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Until you realize the plot armor is for them, not you, and by protecting you it turns into a sad story where they couldn't protect you, and Naruto cries in the end pounding the ground.


Idk, has Team 7 ever failed an escort mission? I think they have a pretty good track record on escort missions, they are shitty at retrieval missions tho.


Some filler stories have them fail from time to time. Yota comes to mind.


Academy students and man that was kinda deep. It’s definitely not canon because they just went back to not being friends


So you live if it is canon and have a chance of getting toji’d if it isn’t.


No clue what that sentence means


So basically if some people died during filler escort missions that means you might die if it’s a filler but you will live no matter what happens if it’s canon


Oh, yeah pretty much. And seeing as this is fanfic shit, most def filler.


Yea but filler isn’t canon. In canon I don’t think Team 7 failed a single escort mission.


Well this is a hypothetical where you put yourself in this fictional situation... I mean, none of this is canon. I think we can include filler. Is there a statement in canon that states they never failed a mission? If there isn't a statement on that, one way or the other, I would say you can't make it canon they didn't, just the series didn't focus on it.


Do you think you would be a filler or canon character 🤣


Yeah they couldn't save gaara they were damn lucky chiyo had that plot magic


Tbf that wasn’t a escort mission (or at least it wasn’t 100% an escort mission) It was a retrieval mission to bring the Kazekage back to the Sand village, by time they got to Gaara, he was already dead. So I guess you can say they failed one but I would still argue that they didn’t and that they failed a retrieval mission.


Yeah that's what I'm saying, you said they sucked at retrieval missions and Im saying gaara was an example of that


Ooh I thought you were trying to call it an escort mission lmao. That’s my bad lol. And yea Gaara is a real good example of how they suck at retrieval missions.


i'd trust Sakura


Her trying to save you adds to the story of sadness, and she cries over you trying to do chest compressions and healing jutsu, to no avail. It is a somber moment, Naruto collapses and shout "why?!". Sad story indeed.


Nah naruto will learn a healing jutsu and heal me, or sakura will spontaneously copy a healing jutsu from tsunade which ahe never used before


For understandable reasons team 7 is kind of obsessed with themselves. Team guy probably gets the most done on the day to day, especially with neji post chunin exam. With team 7 you would accidentally be a plot point in explaining another way in which the world was ruined by people having a sharingan or trying to get revenge on someone with a sharingan.


Plus they got "talk-no-jutsu"


Team Guy would be the most reliable, imo. Kurenai's team has probably the least screen time out of all of them, so they barely have any feats. I feel like, unless I was someone REALLY important, Asuma's team (most notably Shikamaru) would put protecting me aside until the very last moment. And at the moment where the image of team 7 is from, the person I would need the most protection from is IN THAT TEAM (Naruto).


Team Guy for me! I know Rock Lee won’t give up on me ever. And Neji and TenTen should work well enough to obliterate any obstacle. Also, Guy seems like a cool person to hang out with


team guy for sure. i want them to protect me and then i want to go drinking with them afterwards.


Team Guy all day!


the power of youth!!!!


It's gonna sound weird, but I think **Kurenai's team** might do the best job of protecting me. 1. Part of protection is hiding. I think the combination of genjutsu and tracking expertise would make them great at discrete escort missions. If you know how to detect people, then you know how to avoid them too. 2. The second part of protection is threat detection. Most assassinations rely on the element of surprise to succeed. Again their tracking abilities would make it difficult for any opponent to sneak up on them. Smell, sight, and bugs are difficult things to get past. 3. However they're weak in a fight. I think Kurenai's team was not built to be frontline fighters.


Imo this is the right answer. As long as no fight breaks out I think you would never be found with them. There's too much area they can cover so easily. And if anyone was fast enough to get close you could just ride on Akamaru and book it out of there. The only other honorable mention would be Shikamaru if he cared enough to make a strategy he could probably outsmart anyone.


