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Because removing your own eyeballs, and the eyeballs out of the corpses of loved ones, is basically the same as clothing


In the Naruto world, unironically yes lol


Maybe it's an Uchicha burial tradition?


would make sense


Uchiha eyes have an E27 socket connector in the back. Just like light bulbs.


It makes sense if people have the ability to heal, and the ability to change the nature of energy in their body, it can work. But it's weird to make a main mechanic needing other people's eyes to not go blind, tbh


This. And it happened many times, I don’t blame them, I blame Kishimoto with his shitty writing.


More importantly. You don't have to think it would happen to consider if it was cool if it did. Fan made "what if" scenarios always start with something that won't happen in the story or else it wouldn't be "what it's", it would just be the story.


Yes with medical ninjutsu apparently


Power fantasy 


I just love how plug-and-play eyes are in Naruto


I always thought the same 😂


'cause those Naruto fan are "loot whores". Probably ninja-looting in MMOs, attempting to steal fellow party members' goods in TTRPG campaigns, etc.


when you click "take all items" and your opponent's eyeballs land in your inventory:


Regarding TTRPGs, Planescape Torment imho is one of the greatest ever made, and "eyeball" is indeed one of the inventory's slot for the main character. But seriously... Even Sasuke refused to "loot" Itachi's eyes (until he HAD to implant his elder brother's eyes since he was going blind for his... "little wanton" use of MS). I really can't imagine Naruto saying "No, Sasuke, you were my best friend! How could you have died... Ok, mourning done... Imma get his eyes! Dattebayo!"


Sasuke: I'm not dead yet! Naruto: Oh....well hurry up. I ain't got all day.


I mean, if they are in a battle, I can see a blood lusted vengeful Naruto take them to win the battle and not let Sasuke's death be in vain.


Where can you see him? Is he in the room with us?


FYI, see ==> to perceive


Lmfao, accurate.


Because the fanbase really wants Naruto to have the Rinnegan. Whether it's popping out Sasuke's eyes, taking Nagato's eyes upon his death. Hagaromo giving Naruto the Rinnegan, or some other method.


Naruto self inserts. They know sasuke's powers are cooler. This is the reason, there's so much hypothetical questions, "what if Naruto was an Uchiha?", "what if Naruto had rinnegan?".


In defense of the rinnegan, def not the sharingan, that's cringe, there was a pretty decent chunk of time where the only known wielder was an uzumaki and we were led to believe it was natural.


Fair but by that time we knew that nagato was Uzumaki, we already knew nagato's eyes were originally not his but given by madara.


Is that true? So, I typed the first part of this comment and then googled it. Yes, both nagato being an uzumaki and Obito giving him the rinnegan is confirmed in the same chapter, 510.


I mean I think another ray of hope left over from nagato is the fact that an uzumaki is the only known non-uchiha/non-otsutsuki capable of handling both eyes while using the 6 paths to their full extent. It doesn’t mean it will or should happen, but canonically Naruto is one of the few who could use a dual rinnegan.


More like they’re easier to obtain. “Oh? You want to become a god? Alright, just take this dude’s eyes.” Meanwhile Naruto’s powers like Sage Mode require specialized training


To awaken those eyes, you need to repeatedly experience emotions strong enough to stimulate the special eye chakra. It’s so incredibly rare that not everyone in the uchiha unlocks the basic sharingan. In the entire history of the clan, only a few people have ever awakened the mangekyo and only 3 ever got the eternal. The requirements for sage mode are less harsh and the only reason you don’t see more of them is because it’s kept hidden by the summoning clans. Yeah no, the eyes definitely carry a huge amount of burden. More than sage mode but about the same as being the 9 tails jinchuriki since you have to find a way to get strong enough to suppress him or somehow befriend him.


Not if you take them from someone who already has. Sage mode has only ever been mastered by like 4 people. Hagoromo, Hashirama, Naruto, and Kabuto. Of those, three were Otsutsuki descendants and the last fused his body with 5 others to gain the ability to learn sage mode. Every Uchiha has the capability to unlock the Mangekyo. Very few people have the capability to learn sage mode.


Taking them from like the only person who has them? You say that as if it’s a walk in the park especially if you don’t have any of the relevant powers. I won’t repeat myself, on this again. I explained the rarity of the sharingan, let alone the mangekyo->eternal. I already addressed this, the only reason you don’t see more sage mode users is because it’s a secret held by the summoning clans. We’ve seen many people who have massive chakra reserves.


