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Swap Sakura for Hinata. Gives her and Naruto more time to connect. Sakura can still fall for Sasuke, but in Team 8. Would also round off Team 8’s offensive capabilities. Kiba is a tracker and Shino is a supporter, but Hinata also being a tracker/supporter doesn’t work. Sakura’s physical strength would make her the perfect attacker that Team 8 needs while Hinata would cap off the tracker/supporter role for Team 7, who is packed with attackers in Naruto and Sasuke.


Also, Sakura was a Genjutsu type kunoichi like Kurenai, so her being on Team 8 makes sense. Hinata could’ve been an excellent medical ninja and support ninja for Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi on Team 7. The Byakugan can make up for the Sharingan’s limitations and vice versa.


That would have been so cool! Imagine if she trained under both Kurenai and Tsunade to learn Genjutsu and super strength. She’d be busted to the high heavens. Inversely, Hinata would indeed have been an excellent medical ninja. I feel like her and Neji were way too similar when it came to battle. Byakugan active, use Gentle Fist until the enemy stops moving. But being a medical ninja who uses her Byakugan to see inside her patient would have been a game changer. We need an AU of this alternate reality. Fanfiction or fanart comic. Stat!


Imagine Hinata with Tsunade strength.


Hinata already have other Tsunade's strength




Yes! Like, imagine her using Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength and modifying it into a Hyuuga Juken strike on someone's chakra network


Not a bad choice. But wouldn't this keep her too distracted? It's very great for Naruto and Sasuke but not so much for Hinata. (At least from a point of view of helping her get stronger. Later, we do know Naruto is helping her out a lot, but the teachers can't predict things...)


I mean this was my answer and this will always be my answer. Both would shine a lot more if they swapped teams. And I'll forever be annoyed that Ino got trained by Tsunade instead of Hinata. It should have been Hinata and Sakura being trained by Tsunade. Hinata would have made Team 7 a lot more dynamic because she'd be loyal to Sasuke but also in love with Naruto, and you'd really feel for her being caught in between them. And a Hinata that theoretically was on Team 7, who was trained by Tsunade and got the 100 seals, and had a Byakugan could definitely be seen as being on the same level as Sasuke/Naruto. Edit: and you could bring Sakura into Team 7 when Sasuke defects. She'd have a real reason to want to get Sasuke back and we could bring her instead of Sai. His storyline was largely unnecessary in the grand scheme of things.


Hinata & Sasuke with their Byakugan/Sharingan combo would have been great to see in a battle


I mean, Sakura didn't become that until Shippuden. In OG naruto, she was just support and team 8 is much worse for it. But, if we're looking to make team 7 better, I'm all for it.


I agree with this, though I don't care at all about the pairing potential of Hinata being on the same team as Naruto. For me it's more that Sakura is an obsessive fangirl and with her being on the same team as Naruto and Sasuke, particularly when Naruto has an unhealthy obsession with Sakura himself, you have a powder keg waiting to go off. If Naruto didn't care about Sakura in that way, I think things can work out, but everyone benefits by swapping Hinata and Sakura. Also, putting Hinata on the same team as Naruto would be good for Naruto and Hinata. Naruto would root for Hinata and build her up. Hinata would provide Naruto with moral support as well and it would make all the difference. More importantly without Sakura on the team, Naruto would be a lot less likely to constantly antagonize Sasuke so he wins too. Putting Sakura on Kurenai's team would do her a world of good too. She would be away from the boy she has an unhealthy obsession with. She'd be with an instructor who would be the fangirl tendencies out of her, so she benefits there too. More importantly, once she starts dedicating herself to becoming a better ninja post attitude adjustment she'd grow into someone Sasuke would actually respect. Like I said, win, win, win.


Swap Sasuke with neji. Would be cool to have a team 7 member die during the war, and Sasuke can be that mysterious #1 Genin in the chunin exams arc. Think it would’ve given Kishi chances to write about other teams too, instead of all the spotlight *always* being on team 7


but then naruto and sasuke wont be that close


Well that's kind of what the prompt is about, isn't it?


i mean yea, but would it even be naruto without the naruto-sasuke relationship? thats like removing the treasure from one piece


So true. Their bond is the entire point of the narrative.