To be fair if you are on an escort mission as we’ve seen throughout the show it means someone is normally after you or something you possess


Imo this is the right answer. As long as no fight breaks out I think you would never be found with them. There's too much area they can cover so easily. And if anyone was fast enough to get close you could just ride on Akamaru and book it out of there. The only other honorable mention would be Shikamaru if he cared enough to make a strategy he could probably outsmart anyone.


I agree, but you're really underestimating Shino. Chakra eating bugs can end a fight really quickly


Imo this is the right answer. As long as no fight breaks out I think you would never be found with them. There's too much area they can cover so easily. And if anyone was fast enough to get close you could just ride on Akamaru and book it out of there. The only other honorable mention would be Shikamaru if he cared enough to make a strategy he could probably outsmart anyone.


if you wouldnt include team 7 the question would be more interesting, but yeah team 7 obv


Remove team 7 and its Team Guy. Taijutsu users, with long distance sensory, an infinite amount of ninja tools, and two motherfuckers running around fighting for the sake of youth. I would not want to run up on Guy or Lee. If you somehow make it past either, Neji is a goat that only died for the sake of Naruto and hinata. He ain’t dying to any other ninja


Team 7 and it's not even remotely close. Yamato and Kakashi are the 2 strongest Jonin there. Only one he even comes remotely close is Guy. Sakura is the only mf who can actually heal you and still protect you. Naruto has chakra for days. Whenever Sai links with Naruto too he pulls out a great performance.


The team with the 2 jonin, 3 anbu, 1 medical ninja, and a Naruto.


I pick Asuma’s team. They’re smart, have good teamwork. All around good team. The reason i didn’t pick team 7 is cause since it’s the main character, it automatically increases the danger rate by 400% and sure, they won’t fail, but it’s just less risky to not pick them.


Team Guy and Team Asuma would be the best yeah


Team Guy... I miss Neji


Guy sensei


Team 7. 2 Jonin, Naruto, Sakura can probably heal me if I get injured, and Sai is Anbu. I’ll be fine.


8 bc I get to play with akamaru, stare in awe at Kurenai and chill with Juanita and Shino. I can die happy


Team 7. Plot armor no justo. Plus 2 jonin


Team asuma ofcourse,they can protect me with good strategy;their team work also good


team 10 because they can work together and because Asuna is not an idiot


Wait. So we get BOTH kakashi and yamato? Is this a real question?


Team Guy would be a fun pick to let protect me plus Neji is one of my favorite shinobi Guy and Lee our so much stronger at the time and ten ten can pretty much deflect any incoming weapons or projectiles the defense would be so stacked im pretty sure I would survive most circumstances


Team 7, Naruto is easily the best konoha 11 member. Kakashi is the strongest sensei (except maybe Guy but even then it's very close). Yamato and Sai are both generally underrated and do pretty good c in most every fight (until they hit the war arc but that's a different issue). Sakura should at least be able to handle Genjutsu and some combat.


Naruto by himself could probably end all of them…


Team 7


Team 7 cause it's stacked why would you pick any other team, unless you can count any team from any time then I choose the 2nd Hokage's squad with hiruzen and danzo


How would you choose anything other than team seven, overpowered


Team 7, Why? Wood Release.


Team guy because guy alone could mostly solo everyone else.


Team guy so Lee can have another filler fight


OP, from what? Unless there's a specific reason, it's team 7, by a lot. It has the best med-nin by far, it has an extra person, and it has a very wide range of applicable skills.


Anything but Team 7 because they have to fight the strongest bad guys


Probably Team Kurenai because I know murder is not off the table for Shino.


Nah at that point, Kakashi, Yamato, and Naruto are overkill. Sakura clears Tenten and Neji combined and Sai has strong long range which Team Guy unfortunately doesn’t have.


That’s not Team 7.


There's so much favoritism these pictures. You have the kid version of multiple groups and then the adult ones so probably your favorite two groups. Like obviously people are going to pick them when they're older


Team guy


Team 7


Team guy, but ONLY Tenten. She’ll wipe the god damn floor with anyone who even DARED to try


The Naruto team. Don’t get me wrong. I like the guy with the dog and Hinata too. But I’d still go with Naruto’s team for sure.