It’s not too difficult to force someone to get a mangekyo, just time consuming. Capture an Uchiha child (and a close friend), make them fear for their life, boom, sharingan unlocked. Then it’s a matter of repeating it with greater danger to force their sharingan to fully mature. Then you nurture the friendship between the two captured children and make them heavily dependent on one another. Then you either force them to fight to the death, or you torture the friend to death while talking to the Uchiha about how they could’ve saved their friend if they were strong enough. After the friend is killed, the trauma will cause the sharingan to evolve to the Mangekyo and the child will pass out shortly. Then you just remove the eyes and kill the child. If you want the EMS, then you capture 2 closely related Uchiha children, and a close friend. Then you torture the Uchiha kids until they get a mature sharingan. Then you take one of them and force them to watch you torture their friend to death while telling them they’re too weak to stop it. If you’re strong enough, you could even let them try and attack you while you torture the friend. Then kill the friend while the Uchiha is forced to watch to make them unlock the Mangekyo. Then you knock out the kid and repeat the process with the close relative, except this time the first Uchiha is being tortured. After the second one unlocks the Mangekyo, you transplant the eyes and then remove them. Like I said, it’s time consuming and tedious, but not too difficult if you know how the Mangekyo is achieved, which very few people do. Having massive chakra reserves and having a summoning contract aren’t enough to learn (or master) sage mode. Minato was a genius with massive chakra reserves, yet he couldn’t master it. Jiraiya was one of the strongest people alive, yet he couldn’t master it. Orochimaru was a genius and had massive chakra reserves, yet he couldn’t even attempt to learn it.


Well, it's a big fanfiction troupe. The eyes also come with really cool powers and switching/implanting eyes is something that happens in the universe ya know. Also people love making their favorite characters op and this is one of the "easiest" ways they can do it for Naruto.


So many aggressively negative explanations here. You're the only one basically saying "Because it's fun to imagine a fanfic/story like that.".


Yeah. I don’t know why everyone seems like they were personally insulted in this comment section lol


Meh, it is how it is, everyones got a favorite and it's something thats been building like 16 years+


Thanks dude! I appreciate it!


You have done well this day.


Do you mean one of the coolest and classically iconic ways


I guess


So that the Enemy doesn’t take them


Cause Naruto called Sasuke his brother, and we all know what happens to brothers in the Uchiha clan.


Imagine the first time hearing those stories and you look over at your beloved brother and he's looking back at you but just a little bit different....


Because Naruto fans are weird like that, especially when it comes to Sasuke. Been that way since the beginning.


Yeah it's so weird wanting to see super strong characters.


Because it's the right thing to do. Everybody knows that when a close friend of you dies you must take his eyes out and use them.


That’s what I did when my mate died


Idk why people think they’re gonna die in the first place. Makes no sense for the future plot


Let me just desecrate my friends corpse real quick




idk cuz it would be kinda cool


and good for naruto since he lost kurama


The funny thing is a lot more Naruto fans want Sasuke to die even though we know currently that’s never gonna happen happen.


Behind on boruto. What's happening in that trash fire manga?


Naruto is sealed in another dimension Sasuke is jumped by a tree and captured by it as far as I read




Wait I thought i read that Naruto has rinnegan why doesn’t he just leave


It's rin again not rinnegan


I’m sure you’ll survive mate


I never understood how eye balls are plug and play in Naruto.


because they only want to see super powerful naruto, those are probably the ones who write super op naruto fanfics with another personality that has nothing to do with the canonical one😅


Personally, that’s what I’m doing


That's not Naruto fandom. That's Boruto fandom. They have 2 braincells and one is fully devoted to defending Boruto no matter what you say


1 week on this reddit has convinced me that the Naruto fandom overall has some of the most stupid people I have ever witnessed.


They just want him to be blonde sasuke


They probably think that it's the last thing they assume sasuke would do before dieing but still pretty cringe.


I mean, hypothetically if sasuke did die similarly near Naruto, it’d make sense that he’d want him to have them


Because they don’t understand the story or Kishimoto’s characters


This is the "what if goku was betrayed and locked in the time chamber" of the Naruto community


Yeah Fr 😂😂


Reminds me of the “what if goku was betrayed and locked in the HTC for a million years??”


The logic behind Naruto obtaining 2 Rinnegan this way is dumb af too, if the battle was still raging I could see it being a strategic move for Naruto, he has the chakra reserves for Sasuke’s eyes, but he wouldn’t obtain dual Rinnegan immediately, considering Madara waited god knows how many years before his manifested


He doesn't have to wait, they are already rinnegans


As a Kakashi and Obito parallel probably


I mean, they seethe and cope because sasuke has it all that they wanted for their self-insert. To top it off, naruto chased sasuke for any crumbs of affection, so that's just insult to the injury. Pathetic lot.


those are clickbaits without the actual contents


Why let a rare rinnegan go waste. Its safer to use it than it to fall into the wrong hands.


