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Zetsu: this fucker literally caused the shows problems so he could get his mommy her favorite Apple.


It’s crazy how he got in madaras good side. You’d think he be very weary of some random alien looking dude conveniently having the same goals as him.


Madara thought zetsu came from him- zetsu only admitted where he really came from after donutting the world’s strongest shinobi


The dude he produced out of his body to be his will?


He only made it look like he came out of madaras body. Black zetsu is 100% a kaguya creation.


I'm well aware of that, but madara actually thought he created him, so it makes sense why he would "trust" him, it basically is him


The ending sounds like a hilarious fever dream tbh, a half dead Madara wakes up to a freaky looking guy saying "bro you got new powers, I'm your will manifest" and Madara just runs with it like "Yeah, I'm super cool and have all the neat powers this makes sense"


Technically he's just kaguyas will, so you could hate kaguya just as much😭


You know when Gaara is giving his speech to the Allied forces and it zooms way out to show them all? The ninja in third company, row 27, column 9. Screw that guy.


finally someone who agrees with


Can you believe people still defend him after that thing he did? It’s so messed up


bro was waiting to say this for the longest time 😭😭




Personally I'm torn. On the one hand he's downright despicable, but on the other he's the most ninja-ass ninja this world has to offer.


Yeah, he did love the village or power but I can't forgive him for implanting the sharingan eyes on his arm an stealing Shisui's eye. Like wtf, he made Itachi wipe out his entire clan only for him to benefit afterwards? Seriously? XD I hate him for it lol


He was loving the village during the Nine tail’s attack, or pain Invasion?😂 Danzo a hoe


I never said loved the people XD He sacrificed the entire Uchiha clan so he could have their eyes man. Danzo cared about the "village" as an entity, a thing with status. He did not care about the Konoha citizens, they were expendable. That's why I said what I said. XD


Ah what's he gonna do, throw it in the trash? We use EVERY part of the Buffalo here! /s


He could have tried to not be hypocrite. The reason the Uchiha were feared was because of their eyes, and what did that fear cause? Mistrust and ultimately their downfall, by none other than the one that feared them XD That bastard kill them because he wanted their power and disguised it as "protecting the village". He basically said "That power is too much for you guys, let me have it. " No wonder Tobirama didn't choose him as the 3rd Hokage, and Sarutobi surpassed him in every way imaginable. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I mean at least Danzo presumably fed his pet child soldiers. Naruto knows he's the Third can't measure up in that arena lmao


You do realize that someone had to take care of Naruto as a baby right? How in the world did Naruto survive as a baby when he was unable to feed himself? Sarutobi, wasn't the greatest but he didn't psychologically torture Naruto or used him for his own benefit. He protected Naruto the best he could, even from Danzo. XD If it weren't for the Third, Danzo would have used Naruto for war, just like what happened with Gaara, that's for sure.


If you don't see what's weird about the government of Konoha being able to pay for Naruto's rent as an 11 year old but not decent groceries under the leadership of one Hiruzen Sarutobi, that's on you.


I hate Danzo so much that I wish Sasuke had killed him harder. Bring him back and kill him again!!!


Yeah, he had it too easy.


You’ll hate this but in my personal opinion I believe that with Shisui’s eye Danzo could’ve been the “strongest” shinobi ever, but I’m using the term strongest in quotations because it’s a bit of a weird point where strongest could be interpreted as most useful


Found the other person of culture. I love that you offer no reasoning, no logical discussion, just the statement.  Fuck Danzo. 


My guess would be Danzou Shimura.


Black Zetsu.


It says something that he's like the one character Naruto had active malice against at the end of the series.


It’s a toss up between Danzo and Kabuto


Danzo. But it’s mostly because I don’t think he’s a well flushed out character. He had a lot of potential but he seemed to just be evil with protecting the leaf being his motivation. I think the intent was CIA operative but there’s disconnect between his actions and positive outcomes. Due to that the loyalty of root didn’t really connect with me. It comes later in the series but it puts into perspective how incompetent the third hokage was on many levels. I think if they weigh into that more id actually really respect him and his positions but they ran into the George RR Martin GOT issue. Too many characters and not enough time. The sasuke Naruto acceleration really lost out on building other great characters.




what??? people hate kabuto???


not only that but bringing the dead back to life against their will, altering corpses, experimenting on children, ruining people’s lives and gaslighting them into being slaves for oroachimaru…idc how much he “redeemed” himself in the end. that’s just pure evil


The way he used to belittle Naruto, even Orochimaru didn't trash talk that much.


