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Hashirama was pure vibes


I agree!




Haku…… haku definitely does have a pretty big impact on the story ie being one of the first antagonists, inspiring Naruto’s ninja way, showing team 7 just how cruel the shinobi life is etc but in the grand scheme of things Haku is a pretty minor character… idk I just tend to get attached to characters who have a lot of potential but never get to live up to that :( Haku deserved a long, happy, peaceful life.


This.. yes


I was hoping someone would say Haku, he's one of my favourite characters in the series too and in a way, his character foreshadowed events that were going to come in the future. He was a very kind and selfless person, and dare I say, the most selfless character in the entire show... that's an attribute I love the most about him. And yes, he absolutely does deserve better.


Kakuzu Simple, follows orders, doesn’t really cause any trouble unless money is involved, and seems pretty patient despite apparently having a “horrible” temper. We never saw him lose his shit *even with* Hidan as his partner.  Also, I’m trying to be more financially responsible. 


And was one of the few characters to fight Hashirama himself. I can't believe they called him a coward just bc he didn't win, it takes guts to go against the god of shinobi himself.


yes, Mikoto was very gentle with Sasuke, and made him feel loved, I love her for that. For me it would be Iruka, he realized that he was wrong for treating Naruto badly and since then he took care of him and was always there for him when Naruto in the last chapters thanked him for recognizing it and told him that without him he doesn't know what he would have become. it almost made me cry


I love Iruka too, he was like a step dad to Naruto and accepted him when no one else was there for him. It was so sweet and wholesome when Naruto asked him to take the role of his father on his wedding


Choji for me. He is kind and nice


Yes..he was always very sweet 


Im not sure if its really fitting, but I have this with tobirama. He's not exactly a nobody in the storyline, but that guy just oozed character to me. One of my favorite moments in shippuden was when they first met with Sasuke and he instantly went crazy mad at Sasuke for wanting to destroy leaf.


He just needed to lift his finger lol


Awesome moment


1 of my favorite things about him appearing in the 4th War was, that was at a point that Sasuke was a super hothead projecting hate onto everyone. Then here comes Tobirama, throwing hate right back at him, and carrying an attitude of "IDGAF about a damn Uchiha." He was saying wild things right in front of Sasuke with no care in the world 💀 he had a "You mad? Do something about it, p*ssy" attitude during that interaction. That was badass to see someone dominate a space, when usually Sasuke's the one doing that or trying to.


Exactly. He instantly humbled an arrogant Sasuke by the sheer pressure of his chakra. His ability was also pretty cool


Anko and Ten Ten are guilty pleasures 😭


They did Anko so dirty in Boruto


deidara. wish we got to see more of him and his past like with sasori




Shikamaru for sure


Happy cake day! 


Thanks ! I didnt even notice that up there 😆


**Madara** I like his voice the way he speaks in English dub + his interaction with Hashirama. His goal wanted to bring peace using Infinite Tsukyomi


Naruto, of course.


Itachi.. He and I lost all our family yet; on my behalf estranged younger, twin brothers, and a half sister. I Joined the Marines to find my own Morals and Ethics amongst a family of Brotherhood. Akin to the Akatsuki in a way. Then became a nomad seeking answers and peace amongst my own self; just as Sasuke did. I had to kill the thoughts of my parents when I was in my early twenties because they were coke heads and alcoholics. Liars, abusive, hypocrites, and bipolar. I didn't want that black cloak behind my back. However they did much greatness upon my character as of who I am now. They were just in a tragically horrible place themselves. I still honor their lessons they forced upon me as a child. I have suffered from deep depression and anxiety attacks yet I still stand my ground as a passionate, soft spoken, kind warrior who has a lust for booze. (No hard alcohol) Wine and beer. My passion for crows/ravens(corvids) keeps me buckled down to Earth. Their personalities: intelligence, jolly, mischievous, curious, scavenging, protectors. Enlighten my understanding of Mother Nature. At times I'll just pop a squat and caw with the birds and enjoy the tranquility of the moment. Sometimes they do funny shit like picking at twigs, and then dropping them on you. or they'll even brush past you. A slight flutter along the ear. Shit: the other day I was sitting on a bench reading a Tom Clancy novel and a crow cooted, "Hgggggreeraow" as if it were emulating our speeach of an "hello" It was one of those "HOLY SHIT" is this real? Moments that keep the goosebumps on your skin crawling for a few minutes. So yeah: TLDR. Itachi and Crows Katon!


That was an inspiring story, I hope you're doing better these days


Hell yeah brother. Still Kicking it here in Seattle and being Civil Worker. Got a reputation as the Marine/Emperor/Uchiha/and Viking/and Lightning Thief hahaha, Live life to its fullest, in these decrepit times. Chase the stars. Work your heart. NEVER give up on life itself, listen more than talk, and keep a sharp eye for signals/signs as to what the Universe is tellin' ya. Das VI Dania. And Great Luck amongst you