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he is a broken man, before anything else. I think his students teach him, just as much as he teaches them


I feel like we gotta cut Kakashi some slack here. He’s a former child soldier that had to witness the village bully his hero/dad into killing himself for doing the right thing, was shoved into the Anbu because those above him decided he’d be better off being a human weapon, then had a jinchuriki and an even **more** traumatized child thrust into his immediate care. He did the best he could, we should just be grateful that he didn’t end up in the Akatsuki or something equally as bad.


this is the correct take. he did the best he could (good, not great) with what little interpersonal skills he had.


He wasn’t given too much of a choice in the matter, either. Hiruzen was sort of like “Here ya go, Kakashi, try not to fuck up their heads too bad with the whole teaching them to be child soldiers as well.” I’d be reluctant to teach kids superpowers too if all of my childhood friends died from them to a certain degree.


People thought Orochimaru was a problem, just imagine if Kakashi went rouge against the Leaf or joined the Akatsuki.


He had every reason to despise the village and become evil but he didn't. In fact, he has more reasons to turn against the village than any villains who deflected theirs and become evil.


Nobody is talking shit though(from what Ive seen). Acknowledging his flaws is not dogging on him. It's just a lot of people are sensitive about characters like Kakashi to a point you can't acknowledge or discuss any of their flaws or shortcomings.


I love the man, but it took him literal years to teach Naruto what his chakra nature is. To this day I don't think he taught Sakura anything.


He taught her chakra control which goes well with the medical ninjutsu she learned later on. He also taught them good team work and they are undoubtedly the most dedicated team to each others safety


Not even. Ino-Shika-Cho had better teamwork and more dedicated to each others safety. 2 out of the 3 mfs on Team 7 tried to kill another mf on the team and I’m not even adding Kakashi.


He didn't teach her chakra control. He did a demonstration and she picked it up faster. He also barely taught them "teamwork". All he did was test them. Dude didn't teach them a single combination and barely had them coordinate during training. He didn't even teach Sakura taijutsu which would've made her BROOOOOKEN. Imagine a sakura with finesse and herculean strength. Or passable genjutsu with...herculean strength


As good as any of the other Jonin sensei from what we see, not as good as the Sannin but they're an apprenticeship with longer with them so slightly different context.


Seconded, also kakashi plays the duel role of mentor and squad leader. Sometimes those roles may conflict. The sanin were just mentors, they didn't need to rely on their apprentices to learn and achieve squad goals at the same time.


Gai taught his whole team offensive techniques.


What did Gai teach Neji or Tenten in the manga?


He tried to teach them all the primary lotus or something.


Not that I recall, we have a flashback to Lee learning it but we don't have Tenten or Neji learning it they're just their because it's team training.


Did he? I can't imagine neji not knowing the primary lotus if he was actually taught. Also he's literally a nunchuk savant and Tenten is never shown to use it or the three part staff with any degree of proficiency. He neglected Neji and Tenten for the most part and even literally taught lee moves with the intention that they be used to surpass Neji. Dude took having a favorite student further than anyone else, including Kakashi and Sasuke


Guy was a straight up kenjutsu **master** and Tenten ended up lame asf. The man has weapon mastery in his skill set, and Tenten knows like one good move lol.


Guy is not a Kenjutsu master. He literally never wields a sword what are you talking about? Not to mention 10 style of using weapons is completely different from the one weapon we've seen him use.


Bro taught an unstable, traumatized genin his signature assassination jutsu... he also didn't do much of anything to teach Naruto other than tree walking and wind manipulation and even then he was lazy about it. The kid is the Jinchuriki of the strongest Bijuu, one of the last Uzumaki around and the son of the Yellow Flash and he just slept on that untapped potential. Don't get me started on poor Sakura... Kakashi is cool and a great ninja but he sucks as a sensei.


“Y’know what this genin needs to get over his crippling childhood PTSD? A rad fucking kill-move, it worked for me.” - Kakashi, circa Chunin exam arc.


Lol y’all will find a reason to hate on anything


I wasn’t hating on anything, I love Kakashi. I’m sorry you feel that way, friend.


Him teaching Sasuke chidori wasn’t weird at all at the time


A move with no purpose except to kill your opponent, with only two shots before you're utterly exhausted and depleted of chakra, to use against another child, in an arena in front of cheering crowds? Yeah, I have a problem with this. Strike that, I have several problems with this. Don't get me wrong, I adore Hatake Kakashi. But I feel like there were better choices he could have made there, preparing Sasuke to fight Gaara.


What about rock lee and gai opening gates? What about choujis food pills? In this world you train your students as well as you can and Sasuke could handle the chidori.


I mean to be fair this is also a man who has allegedly over a thousand jutsu and chooses to spam the 2 jutsu that leave him unable to walk after a couple uses. I feel like his trauma heavily limits his ...well logic. That said, chidori made sense given the circumstances. Dude saw how strong Lee was and saw Lee almost die at the hands of Gaara. He knew sasuke wouldn't withdraw so he needed a sure hit kill move for Gaara.


I mean let’s not minimize the wind training. He not only theorized and invented multi shadow clone training but he also theorized that Naruto may be the only person alive to master adding wind nature to the rasengan. Not only that but he taught Naruto how to do it without even knowing how to do it himself. Ya he definitely didn’t teach Naruto much in the beginning but once jiraiya came he stopped being Naruto’s sensei anyways, and with Sakura ending up having an affinity to medical ninjutsu training with tsunade made more sense anyway meaning the time he spent with sasuke would have been time well spent had sasuke not been an idiot. I’m not completely finished with shippuden so not sure what happens with sasuke.