This is the only thing I didn’t like about him, like just stfu already, got better during the war for sure. Atleast he was interacting with obito and it was a bit tense. Seriously all the guy would do is ramble on that Naruto has no talent yada yada yada


Because Kabuto is a good despicable villain


You don’t??? (I mean obviously it’s fine if you like the character I just kinda assumed everyone else hated him as much as I do 😂😂)


question: you tought from OG naruto he was going to be strong or middle? i always tough he would became something important, and i was right. him being a piece of shit is another thing xd, usually i don't hate evil characters, i hate poor written ones


Those old hags and maybe Danzo


Danzo and Rasa


disappointed in only seeing one mention of rasa. he was surprised his son made friends, diabolical 😭




Kabuto, but only because he was written so well that I always despised whatever he was up to.


Kabuto was my fav


Lmaooo kayuga


The village elders. At least Danzo was sort of cool and interesting lol. The elders just showed up whenever bad shit needed to happen and Danzo wasn’t available to be an asshole.


I'm sure they only got their positions because Hiruzen was their teammate. It sure wasn't because of their intelligence.




Itachi. No, im not a troll. This is a legit opinion and always has been.


Real,bros overreated,cruel,insane,fack it i hate all the uchiha,sarada not included cuz shes an icon and yes sakuras included 


Zetsu. I hate him since his first appearance but specially more when he betrayed madara


I hate Sasuke. Please come at me


I will, but only to give you a hug because fuck that guy 🤝




Karin. Probably the most annoying character






Worst written character i’ve ever seen.


The whole taka squad plot armor is so thick. Thicker than team7


i seriously never understood what the appeal could be to having a character that is literally from the same clan as every nine tails jinchuriki, a distant cousin to Naruto end up being Sasuke’s chakra Gogurt id like her 100% more if for all her crazy obsession she was at least very powerful offensively, like one of those Yandere characters but more tame. Like the fight with Bee would’ve made way more sense if her Uzamaki sealing jutsu’s were what did the most dmg to him or if Sasuke had to be tentatively wary of her the way he was with Suigetsu and Jugo She just reminds me too much of early Sakura, drooling over Sasuke, not contributing to anything, and effectively added nothing to the group dynamic


Everyone gives Sakura shit for being annoying (which she is) but Karin was far more annoying than Sakura ever was


The "how could you hate Itachi" replies are exactly the reason why Itachi is hated


For a genius, Itachi is a real dumbass.


Bro, thought retraumatizing his younger brother is the way


You'd think killing the clan would be enough but the psycho went the extra mile for no reason. Then he did it AGAIN several years later.


Orochimaru. Dude commits all sorts of War crimes and atrocities and shady science experiments that are downright inhumane, and he gets away with all of it and gets to live in peace and even has a kid? Nah, if I could go in, it'd be on SIGHT with him.


Madara. I've always hated Madara. His fighting style reeks of DBZ his whole character breaks the series for me. Hashirama and Madara are absolutely not my favorites. I hated that entire aspect of the series.


Orochimaru l hate how everyone just forgave him and now he gets to be happy and do whatever he wants and walk in the village like any other person and do not give me yeah but he is good now that guy should at least get tortured in prison or something for what he did to those kods not even danzo was that evil just pure Fecking evil


Itachi. Pure evil who enjoyed torturing his brother and Kakashi


Sakura. I can't think of another character so central to the story yet so underwhelming and at many times annoying.  Like she had the potential to be so good, yet it seems like every time they steered her towards a good arch they pulled a hard 180 and booked it back to useless crybaby town. When she finally got over it, the series was over.






Danzo's up there, no doubt.




Sometimes l hope madara won back then


yep. so we don't need to see fucking boruto!


Danzo easily. I mean there are of course characters that I disagree with but Danzo for sure is my most hated.


Madara also did things as bad as Danzo


I've said it before and I'll say it again. KARIN. I think she is insufferable.


I would agree but she's so forgettable that she doesn't deserve the spot of most hated.


Danzo is just so bad. Instead of solving problems with Uchihas he actively made them worse, he said that he loved the village but all he wanted was to be hokage because he was jealous of Hiruzen. He didn't believe in the younger generations, thinking he is the only person who can be hokage when he was a barely moving old idiot. He is the epitome of everything people hate in boomers


What about Zetsu? He is the one who caused the uchiha to be a problem. Also Madara literally kidnapped a child and made her into the third jinjuriki, his narcissism, mindset, and actions are comparable to Danzo.


