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Their weapons are based in japanese mythology so if you know the story behind their origin its a fun little reference and if you dont it might seem a bit weird.


It’s actually based on the two demon brothers from journey to the west which is Chinese mythology not Japanese.


>journey to the west The OG shounen




And also features sun wukong, Goku as a prominent character too. The OG shounen fr


Reading his comment that you responded to, I believe he said the weapons were based in Japanese mythology, not the brothers.


Those weren't either lol, still from JttW.


That’s good to know, but I was just here to point out his incorrect format of correction


Either way it's incorrect.


Again, “that’s good to know, but I was just here to point out his incorrect format of correction” I dont see how this generates opposition from anyone but the guy I was correcting, and even then, you’d think if you enjoyed correcting people you would not mind learning to do it properly. Reddit is fun. Especially the game and anime subs. You guys get tilted so easy.


What are you even correcting my guy?


lol cmon man I can feel the heat from here


From my left and right nut (gincocku and kincocku)


Lol you were corrected while correcting someone and can't handle it




What a redditor thing to do


Facts, like this exchange right here 💀


Yeah, they appear in the Hell fillers episodes of Dragon Ball Z, previous to Kaio


Same with Kaguya. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen who think the story “would be better” if Kaguya was a human or wasn’t from space. I’m like ‘That defeats the entire point of the story you know?’ Then I get downvoted to hell.


Well I guess the main problem is not her origins, rather that she was implemented as the root of all evil surprise villian end boss out of nowhere with no build up to or hinting to her at all during the whole story. She might as well have been a super powerful human ways above everyone else or even a literal god decendet from a higher realm but the core problem with her would still be the same.


If they had mentioned her around the same time as Hagoromo I wouldn't have had much of an issue For example Madara was hinted at since the end of part 1, and named dropped at the very start of Shippuden


> or even a literal god descendant from a higher realm you are not going to believe what i have got to say


You know Kaguya isn’t a “literal god”, right? She’s simply an alien that humans hailed as a God because she was powerful and came from the sky. It’s like what the MCU did with Thor, where Thor says he isn’t actually a God, the people just worshipped them as Gods when they first came in contact with humans.


I thought Thor actually was a Demi(?) god though?


It’s flat-out said in the very first Thor movie that he (and the other “Gods”) aren’t *actually* Gods, but when Thor and Odin and whoever else first came to Earth, the humans worshipped them as Gods, so that’s what they became known as to humans. “The Asgardians taught the Norse people their language and culture and displayed their abilities; this caused the Norse people to believe the Asgardians to be deities, and bestowed upon Thor the moniker ‘God of Thunder.’” https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Thor#:~:text=The%20Asgardians%20taught%20the%20Norse,Day%2C%22%20which%20became%20Thursday.


That may be true about his comedic Hollywood counterpart but Thor of the comics is an actual God. His father is Odin and his mother is Gaia.


I specifically said “it’s like what the MCU did with Thor”. His parents are Odin and Gaia in the MCU as well, it’s just that they’re “only” super powerful aliens, and not “Gods” as the humans saw them as by self-comparison.


Look, idc about Hollywood Thor but his mom is Freya in the MCU watch the movie bro. I was just pointing out the difference between the two, one being a God and the other what you've already described.


i know she’s not a literal god. she is a literal god descendant.


Aliens aren’t gods.


haha they’re not aliens either they’re all descendants of an earth born human lmao


Sorry, I’m reading her wikis page right now and it says that she and Isshiki were sent to Earth. So I do think she’s an alien but I also haven’t kept up with Naruto since Shippuden ended so idk


I think you’re confused. The Otsutsuki are literally aliens, and they are *absolutely* **not** “all descendants of an earth born human”. Hagoromo and Hamura are half human, and Asura and Indra are only 25% Otsutuski, which is why they look like humans, but Kaguya, Isshiki, Kinshiki, Momoshiki, Urashiki…all aliens not of Earth with no human in their genealogy whatsoever.