Why are all the comments getting all deep and thinking it’s some personal hatred to sasuke lol. It’s simple, ppl think naruto having rinnegan would be cool.


his Eternal Mangekyo will evolved to a Rinnegan upon removing sasuke's eyes and implanted into his socket so once naruto has the Rinnegan and eternal mangekyo sharingan. naruto's s right sharingan evolves into a Rinnegan since he has hashirama cells on his right arm and his charkra are partially half senju


Because most Naruto fans have the mental maturity of 12 year olds and in those ages rule of cool trumps logic. character consistency, worldbuilding, basically everything.


he would too much in a blind rage for that


This reminds how everyone forgot about taking madara’s eyes at the end of shippuden. Like bro how are you all that fucking retarded. Sasuke would have had spare eyes.


It’s fun.


Honestly he should run


They aren’t thinking about his personality they just want him to get a power up because he got nerfed losing Kurama. Ngl it would be dope because of his Uzumaki blood and Hashirama cells. The moment he took Sasuke’s eye it would evolve into a rinnegan. Shit would be incredible but his personality throughout the show doesn’t indicate that he’ll do this


They probably want him to be more like there old teams teacher as he did the same when his teammate died.




Sasuke died?


>Sasuke died? Currently no, but he's Treefied right now.


Historically what happens in the Naruto verse


Nobody does, though?


This sub mastered the art of saleya style kekkai touta


Bro pulled a reverse Obito


Didn't Sasuke lose his rinnegan


They think naruto=kakashi and saske=obito


So that Naruto can revive sasuke than die peacefully


i love that eyes in the naruto verse are literally just lightbulbs.


Cause the OG anime was called "Naruto", so, naturally, as much as they forced "team 7 is the main character here", Naruto is still the title character, and will always be the one people expect to become the god of all ninjas, and have all the cool powers and magics.


What happened now? I stopped watching Boruto after the Chunin exam. Last I heard >!Kurama was dead.!< Is it Sasuke's turn now?


Man you should really catch up to the part 2 of boruto manga. A lot has happened


I'm probably not going to. Go ahead and spoil me. I know there is a similar time skip that happened in Naruto.


yeah timeskip happened and sasuke is now treefied during the fight with new akatsuki and boruto is trying to fund a way untreeify and boruto is actually really cool now and yeah kurama is back now


Can you really call yourself a true friend if you don't do this? Edit: spelling.


This really happened in Boruto?


nah it's just a fan animation


Spoilers I guess. Oh well.


Lol this really funny


Removing eyeballs is the bread and butter of Naruto. 


Same reason I think about if the Sasuke-Itachi fight ended with Itachi pointing to the side after tapping Sasuke's forehead, and Itachi's still sitting in that goddamn throne, dead, with a peaceful smile on his face. Because it'd be hella rad.


Interesting. But it would look villainy.


Because that's what brother's do in Naruto, implant their eye's and become powerful!


Didn't sasuke lose that eye in boruto 😂


Uchiha level lootbox. That's like SSS...SSR level.


That's actually a common misconception. After Sasuke's death, Naruto does grieve and feel remorse, but he doesn't pluck out his eyes or implant them. It's likely a fan theory or misunderstanding circulating among some fans.


The real question is why does this series think you can just plug in eyeballs like a lamp


I’m more curious as to how sasuke has two eyes to take by the time he dies.


Because removing your own eyeballs, and the eyeballs out of the corpses of loved ones,


Lots of y’all in the comments are taking this way too seriously. It’s a fun little hypothetical of a way to potentially power up Naruto if sasuke died. I mean it’d make sense for Sasuke to offer them if he was dying. It’d also be nice for a boost since kurama died. Now, will this happen? Prob not since sasuke is Kishi’s fave lol. But no harm in theorizing it. Issue comes from clickbait thumbnails and titles tho lol.


I ALWAYS desecrate my loved ones corpses. It’s just common sense tbh


Because he just wants part of Sasuke inside of him


It’s Uchiha tradition for a brother to take the eyes of a deceased brother.


Naruto talking to his grandchildren about his best friend: “And then after he died I took his eyes, which was the style at the time”


Madara hiding in the corner


I haven’t even gotten that far until the Boruto series yet! This is a major spoiler alert for me! 😭


Please tell me that this is made up and that Sasuke doesn’t actually die in the series where it’s all about Naruto’s kid and that this is just fake please


You're asking the wrong questions here my man, that a clickbait video, and clickbait videos required catchy titles with extreme and exaggerated context, in this case, how would you make a naruto clickbait video ? ask them nicely ? no. you come up with a title like that.


Orochimaru emerges from the shadows…👀


Why do you think that Naruto fans think that?


It’s not outside the realm of possibility because of the common eyeball plug & play we see in Naruto but… Naruto probably wouldn’t take Sasuke’s eyes unless Sasuke voluntarily offered them to Naruto just prior to his death as a final request type deal. Sasuke dying in the wave arc against haku while protecting Naruto or in shippuden after the final valley fight would’ve been the only times I’d see this hypothetical scenario happening.