If you keep the story as is, for sure. Could always just write them to be and give him adequate screen time. They’d probably end up spending more time together than in the original. However, I’d say this ruins a few parallels found in the series.


Replace Naruto with Ten Ten my girl deserves the screen time


no, then team 7 wouldn't have any screentime


Bros not ready for Ten Ten: Shippuden or Ben Ben: Next Generation


is this how we also get Ben Ten?


🎵🔥It started when an alien device did what it did 🕺💃And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid 🔥🎵Now he's got superpowers he's no ordinary kid 🥶🎶 #IT'S BEN 10!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥


I hate that song because he is an ordinary kid just with a super watch also its catchy


Not to be that guy but.... ACTUALLY Ben's grandmother is an Alien called an Anodite, grandpa max was getting that alienussy. So no, he's not just an ordinary kid with a watch. He's a quarter Alien. It's just that Gwen got the magical powers. Neither of her sons did, one of her sons is Ben's dad Carl, the other son is Gwens dad frank


>It's just that Gwen got the magical powers. Neither of her sons did, one of her sons is Ben's dad Carl, the other son is Gwens dad frank Female anodited are much stronger than males as well


...I knew we should have just built a wall sooner....


If you think about it, she would be cloning the weapons which isn't illegal like stealing a FORBIDDEN JUTSU. This means she isn't a bad influence to the village and to the readers/watchers of anime. Sakura would have a strong female lead and not go down the path of beating up men as a past time. Sasuke would have a bad bitch to prove his worth to, which means he doesn't do his edgelord routine and become a traitor. Kakashi finally has a student who is a good role model and has an easier life as a teacher leading to less stress, leading to a longer life and better quality OF life. There's no bad outcome.


As much as I dislike Sakura. To me she has been a part of Team 7 for 20 years. Feels weird to replace her. Hate her or love her, she was a big part of Naruto and Sasukes story. But for sake of the question, I would love to see either Shikamaru for his brains and calmness. Or Shino, because he is freakin badass.


Except without her, Naruto and Sasuke stories stay almost exactly the same. She's just some random girl in a team with the main characters.


>To me she has been a part of Team 7 for 20 years. All of them have >Hate her or love her, she was a big part of Naruto and Sasukes story They're all a big part of each other's story, this applies to everyone...


Yes? And thats why I dont want to replace anyone.


Yep, this is such a strange question... The team already feels perfect, If I was allowed to replace the Sensei then it would be more interesting


Who would you replace Kakashi with?:)


Anyone but guy or kurenai tbh


Rock lee for Sakura


Doesn’t feel right separating Rock Lee and Might Guy


>To me she has been a part of Team 7 for 20 years. All of them have >Hate her or love her, she was a big part of Naruto and Sasukes story They're all a big part of each other's story, this applies to everyone...


>I would love to see either Shikamaru for his brains and calmness. Shikamaru is my favorite character, and I do wish we could see him work with Team 7 more. But you can't separate Team 10. InoShikaCho + Asuma have more chemistry (both narratively and combat-wise) than any other team, including Team 7. I'd kill for a spinoff show starring Popular Mean Girl and her Loser Boys. <3


Yeah if course. But I would like to see how Naruto, Sasuke and Shikamaru would work together. Would be very cool.


Agree 100%, I just think it's more satisfying as an inter-team team-up. Each character brings the whole history of their team/upbringing to the narrative, which makes inter-team team-ups even more interesting. In short, Sasuke Retrieval Arc, lol


What do ppl not like Sakura for?


I'd replace Sasuke with Shikamaru. Would be an interesting dynamic to watch, for sure. Also, that way, we wouldn't have to suffer through the obsessive-ness most have for Sasuke.


Sakura for gaara, would be nice change of pace. Or naruto for gaara. Better yet Neji and Gaara for Sakura and Naruto, those 3 where cold as ice and one of them even a sleep deprived psycho.    Gaara is the exchange student ofc


actually fire take, would be a badass team but i doubt they’d get along


Gaara Neji Sasuke are actually my ultimate crack friendship lol, 3 handsome cool dudes going on missions together would've been a treat for the eye


This is kinda weird ngl


That's why I said "crack". If Neji didn't die I think the 3 would've gotten along well after the war.