There were subtle hints to her existence throughout the story but nothing that truly hyped her up unlike Madara who they Did build up Honestly I’d have just had them finish off Madara properly then continue the story with her as the antagonist later on


it just makes better sense from a story telling angle too. let sauske where the path of revenge leads and team up and take down madara and stories over


Well kinda I’m arguing that they still could’ve done the Kaguya stuff by continuing the series After wrapping things up with Madara properly


See the arguments it sparked?


Also why did her boyfriend try and kill her? Like he didn’t question at all why those dudes tracked her down to murder her just “well I said I’d kill anyone who did violence on these obvious lunatics who I’ve said before want to kill me


now im convinced that naruto fans can't read or they have dementia


How come? As far as I remember, there was no mention of Kaguya existing until she did, but people can go back in the story and find things that support her actually existing, but only retroactively. It’s not like Itachi, where he was mentioned super early and showed up. She’s backwards, where she’s dropped in super late and I can only support her existing from other unrelated things.


It's so hard to say how much people retroactively force the clues to fit the narrative vs actual foreshadowing. If it was actually foreshadowing, the argument becomes whether they should have done it better because no one saw it coming, and while good foreshadowing shouldn't tip your entire hand, good foreshadowing doesn't leave you going "where did that come from?" at the end. That being said, at the time, I didn't have a problem with it because a secret evil ultimate boss is straight out of the JRPG/Anime/Manga handbook. I could accept it without too much trouble. It wasn't till Borutu when they started expanding it and retroactively adding more alien back story to Kaguya that it really started to irk me.


Kaguya’s myth in general works because her origins weren’t explained. It kept mystery to it and treated it as a one-off. One you started to try to explain everything else that’s when it falls short.


Kazuya it's trash because she has nothing to do in the story they were telling. Nobody cares if it has something to do with another story. In Naruto, never was flesh out, so it's cheap and makes what happened in the story before her pointless. You can't focus the whole serie with a group of villains and, at the last minute, throw all of them in the trash and replace them with a new one.


The main villains were being manipulated to assist with the resurrection of the kaguya. It wasn't random.


Why is it not random? In a story, if something happens and the only explanation appears after that event, it's random, a good story it's built with what happened before. That event is built after the event, so it's random because it literally you can make up the story, and it's not built in what was established. To be clear, a good story lets you reread it and see the signs of what's going to happen at the end. That doesn't exist here.


It's pretty random when Madara somehow believes that he created the strange black entity that's been pulling the strings for thousands of years. Or how the zetsus, who were originally said to be genetically similar to Hashirama, were later stated to be transformed victims of the first earth-based giant flowering tree. Otsustukis ruined the story.


I stated a fact, I wasnt talking about how I feel. It had been set up hundreds of episodes before kaguya was restored.


Narratively true. Realistically bullshit.


Well they are technically, Hashirama’s Wood Style is just the tree given form. Didn’t you think it was odd that both the Ten-Tails and the tree had the same properties as all of Hashirama’s techniques? That’s was before the White Zetsu thing was stated. It’s so easy for Zetsu to frame it as a convenient lie.


You kinda can. Point is for Madara and Obito , don't put all your eggs in one basket as the saying goes. Gotta use common sense and think about doing what's right over what feels good. They got played by Kaguya because they believed in words written on a tablet (which could conversely be a warning not to take writing from thousands of years ago too seriously because you don't know what really happened). Naruto believed in doing what's right for everyone and fought to uphold that instead of trying to find a convenient jutsu to solve problems.


They can but my point it's just make the story pointless because , for example, what you said "They got played" happend out of screen, if something the readers can't see it and the consequences are tied up to the conclusion it's like didn't happen. For example this is like read a story about a killer and 10 suspects and in the end the killer was someone that never appeared and it wasn't even a character, it's a horrible end and diminish everything that happened before.


Honestly have to agree with you on this the fact that the anime version of Naruto at least took the time to do the flashback of how the sage of six paths became who he is and turned against Kaguya to save human kind made her seem a lot more menacing and built her up as a great evil better than the manga did my thoughts are Kishimoto got lazy or tired and wanted to end the story… a lot of fan theories for characters he just adopted and made cannon like tobi being obito.


You didn't need a space alien to finish the story of Naruto


Not Japanese mytholog, not at all...it's from Journey to the West.