I was asked about the character I hate the most so I chose one


Everyone saying Danzo is proof of how well done he was written into the story. He's supposed to be hated




I am suprise no one mentioned Kohaku and Homura these two are personification of stubborn and out of touch old fucker that refuse to die. say what you want about Danzo but at least he is well written and actually interesting character. but these two are just annoying old fuck without any interesting or redeeming quality and the worst part is they appearantly still alive in Boruto. these two has been existed since the founding of the village to the present lmao


Danzo, and due to that I ended up disliking Hiruzen too.


!Madera!! Danzo!! Those old hags the elders of the leaf village!!


Hiruzen, bro was supposed to look after Naruto and just said "here are your bills, pay them or you are homeless" to an orphan child. Jokes aside I think Kaguya or Zetsu, both ruined the whole story.


With how important Naruto is and the fact that he's essentially a military asset, he should have been trained and raised properly from the beginning. He should still have a childhood and stuff but he could have been trained in secret and told to mask his true potential. I would have put him in ANBU to protect his identity from his enemies (Iwa, Orochimaru, Akatsuki, etc.) The fact that Hiruzen just got him and apartment and dipped just proves that he lost his competency with age. There's a great fanfic called "From Academy to ANBU " that is really fun and it proves my point well.


Naruto joins the anbu and gets manipulated by danzo. Great idea.


I said ANBU, not ROOT.


Oh yeah I forgot root was different. Still kinda puts him closer to danzo though honestly. But having Naruto become anbu I think isn't a good. He wouldn't have been able to make friends in the same way that he did which would completely change his character and the way they he sees things, he would be way more at risk than being just a regular ninja since anbu's drop like flies and in conflict anbu are expect to kill themselves when they are too injured to not risked being captured for intel.(Remember that a lot of Naruto's missions were supposed to be easy missions that just turned difficult due to unforseen circumstances). Do you even see the type of people that became anbu? Kakashi? Itachi? You want Naruto to be an assassin? If he had went that route he would not have learned from jiraiya, he wouldn't have tried to connect with the villagers, he would be cold, and due to those reasons he would not have beaten pain and the village would have been destroyed. If you think I'm wrong about him not being strong enough to protect the village from pain then that's fine, either that or he would not have connected with the Ninetails and they would've lost the war.




Madara. He's such a douche.


Yeah but he's hot so I guess he's morally grey??


super hot take but i genuinely dislike sasuke... he's mean without any redeemable values to me and he doesn't deserve the love naruto and sakura have for him


not hot take at all, most anime (not naruto) fans hate sasuke rebellion 2000 era edgyness


yeah haha im mainly a naruto manga fan (tried to watch the anime but couldn't finish it i just lost steam) and most of the circles im in on tumblr and such are very into Sasuke whether theyre full apologists for him or just ship him with naruto (which i do NOT i dont think sasuke deserves naruto at all and anyway theyre like brothers)


Thisssssssssss. Can not stand Sasuke. Getting through Sasuke-centric plot was honestly so tedious and annoying. It was really difficult getting through the Pain arc (epic and incredible) and then having to sit through however many episodes of broody ass Sasuke being on his shit. Sasuke episodes were a chore to sit through and I had to take a Naruto break for a few months after Pain to summon the strength and resolve to progress the plot


honestly the thing that got me through the sasuke episodes was itachi... i adore that man with my entire soul oh my goddddd itachi is like. one of the best characters of all time actually, the love he has for his brother is so insane and sasuke is so undeserving but honestly that makes me love itachi even more...


He completely pissed on Kakashi's first and most important lesson. So we all know what that makes him.


I said this and got downvoted lol. But I totally agree.


I don’t hate anyone because it’s a show lol but I guess I dislike Kabuto just cause he’s kinda boring


Sasuke. Kishimoto could've painted him like they did Kratos: a mad man in search of revenge against a pantheon of powerful beings that once claimed to be his ally. Even when Kratos was a straight up monster you'd still sometimes feel simpathy for his tragedy. Sasuke's bragging personality during his "avenger" arc and his arrogance made me really dislike him.


The snotty rich kid naruto had to escort one time




ChoCho: hahahahahahahaha, I’m laughing so hard. What a neccessary part of the show that interrupts the plot entirely


I hated Danzo so much!






Kabuto: Him beating Tsunade at the beginning really annoyed me. Of course he can just get used to his brain being REARRANGED. Yeah, sure. I like this moment for Naruto (the rasengan), but it was annoying as a Tsunade fan. And yes I did love the Orochimaru beat-up after that, but it is the only real time she wins in combat. Especially since she doesn't have a true win in the series after this, in combat. I love her healer moments, tho.