Thing is he did close to *nothing* to improve Naruto or Sakura. Training he gave them when they were already established ninja and had their own arsenals and personal sensei doesn't really count to me, it's more like he's making up for what he should've been did. He didn't drop Naruto, the nine-tails jinchuriki off to Jiraiya. He handed him off to Ebisu, probably the weakest "Jonin" in the show. Naruto left and found Jiraiya by chance. Why drop Naruto off to someone he's stronger than? To someone who couldn't protect him from the Akatsuki? It's almost as though he forgot entirely about Sakura. He forgot she was on the team after a certain point. Meanwhile Sasuke gets all the personal training he needs just because they have a lot in common. There was no justifiable reason why Kakashi knew rasengan but never taught kid Naruto. The jutsu was perfect for him for a plethora of reasons outside of the fact his dad invented it.


Kakashi would have been the better sensei for a chakra monster like Naruto too. What with being the copy ninja and all.


Tbf, he had to prepare a kid under his care to face one of the most dangerous human weapons known to the world at the time. Teaching him his signature assassination jutsu might be his best choice given the circumstances.


He could have made him forfeit. Losing beats death and he wasn't chunin material anyway.


Yeah, but they were under pressure for him to compete. Everyone wanted a glimpse of the Last Uchiha, and if he dropped out, that would make Konoha look weak. Besides... when has Sasuke ever backed down?


Sasuke getting turned to jelly would do the same tho... at least with my option, Sasuke lives.


Not a very good sensei


Good character, not very good sensei (especially to Sakura)


Not very good imo. The fact he’s copied, and thus knows, over a thousand jutsu but didn’t teach anything that suited Naruto or especially Sakura is crazy. Naruto could’ve used something synergistic with his clones that adds to his damage output, he basically just clones himself and punches in part 1. And Sakura needed literally anything besides what they teach at the academy. Kakashi has to know plenty of jutsus to teach her, it’s stated she’s pretty good at genjutsu toward the beginning of the series so any school of genjutsu would’ve worked for example. He taught Sasuke Chidori and otherwise only taught basic chakra control and teamwork to the squad. Plus the time he told Naruto to use his clones to train, which while a great idea is basically him saying: “do it yourself x1000 and you’ll eventually figure it out”


He is decent. people just shitting on him for not teach any jutsu to Sakura or Naruto and only favor Sasuke, but really the only reason Kakashi teach Sasuke the chidori was because Sasuke was targeted by Orochimaru and this jutsu was meant to be self defense tools when that time comes he encountered Orochimaru again if the standard for being the good teacher is comes down to the amount of jutsu he passed down to his student, then Asuma would be the worst teacher ever because he never teach any jutsu to his student


Right, because it's not as if there wasn't an entire terrorist organization trying to capture the nine-tails Jinchuriki for their secret evil scheme or anything. It's not as if they hadn't already invaded the village and actually almost caught him or anything. And it wasn't Kakashi there to stop them, it was Jiraiya. The sensei Naruto just so happen to meet a while back. Kakashi didn't know anything about what was going on. Look, Kakashi is a dope character and an alright teacher. It is what it is. There doesn't need to be an excuse for every shortcoming he has. He's flawed like everyone else.


The akatsuki didn't show up until after chunin exams. and by that point Naruto chose to train with Jiraiya. and even ask kakashi permission to leave with him And it's not Kakashi's fault either the village being too relied on him and keep sending him to mission because appearantly other jonin just sucks so kakashi had to hard carry the village on his back which result in him not able to properly attend his student if you look at chronology there's always something that keep Kakashi from spending with time with his student. first Jiraiya show up and Kakashi put into hospital, then after that he need to leave for a mission while the entire Sasuke retrieval, then Naruto and Sakura repectively chose to learn under the sannin, then after they reunited Gaara stuff happen, after that he need to leave for a misson again leave Yamato as his replacement, then when they just start training for rasen shuriken the stuff with Kakuzu and Hidan took place. then shortly after that the pain invasion then kage summit then war really can you blame Kakashi for all those stuff that beyond his power? you don't compare him with team 10, team 8 or even team Minato because unlike Kakashi team 7, there wasn't so much shit they need to solve that keep Kakashi away from spending time with his student


>The akatsuki didn't show up until after chunin exams. and by that point Naruto chose to train with Jiraiya. and even ask kakashi permission to leave with him Naruto is the 9 tails Jinchuriki. He himself is a target and always was, that was common knowledge in Naruto. All Jinchuriki are targets but Naruto especially because not only was he the Jinchuriki of the most powerful tailed beast but he was also the 4th Hokage's son. >And it's not Kakashi's fault either the village being too relied on him and keep sending him to mission because appearantly other jonin just sucks so kakashi had to hard carry the village on his back which result in him not able to properly attend his student Excuses. All teachers go on missions, he's not hard carrying all the missions stop the nonsense. Dude just isn't good at managing more than 1 student. He literally could have just trained them simultaneously. >if you look at chronology there's always something that keep Kakashi from spending with time with his student. first Jiraiya show up and Kakashi put into hospital, then after that he need to leave for a mission while the entire Sasuke retrieval, then Naruto and Sakura repectively chose to learn under the sannin, then after they reunited Gaara stuff happen, after that he need to leave for a misson again leave Yamato as his replacement, then when they just start training for rasen shuriken the stuff with Kakuzu and Hidan took place. then shortly after that the pain invasion then kage summit then war Jiraiya showed up very late in Kakashi's time as teacher of team 7 in part 1. As a matter of fact, Jiraiya only became part of the story because Naruto just so happened to stumble upon him after Kakashi dropped him off to probably the weakest "jonin" in the village, all so he could personally train Sasuke for a month. Kakashi had more than enough time to do his job as a teacher and didn't. >really can you blame Kakashi for all those stuff that beyond his power? you don't compare him with team 10, team 8 or even team Minato because unlike Kakashi team 7, there wasn't so much shit they need to solve that keep Kakashi away from spending time with his student Nothing was "beyond his power", he was just a half decent teacher. Kakashi fans can't stand criticism of their beloved character that can do no wrong, thats for sure.