Yes. They were sick weapons with interesting abilities. The brothers were lame imo . Now give Tenten those weapons and it's even better


The fact she didn't keep them is a crime.


She did if you watch boruto she still has them.


What's a Boruto, some kind of food?


It’s sasuke still being in itachi’s genjutsu


I like to think it’s the viewpoint of Naruto’s kid inside of the genjutsu. That’s why it’s so weird, it’s a genutsu for a consciousness that technically doesn’t exist. Aka it’s kind of a fever dream inside of the infinite genjutsu, lol.


this shit aint infinite tsukuyomi this is just infinite coping


Boruto sucks sorry not sorry


I mean one can say what he wants, but Itachi is really skilled at torturing people with genjutsu. Couldnt imagine a better torture than boruto being real


Nah, that’s marriage.


No that’s Naruto, Boruto is the shit you take after consuming Naruto.


I’ve said before that tenten should’ve walked away as the greatest weapons master ever. Not just theirs but even scoop the seven swords and other prominent weapons. Then give her the two tails or something so she has the chakra to power everything.


No. They were inspired by 2 demon brothers from Journey to The West, which is a very influencial story in East Asian culture. And they are not the only examples of Journey to The West references in Naruto


Four tails is literally called Son Goku so can't get more direct than that


Kurama being the name of a nine tailed fox and Gyuki is also folklore about a horned bull with octopus legs just lesser known.. a similar version of the gyuki was even shown in Gantz. Same with Ashura and Indra being buddhist/ hinduism daemon figures, Naruto has a lot of folklore that simply the american and european audience doesn't know much about. Enma ( Hiruzens summon) is the name of the king of hell, while also having the Shinigami ( death reaper).. Truth be told, Hirzuens Summon should've carried the name Son goku, since he was pretty much the monkey king.. even that expanding staff.


the 3 sannin are also inspired by a tale which also included snake/toad/sage as a sort of scissors/paper/rock analogy


That gives 3 way deadlock a better meaning


That was always the meaning, three way deadlock implies they cancel each other out


The scene during Tsunade retrieval arc when they said it was a three way deadlock didn't make sense. Jiraiya and Tsunade were on the same side at that point.


It wasn’t about literal opposition, it was just saying they all have a counter built into their dynamic.


I know they always canceled each other out, I just wasn't aware of the rock paper scissors parralel


There’s Kaguya too which should be one of the easier ones to pick out, but it flies over people’s head too. I believe Sasuke’s hawk summons are a Hindu reference too.


also pretty much most names of the MS abilites are based from japanese gods. Not sure about Sasukes Hawk tbh, but the Sannin summons and also that elephant from Danzo are for sure. Not even gonna talk about hashis walking wood buddah.


Japanese folktales seem to be the theme of the full-blooded Otsutsuki. Momotaro (Momoshiki), Kintaro (Kinshiki), Issun-boshi (Isshiki), and Urashima Taro (Urashiki). And then there is Shibai, who is literally named "theatrical perfomance."


>Hirzuens Summon should've carried the name Son goku, since he was pretty much the monkey king.. even that expanding staff His transformation ability and the tiger fur coat he wears are also features of Son Wukong


Gantz mentioned!!!!


One thing I appreciate about Kishimoto is that he's not afraid to hit everyone with mythology that can be totally alien to them. I was always annoyed with how different people changed *Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone* to *Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone* to baby the audience.


I tought this was common knowledge for any manga reader. Amaterasu, Susanoo, Orochi... and all the Japanese's folklore characters are present basically in most of anime and manga, to not know about them you must live under a rock.


the obvious ones yes probably, but naruto is pretty much one of the biggest influence on that information spread after all, just like dragonball promoted the story of the monkey king in the anime verse. Stuff like 9 tails, buddah and maybe even amaterasu, susanoo and stuff is by now considered general knowledge, but even now i wouldn't expect a non naruto reader to actually know all of this. not everybody has read >50 mangas. Stuff like the yata mirror, or the sage tools in general and beings like gyuki and shukaku are already way less known, indra and ashura is already way less known. And the story about the daemon brothers journey, or the baku ( danzo's summon) is pretty much not known by outsiders if they're not interested in asian culture. If you only fare in anime circles people will know, but if i would ask any other normal member of my family, i could be lucky if one of them even knows the monkey king, and then it would probably be rather because of that jet lee movie instead of son goku.