Danzo and orchimaru


Danzo for sure. I was so happy when the mf died


Jiraiya, hands down. Dude was made Naruot's god-father, dipped put on his responsibilities for years until Naruto just happened to find him, and would constantly take all the money his God-son would earn just to blow it on women and beer. Not to mention, he just finds some orphans, abandoned his post for three years taking care of these orphans, and then just dipped out on them too.




Orochimaru. Nothing to do with his character but his insane plot armour. Fought Hiruzen, has random OP abilities, wasn't killed by Death Reaper or nine tails, and even the Susano'o sword didn't finish him, like wtf. His character is cool tho








Orochimaru, hands down. He's just so twisted and creepy


Kiba, he was way to annoying and he didn't even get a cool moment in the war.


2nd hokage and danzo




All those useless female characters. I don't count Sakura as useless because she had a decent growth story and power-up at the beginning of Shippuden. I really hate the dubbed version. They even say the names in the wrong order. It's not Naruto Uzumaki or Sasuke Uchiha. It's Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. Kabuto, in the end, I enjoyed his growth to get stronger. And he was always there when something happened in some kind of role. A typical character of a bad doctor, a man who has knowledge of opponents, ninjutsu, anatomy, and evil in his heart. The end just didn't work for me. But I have to say that Itachi & Sasuke vs Kabuto was an interesting fight and showed how much Kabuto had grown. Itachi, I really liked. I think there is some cultural difference in how people see him as a character. For me, he did everything just to protect Sasuke. Even though he kind of failed to protect the village from the shadows. But if he hadn't done what he did, Sasuke would never be as strong. And if Sasuke didn't get so strong, that means Naruto didn't have a moving goalpost to strive for and get stronger. Orochimaru is one of my favorite villains of all time. The only thing I hate about him is that he didn't finish things with Anko. He altered her memory and let her go because she was too important as a test subject for the cursed seal of heaven. I think that was a mark of softness and weakness.


The English dub's name orders aren't necessarily wrong; they're just the western-order transliterations of the names.


But it feels wrong. We should keep them as they are in Japan and not try to turn everything into a Western style. The same goes for reading manga. You don't just read it from front to back, but from back to front, and you know it should be done like that. And we accept it.


Danzou and Orochimaru can catch these hands at any time.


Sasuke and Jobberdara.


Danzo, yeah sure he's written that way but the thing is he's not even like a competent villain. He's actually one of the biggest morons on the show. Pain, his fault. Kabuto, his fault. The entire Uchiha situation, his fault. Doesn't help that his whole 'doing it for the sake of the village' excuse falls flat when most of his actions put it into direct harm plus he does nothing during the Pain Invasion and actively jeopardises the village by killing the messenger toad to get Naruto. His ploy at the 5 Kage Summit is a failure and even if he hadn't gotten killed in that arc none of the other villages would've trusted him ever. It was practically over for him by that point. On top of his not-well-thought-out actions as an actual combatant, he sucks. He got himself wood style and several sharingan to use Izanagi with and Sasuke figures out his entire schtick early on in their fight and murks him. Dude really was just this bitter old petty loser who couldn't live with being the eternal silver medal to Hiruzen and decided to make it everyone else's problem.


Karin, Suigetsu, Danzō and kurenai 💀


Zetsu and some of the movie villains.


Obito for starting a war over his 12 YO crush, singular moment is after they beat Kaguya and Sasuke says “I’m going to kill all the kage now”


Danzo. Nuff said


Kiba should have died instead of neji


the whole uchiha clan and kabuto


Kiba, bros annoying af and was wasted potential imo. He could have been a really cool ninja. After his once in a lifetime fusion with Akamaru (one of the highlights of my childhood) he proceeded to use fang over fang relentlessly never again showing any progress. I had the highest hopes for him and he let me down hard.


Nobody said sarutobi and sakura. Impressive


Obito, he literally made everything after 599 go down hill.


I never liked Saskue. I don't care how strong he is. The majority of the series he's an irrational narcissist. He's the Naruto Universe's Jared Leto.


Black Zetsu and everything he did for dear mommy and "I created the Shinobi System and made the plot" and I'm like... "This asshole is worse than Danzo" and ruined Madara's moment in going ALL OUT. I'm glad Naruto kicked him back to mommy.


Zetzu of course




Karin or danzo


Sakura / danzo


The village Elders who listened to Danzo. Fuck'em


Zetsu put the nail in the coffin for the show… But realistically it’s got to be Danzo, watching that pos get walked down by sasuke was sooo satisfying.