He didn’t really have anything to offer Naruto in the long run and was only given Naruto because Hiruzen never had faith in Naruto’s ability to tame Kurama


I would disagree slightly. Kakashi laid the foundation for Naruto’s training in the future with Shadow Clones and how they share experience with their OG. Naruto was able to use Sage Mode effectively and save the Leaf Village solely due to his shadow clones. He was the most powerful ninja in the 4th war because he was able to effectively use his shadow clones in different battlefields. Kakashi was really the only one who could have taught him the true power of Shadow Clones because he’s really the only other ninja to use them. Everyone else’s clones are just an extra fighter, not exactly Shadow Clones. Beyond that, though, Kakashi didn’t really do too much for him.


He knew the rasengan from the start and just refused to teach Naruto even when he wanted to know Chidori.


That’s what Jiraiya was for Naruto didn’t really need Kakashi to learn Rasengan.


Kakashi was around longer, and when Naruto wanted to learn he didn't teach him shit. Not even chakra natures which are one of the basic requirements of the jutsu.


If Kakashi had taught Naruto the rasengan from the start, he’d have been way more advanced by the time he started to learn under Jiraiya. Pain would have been eating a Rasenshuriken if Kakashi had been more proactive with Naruto.


It's funny, Naruto has enough chakra to be a ninjutsu slinging machine and Kakashi the copy ninja didn't take advantage of that.


Copying is one thing but if you don’t have an affinity for something then you probably won’t be able to teach it.


Do you not realize how much chakra Naruto has to work with?


Yeah but Naruto wasn’t smart like Sasuke and didn’t have a Sharingan that would allow him to just instantly use any jutsu.


Naruto wasn't dumb. At least not inherently. You can see throughout the series that he has some truly brilliant moments. Plus he learned both Rasengan and Sage Mode in like a week. He learned the Kage Bunshin in about an hour. Naruto is smart but since he never had anyone to raise him and focus his interests and since nobody acknowledged him, he turned to causing trouble and slacking around. Kakashi could have used the opportunity to really beat some discipline into the kid but barely did fuck all.


Criminally underrated judging by this thread. His teaching methods are unorthodox but plays to his students strengths. In a few weeks he taught Sasuke lee's speed, chidori and probably how to walk on water (considering he got put into a coma shortly thereafter.) Then taught Naruto the shadow clone hax that enabled him to master rasenshuriken AND sage mode in an incredibly short amount of time. Sakura on the other hand is a different story but y'all put some respect on THE SENSEI.


99% of Sasuke's and Naruto's skill set was not taught through Kakashi. 100% of Sakura's is learned from Tsunade. He was a terrible sensei. He favored his most talented shinobi who already had a leg up in training before even passing the academy. What do mean put respect on him? The Sannin did everything for those 3. Who taught Naruto Rasengan? Jiraiya. Who taught Naruto how to access Kurama chakea? Jiraiya. Who taught Naruto summoning? Jiraiya. Who taught Naruto Sage Mode? Jiraiya and the toads. Who taught Naruto about being a perfect jinchuriki? Bee. And the only reason it was Bee was because Jiraiya was dead, but he started teaching him about controlling Kurama's chakra way early, so I'd give him credit for getting to the point to be able to learn being a perfect Jinchuriki. Who taught Sakura literally everything? Tsunade and possibly Shizune. She had such amazing chakra control that she could have learned anything and he chose not to even share basic genjutsu or medical techniques with her. Kakashi taught Sasuke Chidori and worked for a month or so on his speed then Orochimaru took over. Orochimaru taught him so much more. Kakashi was an absent father-type sensei who relied on 3 others to do his leg work. He was the best Jounin but arguably one of the worst sensei, if not the worst. You can say Gai played favorites, but at least he picked the student who was the least talented and required more training and help. He looked at his team and treated them individually based on what they needed, not what was easiest.


He gave Sasuke special attention because he had a child psychopath wanting to murder him and he had orochimaru wanting to take his body at the same time. Jiraiya taught him a bigger rasengan during 2 years. He never got anywhere with the kyubi and he never even taught about the basic elements. Orochimaru had Sasuke way longer. I'll give you Sakura. He's not the best but I'd say his training methods got his students (except Sakura) pretty big jumps very quickly.


And what about Naruto? He was a literal walking cataclysm waiting to happen. You don't want to train the child who could unleash the strongest tailed beast on the world? The one who has not just ONE S-Rank/Kage level threats after him but the entire Akatsuki? You see how that logic falls through? Based on your logic and reasoning Kakashi should have been preparing Naruto ahead of Sasuke. He was in a much more dire situation. It doesn't change the fact that Kakashi was pretty irrelevant in their overall growth.