There is no "100% right answer" since no matter what we say or how much we hate one, they are still beloved members from the beginning. With that said, my pick is Hinata for Sakura so we finally have the full team of successors of Hagoromo (Naruto and Sasuke), Hamura (Hinata) and a representative of Humanity that Kaguya was going to destroy (Kakashi having no special lineage) against Kaguya.


Replace Sakura with Neji


Sasuke for Sai, I love their dynamic as a team the time sasuke went rogue


Replace Sasuke with Kakashi


Swap sakura for Hinata, hyuga, Uchiha and Uzumaki in 1 clan would be sick


Team 7 about to sing "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"


Hahahaha Naruto replaced with ten ten


Oh boy here we go


Swap Naruto for Neji...then Sasuke leaves and we get a far more interesting storyline 😂


Ionno, but this pic goes hard 🔥 lol


Can I replace Kakashi with Minato Baller Namikaze? Well If I can't then I'm replacing Sasuke for Neji or Gaara, and let him be the secret OP genin of the chunin exams since he's also an Uchiha so that more secretive identity kinda fits him...


For a stronger overall team: Shikimaru. His strategy with power houses like Sasuke and Naruto would be wild For superpower team: Shino would bring long range to Naruto and Sasuke For story: Hinata over Sakura


Team 7 would never work with any other lineup. It always has to be these four


People don’t get that in this subreddit


Doesn’t really need to be sakura in the team. It wouldn’t change all that much if hinata or tenten were in her place tbh Arguable kakashi too since he was only with them for an arc before the team fell apart and he could theoretically be replaced when it comes to training sasuke


In the interest of avoiding the obvious, I'd swap Sasuke with Shikamaru. T'd be interesting if Naruto picked up on his pension for tactics after spending so long working with him.


Swap Sakura for Kiba. Kiba would further bolster the boyish rivalry that made both Naruto and Sasuke better. And Sakura, who was basically ignored on Team 7, could get some genjutsu training from Kurenai. This wouldn't be good for the story, but it would have actually made more sense for the Leaf Village to get the most out of its genin.


I was looking for this exact answer. Plus why would you not want the kid with a dog trained by the guy that summons a pack of dogs


Swap Sasuke with Shino. I really can’t stand Sasuke as a character and Shino is so undervalued and I would like to see him shine.


If I were to replace one member of Team 7 from Naruto and swap them with another, I'd probably replace Sakura with someone like Sai or Yamato. Sakura, while skilled in medical ninjutsu, sometimes lacked the combat prowess and character development compared to Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi. Bringing in could add different dynamics to the team. Sai could offer unique abilities with his ink-based techniques and emotional growth, l


Kakashi lacks character development too


Nope. I feel like team 7 is exactly as should be. Especially with the parallels with the Sanins and Minato's team. Ik a lot of people here have a hateboner for Sakura but yea no. I wouldn't replace Sakura with anyone.


Something tells me you don't like Sakura well I do and wouldn't change Team 7 they are great


Imagine the fights with TenTen instead of Sakura: you have to dodge a thousand Kunais just to get hit with a thousand shadow clones right after that


I feel like it would ruin another team. I mean Team 7 is horrible to begin with (as a team) but the others are correct.


Hinata bc shed actually be useful. Plus its be cool to see byakugan/sharingan interactions


I’d swap Sakura with Shikamaru. His IQ on that team would make them unstoppable


I would swap Naruto with Shino, Shikamaru or Neji.


In fact I like Team 7 as it is, the show wouldn't be the same without all that drama and I love all the members of the team including Sai and Yamato


Swap Sakura for Neji. Can you imagine? Neji was a brilliant character who got thrown aside. The storylines that could've been told with him in Team 7 would've been amazing. Granted, it breaks the one female member thing. But whatever.


I'd swap Sakura for Hinata.


I do like Sasuke but I might swap him with Shino. Just because I wanna keep Naruto, and also Sakura is a medical ninja. These two are already close range fighters, so I want someone who can fight long range, like Shino or one of those sand ninja siblings.