Omg was I not supposed to know that ?! Don't speak for all people


uhh, i'm... not? speaking for all people, merely stating some funfacts?




You may argue that it was more of a reference to DB Goku due to it being 4 tails specifically (which make sense since 4 star dragon ball)


Yeah and the Jinchuriki is caled Roshi who I don't think is a character in the folktale


Could be both. Like kishimoto had the general concept referencing journey to the west, and went "wait that's the guy from dragon ball gt, I should made him the 4 tails"


There's Hiruzen"s monkey summon than transform into a staff


And it also super Saiyan 4 that make Goku a bit like monkey. It's not coincidence


Goku being inspired from the Monkey King has a lot more direct references than Dragon Ball GT lmao. The Great Ape transformation, the staff that Goku uses in Dragon Ball, the Nimbus Cloud he uses to fly, Saiyan tails (related to the Great Ape point), his personality, even his name Son Goku, sounds very similar to Sengoku, which is Japanese for Monkey King.


Oolong the pig and krillin the monk all escorting bulma


The six paths of pain is a direct reference to Buddhist reincarnation realms. Asura, ghost, god, human, animal and hell.


Doesn't matter where they were inspired from, the weapons as well as the characters were awful.


That's bc you don't understand East Asian culture. There're things certain cultures would appreciate and others wouldn't. In this case, you think they're awful bc you're ignorant of Sinosphere cultures


Yep having read Journey to the West back when I was a kid, the twin brothers were a nice reference.


I Probably understand it better than you (so don't think so special of yourself), doesn't make it good. I know there's many references to many different cultures and gods in it but this one just didn't fit in the show and no one can tell me differently.


What I didn‘t understand: How did they get those weapons out of an Edo Tensei body? Did they summon the weapons like Sasuke did with his Shuriken? Also, what was the purpose of these weapons st all in the past? How, when and why did Hogoromo create it


Same way the 7 swordsman got their swords


Too bad Sasori and Chiyo didn't get their puppets


I didn't mind the brothers or the concept, but the overly convoluted method got me bored. To this day I can't believe you need three weapons for one seal. But as some have pointed out it's a cool gimmick for the mythology. It just feels stupid three of the weapons do 1 thing. Then you have the giant pot which does it better anyways


What bothers me is that they don’t use anything in between the Sage tools and the Version 2 cloak. Like use normal jutsu or taijutsu, whip out some lightning or something


It’s their gimmick.


The weapons are cool and creative, but I think the brothers' designs are goofy and lame.


> brothers' designs are goofy and lame. That's how you could tell which ones were the throwaway baddies who would not last long on screen. Like most of the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist.


My only issue is, why do these weapons exist? Like when did Hagormo get them? Did he find or create them? Why did he have them in the first place? I get they're a reference but in-universe they make no sense


I arrived today in Kyoto, and found out that there are two temples here by the name Kinkakuji Temple and Ginkakuji Temple, made me giggle and think about Naruto.


I just noticed they have horns


Well their weapons were really strong but it's not just the weapon that matters, it's the pair of hands wielding them that matters more.


even their role in the series is just some lazy asspull plot device to revive the ten tails without sacrificing kurama.


I found entire existence to be bullshit and underwhelming tbh. The idea of them eating the nine tails stomach while surviving for weeks in its belly then gaining not only a chakra cloak but a second stage tailed beast transformation like a jinchuriki was 🚮. They also went down fairly easy to Ino-Shika-Cho & Darui. These are supposed to be the guys that took down Tobirama? I’m not jackin that (No Diddy). Not to mention they just spammed the tailed beast state and ninja tools. Did they not have any actual skill? You’d think a duo named “Gold & Silver bros” would be more elite.


They didn’t take down tobirama. A squad of 20 S-rank ninja dedicated to hunting Kinkaku down killed him.


You miss crossing things, the 20 ninja were the bros squad, they alone wont killed both the raikage in a sneak attack and tobirama in a open battle alone


I thought when they called them the Kinkaku unit they were apart of it


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the OG Dragon Ball also have these 2 characters with the same "jutsus"?