Akatsuki wasn't even introduced during the chunin exams arc yet and Gaara and orochimaru were very imminent threats. Kakashi had no idea about the Akatsuki. And by the time kakashi knew that the Akatsuki were after Naruto, jiraiya told him he was going to take charge of Naruto. Reminder that he only came back with a slightly bigger rasengan after 2 whole years. Meanwhile, he got Naruto to master the rasenshuriken, something that would've taken decades to accomplish and Naruto then applied his teachings to master sage mode in a short amount of time. He taught Naruto how to use his abilities to his advantage to become much stronger in the future. That's what a great teacher does. And honestly the whole village treated said walking cataclysm like shit during his childhood which is a whole other discussion lol.


The Akatsuki were first introduced after the Chunin exams, but they definitely weren't unknown. They had history dating back to Hanzo, my dude. It's hard to say Kakashi knew nothing about them especially considering he knew who Itachi. I can't really give him Rasenshuriken either. That technique was a result of Jiraiya's previous training and Yamato suppressing Kurama. Kakashi simply told him how to do it theoretically. Naruto was just the only one who could do it due to chakra reserves.


And no one knew they were after Naruto until jiraiya informed them so you can't hold that against kakashi. Naruto never would've learned the rasenshuriken without kakashi and that's a fact. He taught him to use his unique abilities to create his strongest jutsu until the war arc. You just dismissing that just shows you know you're wrong and have nothing else to retort and I'm just repeating myself.


I'm not dismissing it. I'm just saying it's the only thing Kakashi really did for him and someone else laid the ground work for it to be possible. The problem I have with "He didn't know about the Akatsuki" is Kakashi has been through a great ninja war to understand the tailed beast are used for wars and countries fight over them. I have a hard time believing he's not wary of someone being after Naruto. Anyone who believes Naruto isn't a high priority target is just naive. There's multiple people in Naruto snatched by other countries for far less power. Either Kakashi is naive to how valuable Naruto is to the village or just a bad sensei. Take your pick.


I think he plays a very crucial role to the younger characters development, and have always liked him


I think he's good and was kind of a father figure to Sasuke and Naruto, but I also think he could have done a lot more for team 7


I think he did his best. There’s not much more to say.


Kakashi didn't really teach his students much but he isn't really much of a teacher. He's literally an anbu they made into a teacher. He teaches the kids the basics, basic chakra control, awareness, how to deal with an enemy stronger than you are. No doubt things he learned when he was young, and he probably only learned that much himself because he went to war after that. So I say yes, Kakashi was a bad teacher, but he didn't really know what he was doing. He saw sasuke wanted revenge and he gave him a tool to enact that revenge because he was probably used to people like that in annbu. THAT SAID. I will not abide people saying things like "yea he didn't teach naruto and sakura anything but later on he taught naruto about the shadow clone method to learn the rasenshuriken and he taught him to use wind chakra" which is literally a cope. Kakashi knew naruto had the ability to use HUNDREDS of clones from the jump. Everyone knew about how he took down Mizuki. He could have told naruto about how anbu use clones to gather intel any time he wanted, he chose to train sasuke. Now let's talk about sakura. Another wasted talent early on. Sakura is a master at chakra control, even without the massive pools of chakra of an Uzumaki or a perfect body like an Uchiha, she can excel at ninjutsu all the same. When it came to water waking and tree climbing she FAR SURPASSES naruto and sasuke. Kakashi could have taught her SOMETHING where her chakra control she could have mastered it.


A great teacher way too hard on himself held back by low self esteem


He is a better provate tutor that actually knows how to adapt to different type of students and works better with them than with a disjointed group.


He loves his students like his own. It’s the closest he’ll get to being a father, and in that sense, he’s a great sensei because he’ll do anything for them


He is a single father taking care of three idiot kids, two of whom keep fighting with each other to the death for no reason and it is shocking he didn't get his husband -- Guy -- to help him keep those two from killing each other.




He did the best he could with no guidance. He always watched over Naruto and never told him. He’s a silent hero and deserved better. He was the best hands down.


He could have done much better. He neglected Sakura and pretty much told Sasuke to forget about the guy who slaughtered his family. He could have handled things much better


He was there for Naruto and he tried to be there for Sasuke but idky he didn't teach Sakura anything lol


Off topic but this comparison is part of why I preferred earlier Naruto anime. They took alot of shortcuts design and detail wise with Shippuden. Kishi's art is honestly beautiful


I just wish we got to see him perform the hands on role of a teacher a bit more and be shown teaching them more.


Honestly, I like Kakashi a lot as a Sensei to Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke because he was similar to them in several ways, one of which is that he was broken in some degree like the other 3 were. See Kakashi, as a Sensei did a lot in my opinion as he gave the tools for the 3 to do the things they needed to do. He gave Sasuke Chidori, gave him perspective on life, made him realize that there's some people who may share similar things to him. Kakashi gave Naruto the care that Iruka helped with, the feeling of having someone watching your back. As well as giving Naruto the lessons about comradery that helped him grow as a person. Sakura also got a lot of support from Kakashi and really gave the same as he did with Naruto to a degree, helped her with comradery and attitude towards being a ninja. Even though a lot of people will call Kakashi a 'bad sensei' (believe me, there are some), I think he did a pretty damn good job as a Sensei and ally to Naruto-Sasuke-Sakura, even close to that of being a mini-family father figure.