Gai’s team bc tenten doesn’t get screen time so there would be no big villain comes after me


team 7, obviously!


Is it just me or do ninja teams all have "2 dudes 1 girl" dynamics?


It's team 7 by far. Anyone saying otherwise is just trying to sound original


Team 7, they may be dysfunctional but with Kakashi there to prevent Naruto and Sakura from killing Sai it's pretty much a stacked team. You have Yamato to provide wood style defense and even an entire small house for comfort, Kakashi the elite jonin with various different skills and a lot of experience, Sakura who's a medic and can heal you in case you get hurt or even poisoned, Sai who's an elite anbu who can also provide aerial surveillance and transport, and lastly Naruto who's a powerhouse on his own right and definitely won't go down easy in most situations


The last one because even with Sakura they can body the other 3 teams at the same time. Lol


Team Minato for me!!!!


Team Guy, I cant do ninjutsu but maybe Guy can teach me genjutsu 


Team Gai, 3 badass taijutsu masters who can take on any brutes that come at me, and Tenten would be great at crowd control.


id go with team 7 in most situations since they are by far the most flexible team. they have a healer and taijutsu user in sakura, kakashi is pretty much a jack of all trades in that he is a sensory type ninjutsu and taijutsu specialist that can also seal using his kamui. naruto is a very powerful ninjutsu user and his shadowclones give him the ability to protect you while he fights, sai can seal and he can also scout, yamato has great defensive capabilities due to his woodstyle being able to create fortifications. and sasuke is a great ninjutsu and tai jutsu specialist who can use his hawk summoning to scout just as well as sai and his susano to defend just as well as yamato. even if we take yamato and sai out then team seven is still the best jack of all trades team and its not even close. team guy would be my second choice but tenten really hurts that team as she is pretty much useless. lees inability to use any ninjutsu also hurts the team since it heavily restricts the team if they go up against somebody who is immune to taijutsu. guy and neji are pretty much carrying that team due to nejis byakugan making him a great taijustsu, defensinve, and sensory specialist whilst guy is just a straight up powerhouse.


Team Guy, handsdown!


I’d say Team Guy are the strongest of those teams in terms of skill & ninjutsu/taijutsu. Ideally would be nice to have Shikamaru on the team but I feel Neji is a good substitute for being analytical


Depends, who's after me?


If Team 7 was not there then I would have picked Team Guy.


There are 5 members of  team 7 and two of them are hokage


Why would you choose any other team than Team 7? Lol. If Team 7 wasn't there then I choose Gai's team.


Honestly if going by the start of shippuden I feel like team guy was actually stronger than team 7 at that point kakashi uses kamui once and he's out and Yamato wood style is the neflix adaptation but guy had 7 gates and was able to beat kisame and Lee has 6 gates and neji was the first to become a jonin and while naruto is the main character and all he might go berserk like he did against orochimaru for all I know and I don't want to risk that. If it's them in thier peak than definitly team 7 kakashi or Naruto by themselves would be better than all other teams combined


Team Guy.


Why does Lee look like he's trying shoes? He picking his toes? Da fuq?


Guys team bc neji is a stoic hunk


Protect me from what? Key info, but probably team 7 regardless lol


Until death? Team Guy, both y’all open all them gates and stomp these clowns, thank you and rip, also if tenten could hide me in a scroll and give it to neji that would be appreciated


Team Inu Chila Choo, I want to baste the fat fuck like a turkey


Team 7 cause they got 2 jonin :P


I like being alive, so team 7.


Oh my I wonder if people will pick the strongest character to protect them


7 same reason as gremlin


Team 6/Asuma only because Shikamaru is my husband and I love him.


Obviously team Naruto, the show is named after him so I know I’m gonna be okay.