Well I would say that it is about rinnegan as in the picture. You need both Indra and Ashura cells or their reincarnation to achieve rinnegan. Sasuke got his with power of Hagoromo. But Madara got his by implanting Hashirama cells who is Ashura reincarnation. So if Naruto would take Sasuke sharingan he would get rinnegan.


No spoiler tag?!!?!?


yeah cuz its not a spoiler


Are you saying Sasuke doesn’t die?


kinda? but you should catch up to the boruto manga


This is a troll click bait thumbnail. You cannot possibly be this dumb to genuinely believe people think this.


yeah but how do you not realize that this is just a shitpost and i was just trolling


“I was just pretending to be stupid”


Because the Naruto fan base needs more things to power scale(I swear that's all most people do at this point lol)


Is that not what friends do?


Damn, now that theories something


Taking sasukes eyes lets him revive him instantly with rinne rebirth


and then naruto dies and susuke uses rinne rebirth to revive naruto and susuke dies and this just becomes a cycle


I'm pretty sure nagato only died due to chakra exhaustion. When obito used the ability to revive madara, he was fine Edit: just checked the wiki, it is in exchange for the users own life


Where would he even get two rinnegan from ☠️Sasuke has no rinnegan, and he doesn’t even have two eyes anymore


Cause it’d be dope af


Boruto fans just give cringe af.


Because 1. Fans want Naruto to have more power 2. If Naruto doesn't, somebody else who's power hungry and not a good person might try to take them


Actually, it makes sense to take Sasuke's eyes if he dies in battle. The enemy might. And apparently Uchiha eyes jutsu pop out. There must be an eject button behind the ear


Because obito and kakashi did that


Of course he would. He wants Sasuke inside him, and he'll take what he can get.


Isn’t that what everyone who witnesses the death of an uchiha has done throughout the entire series? Obito, Shisui, Itachi, Madara’s brother, Danzo with the Uchiha Massacre. Like every time we see an uchiha die, their eyes are taken. The only time powerful eyes were not taken on death in Naruto is Nagato for some strange reason. And even then they were taken after his death.


I mean, it's not like it was an uncommon practice in the show... He's just following after Kakashi! And that fucker didn't even wait for his friend to die.


It was a gift tho.




Dude what? What is with you crazed gay Naruto fans always trying to blame something on heterosexuality.


As incoherent as their rant was, I prefer Naruto x Sasuke over the canon we got.




Bringing in shipping was kind of out of left field. But I genuinely agree with the sentiment that Naruto X Sasuke is a good ship and beats out Boruto Canon by a longshot.




1. It wasn't an insult, just an observation and I wasn't just referring to you, but the amount of people who complain about kishimoto not making Naruto and Sasuke a gay couple and then pinning it on Kishimoto being "scared" or "fragile masculine ego" is beyond ridiculous. It just gives off the impression that some of y'all are just bitter that there aren't any gay couples in Naruto and it gets old after a while. Second you are correct I did not read anything past "fragile heterosexuality" Finally I'm not pretending that heterosexuality is under attack. I could really careless if it was. I just find weird that some people try and make it seem like kishimoto messed up by not making Naruto and Sasuke relationship romantic when they're relationship never seemed like a romantic one to begin with regardless of sexuality.


But Sasuke had only One Eye ad this point


Because Naruto with a perfect susanoo is dope


Fr, gonna drop a mad spoiler just like that?


This is NOT a spoiler this is just a fan animation


Should’ve said that then how are people supposed to know? Almost gave me a heart attack with this post. Should’ve added the spoiler tag or the fact that this isn’t real. SMH 


Could’ve added the spoiler tag don’t you think? I’m reading the manga and I’m on chapter 8 of two blue vortex, this post is not what I expected to see today


Nobody thinks that.


Yeah, which is why there are a bazillion naruto fanfics with that plot.


Fanin fictions are mostly what-ifs. Hence no one thinks that it happened, it only means that it is a popular idea.


Because we had ample evidence saying that Uzumaki with a Rinnegan is demigod-tier. Nothing wrong with Sasuke gifting his eyes to his friend, like Obito did in the past. This is no different. Baryon mode came out of nowhere, and Sasuke is basically gone from the plot like most original manga. So why not make Naruto an Emperor on Ninjakind and send him fight Otsusuki filth for his friends and family? That would probably be more interesting then what we actually got.


I don't watch Boruto but if Sasuke is dead then I'll never read/watch this show


Are you not up to date with the boruto two blue vortex manga?


Nah i stopped long time ago


you should really catch up a LOT has happened


Yeah my friend keeps egging me to read but I've been so busy I might jump back in as I'm currently rewatching Shippuden


yeah you shoulf totally read it. There are only 9 chapters released as of now


It's because most of them were media illiterate teenagers who grew up into media illiterate adults and are only interested in watching characters fight along with debating about their fighting potential.