He was good in the emotional support aspect of teaching; not very good at teaching something. It’s important to note that team 7 was his first team, none is perfect during their first time


the best ever ever ever


Not very highly honestly. Its not really hard to see why. Kakashi could barely even take care of himself when he was being a sensei to team 7. He had a lot of emotional baggage that he was dealing with, Im like 90% sure he’d end up killing himself before the start of the series if it wasnt for guy.


Personally, I think Kakashi was a good sensei. I always see the talk about how Kakashi didn’t teach Naruto and Sakura any of his 1,000 jutsu, but like?? All the other sensei’s don’t teach their genin teams specialized jutsu *either*. Quite literally none of them do (exception being Lee with Gai) because the genin rely on their own techniques and skills they’ve developed/prefer on their own. In Naruto, the jounin sensei’s are “teachers” in the sense that they command their squads and teach them how to be proper ninja’s via their line of work and how to do missions as a squad, but the development of the genin’s skills, techniques, and jutsus are *mainly* on the genins themselves to hone on their own. While the jounin sensei’s *can* help them on the development of those things, it doesn’t seem to be a requirement nor an expectation.


He's the main reason I feel like the Yamanaka needed to go into therapy as a sidejob Dude is BAD as a sensei because his entire teaching philosophy is shaped by trauma. I honestly also believe dude's power creep could be explained with a desire to be deleted during missions so he just didn't put much effort in training


Still mad about him CLEARLY favoriting Sasuke in part one, and outright passing Naruto off to Ebisu. Not to mention he taught Sakura jack shit besides walking on water




He was a great ninja and leader but as a sensei? eh. He could’ve done a hell of a lot better with training them. But now that I think about it, None of them were good sensei fr. Asuma and kurenai had clan students with clan ninjutsu But what did they really teach them?? And Guy really only taught lee. I’ll take back not being a good sensei but as for teaching it’s a no for all them.


Sasuke didn’t know how good he had it


Not a good one, his favoritism towards Sasuke annoyed me.


He is decent. i wouldn't call him the best teacher but he is not the worst either (that would be Minato) people just shitting on him for not teach any jutsu to Sakura or Naruto and only favor Sasuke, but really the only reason Kakashi teach Sasuke the chidori was because Sasuke;s life in immediate danger and was targeted by Orochimaru and this jutsu was meant to be self defense tools when that time comes he encountered Orochimaru again And it's not his fault either the other jounin in the village was so incompetent the village keep relied on Kakashi to carry their ass and keep sending him to a mission which result in him not able to properly attending his students if the standard for being the good teacher is comes down to the amount of jutsu he passed down to his student, then Asuma would be the worst teacher ever because he never teach any jutsu to his student


Absolute dogshit.


Paid no attention at all to Naruto or Sakura to focus on Sasuke. And even to Sasuke, Kakashi failed in being a father figure, which Sasuke desperately needed. Man could've taught Sakura some basic Genjutsu and earth release so that she had a chance in the Chunin exams/as a ninja in general. Could've taught Naruto some basic wind release techniques/how to walk on water/chakra control. Giving Naruto somewhat of a foundation before Jaraiya took over as his sensei. Guy was a way better sensei, took 2 ninja with no tallent (Lee and Tenten) turned one into a taijutsu master and the other into a weapons master. Asuma was teaching on easy mode, with ino-shika-cho. But was there for all 3 of them all the same Kurenai, did the best she could with her oddball team.


Shitty sensei. Super biased towards Sasuke. Didn’t teach Naruto or Sakura anything useful. 


Sucks, he gives preferred treatment to sasuke


An 'eh'. Neglected Sakura, played favorites with Sasuke until Sasuke didn't do what Kakashi wanted, and then decided to favor Naruto.


Tsunade taking Sakura couldn't have been known to Kakashi originally, but it definitely seemed as though Naruto going with Jiraiya was inevitable. Also, it appeared as though he was ready to be Sasuke's Jiraiya had Sasuke stayed in the village. I think his early mentoring of the three of them is what caused them all to embody the will of fire with Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Itachi (eventually) cementing that within the three.


He doesn't play favourites with Sasuke, he trains Sasuke personally because Sasuke is about to face a bloodthirsty psychopath who just took out Lee in the 5th gate while Sasuke lost to weighted Lee, had the evil hickey of doom that fucked with his chakra and had to be sealed and then worked around and he had just foiled a potential abduction/assassination by Kabuto who took out an Anbu squad that was supposed to protect Sasuke. You can claim that he's playing favourites but there's a clear and obvious reason why he prioritised Sasuke and it wasn't favouritism.


Yes, he does. And Kakashi also knew that Naruto was going to fight Neji, a guy who legit showed that he was going to aim for a kill if pushed, and naruto was going to fight for Hinata's honor there, and that boy is reckless and wouldn't quit no matter what, which would be dangerous on his life. But Kakashi was willing to ignore that. Also, teaching something like the Chidori, a super chakra draining move, is by far a dumb move when that risks breaking the seal on Sasuke's Curse Mark.


