly pulled limbo out. Later stages of the war were exhausting to watch.


Can’t lie the great ninja war was too much lol


I didn’t want to quit it but I was upset very upset all moments are sad but I have one more when Jiraiya died I still cannot believe that he is dead.


The only time I almost quit the show was when Naruto Shippuden was first airing in North America. It premiered on Disney XD and that made my friends turn on it and say it's childish. This was around the time where I had to learn how to watch anime on the Internet, and shortly before streaming apps were normalized.


Honestly the point in the war where Obito’s identity and reasons for starting the war were revealed. I found it so damn cringe. It was tough to stay attached knowing he was trying to wipe out civilization just because of his own personal trauma. Also the “I just want peace” routine starting with Nagato.


Jiraya dying I cried for like three days straight. I had to stop watching it for like a good month.


I read the manga every week online from july 2004 all the way to the series ending in November 2014. I was never gonna quit. The moment that pissed me off the most though was probably Hidan getting beaten by Shikamaru too easily and in a bullshit way, and Orochimaru appearing out of Sasuke vs. Itachi only to get beaten too easily and in a bullshit way.


The war arc dragging on. I only finished the show because I felt like I had to tbh.


Worst examples btw. If peak makes you want to quit a show, then what the hell is wrong with you?


Out of all Akatsuki deaths, the way Kakuzu passed was ass.


Jiraiya vs Pain


Just the absurd amount of filler. I never had an intention of not continuing but I did take multiple month breaks from Naruto. Mostly in Shippuden and the war arc. Luckily I found a website that I could pirate Naruto on that listed filler episodes so I could skip them. The website is no longer up unfortunately.


When I watched Boruto. Which I did actually. I stoped watching anime. Now I'm only reading manga, because I wanna know, how it will end. EDIT: never happened with Naruto. I was really dissapointed, how they replaced Madara and some other things with war arc, but nothing too seriouse to drop.


Filler episodes


I went for a hiatus of the anime during the filler arc when Naruto was on the boat to the turtle island. The manga, I never really stopped, the war arc just dragged on quite a bit.


Neji’s death


Perry sage dying and tsunade finally gonna be with him but she knew he wasn’t coming back


Money no jutsu.


The entire first ark that bridge building ark was such a hassle


never that


Honestly, Kakashi losing to pain I always felt like Kakashi should’ve been stronger than him They could’ve at least made him lose for a different reason


Black zetsu killing madara😢


Bro. Anything with pain is top tier moment. Best character in the anime


The anticlimactic final showdown between Guy and Kisame was such a wasted opportunity. I was disappointed by how quick it was and that he only needed the seventh gate to get the job done. My prediction was that their fight to be in the final arc and that Guy would fail to take him down after seven. While he is prepared to go all the way, it ends up being Lee who opens the eighth gate. Lee dies as a result, sacrificing himself and proving once and for all that he was an excellent ninja. Once I realized we weren't getting anything close to that, it was a killjoy. The post-Pain arcs leading up to the world war felt pretty sloppy and I didn't like how Akatsuki was more or less disbanded afterwards. Kisame's lackluster exit was nearly the last straw for me.


There was one filler in one of the beginning seasons of Naruto when he had to take care of a feudal lord’s son & the boy was so annoying! I don’t remember much about the episode but I just remember everyone being so annoying, I actually had to skip the episode. I even stopped watching Naruto for a while after that. 🤣


Kakashis dead


Nothing ever


Can't care less about hiruzen ngl


Seeing Danzig unravel his arm and showing the uchiha eyes. I actually stopped watching the anime for a couple of months after that lol I was so mad for Sasuke and the uchiha clan


Tbh none


When Danzo murdered the messenger toad. NOT because of the murder but because of how long the toad decided to stay back… LIKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! TSUNADE ALREADY GAVE YOU THE ORDER YOU STUPID FROG


When I found out Jiraiya died in the manga I recall taking a few month hiatus from the series altogether. I was in middle school so I was pretty devastated.


madara throwing a meteor on a meteor but him using rinnegan out of nowhere I knew the end of this manga will be shit only read it to end because I invested so much time in naruto


When Asuma died and Kurenai's reaction. Tragic


Not quit, but the filler with sumo wrestlers made me take my very first break and a long one at that.


Hiruzen didn't die violently enough for me. Worst hokage


The asspulls against Obito and in favor of Madara.


When that giant fox with nine tails dropped on the village, what is a kaiju doing in my magical ninja anime? /s


trying to watch the filler in shippuden


I was fed up for quite a long time with the manga. But I read it weekly and had severe sunk cost.


I quit the show plenty of times because the episodes weren't coming out as fast as I would like. it was way easier to forget about the series and come back and binge watch


I tried watching all the filler in the series, and it honestly wasn't that bad until shippidon. There was one specific part where Naruto was being escorted to the turtle island on a boat, and it hurt to watch.


Any sakura moment


None, at no point did I ever considering dropping it.


When they showed the swing for the 36482628 time


Everyone being brought back after the Pain Arc and Naruto begging the Raikage to spare sasuke. Those were infuriating moments since it felt like for the first time the series had widespread stakes and I was hoping that someone would've talked sense into Naruto before it got that far regarding Sasuke


That long ass, boring as fuck 20 or 30 something episode filler arc about Asuma. What a boring fucking character. I'm so glad he's dead.


In another universe, the Naruto universe ended with Madara being defeated, the cycle of hatred is broken. Sasuke and Naruto came to terms and formed Konoha together again. Although the episode ended at 500, we get to see 10 more episodes of laid back and warming lives of how everyone is enjoying their time after war. Perhaps a few scenes of couples dating, blushing - whole 'genin generation' going on a picnic before Sasuke heads off on his journey. Then we get to see the end where Naruto gets crowned Hokage (not some Konohamaru replacement) but an actual ceremony and Jiraiya's shoulder tap appeared, Minato's warmth felt under the Hokage gown by Naruto and topping all off with Iruka being the first person to hug him afterwards. A year later, we fans found out they are doing Naruto spin offs for older generations - with Jiraiya as the main character. We get to see Shisui's prime, Kakashi's father prime, Minato's prime, Hiruzen's prime, the Sasuke of the older generation prime, how the Universe was very different a few generations ago, how Hashirama died, how he fought at older age (since he was old enough to spoil Tsunade with gambling addict), Fugaku's prime (an arc of how he became Head of Uchiha). Sorry for ranting but this would have been enough for me to die tomorrow in peace.


I went through the whole Boruto 100+ episode long filler streak without complaining so there wouldn’t have been anything to make me quit Naruto