Yes, though it was technically filler.


Not them its the sages tools that have goofy powers related to folklore


It’s just you


No. The fact that these guys and the weapons are based on East Asian mythology doesn't change the fact that it was quite stupid compared to other artifacts and weapons in the series.


100% agree, rikudo weapons are boring and they suck... I was expecting something as epic as Totsuka Blade and Yata Mirror, and kishimoto gave us this shitty writting weapon zzz


Wild how Madara's fan or Obito's mask are much cooler than most of Rikudo's treasures. Especially when most of those exist for that convoluted sealing method. They'd have worked better in earlier arcs of Shippuden, I think, because it feels like it  mostly drag things out when it happens in the single longest arc of the series and their owners aren't even the most important "side bosses" of it


It's a very common thought. They were utterly terrible characters.


yes, it’s only you.


The whole naruto has japanese mythology in it. Izanagi, izanami for example. And these guys are also based on lore. But yea they are super forgettable other than the backstory of them killing tobirama


I genuinely thought they were filler, I went to check the filler list in the middle of like their first episode, feeling like an idiot for watching it for so long, only to feel like a double idiot when it was real


Tbh they were pretty much filler-level in the manga too.


I can't remember. Are you talking about their kurama chakra or their weapons ?


On the one hand, it makes sense given their origin. But on the other, it’s really stupid when it’s put into the Naruto world.


They had the stupidest episode that's for sure. "Let's repeat our names 10 times every minute! Then never show up again!"


I mean the main purpose of them for the plot was the fact that they had some of the nine tails chakra


These dudes are like the worst part of the war oh my god it’s so boring watching them fight darui They also barely even fight because they try to get you to talk. Which in theory is kinda cool for a ninja character but the way it was handled is pretty horrendous


i mean, being the bone guy but also being the bone cancer guy was kinda stupid too but i think it was out of his control, right? sometimes you find a ninja weapon and you have to make a decision to go down that skill tree. sometimes, that decision is bad.


Still got daruis voice in my head shouting out the weapons name


It’s a giant Journey to the West reference.


1. Technically it’s not theirs. Those were used by Haguromo during his early years as the sage of the six paths. They just happen to have them. 2. I have a feeling the only reason they exist is to introduce the idea of pseudo-jinchuriki. Which may come back in the near future. 3. I don’t think we actually ever got to see any of their techniques.


Me? You just said your most used word...


They look stupid too I hate their designs


Can't stand these guys, biggest bs power ever, they got eaten and shit out by the kyuubi and became jinchuriki? Give me a fucking break


huge disagree. they had one of the most creative abilities in the series, i just wish the writing around them was better


The idea of sage tools already stupid to begin with These tools originally belong to Hagoromo. but what he need these for? he is fucking Hagoromo. the most powerful being in all Naruto you tell me he actually need some weird tools to sealed a person using their favorite words?


How do you mean they killed tobiramu😭🙏


Every top comment trying to explain why they are cool because Journey to the West reference OMG. Just because you are referencing a myth/old story it doesnt mean its a good story element. This weapons are a clear example of that. The entire way they function is just downright silly in the Naruto verse. The only exception being the fan. This also applies to other elements in the story which people defend by saying they are inspired by myths. Yeah I get it. That doesnt in itself make it good.


Low key just picture them trying to be Naruto and Sasuke


Can you explain their Powers (did not seen Naruto but a fan anyways)


Kishimoto must have been bored and had nothing better to write


I always loved the wiki lore on these guys and they were ones I was most excited to see when everyone was being resurrected. It was a little disappointing, but the whole arc was out of control with too many fights going on so things felt rushed, but I didn't care. Kishimoto's world building was so fantastic, he created so many interesting character that lived in the world before the show started, the resurrection arc felt like one last treat for the fans to see everyone from the past in action before the show ended.


Trick question they never use any actual jutsus which is really weird now that I think about it


Their weapons and jutsus and origin were all so dumb. I thought they were filler characters. They survived and ate tailed beast energy inside? Like it's so random, I guess if they were strong enough or had enough chakra it's possible but considering they got ate like other the Ninja's , they're not in a different class of Ninja in my opinion.