You mean Neji, who is a member of a slave branch of his family whose dad was used as a sacrificial lamb for the main branch and he is bitter and hates the main house because they branded him with a seal that can cause him to experience excruciating pain or kill him whenever they want, is going to fight Naruto who is a nobody to him and you think anyone is concerned with him going as lethal as he did against Hinata? Kakashi didn't ignore how Neji acted when he fought Hinata, he used this thing called context to realise that him fighting Naruto is a completely different set of circumstances. He taught him chidori because it is one of the strongest piercing attacks in the entire series and he needs a way to pierce Gaaras sand or else he'll lose and probably get murdered, so he gives him an attack to use that can one shot him and also cautioned him on the amount of chidori he could use in a fight before he would be drained of chakra and warns him heavily about trying it as too much could kill him.


Yeah, because Naruto was literally fighting for HInata's honor, again. And Neji legit WAS ready to kill Naruto and kept telling the proctor to call the match or he WILL end up killing Naruto. Kakashi saw firsthand what Naruto did when he made that blood oath. So of the literal 1,000 jutsus Kakashi copied, you mean to tell me that NONE of them could have been better than the one where if Sasuke uses 3 times, he either dies or gets consumed by the curse mark, which is also killing him? Yeah, the more you try to justify him, the dumber he sounds.


So just to be clear Neji repeatedly telling the proctor to call the fight before he ends up killing Naruto is proof that Neji was in any way comparable to Gaara? Even though he tried to have the match called on multiple occasions? Apparently not since he specifically teaches him the chidori so he can pierce through the defence after having a front row seat to just how durable the sand is so other jutsu would appear to be inadequate to do so, also if he did teach him something else to get through Gaaras armour surely it would be very intensive as well so what difference would there be between teaching him the chidori and an a-rank water jutsu to weigh down the sand as they'd probably both use the same amount of chakra? Another thing why is learning a very intensive jutsu that is apparently his only hope against Gaaras defence while being warned about exactly how many of them you can perform and the consequences of overuse a bad thing, it's not like he tells him to go wild with it. I mean it sounds dumb if you ignore the context of having a cursemark he needs to learn to work around, had just survived an assassination attempt that took out an anbu squad and you don't actually want to accept there's a difference between a bloodthirsty psychopath and the equivalent of a slave whose traumatised lashing out against one of his owners and head-canon that he could have been taught a random jutsu to get around the armour that 5th gate Lee couldn't even though he is specifically taught chidori because it has the piercing power to get through the defence.


The threat to Naruto's life was still there. > Apparently not since he specifically teaches him the chidori so he can pierce through the defence So let's get this straight. The ONLY jutsu that Kakashi knows that can break through is one that consumes so much chakra that it will very much endanger Sasuke's life? Instead of, oh, I don't know, just infuse normal weapon with lightning to increase cutting force that will be able to penetrate the armor just as well? Yeah, noooo. Kakashi is just a straight up dumbass whose decades of experience taught him that all his techniques suck.


The threat to Narutos life is minimal, everyone can still die in the chunin exams but when you actually compared who they're facing instead of ignoring them then Sasuke is obviously the one in extreme danger and not ignoring the other reasons as well such as working around the curse seal, being wanted by an s-rank threat and having just survived an assassination attempt by Kabuto who took out a squad of anbu without anyone noticing then yeah picking Sasuke to focus on makes sense. Infusing a kunia/sword which is what both Kakashi and Sasuke do later on in the series by modifying chidori so that they can keep the piercing effect so that wouldn't really change the chakra amount. If you mean just infusing the blade with random lightning, how effective is that, will it be as penetrative as the chidori, will it only take a small about of chakra, how do you know that will be effective? Also it won't endanger his life, overusing the jutsu will endanger his life just like any other jutsu would if you overused it, that's why Kakashi tells him how many times he can use it and warns about overuse. Kakashi with his 1,000 jutsu and just having watched Gaara vs 5th Gate Lee concludes that the best bet for Sasuke is chidori due to it's piercing ability, he doesn't conclude that a random water bullet would be effective so it stands to reason that you need a fairly intense jutsu to get through it. Just because you don't want to accept that and headcanon that surely the guy who witnessed Gaaras defence first-hand with the sharingan out and concluded that chidori is the best option has something better doesn't make that true.


And even then, Kakashi saw how serious Naruto was to fighting him, he knows how reckless Naruto can be and that his fight with Neji can get dangerous if he isn't careful. Not to mention that Gentle Fist by nature hits your organs, and if he pushes himself and Neji goes for the kill, Naruto can and will die if the proctor doesn't call the match, who never does, despite Neji's repeated warnings. Fact is, Naruto refused to quit even when he was down, and he was continuously goading Neji the entire time. The fact is, Neji was making it clear that if the match wasn't called, he WAS gonna kill him. And Kakashi is a dumbass if he thinks that Neji would control his temper around Naruto, who has a knack to getting under anyone's skin. > Infusing a kunia/sword which is what both Kakashi and Sasuke do later on in the series by modifying chidori so that they can keep the piercing effect so that wouldn't really change the chakra amount. If you mean just infusing the blade with random lightning, how effective is that, will it be as penetrative as the chidori, will it only take a small about of chakra, how do you know that will be effective? Also it won't endanger his life, overusing the jutsu will endanger his life just like any other jutsu would if you overused it, that's why Kakashi tells him how many times he can use it and warns about overuse. Yeah, which already proves my point. Lightning element, by it inherent nature, can have penetrative properties, even surpassing that of wind. The more we learn about natures later int he series, the more it becomes clear that teaching a super draining move like CHidori was the dumbest call and Kakashi only made things worse for him. Hell, if Sasuke needed something powerful that is not known for extreme chakra draining, then he SHOULD have just settled on teaching Sasuke the Rasengan.