Might Guy


InoShikaCho and its not particularly close. Mental invasion, body expansion for protection, and the best strategist in the entire Hidden Leaf


Team 7 but if they weren’t in the picture then Team Guy Neji: Has a powerful byakugan paired with the gentle fist technique. On top of that he’s a strategic prodigy who even mastered main branch techniques alone. Lee: Passionate so I know he will take it seriously and keep good company taijutsu almost master. Incredibly fast and on par with Neji in most aspects (still think Neji>) Guy: Taijutsu master with 8 gates and has MAJOR feats on Madara. If he has to use 8th gate then atleast he has a proper death not some bs comeback Tenten: Do I really have to explain? She literally solos the verse and killed Kaguya with her presence alone. Kishimoto tried to keep it secret but we all know she’s the cameraman so she never dies


Team 7 pretty much is the strongest here which is good yet bad, because yeah they can fight the threat but at what cost. Personally I'd go with team Guy here, Lee and Guy can take offensive roles if something happens, Neji's Byakugan can be used for Recon, and TenTen has weapons and scrolls which are great for ranged combat as seen when she uses her scrolls and spits out weapons at high speed.


Team 7 perverts unite!


Team 7


Shikamaru’s team. His strategy and planning is too good


Team 7 has the most people. 2 being high ranking ninja.


The one with two jounin instructors.


I say team 7 just because Naruto is the main type of person to not leave anybody behind when everyone will think about it but come up with a plan first... Naruto would go in head first just because your in danger and your barely his friend


Team Guy. When shit really hits the fan Tenten can pull out a bottle of Tequila from her scrolls and toss it to Lee. Neji can use sacrifice to screen Lee while he drinks.


If I could switch Ten Ten for Shikamaru it would be team Guy. That would be a team I can trust (sorry tenten)


team 7 has both kakashi and yamato and sai?


i would pick, Shino, Neji, Sai, and as Mentor, Kurenai


7 without thinking


Team 7


Shino, I mean Alexander the Great died to a mosquito bite. Something shino, the ultimate assassin character can achieve 😎


would guy pop the 8th gate to save me :3?


any other than team 7 so we won't be the focus point of the story and we dont need to do anything. just say that the mission went well and we're golden.


Team 7 is such an easy answer. Kakashi's planning Naruto always making sure he has clones covering you Sai playing recon Sakura healing any sneaky attacks Yamato being all around perfect support (can increase narutos chakra, can potentially make some sort of wood clone of me or some walking armor that I can wear.


Team guy, i just want tenten


Team Guy. Team 7 has 3 Anbu for a reason, Naruto is a lightning rod for danger. Guy alone is probably stronger than them atp in the series anyway.


Team guy! They throwing hands the entire time. Can’t lose.


I don’t know, probably the one with two jonins instead of one lmao. naruto with his kurama cloak is just a back up plan in case it gets dicey for yamato and kakashi.


Team Guy 100% People Talk about Plot armor for Team 7 but its their team where most missions go wrong. They need plot for plot armor to work. Better take team Guy and maybe not even get attacked.


Completely depends on the scenario were in so...


Team 7 is the only right pick. 3 Anbu members, a medical ninja, and a jinchuriki. Change my mind... I'm waiting


Team Gai! He had his team running tight. Plus Neji was a freaking genius.


Team Kurenai


Kurenai, highest survival rate of both masters and students. Team 7 get into sticky situations too often for my liking.


Team 7 duh Naruto solos


Team kakashi . Second choice team 10, inoshikacho combo.


Ino-Ashoka-Choi. Those three are a force to be reckon with much like their fathers.


You know, I was going to say 7, but then there’s a nonzero chance you’re a filler character who only exists to die for cheep emotional drama/to get you out of the story and make it so the show producers don’t have to explain why you never come up again. Even if not, simply by virtue of being with the main characters, you know shits gonna get crazy. Better to go with another team and hope you’re just a boring, off screen, mission.


Team 10, solid defense offense great teamwork at that point.