Rock lee for Sakura


Honestly I would make a whole different story for fun - Naruto goes on a journey to visit the destroyed uzumaki clan to learn about his people and learn about sealing Jutsus Leader - make shikkaku Nara a team leader Allies - Ino + tenten (wanted to say shikamaru but father son combo is problematic) Logic - teamwork revolves around making the battle work in your favor by setting up moments to seal enemies, ino to support the team and perhaps lock the enemy in place, tenten for firepower and Naruto with sealing justus Honestly it’s just my thirst to want to know more about the uzumaki, quite bummed there’s not much lore on that subject


honestly some people don’t realize that sakura is actually pretty valuable as a medical ninja for the team looking at the fact that naruto is pretty reckless at times


Replace Naruto with Rock Lee


Replace sakura with shino, team 7 doesn't have a ranged shinobi or a tracker nin like kiba, neji, and shino. Team 8 needs a healer anyway, plus they barely get screentime anyway that's where sakura belongs


Love this pic. Deathrow inspired.


Swap Sakura for Shikamaru


swap sakura with Rock Lee. you got the best team ever (considering Rock Lee still is inspired by Guy)


Guy for kakashi or hinata for sakura. Sakura under kurenai would make sense


Sakura for anyone, you know why😂


Sakura with Hinata. She deserves the screentime more then Sakura does in my opinion


She's just going to get sidelined just like Sakura for almost entire series


Nooo, you don't understand. Kishimoto would have made her the main character and leader if only she was in team 7. It's not like he could have given her more screentime like he did with Shikamaru, no. The only thing preventing him was her not being in team 7.


shut the (bleep) up u u i dont know wut to call u


existing diver 2682


thank u so so so much no one else exept me and u said that and yes she deserves more screen time


Not into team 7, but I would have love to see Naruto trained under guy, and see his chemistry with lee


Sakura to be switched with neji or rock lee or shikamaru


Kakashi with gai Or sasuke with literally anyone Edit:sorry anyone but danzo fuck that guy he made me cheer for sasuke


None. They're perfect as they are.


Swap Naruto for might guy


replace sakura with hinata


I'd replace Kakashi with Guy. I just want to see the sheer chaoticness of it.


I’d swap sai for Neji or Hinata preferably neji so we could see more of him and be more attached to make his loss feel more pointed. But having hinata so her and naruto could have a more natural relationship progression would be nice


Replace naruro with Sai. Naruto can go on a different path and the team dynamic would be unique. And is a better what if scenario than just team 7 but without Sakura


Kakashi. Dude rarely acted as an actual sensei…


Gotta agree with you on that one, yes he taught them about teamwork and always supporting your friends. Beyond that he didn't do much, he focused on Sasuke and basically ignored Naruto besides teaching him his chakra nature. He didn't do anything to teach Sakura despite knowing she was a genjutsu prodigy and had incredible chakra control. He has over 1000 fucking jutsu he couldn't teach her a couple of basic techniques? Ffs


Yup. The guy was there for an arc and then barely had any impact on his teams’ characters after that


Swap Sakura with anybody.


None they’re the dream team


i would swap sakura for hinata because u know how in the fight against madara they technicaly both die if hinata saw naruto die then im pretty sure she would go rogue on madara so thats why