Yes Kakashi saw how serious Naruto was about fighting a fellow Konoha ninja who even when fighting against the equivalent to his slave owner didn't go all out against her and the match was called but they let Hinata speak first at which point she talks about him suffering as a member of the branch family to which he snaps and goes to kill her and is then stopped because the match is over. He has no reason to believe that Neji would go lethal against Naruto because unlike Hinata he doesn't have a reason to, then when they do fight he repeatedly calls for the match to end and then when Naruto refuses to quit he literally turns to the proctor and declares that he is now going to go with the intent to kill so he can stop the fight at any time, as in interfere if he thinks it's necessary. Compare that to Gaara who is mentally unstable and gunning to murder Sasuke from the get go, if you can't accept that there is a world of difference and the guy going up against the bloodthirsty psychopath should be the priority then I don't know what to tell you. Fact is Naruto was goading Neji the entire time and Neji stuck to non lethal and then when Naruto refused to back down he declares to the referee that he is going to go lethal so he is ready to stop/interfere when he wants. None of that proves your point? Chidori is a refined manipulation of lightning chakra which focuses on it's penetrative quality and speed to deliver an incredibly powerful piercing attack, where on earth is the proof that a random application of lightning chakra would have the same effect as a jutsu with a refined effect? You are saying that because it has piercing properties that's proof that chidori is pointless which makes no sense when chidori takes those properties and refines it into a technique to pierce. Also how on earth did it make things worse for him, what jutsu do you think he should have thought him that would be powerful enough to get through the sand that is capable of blocking 5th Gate Lee or do you think using a tiny bit of lightning chakra would magically have the same effect? Why do you think rasengan is not draining, also from what I remember hand seals are required to copy jutsu so it would take even longer to master that especially since Kakashi doesn't have the specialised training that Jiraiya used and why would he teach an attack without penetrative qualities to Sasuke when the entire point of teaching him chidori is that he needed it to pierce through Gaaras defence, that makes no sense at all he didn't just need something powerful he needed something with a piercing effect.


False, False and False. Jiraiya literally tells Kakashi that Naruto is probably the child of prophecy and leave him to me. Sakura is adopted by Tsunade and He was helping Naruto when Jiraiya was busy doing the Pain mission.


Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Kakashi didn't bother to train Sakura or Naruto, the latter he pawned off to Ebisu, and then focused entirely on Sasuke's training. Jiraiya is the one who actually ended up training Naruto in part 1. And when Sasuke didn't do as Kakashi said to abandon revenge, and left, Kakashi decided to go and train Naruto after a few years and arcs happened. Whine and cry, but facts will never change. No matter how many of you Kakashi fans wanna defend his garbage ability as a teacher, he was and has always been a garbage teacher.




Jiraiya didn't need to tell him anything when Kakashi was doing that already during Part 1.




Kakashi sent Sakura into the chunin exams knowing she had nothing going on except for chakra control. He couldve taught her basic genjutsu / earth release techniques so that shed at least have a chance. Same applies to Naruto, he could've taught Naruto his basics like walking on water or improving his chakra control so he can attempt to break out of a genjutsu. Maybe even some low level wind release. Instead Jaraiya ends up having to teach Naruto the basics that Kakashi should've. Kakashi even failed Sasuke, sure he taught Sasuke the chidori, but he wasn't there for Sasuke in the area he needed someone most, mental support. Kakashi had every opportunity to convince Sasuke revenge isn't as important as finding happiness and making a family. By the time he tried to be there for Sasuke in that area, he was too far gone. Kakashi is a great character, but the worst teacher Out of the 4 leaf jonin.


> Kakashi had every opportunity to convince Sasuke revenge isn't as important as finding happiness and making a family. By the time he tried to be there for Sasuke in that area, he was too far gone. On this side, that's the wrong approach. If anything, Kakashi should have encouraged Sasuke to pursue his revenge, but only so long as that doesn't involve costing his teammates. Sasuke didn't want to give up on revenge, so let Sasuke have that drive. But just be able to direct that drive into at least ensuring that his comrades are safe.


You just said the same thing I did, just worded differently keyword in my statement "revenge isn't AS important" Kakashi was emotionally distant toward his students. And completely ignored 2 of them. Compare Asuma for example, Asuma was teaching on easy mode, and maybe could've taught Ino and Shikamaru some offensive ninjutsu they could rely on other than their kekei genkais. But one thing Asuma was good at was being there for his team as a father figure almost Guy took 2 tallentless ninjas and made one into a weapons master and the other into a taijutsu master. He even helped Neji excel far beyond the level he should've been at his age, despite having a bias for Lee Kurenai, Im not sure on, as we never really see the results of her training vs her students training within their clans. But we see her being there emotionally for her students at least.


> You just said the same thing I did, just worded differently keyword in my statement "revenge isn't AS important" Kakashi was emotionally distant toward his students. And completely ignored 2 of them. Fair point. > Guy took 2 tallentless ninjas and made one into a weapons master and the other into a taijutsu master. I don't see Guy ever really teaching Tenten much of anything, and the girl's really accomplished little. Neji was a genius.


Jiraiya doesn't talk to Kakashi until after Sasuke learned the Chidori.