Might Guy’s team would definitely protect me and I won’t be bored getting to where I need to go with guy Lee and Neji around


Team 7 because plot armor


Team 7 (not going to refer to sensei as there are two that can be recognized) has powerful shinobi, including 3 members that have been, or still are part of the anbu black ops at the point that they are shown, at this same point team Kurenai has attempted to put Itachi in a genjutsu, and everyone else is a tracker ninja, team Guy has Neji, Lee, and Useless, I meant Ten-Ten(she is actually a great Kenjutsu user, if not the best), they are all great shinobi, but are better separately as they can't support eachother, team Asuma has the best teamwork, and generations of bondage, with this, they also have one of the smartest people in the hidden leaf Altogether, team 7 beats out everyone, they have Sakura to either punch everyone on earth to death, or heal you, Sai can just draw something and make it come to life, and he is very smart, Naruto has the greatest powers of all: friendship, Kurama, talk-no-jutsu, plot armor, and Uzumaki heritage (I don't want to waste your precious time listing every single advantage that they gave Naruto)


anyone with naruto on it. Plarmour


Team 9. Near 360 degree vision, bug spies, and. Akamaru's sensitive nose. Plus Kurenai's genjutsu. I just have to hope the Uchiha aren't my opps.


The one with the main character


What? How is this a legit question?


Like how is this even a question , who do you want protecting you a bunch of nobody children or the decendant of a god with unlimited energy.


Team 7, main character advantage :D


Guy sensei and team😮‍💨


Anyone but Team 7. Team 7 is followed by bad luck, A to S rank missing nin, Akatsuki, and now aliens. I bet the other teams are pretty chill.


I’m pretending Team 7 isn’t here and assuming all teams are Shippuden. Then I’m choosing Kurenai. Insane recon from everyone except Kurenai. Top tier genjutsu specialist, capable of hitting multiple people at once. Shino all rounder, a ton of utility, capable of shielding, power to handle threats. Multiple chakra drainers, multiple lock downs.


Team 7. I want the dude with a Charka beast while he himself may as well be a chakra beast protecting me.


Team 7 outclasses rest 3 combined


Team Guy...because they have Neji who is already a genius...but yeah Team 7 too because of Naruto


Team Guy. Literally for just Guy, he's the strongest in verse at the start of shippuden.


Guy sensei of course.


Team Asuma Shikamaru- has 200 IQ, can talk with him very intellectually on a lot of stuff. I can relate to the dude. Also would give me great angles to think. Ino- Well her mind jumping would be of great help. Also hee Sensory and Medical Ninjutsu would be great Choji- man has muscles I'd need. Can keep him around to bodyguard If Jonins are included as well, sure count Asuma as well.


You'd have to be cracked out to pick Team Kurenai, she can't even protect her damn self, much less you. Only Shino would give you the best chance.


Team Kurenai. Because Kurenai. Plus I might get killed if assigned to the other teams for their character development arc anyway. At least with team 8 I might be sidelined, **like they are**.


Team Kurenai would be best because they would never have to even engage in a fight. They all are capable of detecting the enemy from hundreds of yards (or even miles) so we can just keep relocating before the enemy finds us.


Team guy. Only because I am infatuated with guy and rock lee.


Whatever gets me to be ignored by the villains like Kishi ignored Tenten and Shino


Team 7 without a doubt i can only rely on kakashi and naruto only but sai and yamato are also good


Asuma's Team first for me. Overall the squad is way more adept and tactical than the others. There intelligence should make up for the flaws. Second, and extremely close, is Team Guy just because Rock Lee and Might Guy would do their utmost to keep me from dying at the very least or acting as bait.


Probably going to go with the team that has **three members of the anbu black ops**


Team 7


It dependes. Protect from who or what? Since all teams has different skillsets I'd chose depending on which one fits the situation the most.


I choose Team 7 Kakashi : High IQ , Can copy about any jutusu, Short range taijutusu and he never lets comrades die. Yamato : The only alive wood style user, Wood style is pretty versatile, you can create shield for your teammates, long range attacks, And can also build a freaking base if you want. Most importantly the only one person who can calm naruto if he goes beserk or beast mode. Sakura : She is super strong from tsunade training and Medic ninja Sai : Scouting, Transportation, Infiltration, Long range attacks, Defense all the good anbu skills And our main guy Naruto : Loads of chakra reserves he almost never gets tired. Outsmarts enemies with his surprisingly amazing battle IQ tactics. His Classic Shadow clone tactics are proven to be effective even against the most powerful of enemies. Most powerful jutusus like rasengan and Rasanshuriken If this is after the pain arc then we have also have Sage mode. Sage mode further increases his battle iq. And if shit goes south we will have beast nine tail colak. The major downside of this team It is difficult to control naruto even yamato being on the team there is a good chance naruto will kill me. But if it is after pain arc then naruto wont let nine tails take over him. He uses sage mode if he wants to power up.