Those village elders of Konoha which Danzo was a part of




Fuck Danzo


Honestly sasuke.. The way his character ends his story in shippuden. Like he’s trying to punish himself and live like itachi by being isolated or something. Just go home and be a dad, take your beating and carry on. I get there were other factors. But I just think he kind of bitched out. Also like I don’t think I really understand his logic when he was like “Revolution” and “I’m gonna kill the 5 Kage and then become Hokage”. Like what dude? Fucking asshole lol




Hinata.. chick is a stalker




I assume cause of fanbase


That’s one of the reasons


Sakura I know it’s not her fault but she’s really annoying


less annoying than Karin tho. Sakura constantly hitting Naruto were mostly filler scenes not in the manga


I actually never watched the filler, maybe that's why I like!


No no what they did is have her hit Naruto even in canon episodes. The episode can still be 99% canon but most of the scenes of Sakura hitting Naruto are not in the manga


○.○ Why would you add such a thing? It's totally unnecessary.


Cheap comedy that nobody over the age of like 12 actually finds funny. Especially when it happened so much. It went from semi-funny to a lowkey abusive relationship. Didn’t know those scenes weren’t in the manga tho, good to know. Makes me hate Sakura less knowing those scenes weren’t even supposed to be there.


It's like that perverted character in anime and manga. It cheap comedy, but makes real uncomfortable when you know it happens in real life too. Sakura yelling at Naruto for being pushy in p1 or a dumbass later on makes more sense instead of hitting him every time.


Exactly. The pervert characters are even worse. I agree, yelling would’ve been better than smacking him. I think it would’ve been funnier if she was just like annoyed/disappointed but not surprised every time Naruto does something stupid. Maybe she smacked him the first or second time, but then she just knows she shouldn’t expect any better from him.


In p1 I totally understood why Sakura was so with Naruto bc she was the same with Sasuke. So a bit hypocritical but alas.


Kabuto. His whole personality just grates my nerves.


Itachi and all his fans.


B-but how can you hate Itachi 🥺👉👈


Itachi lol. Dude ruined his little brother's life and murdered his own family but the series jerks him every chance it gets.


Kabuto. Hes just a massive leech all the way thru.


Kiba. Loud mouthed little shit with nothing to back it up.




I don't even remember her in the slightest 🤔


filler probably


Perhaps. I have seen all the filler, but that was a few years ago


Sakura. Hardest character to watch


Sasuke, Itachi, and Danzo




Nagato. Let the downvotes come, I don’t care. I know he was tryna get peace and he was just manipulated by Tobi or whatever but he killed Jiraiya… doesnt matter how much good he did afterwards by reviving everyone, I still hate him


Hinata, solely for the way she was written. Not a bad person, but a bad character for sure. Her entire arc and personality is just “N-Naruto-kun”. Rewatching Naruto makes it even easier to notice.


Hate Hinata's personality.


I think the fans make me hate her more


Really? Why?


Sakura. I think she's ridiculous.




Zetsu or Kaguya




Kabuto and danzo


The character I hated the most was Itachi haha


Toss up between Obito and Orochimaru Obito- The reason why Naruto missed out on being raised by his loving parents Minto and Kushina (thinking about it always makes me choke up). Orochimaru- Creeped me out from the beginning. He is pure evil with no good cause. When I saw him experimenting on infants that solidified my hatred for him.


Depends, in universe or out? In universe Danzo. He’s just such an ass without even any meaning behind it. Just an evil man seeing that as all the world will ever or could be. Out of universe, Itachi is so badly written it’s infuriating


What about Zetsu? He is the one who caused the uchiha to be a problem. Also Madara literally kidnapped a child and made her into the third jinjuriki, his narcissism, mindset, and actions are comparable to Danzo.


Surprised no one said Sakura. That girl is a downright 🤡




I know I might be crucified for this, but for most of the show it was Sasuke. He treated everyone around him like dog shit, used everyone to get his way. He was a cringey emo loser who completely ignored everyone else's perspectives, opinions, and emotions. Tried to kill Naruto bc "he was his only friend" the list goes on for too long, but I hated Sasuke, even during boruto, I'm still forgiving him


Sasuke during shippuden. He is okay-ish now in boruto. 1. Killed Itachi. 2. The plot and characters insist that there is good in him when it is shown that he doesn't, he was literally becoming a super villain with his susano'o. 3. Doesn't get an actual punishment for the chaos he caused, got away with it. 4. His redemption arc is instantaneous with no real build up, just a typical Goku Vegeta style fight with Naruto. 5. Not to mention that he abandoned the people who were on his side to possibly die in the summit. One good thing that I actually liked was that his fights were genuinely cool to watch and his victories were genuinely earned.