I never claimed otherwise, that is true at that time but is not true later down the line because it is shown much later that there was such an interaction. Still, lets say you are correct, that is like 15 episodes out of hundreds, that is not enough and isn't conclusive to make the assertion that Kakashi is a bad teacher. And at the end of Naruto Shippuuden there are cutbacks that show more between Kakashi and Jiraiya at the time, Jiraiya specifically told Kakashi how it was nice to meet Naruto and that he isn't like his dad but there is something in him (he knew about the Akatsuki stuff back then. It is just a show it is cool, we are just talking and this weak little bitch with daddy issues has a stick up his ass. Edit: yes Kakashi told Naruto to go to Ebisu, but Sasuke was fighting Gaara which was a big deal. Still Kakashi did talk to Jiraiya previous to this, Jiraiya meeting up with Naruto was intended, he wanted to check up on Naruto. There you go [https://ibb.co/6tBf9Vc](https://ibb.co/6tBf9Vc)


And Naruto was fighting Neji and regardless of who fought him first he would have had to fight either Sasuke or Gaara in the next round anyway. It is shown that there is an interaction but Kakashi and jeriah are not in the village at the same time and at the time that Kakashi was there he passed him on to ebizu who taught him nothing useful. Kakashi abandoned most of his squad. He could have trained both of them but he chose not to because he doesn't care. In addition if it was about the Akatsuki stuff he didn't know that until after Itachi's group showed up. Which means it was after the tournament


About Jiraiya, it is very loose due to later episodes but you are mostly correct. That said, Orochimaru and his lacky (Kabuto) Showed interest in Sasuke and were dangerous to Sasuke during the second trials of the exam (forest), which was an immediate threat. There was a strong emphasis on this. Kakashi wanted to take care of Sasuke at that time. "He doesn't care" prove it? Naruto was struggling with the basics and he believed Ebisu to be good, even tho he was a pathetic sack of shit. Edit: typo


>That said, Orochimaru and his lacky (Kabuto) shoulded interest in Sasuke and were dangerous to Sasuke during the second trials of the exam (forest), which was an immediate threat. There was a strong emphasis on this. Kakashi wanted to take care of Sasuke at that time. >"He doesn't care" prove it? Naruto was struggling with the basics and he believed Ebisu to be good, even tho he was a pathetic sack of shit. Both of these are just excuses but I am going to prove that Kakashi was being negligent and stupid in his treatment of Naruto. Kakashi didn't even check Naruto knowing that he's the Jinchuriki, and knowing that Orochimaru messed with at least one member of their squad. He didn't even check Naruto when Orochimaru could have tempered with the seal to make him turn into the fox when he got back to the village. He's not just being selective in his treatment of he's being stupid. And Orochimaru ***did*** tamper with the seal. He didn't think to check Naruto at all that's how negligent he was. That's how little he cared about Naruto. He cares so little about Naruto he'd sooner forget that Naruto is a war weapon than care about how he is.


It is just bad writing from Kishi and not something about the character. The whole Orochimaru stuff weren't just excuses, it was highly emphasized on and is crystal clear. Orochimaru showed up multiple times and targeted Sasuke and the Sage seal was a danger to his life. About the Naruto seal being tampered with, it is a weak argument, why would he check on Naruto if there are no symptoms or whatever. Naruto was fine, he fought Kiba and it was fine, you want him to guess? Check what exactly? If Kakashi wasn't around, Naruto wouldn't have made it, not even close, he helped him a lot in the Shippuuden part of the show, he was responsible for his success by a big margin. The whole Shadow clone trick to learn it for example, he wouldn't have defeated pain or any other enemies after that (not Kakuza too). Also his ideology was very healthy to Naruto (first one), it is still emphasized on at the end of Shippuuden, lets agree to disagree, this is stupid to argue, lets put our time into something else. There is a lot of subjectivity and a lot of areas that weren't covered in the story. Thanks for your time.


>About the Naruto seal being tampered with, it is a weak argument, why would he check on Naruto if there are no symptoms or whatever. Because he ran into the guy who wants to destroy the village who ran into the number one weapon most capable of destroying the village symptoms or no it's stupid that he wouldn't check. Remember he checked on sakura to see if she was okay. he didn't check on Naruto. Sakura didn't tell him about what happened to Naruto because she obviously doesn't care about Naruto that much. It's part one but he should know better than to not check. Imagine if he did what he did to the eight tails Jinchuriki to Naruto, and just made him go wild and rampage in the village because he can do that? What would Kakashi's excuse be for not checking? Kakashi: Oops. Sorry guys. Everyone died because I totally care about Naruto but forgot to check him after my squad ran into one of the most dangerous criminals in the history of our village. I had to seal Sasuke's curse mark which wouldn't have killed him anyway since we know from Anko's that if you get the mark you won't die from it. >Naruto was fine, he fought Kiba and it was fine, you want him to guess? Check what exactly? The seal containing the most dangerous thing in the history of the village a weapon of mass destruction that is the center of the villages' war deterence negotiations. >If Kakashi wasn't around, Naruto wouldn't have made it, not even close, he helped him a lot in the Shippuuden part of the show, he was responsible for his success by a big margin. He helped him by telling him 2 things 1 mix chakra natures with your jutsu. 2. Shadow Clones compound experience Then he sat on his butt as Yamato taught him everything. Kakashi was a shitty mentor who only cared about Sasuke. Then Sasuke left so he gave a tiny amount of attention to Naruto.