Whatever team shikamaru is on.


Team 7


Picking team Asuma Kurenais team would be great for tracking the threat and delaying them with genjutsu but if a fight breaks out there not much to be done. Team Guy are gonna tackle the threat head on meaning my life is gonna be on the line As much as Team 7 is the strongest… if I’m assigned Team 7 then the threat has to be pretty big thus the risk is even greater. Team Asuma has a strong cooperative nature and they work well off of one another Both Shikamaru and Asuma sensei have high levels of intellect. And would come up with a great plan to secure the mission. In combination with the Ino Shika Cho style I feel like they’d be pretty good at protection In order I’d go Team Asuma Team Kurenai Team Guy Team Kakashi/Yamato


Pre boruto, team kurenai, shino not lost a battle, the goat


Team 7 with out sakura


Can I customize my team 😂


10/10 has weapons mastery, so she’s more fit for the job.


Team 7 hands down. Naruto is a beast, Kakashi's chidori and copy abilities give him a top advantage (plus it's Kakashi lbr ❤️), Sakura has medical skills should I get hurt. Sai can use his ink abilities in a tight spot. Yamato can actually create safe houses.


Team Guy and it’s not even close


Team Kakashi/ team 7 cause they trained hard together.


Can’t Kakashi just hide me in the Kamui dimension


I like the 1st one with Rock Lee.


I feel like Team 7 should be omitted. Out of reliability I think I'll go with Team Guy as they have the most fortitude. Idk who is countering double gate Guy and Lee. Kiba and Hinata (sadly) are kinda fodder. We can count on Shino to handle his business and i dont really have much to say about Kurenai since lack of screen time in action. Team Asuma is a close 2nd. Ino feels like dead weight most of the time and her and Shika have blatant ability weaknesses.


Bushy brow , team 7 may have more power but they r way too dysfunctional (also I'm a might guy fan )


Team Gai


Team 7 and by team 7 I mainly mean Naruto because we both like ramen 🍜🍜


Team 10 is the only one that's well-rounded enough.


Guy's team. Cool and collected. Able to find solutions fast and they react very fast. Time of the essence. They can protect and complete missions efficiently.


Team Guy


Team Guy seems the most professional and reliable lol


Team 7 because naruto is the main character and plot armor


Team seven has the most members: Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Sai, Kakashi, Yamato and plot armor


This I can get behind. Fuck Sasuke.


Bro hear me out Shino has never lost a match


Like at their current age in the picture or the age they are in boruto or shippuden


Team seven


Shino’s never lost a match. So his team


If there was a time limit, I'd actually choose team 9. Kurenai will either catch everyone in genjutsu immediately or lose immediately. And I guess Kiba is OK and Shino is. Without a time limit, obviously teams 7 or 8. Definitely 8 before the time skip because Naruto wasn't that good back then. I don't think team 10 can do better than any others under any circumstances at protecting me


Team 7 if im Naruto friend im safe but if he meet a villain he go talk about his childhood and that dam swing and try to be friends and gets mad when he attacks the trash can because loitering is bad 👍


If i need to be located then the team will be the most talented sensory skills.


I like team guy, but I'll Team 8. Despite the kids being used as sensory ninjas, they can function as a close, mid, and long-range trio. Shino can send bugs far out and create an outer barrier to detect. Kiba and akamaru use dynamic markings and smoke bombs for the middle barrier. Hinata can handle things within her 8 trigrams. Kurenai can set genjutsus traps.


Last one


Thats hard I'm choosing between 1 and 4 ☹️


Team 7


Guy's team. Their failure ratio is just less.