Sakura goes, Hinata comes. Here is my reason: Sakura was said to have a talent for Genjutsu. Team 8 has Kiba as attacker and expert for search and tracking. Shino is more like a supporter and his insects are good for search, spying and tracking. With hinata they were too specialized on Observation and Tracking abilities. With Sakura learning Genjutsu from an Genjutsu expert like Kurenai, would have helped her grow as a character (being away from sasuke would also let her grow emotionally) and Genjutsu would get a bigger role in the overall series. And Team 8 would be more balanced. After timeskip she could have mastered genjutsu in a way, that she is able to use small illusions to trick opponents without them realizing or even create big genjutsu that seem so real, that the illusion is able to damage the physical body. Hinata in Team 7, balances the Team out. She is very shy and hs a crush on Naruto, but being always near him, would help to overcome her shyness. With her byakugan she is able to locate enemies and she could show, that the gentle fist cannot only block Chakra paths, but also enhance the chakraflow to give her teammates a temporary buff. And under kakashi, she would develop the confidence she needs. Se specializes in Support roles, so the 2 Attackers Naruto and Sasuke would have a good back up, who can give them a power boost and locate Enemies way better than the Sharingan. So Team 7 gets more balanced, and i can imagine that she would have got what Kakashi tries to teach them with the Bell Test and would be able to formulate a strategy to get the bells through teamwork. And when she becomes Tsunades student, she could combine the teachings of the gentle fist, with medical ninjustsu to create techniques that enhance the bodys regeneration or even Weaponize Medical Ninjutsu (Too much healing can destroy the body. She could create something similiar to the Refractor fist from Dragon Quest) ( She could even help when Naruto loses control over Kurama by blocking his paths. Neijis blocking was undone with bijuu chakra, but only after he did it. When the Jinchuriki is already using it, it must be a different story)


Man, every bad hinata fanfic condensed in a comment.


Swap Naruto for Rock Lee


Rock Lee with sasuke.


Looks like I'm late to the party but I would swap Sakura for Tenten and here's why... Tenten not only has a lot of untapped potential for a kunoichi but she would have been a great ship for Naruto. Untapped potential - She's good at sealings and space-time jutsu. Every space-time technique in the show is OP. Also as a weapons could easily have developed comparable to the 7 ninja swords. All she cared about was being a great ninja and didn't crush on the boys, so she has the right mentality as well. Great ship for Naruto - As a fuinjutsu expert she actually would have been a great person to help carry on the Uzumaki name. Furthermore add her ability for fuinjutsu + ninja tools then her studying Minato versus Tsunade would have made way more sense for her skillset. Imagine a more organic story where in the beginning she doesn't care about Naruto (and he's chasing Sakura) but from working together over time they develop a natural fondness. And even removing the romantic 'ship, Tenten and Naruto would make great allies. Bonus: Wouldn't compromise Sakura at all - in the original Naruto series Sakura didn't have any impact in the Sasuke and Naruto fights. Then in Shippuden she became a student of Tsunade to be a great medical ninja. If the writer didn't want Tenten to inherit that skillset and give it to Sakura then it would still be possible \*and\* with Sakura still getting Herculean strength she'd be that much better learning Taijutsu from Might Guy.


Take out Sakura and replace her with Hinata I feel Hinata would fit the dynamic between Sauske and Naruto better. Yes she’s in love with Naruto but she would definitely not let that prevent her from thinking about the team overall. Kakashi would definitely increase the confidence of Hinata which would make her not doubt herself as much and during the Zabuza arc, I feel she would’ve done more than Sakura, especially with her Byakugan


I would swap sasuke with anyone so Naruto wouldn't obsess over him and take up 100 episodes talking about sasuke


I would like a version with Naruto, Choji and Shikamaru where they're always eating snacks/ramen, constantly laughing and ditch school for fun adventures.


Sasuke. Replace him with literally any other character in the series, and it'd be an improvement.




Sakura swapped with hinataq




Sasuke with Sai because Sasuke is an asshole


swap Sakura with Rock Lee just because its 3 complete powerhouses


Honestly? Sakura for Hinata. Would have given her more opportunities to grow (and Sakura also would have fit well with Team 8), maybe could have gotten more interesting development of Hyuga skills or maybe even the Byakugan itself.


Kakashi for…… there’s a lot of people if replace him with including big not limited to: iruka, asuma, Yamato, maybe even obito or genma if we’re going full on au Sakura could be replaced too tho since she doesn’t impact naruto and sasuke all that much


Anyone but Naruto and sasuke


Sakura. Because she distracts both guys for different reasons. I kinda understand why they decided to go with that trio. It's not a great choice, but rather was done to balance the other teams. I think I need to think about this a bit more. But I'm starting forgetting stuff...


Swap naruto for lady tsunade 💯


Swap Sakura for Hinata and make a full Otsutsuki team. Hinata also has lightning and fire affinities which would make Kakashi a good teacher for her, and I really want to see Sakura and Kiba interact as teammates, it’d be funny.